#guard 003 is sitting in his room like “you guys are in a crisis. i'm on my way”
linagram · 10 months
To the 2(3?) wardens: Now that trial 2 has begun, what have the prisoners been requesting? As before, whether they actually got the item or not is irrelevant.
okay, so the thing is that i'm not 100% sure if the guilty prisoners are still allowed to ask for things in canon, like i thought they can't do that, but now i'm, again, not completely sure (like for example, fuuta still has a different outfit in season 2), so i just want to say that in my ocgram guilty prisoners can't ask for anything "officially", so if they have a request, they have to ask innocent prisoners to get those items for them or they can ask miki and hope that eiji doesn't find out. there's also another way for them to get the stuff they want though..
guard 003 can't leave his room, so he can't actually bring the things prisoners need himself and also they can't pay him a visit (most prisoners don't even know if there's a third guard), but because he still has so many cameras and he also can listen to everyone's conversations, he can take "secret requests", so if an innocent prisoner wants to ask for something, but they can't for one reason or another, if the guard 003 is feeling like it, he will grant their wish. he can do the same for the guilty prisoners, but only if he feels like they deserve to get those items. ah, and he just asks jackalope to bring them those things while everyone is asleep. he really just turned his own boss into a delivery guy.
as with the t1 version of this question, the guards will answer instead of prisoners. guard 003 will talk about the secret requests and not the regular ones. (note: not all prisoners make requests like that)
Since Miyagawa-san was voted guilty, he's not allowed to ask for anything, even though I really want to help him.. Usually Aimi-chan is the one who gets everything for him, but considering his condition, it's mostly things like bandages or medications that can help with his pain at least a little bit. Of course, his injury is serious and we need to do more about it, but because of his verdict and because both me and Eiji-san are not particularly good at taking care of injuries.. Sadly, we can't do much.
About Aimi-chan.. Aimi-chan is mostly worried about Miyagawa-san and she says that she doesn't really need anything herself. Though she did ask for some cute hair ties for her braids and I got her some cherry blossom-themed ones. She really likes them, hehe..
Ishizu-san's requests are a bit.. They're just a little bit weird, haha. If we're not counting his new outfit, I feel like he's been mostly asking for things that remind him of Kei-san? Like, maybe I just don't understand something, but why would he need sunglasses in prison? He doesn't even wear them, unlike Kei-san, he just keeps them somewhere in his cell and I can see him looking at them sometimes. He asked for some other accessories that Kei-san was wearing before his punishment and again, Ishizu-san doesn't even wear them, he just.. collects them, I guess? And about his other requests.. He keeps asking for things like manga and light novels and some of them are.. U-um.. Y-you know, maybe he's right, maybe I just don't get them.. Like he told me that they actually have a very deep meaning and that I'm just a bit too young for that. I probably should just agree with him for my own sanity.
Eiji: Naomi, as always, thinks about other prisoners more than herself and she rarely requests things that she herself needs and not anyone else. I asked her about it, considering that she's slowly becoming more confident and open about her dislike of certain prisoners, but she just said that she really doesn't need and doesn't want anything. She also said "Sorry, but I don't want to cause you any trouble, unlike Asahi-kun".. Is she trying to make herself look better than a kid? Well that's just pathetic.
Kei's not allowed to ask for anything and I also make sure to ignore any requests he has. He's guilty, so he doesn't deserve to get anything he wants.. H-how did you- Listen, the only reason why I bring him food when nobody can see us is because I don't want him to die until this whole thing is over. No, I do want him to die but if he dies too early.. I-I don't know if those people will like it.
Eiko still mostly asks for things like hair products, accessories and all that. She also asked if she can have a full-length mirror in her cell and if she's allowed to decorate her cell.. I answered yes, but only so that she could leave me alone after that. She also has this weird habit of requesting things and then giving them to me now. I told her I'm fine and I don't need them, but she insists and says that I can consider accepting them another request from her.
Miki: Yano-san's requests are mostly the same, though now he asks for even more attention from me and a lot of his requests actually sound like "Just sit with me and talk to me about something" or "Sit next to me while I eat", etc. I don't know why, but he's become so attached to me for some reason.. I don't really mind though, when we spend time like this, I realize that he's actually a very sweet kid, he's just.. not that good at understanding his own feelings and expressing them. O-or maybe he's just only nice to me and not the other people here.
Eiji: Yurika is not allowed to ask for anything and even if she begged on her knees, I wouldn't listen to her. She's too dangerous right now and I feel like she has the ability to turn literally anything into a weapon now. Well, she doesn't really try to request stuff anyway.
Miki: Wait, what am I supposed to call him now? Our relationship is kind of.. U-uh, anyway, Riku-san asked for some hair dye recently, he said that he kinda wanted to change his appearance. He asked for multple different colors and ended up using only two of them and when I mentioned that, he just said that since we don't know how much time we'll have to spend here, he's sure he'll get a chance to use those colors too in the future. As for his other requests, he somehow broke his guitar, so he asked for a new one.. And then he broke it again like three days later. Eiji-san said that it's probably just a way to relieve stress for him, s-so.. I got a cardboard box and drew a guitar on it and gave it to him. He got confused and said that he actually does need a guitar, so that he can play music, but I was so afraid of him breaking it again and I was so tired, that.. u-uh.. I ended up yelling at him and telling him that if he's talented enough, he'll be able to play music with a box. I still feel bad for saying that..
As for Himura-san, she actually spends more time with me rather than Eiji-san now, though I think it's mostly because most of the things she asks for are obviously meant for Kei-san and she doesn't want Eiji-san to know anything. When it comes to what she requests for Kei-san, her requests are a bit similar to Aimi-chan's, but she doesn't only ask for medicine, for example, she has recently asked for a hairbrush, so that she can take care of Kei-san's hair, since it's really messy now. She also wanted to get some new clothes for him, but she knew that Eiji-san would notice Kei-san wearing something different, so she changed her mind. As for her own requests.. well, she asked for bubblegum once? Also I found out that she doesn't like strawberry flavor.
???: Let me think.. Well, Akio-san still wants to read a lot, but obviously, he doesn't have the energy for that at the moment and he, uh, literally can't read right now. I feel sorry for him, honestly.. Also I made Jackalope get some better medicine for him, so that at least he can get some sleep. I kinda have experience with that stuff, haha..
H-huh? You want to know Shun-san's secret requests?.. I don't think you want to know the answer. Seriously, this guy is either going to kill everyone here if I ever end up bringing him the things he wants or he'll just.. I don't know, brainwash Kei and turn him into his pet or something? I don't wanna know what's going on in his head.
Naomi-san's secret requests are a bit scary too and no, I didn't bring her anything. To be honest, I feel like she's planning to hurt or even try to kill a certain prisoner, so.. Yeah, I probably should ignore her.
Kei-san's camera is broken now, so he can't use it and he mentioned that he wants a new one even though it's too hard for him to take pictures right now, especially because of his eye injury, but I still got one for him. I don't know, I thought that he should have at least some fun. Also Reina helps him take pictures, even though he always ends up telling her that she's not a professional and she should just let him do everything, but it's fun to watch them.
Asahi-san actually wanted to impress Miki-san with something, but he didn't know what, so I tried my best to find at least some information about her interests.. But then I found out that she has two main interests: forgiving everyone and everything and cute guys. So, uh.. Sorry, Asahi-san. I tried.
Yurika-san's secret requests are even worse than Shun-san's! I swear, they're all going to kill each other if someone doesn't intervene..
Riku-san's secret requests are just.. sad. You don't wanna hear about them.. Wait, is he planning to hurt himself again or is he planning to hurt others this time? In any case, it's still not good.
Reina-san is an interesting one. She doesn't have any secret requests, but sometimes I can see her standing somewhere and staring right into the camera. I don't know if she noticed it or it's just a coincidence. But I'm starting to feel like she did notice it.
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