#grr i can feel her in my chest threatening to rip it open like a damn chestburster
Dysfunctional (ft Vegeta&Bulma)
I slammed the door behind me and leaned against it, slowly sliding down the door till I hit the floor. Tears and blood streaming down my face.
I just hugged my knees and cried.
"Bulma I'm sorry!"
His voice cracked as he cried out to me from the other side. I didn't want to see him. Not after what he's done to me.
"Bulma...please!"he pleaded. His fists hitting the door repeatedly. Each bang begging me to let him in.
"Go away!",I yelled in between my sobs. "I dont ever want to see you again, Vegeta!!"
How could he? After all I've done, all I've been through. I put up with him for all these years to end up here...like this. How could I be so stupid!? I know it was an accident by why wouldn't he listen to me?!
I screamed at the thoughts in my mind, the memories. Thats what I could do at the moment. It hurt my throat because of all the previous yelling and arguing but it felt...right.
I swore I'd never cry because of a man ever again, yet look at me now. My hair was a mess, my face dripping with my fluids, my blouse stained in blood while I'm sobbing in my old, destroyed lab.
"Bulma!?" His voiced snapped me out of my thoughts. His voice...I've always loved it.
"Woman!" There he goes again. Am I not worthy enough for the Great Vegeta to say my name anymore. Thinks he's so high and mighty, I wonder why he hasn't broken this door down already.
I just ignored him and crept back into my thoughts. Trying to escape all this. But all I could think of is everything that happened today.
"Vegeta let go of him!",I yelled as I watched him pummel Yamcha. Every swing, every punch. He was barely clinging to life now. Everyone was gone. They all left when it started to rain. If only they had stayed. But I had to do something, I couldn't call anyone so I ran over and grabbed Vegetas arm, trying to pull him away from Yamcha.
He ignored me and kept punching him in the face.
"Vegeta!"I screamed in his ear. He turned to me, his eyes filled with pure rage.
"Woman, let go of me!"he shouted. "How could you allow this filth to put his lips on you!?"
I tried to answer but he cut me off. "You are my wife. MINE!! You are married to me. And I wont let my wife go around acting like a slut. Do you hear me!!"
A felt a pain in my chest. Did he just call me a slut? Me? Bulma Briefs?
"Hey, don't talk to her like that."Yamcha said in between pants. "You know she's not a slut so don't say she is. It was my fault I-"
Vegeta cut him off with a kicked in the ribs, which made Yamcha cough up more blood. I ran to his aid.
"Woman don't you dare!",Vegeta shouted. I ignored the annoying Saiyan and helped Yamcha up as I put his arm over my shoulder.
"Thanks Bulma.",Yamcha said. "But I'll be–look out!" I turned to see Vegetas hand coming toward Yamcha. Without thinking, I pushed him out of the way and took the hit.
It sent me flying until my face hit the wall. I stumbled on the ground. Blood dripping from my forehead. My muscles ached, screamed. To think this is only a tiny fraction of what Yamcha got.
"Bulma!!"they both shouted.
I got up balancing myself on the wall so I wouldn't fall.
"My Bulma!?,"Vegeta exclaimed in shock. "I'm so sorry."
I looked up at the moving figure heading towards me, my eyes kind of blurry from the hit in the face. As soon as my vision cleared and I saw Vegeta, I felt a rush of adrenaline and bolted.
Vegeta followed me, calling my name as he tried to reach me. The rain got heavier, the sharp drops hitting my sore body made we want to stop but the wet footsteps behind me motivated me to keep moving. I kept running, not because I was terrified but because I was sad and angry. I really didn't want to see him. I ran to my old lab and locked the door, putting together what just happened.
"Bulma!!",I cried. I shouldn't have hit her. I should've listened but dammit Yamcha! Why'd you have to put your hands on my wife in the first place. Worse, in front of me. He knew I was watching...that bastard.
I kept banging on the door, cautious not to break it because I knew Bulma was on the other side. I didn't want to hurt her, not again.
I can't believe it. The way she was running from me, I never thought Bulma would be afraid of me, of all people. She was fearless. She even hit a deity, twice.
I stopped and just sat down against the door, head up staring at dark sky as the rain hit my face. A single tear broke free from the barrier, sliding down my cheek. Blending with the rain.
"Grr, snap out of it.",I said to myself trying to hold in more tears that threatened to break free. "You're of Saiyan Royalty, Vegeta."
I got up and went to look for another way to get in. I found a window on the opposite side of the lab. I looked inside to find Bulma crying by the door. Seeing her cry was unbearable, especially if it was because of me. Her husband, her prince, the one who's supposed to protect her, be there for her.
I couldn't take it anymore. I shattered the glass and jumped through the window, some sharp pieces cutting me and ripping my clothes but I didn't care. I just wanted my Bulma.
She jumped, obviously shocked to see me. I slowly approached her, she didn't show fear, she didn't even try to run, she just stood there. Strong and fearless like the queen she is.
She was about to speak but i just placed my finger on her lips. Her pink lips were covered in blood but it didn't stop me from wanting to kiss them.
I took my gloves off and pulled her close to me and wrapped my arms around her. My hand feeling her soft blue hair while the other kept her close.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."I said while my voice cracked saying every word. "Please forgive me. I'll never hurt you again. I hate myself for what I did to you." A tear slid down my cheek and landed on her shoulder.
I felt her arms wrap around me and we stayed embraced with another for what felt like the first time in forever. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes.
"Wow I never thought I'd see the Great Vegeta cry.",she teased. I just chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Well, you do make me do crazy things.
"Even crazier than your crazy Saiyan pride?"she asked as she laid her pretty head on my chest. I sighed. "Please, don't go there."
She lifted her head and looked me in the eye. "Why not? Afraid I'll hurt your pride?" My brows furrowed in anger. "The only one that hurt my greatest pride, was me.",I growled. "I hurt you Bulma. My greatest pride."
She let go and took a few steps back. I realised what I said and turned my face away from her shocked gaze. I felt my face heating up, I just clenched my fists hoping my face wouldn't show how flustered I was.
"Grr, why did I say that? So embarassing."
"Vegeta.",She caught me off guard when she wrapped her arms around me. I was kind of glad but I still wish I didn't say that. Tears streamed down her face. I placed my hand on her cheek and wiped a tear away with my thumb.
"Bulma, please don't cry. Not again." She placed her hand on mine and smiled. "Not even tears of joy?"she asked. "Not even."I chuckled. "If another tear falls from your beautiful eyes, then I have failed as your husband, your protector, your prince."
"I like this new Vegeta."she said. "He's open and sensitive."
"Hey!"I exclaimed, slightly offended. "I'm not sensitive."
"No but your ego is."
"Woman–",I paused. "Bulma don't start."I mumbled, trying to be calm. Though Bulma was enjoying this. She laughed, her sweet laugh, heaven knows how much I loved to see her laugh.
"Bulma, I know I can be a bit much but thank you for never giving up on me.",I said. "Not like you'll found anyone like me though."
"Ha ha."she said in a sarcastic tone. "I love you Vegeta." Usually when she said it I'd mumble it back or say it in a lower tone. I've never really liked saying it but she should know I mean it when I say,
"I love you too, my Bulma."
She cupped my face with her hands and pressed her soft lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around her and gave into the kiss.
~ WARNING : some things
Her tongue licked my bottom lip begging for entry, which I obviously didn't refuse. She pulled me in closer, our tongues pressed together as her sweet tongue explored.
She was in full control. She pushed me against the wall as I took hold of her round, firm ass. A sweet moan left her mouth and I couldn't resist. I had to take over. I pinned her to the ground, her hands placed over her head held tight by one of mine.
"Hmp, so all this time you were just sexually frustrated."I teased.
"I could say the same about you."she said as she got one of her arms free from my grip and slowly slid her finger up my aroused, member.
I slid my free hand down her shirt, slowly enjoying the feel of soft skin. Like I was feeling her for the first. She shivered at the touch of my cold hand.
"Bulma!! Are you Ok in there!?"
Dammit! Its that idiot Yamcha.
Bulma put her finger on her lip signalling me to be quiet. Hopefully he'll go away.
"I know you're in there. I can feel your energy Vegeta!"he yelled.
"Shxt."I whispered. Bulma put her soft hand on my cheek and gave me a devilish grin that gave me chills. That rarely happened. I dont know if it was the blood that painted her face beautifully or that kiss she gave me earlier that almost made me fall to my knees but something about her today aroused me, something different. I loved it.
"You can go Yamcha, I'll handle Vegeta."she said. I leaned over and started kissing her neck. Then slowly my tongue caressed her skin. I could never get enough of her taste. Delicious.
"You sure Bulma?"he asked. Will he leave already? I don't know how much more of this I can take.
"Yeah, I'm sure."she said holding in the moans. But one escaped and it triggered me to sink my teeth in. After this, Yamcha will see who she belongs to.
I dug my teeth in deeper as I pressed my pelvis against hers making her moan even more. I couldn't help but smirk, she always knew how get me going.
I stopped and had a quick lick at the wound before looking at her in the eye with pure love, lust and greed coursing through me.
"That'll leave a mark. You're mine. My Queen. My Bulma. Don't ever forget that.",I whispered. She flip me over and swiftly landed on top of me. I hated and loved the control she had on me. Her mere touch almost made me quiver.
She came closer and whispered in my ear. The sexy voice made in heaven.
"And you're my Prince."
"My Saiyan God."
"My Vegeta."
The one and only.
"Never forget that that you belong to me."
Oh I won't my love.
I gasped as she grazed her fingertips against my manhood. For the first time ever, I have succumb to my Queen.
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