#guess he has a good following in tartosa
bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 105 - San Sequoia Insecurities
Ophelia and Xander are woken up by not one, but two crying kiddos.
Ophelia: I'll take Gemma, you take Lulu.
Xander: Got it, chief.
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The girls are fed and ready for a new day of reaching milestones and being an object! Guess which applies to which.
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Lulu is aging up into an infant soon and Gemma will age up to a toddler on the same day. Ophelia wants to have some time alone with her husband before that, the calm before the storm. She sends a text to Greta and Jace, who are more than happy to watch the girls (for money).
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Ophelia: What would you say to some alone time?
Xander: I don't think it's safe to woohoo so quickly after giving birth.
Ophelia: No, normal alone time! We didn't get the chance to go for a walk around Gilbert Gardens when we were in San Sequoia. What do you say?
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Ophelia: Greta and Jace said they'd watch the girls. I figured we could use a breather before Gemma's birthday.
Xander: Sure, sounds fun. Let's hit that loading screen!
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It's winter, so Gilbert Gardens isn't exactly lush. Still, the air is crisp and refreshing. Good day for a stroll!
As they start their nature walk, they walk past a familiar face.
Xander: Hey isn't that-
Ophelia: Don't make eye contact.
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Ophelia shows Xander the sights and tells stories of walks she'd go on with her grandparents.
Ophelia: I think I wrote my initials in the concrete somewhere around here…
Xander pulls out an apple and snacks as his wife shows him the initials when she finally finds it.
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These dang Simillennials, always on their phones. All Sims know how to do is text on they phone, be pansexual, eat grilled cheese and lie.
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Ophelia spots the splash pad and tells Xander all about the fun times she'd have with her Gramps and Gran as a tot.
Ophelia: Maybe Lulu will be old enough to play in it by the time summer comes around. I wonder if she and Gemma will like water as much as I did…
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By the time they finish their loop around the gardens, Ophelia has talked Xander's ear off about memories from her childhood.
Ophelia: This was nice. Thank you, sweetie. It's a shame we can't go for walks like this around Tartosa.
Xander: There's always Mt. Komorebi
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Ophelia wraps her arms around Xander's neck and gives him a soft kiss.
Ophelia: Can you take a picture of me by the sign for Simstagram?
Xander: Of course, we've got to share such groundbreaking content with your loyal followers!
Ophelia: Jerk!
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I wish we could zoom out on photos. Oh well. You can sort of see the sign. Say cheese!
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Back at home, the girls are taking naps while Ophelia checks her social media timeline. The paparazzi did end up following them around, figures.
That doesn't matter. She and Xander had fun, and he didn't bother them. It wasn't the worst thing to happen.
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Ophelia checks the comments on her Simstagram pic and a couple rude ones catch her eye.
'omw she let herself go' 'more like ophelia grapefruit'
She rolls her eyes but another comment makes her heart sink.
'if she doesn't go to the gym she's gonna die before her kids are teens'
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Ophelia can't get that comment out of her mind. She hasn't gotten that big, has she? She's about the same size she was before she lost weight, but she has a lot more eyes on her now. She's not as active as she used to be… And is she really unhealthy enough to die young?
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No, Ophelia isn't going to leave her girls motherless. She'll take control of her health before things get out of hand.
She sends a text to the Hot Girls Only fitness club, who hadn't met in a while, asking if they can meet up tomorrow. Libby can't but Summer and Becca agree!
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Ophelia comes back downstairs before Gemma's bedtime and makes a promise to her.
Ophelia: I'm going to make sure I stick around for a long, long time, nooboo. Don't you worry, Mommy's not going anywhere.
Gemma doesn't understand, but she just likes being around her mommy.
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When she gets ready for bed, Ophelia passes the mirror again and internally cringes. Xander liked her body no matter what, and she thought she looked fine, but clearly others didn't share that sentiment, to the point they thought she was gonna drop dead.
She'll show them.
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 30 - Now and Zen
Ophelia signs her Tartosa friends up for a 6 AM yoga class at a spa in a neighboring town and, because they're the best friends on earth, they agree to go. They've got the Pizzazz wedding gig coming up, so they need to be in the zone!
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Ophelia has a little more experience than her friends.
Drew is a pretty confident person, but they're not confident they won't fall flat on their face during some of these moves.
Instructor: Just follow at your own pace.
Moses: If I was at my own pace, I'd still be in bed.
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Being ambitious, Ophelia sometimes struggles when she's not automatically the best at something.
Ophelia: Must… be zen… even if… it kills me.
Moses: muttering Or us. Ow!
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They're all really good at child's pose, at least.
Despite not being the best at it yet, they do have to admit that they enjoyed themselves. Maybe Ophelia was right, this wellness stuff could do them all some good.
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Ophelia: Oh, what now? Face mask or workout?
Drew: Uh, wasn't the whole point of this to relax?
Ophelia: Self-improvement IS relaxing!
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Ophelia is efficient and decides to go with a face mask AND a workout.
Ophelia: You're a strong, confident woman. You have great friends here and in Willow Creek. The awkwardness with Libby will pass someday. Right now, focus on being the best you! You're gonna kick life's ass!
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Xander: What up, Casper? Drew: Haha. I need a mask, and a drink, to make me forget how tired I am. Ophelia's self improvement kick is great and all, but that yoga class kind of kicked my ass. Moses: Don't act like you also didn't click yes to that Wellness liking popup
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Xander: Should we be concerned? Seems like she's hardly let herself have a free moment since the break up.
Drew: I think Ophelia's just like that, dude.
Moses: You know how ambitious Sims are, mate. Keeping busy is how they cope.
Xander: I guess you're right.
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Xander can't help but interrupt her boxing.
Xander: Come on, Lemon Cake. Time to take five. Don't want to wear yourself out for tomorrow. Ophelia: I don't want to. Xander: What if I said please real cute like with this face? Ophelia: I'd say no, real ugly like with this face.
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Xander: I might have to start calling you Sour Lemon with that mean mug.
That gets Ophelia to cut the act and let out a laugh.
Xander: I knew you couldn't resist! No one can resist this face!
Ophelia: Shut up! Fine, I'll take a break, you dork. Let's check out the pool.
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Before they can swim…
Xander: Listen, you're doing okay, right?
Ophelia: Why wouldn't I be?
Xander: You've got the garden you told us about and all this wellness stuff you're getting into. That's great and all, I just want to make sure you're not using it as a distraction.
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Ophelia: Distraction? Xander: I know some Sims throw themselves into new projects to distract themselves when life gets rough. I know that because I'm one of those Sims. If you need someone to talk to, we're here for you if it's too weird to talk to your other friends about.
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Ophelia: I appreciate it Xander, but I'm really just trying to better myself. Two of my friends had a baby recently, and it really put things into perspective. There's so much I want to do before, and after, I have kids, so I'm trying to become the future mom my kids deserve
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Xander: If my parents and Hilary had your wellness knowledge, they would have probably had an easier time dealing with me as a kid.
Ophelia: Ha!
Xander: For what it's worth, I think you'd be a great mom now, but you've got plenty of time to get even better.
Ophelia: Thanks.
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Ophelia: One thing about me, when I get knocked down I don't stay down for long.
Xander: That makes one of us. When things ended with my last partner-
Ophelia: Oooh, I'm getting some exclusive Xander Lore?
Xander: Not anymore, Lady Interrupts-A-Lot.
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Xander may be a goofball, but he's clearly a good guy, as well. Ophelia's glad she has someone like him in her corner.
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I didn't manage to get screenshots of it but she stole two things during the time she was at this spa. Look at her smug face. You can't keep getting away with this forever, young lady!
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