#groundzero and friend's OCs
dr-ground-zero · 7 months
Thunder before the storm
(So since I've been wanting to make a story for our boys, I finally did it. This is for @goodlucksnez & I's OCs, Rain, Jack Frost, and Leyo. There is a slight mess warning nothing too graphic or "gross" Hope ya like it))
“JACK FROST WHAT DID YOU DO!?” Exclaimed the fire wielder, the winter spirit held his hands up defensively and tried to explain.
“I may or may not have went a little overboard on pranking him, i just meant to freeze his cloud….and I might have missed.” “You froze him!” “It was an accident, you can help right?” Leyo huffed and nodded while igniting his fire to thaw the poor rain spirit out. Jack watched in anticipation as the ice melted hoping his boyfriends wouldn’t be too angry with him. Finally Rain was completely unfrozen and stretched but soon curled up on himself and started shivering.
“Wh-what th-h-the hell Jack!?” “Sorry Rain, didn’t mean to freeze ya.” “How about you go home and warm up, I’ll take care of today’s work and I’ll check in later.” Offered Leyo, Rain nodded at this though frowned knowing Jack would be coming home with him. Its not that he hated him, not any more at least, its just Jack could be impulsive and not think of other people’s feelings before acting. Besides, no one likes being turned into a popsicle!
“I’ll make sure he gets home” Jack promised, he knew he was gonna have to make up for it. Rain shot him a glare but wordlessly started walking home beside him. This was the transitional period between winter and fall so the weather wasn’t all that consistent so Leyo taking over for the most part would be fine.
Getting home Rain pulled off his jacket, got out of his wet boots and went into their spare bedroom. Jack frowned at this, sure he knew Rain liked his alone time which wasn’t all that bad but with the way the other closed the door he knew Rain was mad. He figured he would just give the man his space and things would calm down. He probably just needed to dry off and take a nap right?
“Eettshiiiew!” Maybe he was just sneezy from being cold, it wasn’t too uncommon for Rain to do that. Plus he was the sneeziest one out of the three of them. Jack tried to not let his worries and guilt get the best of him, he apologized and by the time Leyo got back everything would be fine! After another few hours the door to the spare bedroom opened but there was no sound. Jack Looked down the hallway only to see two little water sprites trying to beckon him. They jingled and waved their little arms at him and then towards the door. Getting up he went over to them and asked what was wrong. One of the sprites gave a series of soft light flashes, water droplet noises and jingles. Jack wasn’t the best at understanding Rain’s sprites, he could understand Leyo’s and his own but Rain’s hardly talked and were quite shy. The little creatures could tell by the furrowed brows that Jack couldn’t understand them and let out a huff and just grabbed him by the finger. Jack could sense by their tugging that they were worried about Rain, that much he could figure out. He let them guide him back to the spare bedroom where more sneezing could be heard as well as thunder.
Oh boy!
“Rain, babe you alright in there?” He asked from the other side of the door, at first there wasn’t a sound until another “Eetsshiiiew!” and roll of thunder. Jack grabbed the knob, surprised to find that he could just push it open and made his way inside. In the dim light of the bedroom there sat Rain curled up in bed still shivering, with a tissue pressed to his nose and a storm cloud over his head. His hair pressed wetly against his face as he shakily gasped into a fit.
“Etshiiew! Ed’shiiiew! Heh heeh! Eeeshiiew!”
“Bless you!” Jack said softly leaning against the door frame, Rain sighed and grumpily asked.
“What do you wadt?” “Hey I don’t want anything but to see how you’re doing, could hear you sneezing through the door and your sprites got worried.” Rain blew his nose before tossing the tissue into the trash and leaned back into the pillows. Jack walked closer sitting on the side of the bed to get a closer look. Now he really felt back, the poor guy was shaking, nose turning an angry, irritated red around the rims and septum, and he looked worn out.
“Gods you look miserable” Rain rolled his eyes at his comment as he pulled the blanket around him. Jack realized it wasn’t exactly the best thing to say and tried to backpedal.
“Look Rain I really am sorry, I didn’t mean to freeze you and I shouldn’t have tried it either.” He reached out and gently pushed his soaked hair out of Rain’s face. He then noticed the temperature change and pressed his hand to Rain’s cheek and forehead.
“Your temperature is weird” He noted, telling the rain maker to stay put Jack got up and padded down the hall and came back with a thermometer.
“I wanna check your temperature” Rain hesitated but let the other slide the tool under his tongue. Waiting for the thermometer to beep Rain started rubbing at his nose. Jack noticed the way it twitched and watched hoping the other could hold back. A soft whine came as the silvery-blond grabbed at his nose trying to breathe normally through his mouth. Tears welled up in his eyes as he grew dangerously close to losing control. His brows knitted up as he fought the sneeze off. Finally the tool beeped and he took it out himself before pinching at his nose hastily.
“HEt’sknnk! Kdsshhh! Eek’shiiew! Ek’nggk!” Each sneeze rocking his body the cloud above his head grew dark and started to drizzle over his head at the last sneeze. Jack took a look at the thermometer and frowned.
“100F yup you’ve got a fever baby.” “Damb, I should’ve st-staah stay hobe” Rain muttered softly, though not soft enough that Jack couldn't hear it. “Were you already sick before I froze you?” Rain blushed a bit but nodded shyly at him, Jack’s eyes went soft at this.
“Raincloud, why were you out working if you knew you were sick?” “Because you know I c-can’t miss wo-wehh heh! Ugh…work. I dont dneed to be lectured by mother nature addy bmore than usual, and I didn’t feel as bad when I went out. Just th-thehh heh!” Hand mindlessly reached around he snatched up a tissue just in time.
“Eetsshiiew!” ”Bless you, alright well you’re not going out until you’re better. I don’t want you getting any worse.” “Fide fide” “Do you want me to leave you alone so you can sleep?” Rain shook his head
“I cad’t sleep adyways, could you make something warm to drink, I’m freezing.” Jack nodded and stood up telling the sprites to watch Rain as he headed into the kitchen. He knew the other liked tea so that’s what he would make. While he waited for the water to boil the front door opened and in walked Leyo.
“Oh hey you’re back!” Leyo smiled and walked over kissing the other’s forehead and asked how Rain was doing. Though before Jack could answer the sound of sneezing echoed from the spare bedroom.
“Does that answer your question?” He joked lightly, Leyo gave a soft chuckle and nodded.
“You making him some tea?” “Yeah he’s got a cold, and you know what happens when he sneezes with a cold.” “Yup, hopefully the tea should help.” “Yeah it should” Grabbing a mug Jack pours the water over the little tea bag and adds some honey to it before they both head to the spare bedroom.
“Ey there Monsoon, how ya doing?” Asked Leyo as he walked in, Rained huffed and replied stuffily.
“Awful” “Aaw, heard ya got a cold babe.” The fire wielder says as he sat on the side closest to Rain.
“Yeah, didn’t thigk it would get th-this baah hah! Ugh bad but, it did.” Thanking Jack for the tea he made, he let the other two sit on the bed with him. He snuggled up to Leyo since he needed the extra warmth and his heat seemed to make the cloud above his head get smaller.
“Poor Monsoon, well we’re here now.” Leyo says sweetly, delivering a soft kiss on his cheek and wrapping his arms around him. Slowly raising his temperature to help warm Rain up. The steam from the hot mug of tea did seem to help with the congestion now he was sniffing almost constantly. This sniffling was rather wet sounding too. Leyo grabbed a few tissues and pressed them to Rain’s nose telling him to blow. The elven boy blushed at the gentle command but did as told. Feeling the rush of snot flood the tissues Leyo made sure to keep them secured to his face until he was done. His other hand gingerly rubbing circles into his back.
They stayed cuddled up together for a while, Rain had managed to fall asleep for a bit so Leyo went to go and make dinner for the three of them. Leaving Jack with Rain who woke up to his nose being completely blocked up.
“Shit cad breath” He grumbled to himself snorting and snuffling just to try and get some air through his nose. The only thing he managed to do was kick start the worst tickle ever. His nose twitched and scrunched up as he tried to make it go away but it wouldn’t until the last second when it disappeared. Not completely but it was enough for him to struggle getting it out. Nostrils flaring and dripping a bit, his hitches sounded so desperate it almost sounded like whimpering. Jack woke up to this and was quick to blow a kiss at him. Pressing his cold lips to the tip of the needy appendage seemed to be the thing to do it. Gasping largely, Rain pushed Jack off and pressed the sleeve of his sweater over his nose and mouth to catch the oncoming fit.
“Eetssshiiew! Eesshiiieeew!! Eet’chiieew! Eesshmpph!” “Bless you, are you done?” “Y-yeah I thigk s-uuh huh!” Rain buried his nose back into his sleeve before he could finish as another sneeze interrupted him.
“Eesshmpph!” Jack made sure to stay close and held up a couple of tissues to replace Rain’s now soaked sleeve cuff. Trying his best to clean himself up only leads to more sneezing.
“Aaw someone’s sensitive~” Jack teased as he cuddles Rain to help him get through his stronger fits.
“Sh-shut up dod’t eved bmendtion it please.” Jack gave a sympathetic yet playful kiss wrapped him up in the blanket Rain had dragged into the room. Leyo soon came back with some soup for all three of them.
“Could hear you sneezin’ up a storm in here Monsoon, you alive?” Leyo joked, Rain sighed at his boyfriend’s antics.
“Yes yes, I’mb alive, barely.” “Well don’t pass away on me, I made soup.” Taking the bowl of soup, Rain swallowed a spoonful and smiled slightly. The feeling of it going down his throat was good, and definitely warmed his insides.
“Hopefully this’ll help you feel better before you and that sensitive nose of yours kill the tissue supply.” “I’mb dnot that bad” Rain pouted “Yes you are baby, you are already pretty sneezy in general due to your power and your allergies. Adding a cold on top of that makes that nose pretty easy to piss off.” “Its dnot that easy” “Uh-huh, just wait, you'll be sneezing again soon.” Jack chimed in while keeping the tissues close by. Just the mention of this seemed to jinx Rain’s claim, he whined as he batted at his nose to try and quell the sensation trying to ignite. This got a laugh from Leyo who commented at his movement.
“Damn I thought you’d last longer than 5 seconds, Monsoon.” But this time Rain was determined to hold back and it worked! He huffed in relief as the tickle seemed to go down.
“Nope, I’mb dode sdeezing.” He claimed while going back to eating his soup.
“I don’t think you get to decide that, but let's see how long you can last.” Rain nodded confidently, and surprisingly he made it through dinner without sneezing. Sure a few hitches here or there but he didn’t sneeze. Which seemed to impress his boyfriends. Going back to cuddling, Rain was pretty close to falling asleep when the tickle came back. He continued his method of rubbing, pinching, and scrunching up his nose but it didn't seem to work this time. He lasted this long; he wasn't about to lose it now! Though now he was hitching audible enough for the other two to notice.
“Ey you alright Rain?” “Oh boy pretty sure he’s getting sneezy” “Baby just let it out come on” Encouraged Jack, Rain shook his head.
“Nuhh huh! Dno I guuh huh got it!” He protested while his chest heaved, his hands fanning at his face desperately as he tried convincing his body not to sneeze. Nose twitching and flaring he was a mess with tears and snot running down his face, though he seemed to be on the edge of it! Leyo looked to Jack his pulled Rain into his lap while Leyo gathered a bouquet of tissues and pressed them to his bright red nose.
“Oh come on baby, its just so tickly why not just let them out. You’ll feel so much better once you do.” Leyo could feel the poor thing’s nose trembling underneath the cloth he was close!
“We’ve got ya Monsoon just let go. I know its just so big, you can do it” He encouraged sweetly, there was a sudden gasp right before the explosion.
“EEESTTTSHIIEW! EEETSSSHIIEW! EEEESHIIEW! Hehh! HEEehmppph!” As the sneezes game thunder rolled not only from the large dark brooding cloud that floated above them but the ones outside changed as well. The sky darkened even though it was only approaching evening. The roar of thunder shook the cabin with each new set of sneezes! The rain that poured down over them was just as strong as it was outside! When the fit finally ended Rain was left gasping and coughing tears streaming down his face, cheeks flushed pink almost red as well as the tips of his pointy ears.
“Bless you, baby goodness that was alot!” Rain gave one last congested blow into the tissues he had practically decimated. Leyo swapped them out with fresh ones to try and clean up the mess.
“S-sorry” Rain said bashfully, Jack waved at the cloud to try and make it go away.
“Its fine baby, you’re sick you can’t help it, besides a lil rain never hurt anyone”
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dr-ground-zero · 9 months
All i want for christmas is you
(Happy holidays ya filthy animals/j Here's my lil pay back christmas gift for Vic...Hope you all like our OCs) (Zip is @goodlucksnez aka Vic and Shu is mine ^^)
Shugo hated Christmas, he never liked that holiday and hardly ever celebrated it until now. You see his boyfriend, Zip was the biggest dork and loved Christmas, and Shugo could tell the other was excited. He didn’t know what his lover had planned but he knew it was something, so he decided to play along—helping with putting up the Christmas tree and decorations in their little house. He even agreed to watch 1 Christmas movie a week, 2 were if they were bored. He listened as Zip went on and on about how excited he was, and how he couldn’t wait to show Shugo his surprise.
Shugo had to admit, it was nice to see his boyfriend this happy about a holiday, wondering what his lover bought him as his present. He was willing to put in a little effort to give the hero a gift. He made sure to keep the gift hidden until he knew his boyfriend wouldn’t try and open it early. Now all he had to do was wait till Christmas.
Well, when Christmas Eve came Shugo was a little less than pleased to wake up feeling under the weather. Thankfully it didn’t seem to be that bad, just a slight achy feeling and some sniffling, nothing he couldn’t keep under wraps. However as the day went on he could tell he was getting worse, it was getting harder to hide how sniffly he was, and then the sneezing started. Luckily he was pretty good at holding back or stifling when it came down to it. Sure it left him with a major headache but it was worth it since he didn’t wanna disappoint Zip who was ecstatic to go out.
Zip was rushing his boyfriend to get dressed so they could go out to see the surprise. Shu did as asked while inquiring about it.
“Babe, where are we going?” He asked while putting on his boots, all Zip said was.
“You’ll see!” Once they were ready, Zip took Shugo by the hand and led him out of the house. They were heading for the city by the looks of the directions Zip was taking them. The daylight continued to dwindle the more they walked. The chilly air rushed through Shu’s body but he did not comment. It sure was pretty outside with the snowfall and the soft distant lights. First Zip brought them into a convenience store and bought some hot chocolate which Shugo was extremely grateful for. The warmth between his hands and the sips he took did a good job of warming him up a little. After getting their hot chocolate, and a s’more-type mochi. Zip pulled Shu along to a bench, cleared the snow, and sat down.
Shu was still confused as to why Zip brought them here and finally asked.
“Zip, what are we here for?” Zip smiled wrapped one arm around the villain’s shoulder and finally told him.
“Well I know you’ve never actually celebrated Christmas, so I wanted it to be special. The city has an annual Christmas party with cute little events, music, a parade, and not to mention an awesome light show.” Shu paused a little when the other mentioned ‘light show’, oh boy this wasn’t going to end well. Zip must’ve forgotten Shu was photic sensitive but, Shu wasn’t going to ruin his evening. Shugo wasn’t the most romantic type but he still appreciated these sorts of things. Besides how bad could it really be?
….it was bad….very bad.
Shu wasn’t dressed too heavily, he had on a sweater and long pants but besides that, he was freezing! The breeze chilled him to the bone making his nose very runny, and he didn’t have any tissues with him. So he resorted to using his sleeve which seemed to only agitate his nose more than the cold. It didn’t take long for his nose to already be a soft red color. They’d only been out for an hour maybe an hour n a half but, to Shu, it felt like forever. Sure the parade was nice, he was basically getting free candy canes, but his hot chocolate was the only thing keeping him from turning into a popsicle!
Then came the light show, and when the announcements came on for that Shu knew he was done for! The large tree in the middle of the plaza slowly lit up layer by layer to the music that played along with the smaller trees surrounding it. He could already feel his nose buzzing from just the start! The brighter the lights the more overwhelming the sensation became. He tried holding them back, sniffling back his runny nose to keep everything contained was getting difficult the longer he went. With how cold the air was it was only creator a bigger tickle.
When he thought Zip wasn’t paying attention he grabbed at his nose squashing down a small fit of sneezes into silence. Shakily exhaling afterwards he leans into Zip a little pretending to watch the light show. Though it wasn’t like he could avoid the lights for very long, they were everywhere! The next fit gave him barely any time to prepare, he accidentally let one slip out fully before stifling the others.
“Et-chiew! Et-knk! Kgnnk! Heh’knngk!” Zip turned over and pulled his boyfriend close to his chest.
“Bless you, kitten” He replied a little concerned since Shu didn’t sneeze all that often. Even if he didn’t ask, Shu reassured the white-haired man that he was alright. Or well try was a better way of thinking about it since a big flash of light brought on another fit! Zip started rubbing his shoulder and back gently asking if he was okay. Shu nodded not wanting to worry him.
“Baby it's not nothing, what’s got you sneezing so much?” Shu huffed well at least he didn’t have to admit to being sick at the very least. Still, he felt bad about this and was shy about admitting it.
“Th-the lights” At first it was almost too quiet to hear until he repeated himself. Zip paused and looked over at the light display. Of course, how could he forget about his boyfriend’s light sensitivity? One of the only things that made Shugo sneeze was the lights. With a sigh, Zip stood up and offered his boyfriend his hand.
“Come on, I don’t want you to sneeze your head off. We can see them when I find you a pair of sunglasses.” Zip didn’t sound disappointed, just concerned. Shu hesitantly stood up, and let the other walk them back home away from the light display. Shu couldn’t help but feel awful both emotionally and physically, he didn’t want to ruin Zip’s night that he was so happy for!
The bad part was even as they got away from the lights, Shut still kept sneezing. It wasn’t continuous but it was noticeable. Now Zip was worried, he wanted to get them home fast, having a feeling that Shu shouldn’t be out right now. He was relieved to see the streets weren’t too crowded just yet. He kept an arm around his lover, listening to the poor guy sniffle snort, and stifle the entire way home.
When they made it back he told Shu to go lie down on the couch while he turned up the heat and grabbed some blankets. Shugo did as told and waited for the other to come back. When he did Zip draped the blankets over him and put the tissue box in Shu’s lap before sitting behind him and placing Shugo in his lap. Zip let Shu put on a movie while they cuddled on the couch though every few minutes Shu would go into a stifled sneezing fit. This last one ended with a rough-sounding cough.
“Kitten, you sure you’re feeling alright?” Shu nodded through thick sniffles, though he didn’t sound all that convincing when he spoke.
“I’mb fide Zip, I don’t wanna ruin your christbmast adymore thad I hah haaah! Have ugh.” Zip frowned when the other mentioned ‘ruining his Christmas’. Leaning over his shoulder and wrapping his arms around Shu’s torso lovingly. He kisses his temple and protests softly.
“Baby, you didn’t ruin anything, I promise. I know we had to leave early but that's on me for being forgetful about you being photic sensitive when planning my surprise. Though I’m guessing it's more than the light sensitivity that’s got you sounding so awful.” Shugo shook his head, not wanting to admit defeat he just said he was cold and tired. Then Zip reached over and pressed his palm to Shu’s forehead. Then moving it back to cuddle Shu closer to his chest.
“You feel warm, kitten.” Shu tried to refuse this but when his nose started twitching it wasn’t like he could say much between his hitching breaths. Zip noticed this and gently encouraged the other.
“Come on baby, let them out, you’ll feel better” The sneeze seemed to be teasing him, putting him right on the edge of sneezing but not being enough for him to let it out. Taking the cuff of his sleeve, Zip raised it to Shu’s nose and softly rubbed his septum with it.
“I’ve got ya kitten, just let it out.” And he did, finally, it seemed like the god-awful tickle hit its climax from the soft fabric rubbing against his nose. Snapping forwards he ended up sneezing into the other’s sleeve.
“Et-chiiew! Et-chiew! Et-chiew! Heh! Heh’chiew!” “bless you! Goodness kitten, you done?” At first, it seemed like he was, but then another gasp came and he buried his nose into Zip’s hand as another sneeze escaped. Shu sighed and finally admitted it, knowing there was no use in hiding, besides he knew Zip would pester him about it.
“I don’t feel good,” Shu said while slumping into Zip’s body, Zip gave a smile and kiss on the top of Shu’s head.
“I know, kitten.” Shu nuzzles into Zip’s chest while pulling the blanket around himself to get warm. Grabbing a tissue to try and blow his nose with, only making his nose all red and angry. Zip couldn’t help but laugh a little and make a light-hearted joke.
“I think you might compete with Rudolf from how red your nose is, kitten” Shu glared a little at him but that was interrupted by another god-awful tickle in his nose. Turning his glare into a sneezy expression. Shu tried rubbing his palm roughly against his nose to try and make it go away but it just kept coming back. Zip pushes down his hand and lightly caresses Shu’s septum.
“Oh, kitten you need to be gentle with it” “I-ihh it's s-so iih hih! Itchy ah aaah ad tihhckly” “I know baby, just let me help, okay?” “o-okay heh hehhh s-so cl-close!” By now Shu’s nose was twitching like crazy, nostrils flaring widely, little desperate noises only adding to how badly Shu needed to sneeze. Finally, Zip kissed him on the nose and that seemed to do it. Pressing his face into Zip's chest a harsh fit erupted from him.
“Et’chiiew! Et’chiew! Et’mph! Et’mph! Et’chiew!” Even after 5 wet sneezes, Shu’s poor nose still demanded more. Shu rubbed his nose against the heroe’s chest to try and alleviate the tingling in his sinuses but to no avail. So Zip encouraged his lover to get through them. Going back to the previous methods of gingerly rubbing the pads of his fingers against the irritated appendage. Tears building in his eyes with each gasp, Shu held onto Zip’s shirt tightly the closer he got.
“EEEH! Et’chiew! Et’chiew! Ed’sshiiew! Ed’shiiiew!” These were a lot more drawn out than the last. When Shu’s nose calmed down he slumped into his lover’s frame and snatched up a hand full of tissue to blow his stuffy nose. Zip rubbed his back through the fit comfortingly and pushed the mess of ash-blue hair from Shugo’s face.
“Ugh bmerry christmbas, Zip. Sorry, you got stuck taking c-care of bmeh heh! Et’chiew! Bme” Zip huffed and entangled his body with Shu not caring if the other was sick.
“Baby, don’t apologize, I don’t mind taking care of you, holiday or not. I love spending time with you, especially since you’re all cuddly and adorable when you’re sick” Shu raised a brow at this.
“How am’b I adorable, I’m all sdeezy, and a bmess” “Well you’re my adorable sneezy mess, and I love it.” “ugh fide, well I guess it wod’t hurt to have you open your present dnow” “Huh, really?” “yeah, I wanna see how you like it. It's the present wrapped in blue snowmen” Slowly getting up, Zip went over to the well-decorated Christmas tree and picked up the present. At first, he shook it, eliciting a small chuckle from Shu who told him to just open it. When he did his eyes lit up with excitement, darting from Shu then back down to the present. He continued to unwrap it with the biggest smile on his face. Before Shu could process he had been tackled in a hug by the bigger man. His embrace was full of happiness and ‘thank yous’.
“You like it?” “Mhm, I fucking love it Shu! How’d you get this?” “Well, I pulled some strings”
The present was a letterman jacket from Zip’s school basketball team he was on. He got someone to embroider Zip’s full name and some bat wings on the back as well as the patches that came along with it. Zip was overjoyed to see this and immediately put it on, happily shimmying around in it.
“I love it so fucking much, Shu!” Then Zip remembered his present, grabbed it from under the tree, and put it in Shu’s lap.
“Open it, I wanna see your face when you open it!” Shu giggled a little and opened the box. Inside was a headset with cat ears and a mic. At first, Shu just looked at him but he then started laughing.
“Honestly I like these” “now you’ll really be my kitten~” Zip joked Shu rolled his eyes playfully and saw a button
“Hm, what’s this do?” “Oh, they light up!” Curiously Shu presses the button and of course, as promised the headset lit up, ears and ear pieces lighting up in an LED Christmas theme. Zip mentioned he could the color from the dial on the side of the headset. Shu didn’t bother changing the color and just looked them over.
“I guess Christmas isn’t sooo bad” “Yup call all I wanted was you, kitten~” Shu rolled his eyes again and then grabbed Zip. Pulling him back onto the couch for a kiss.
“Yeah yeah yeah, merry Christmas dork~”
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