#guess that’s a mystery that’ll remain unsolved
wwounu · 6 years
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“Her eyes got all watery and started crying, so I went up to her and took her somewhere she can calm down… That idiot, she shouldn’t have come if she was going to be like that — It’s what she does and has to do, but I hated seeing her cry because of me.”
“Sounds intense.” You slurp on your straw. “It’s safe to say everything is a lot better considering how much you don’t shut up about her.”
Chan giggles and flushes at the reply, resting his cheeks on his scratched fists as he daydreams away about his lover.
“Hey, don’t go into dreamland, I’m still here y’know!”
You hit the male with your hand and the male salutes at you. “Of course ma’am.” He respectfully follows, looking down at his phone from the intense buzzing. You were quick to point out he looked cross, which you never see on regular occasions. Something must be up. He mumbles under his breath, “Gee, he’s so desperate…”
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” Chan calmly replies in contrast to the quick movement with his head. “I just remembered… I left your notebook with my darling.”
“Alright Chan this is getting a bit too much. You need to stop stealing my notebook!”
Thank God, that worked. “She just wanted reference on how to structure her next draft! She’s not confident on that and you’re the person I can go to for that. Take it as a compliment Y/N, how stingy.”
“I guess I have to call her, I need it to write down the reasons why I hate Lee Chan!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever young lady. That means I’ll have to play all by myself, because you’re the one leaving me for my darling now.” Sassily, Chan pulls a face at you before his smirk becomes confident. “She’s that irresistible isn’t she—“
“Hey! Where are you? I need to ask you something because Chan isn’t being great help, as usual.” You cheerfully say while stuffing a tissue into the male’s mouth.
Chan’s girlfriend was at the zoo. You had no idea why, it seemed more like a date location rather than one to go alone, but as long as you would get your notebook back, you wouldn’t question it. Walking there, you immediately catch her standing in front of the bench, playing with her hands as she waits for you.
When the both of you meet, her laugh becomes careful. Of course it would be careful, her hands were empty.
“You cut off the call too early and I couldn’t tell you that I left it at the convenience store while talking to Jihoon.”
“So Jihoon has it.” Your tone drops; Great, more people are carelessly waltzing away with your notebook.
“Well, I can take another trip to the store next time. It’s not that big of a deal, and now that I’ve left Chan, mind if I join you going to the zoo—“
The other shakes her hands violently, “No!” She chokes on her words and hits herself on the chest, followed by a tiny cough. “I’d love to, but you should find Jihoon. But we can go on a date another time! Next week?”
“Yeah sure.” You agree, remind yourself to make sure your plans are free. “I’ll be getting to the store now.”
“Jihoon isn’t on shift. I called him earlier on and he’s at the campus coffee shop.” He was at a further location? Chan probably set this all up, he wasn’t the type to kid when he tells someone to exercise. Chan’s girlfriend soon searches inside her purse and gives you a few notes and coins. “You probably walked a long way to get here, this is the least I can do. That’ll be enough money to get to campus on taxi.”
“Oh, uh… Thank you!” You hug her tight, thankful of her kindness. “I’ll be going now, see you later.”
“Bye bye!” She waves until you’re out of her sight. Smiling softly, she turns a different direction, rolling her eyes at the obvious arm and dangling bags hiding behind the entrance. “Chan, she’s gone now, you dumbo.”
Rushing out of the taxi, you jog all the way to the coffee shop and search for the male you were looking for. Quite obviously, he was sat in the same corner you would see him every day when you’d pass be the café.
“Jihoon! Long time no see.”
Jihoon was startled by your appearance, pulling his earphones out while stopping in the middle of his coffee stirring. “Y/N, hey?”
This was a bit awkward, yet still, you could get through that stage. “So I heard from a little birdie that you have my notebook.”
Jihoon nods but sniggers a little. He was trying to keep a straight face, but it looked like he knew something.
“What’s up?” You ask.
“I don’t have it.” He bluntly states. “Sorry, she lied to you. But we know where it is.”
“Why would she lie to me? Where is it?”
“You’re not getting it, are you?” You shake your head and Jihoon pulls out a folded piece of paper under his coffee cup, stained rings of coffee adding to the aesthetic. “Maybe this can help. I’m not telling you anything else, because I’m not in the mood right now, but when you see someone give them a slap for me will you?”
“Uh… Alright.”
Even though you desperately wanted to ask what the hell was going on, Jihoon left first to get another order of coffee and you waved a goodbye at the male as you walked off. It was barely four in the afternoon and your head was beginning to ache.
Walking at your own pace, you unfold the mysterious paper and read the contents inside. Written in pen, you slowly read the words in your head.
You look pretty today.
What was this? Jihoon wasn’t the smoothest with words, but it confused you to why he was suddenly flirting with you without any filter. The words didn’t fit his voice either — You couldn’t imagine his, but someone else’s. You sigh, reading the four words over and over again.
“What does this all mean? Why did I get lied to? Why am I not getting it?!” You groan tiredly, wanting to give up. “Chan, you asshole…”
Quickly, your eyes scan the note in anger.
“How do I look pretty today—“
You stop in your steps.
Maybe you were playing stupid.
It was all there, within those four, meaningful words. If you were anywhere else, the message would be unsolved forever, but at the right place an time, everything pieced itself together.
The right place and time, meaning, the art studio you laid your eyes on.
And everything began to flood again. The memories that you’ve kept locked in the back fo your head overfilled with bits and pieces of words and actions you couldn’t replace.
Could this be a trick? No, Chan wasn’t the type to let that happen to you, he stays true to his word about not baring to see the ones he love hurt. So it had to be real. But it felt so unreal. After so long you’ve gotten used to the conditions — The gut wrenching conditions — And with this realisation, you were in a heap of mixed feelings.
Soonyoung came back.
You run up the stairs and begin to rush into the empty studio where everything came into life, where friendship and romance blossomed. Panting, you search the room left to right, hoping there was a sign somewhere — but there wasn’t.
Your eyes were close to tears, trying to think like Soonyoung and where he’d put his next clue. But probably, Soonyoung was trying to think like you and where you would know where to find it. So, where would you find the next hint closer to him?
“The… Supply closet?” You think out loud as you sniff away your tears, slowly walking to the door with all the supplies, and open it, seeing a drawing dangling on string for you to receive.  You soon smile at the memory, kissing your teeth at how evil Soonyoung was. “That idiot!”
You grab the drawing and put it out for you to see. And to make fun of you more, Soonyoung drew your next location in oil pastels. You were definitely going to slap him, not just for Jihoon, but for yourself too.
The scenery was hard to decipher in this one. You could tell it was a playground, but there were so many playgrounds near this area and near parks that it was impossible to go to each one—
You look up at the familiar voice and see Dongmin’s shocked face. “Dongmin!” You gasp, beckoning him to come over. “Help me! Now!”
“Woah, chill,” He says, remaining shocked. He was about to ask you why you were crying, but was immediately ignored by you when you slammed a finger on the slightly smudged drawing, “Um… Explain?”
“Do you know where this play ground is?”
“Yeah, our whole class knows. It’s where Soonyoung- Wait, you’re fine with me talking about him, right—“
“Just continue!” So he didn’t know the news yet either, you guessed.
“Soonyoung goes there for inspiration. It’s the park near the rollerskating rink. The pink slide is obvious to see, you won’t miss it.”
“Okay thanks!” You peck the male on the cheek out of happiness and rush out of the building quickly, not waiting for his reply.
Again, you took a taxi and impatiently tapped your foot up and down hoping the ride to the park would be quick. You were desperate to have an outburst of anger in the car, but kept it all inside as you carried on thinking about Soonyoung.
Once you arrived, you stumble out after rushing to pay the driver and speed-walk to the park, smiling at the pink slide and rollerskating rink that confirm Dongmin’s description. Your heart begins to hurt, hands starting to tremble.
What if Soonyoung wouldn’t be here? What if this day of ups and downs really meant nothing and that it was just to play with your emotions? If it was, it would leave you in a big mess for a long time.
And there he was.
Calmly sitting on the swing, his hand hugging the pencil while he worked through the notebook on his lap, drawing out a female figure. You couldn’t believe it. It was him. It was Soonyoung.
“Oh my god,” You whispered, “Oh my god.”
You feel your knees failing and butterflies fly from your stomach all the way around to your chest, arms, back and head. Next thing you knew was that you used up all your strength to run all the way to the male before you tackled him off the swing, falling onto the ground (It was a bit dirty but the leaves covered most of the dirt).
“You idiot!” You say in the middle of a laugh and a cry, not sure if you were angry or happy to see him. “We text almost every dat and you don’t have to the heart to tell me you were coming back?! What type of asshole move is that?! You don’t have the bigger heart to tell me about the video either? I cried rivers in my bed because go you! I had to run around back and fourth to find clues, just to meet you here?! My legs hurt, my arms hurt, my heart hurts- I… I missed you. I missed you so much Soon’…”
You fall into weakness as Soonyoung tightens your grip around you, silently taking in all the words you’ve hidden before you sob into his shoulder again.
“Why are you back?” Quietly, you question. “Are you here to tell me goodbye for real…?”
A gasp escapes Soonyoung. Gently, he lifts you up and let you stare at each other for a while, taking in all your features again. He wasn’t speaking, and that scared you. But being able to see and feel all his features again, you were going to burst into an ocean of tears.
After the small analysis study, Soonyoung helps you to sit on the swing he was sat on before, as he follows by sitting to the one next to it, picking up his pencil and your notebook. He holds his hand out to yours, slowly bringing you closer to him so you could sit on his lap.
Suddenly, he shakes his head, smiling. And when he spoke, god, the tears were coming heavy. “I… I didn’t pass.”
Your heart is shattered by the comment, automatically moving your arms to hug the male, but before you could comfort him, he continues to speak.
“But it’s okay. I’d rather have tried than not try at all.And I think its better for myself to reflect than sulk about it, right?”
He tucks your hair and the smile continues to shine through him.
“Besides, I get to see the girl I love again.”
The both of you initiate a hug and hold each other tight, never wanting to let go.
“I’ll make it all up to you. The dates, the days, the words, the actions. I want to catch up on everything with you.”
“We have a lot to catch up on then.”
Soonyoung chuckles, cupping your cheek as a matching tear runs down his face. You do the same, but run a hand through his hair while staring at his starry eyed demeanour. It was like you were falling for him over and over again. And his voice turned a hundred times dreamier and softer, hardcore solidifying his place in your heart.
“Can I kiss you?”
“No sorries?”
“There never will be.”
And with that kiss, you knew that this will last forever.
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and with that... its safe to say this au is officially over ^~^ sorry ive left this for a week or two, school gives me zero time to rest so im like huzzah!!1!!11!11! killmenow- but anyway! i hope this 2.3k mess makes up for that, originally i thought that there shouldve been more soonyoung x yn moments but judging that soonyoung just came back, this was a more realistic approach(???)(i dunno how relationships work alright) i just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has read this from start to end, middle to end, or if this the first time youve read this au and think ‘wtf is this’ just.... thank you!!! ive shockingly grown these past three/four months all thanks to you and im so happy there are people who enjoy my stupid au haha~~ i’ll miss soonyoungs au!!!!! ufahsidojnk i loved writing some of his parts, especially the paint scene at the start of the au, and then the video message (wow emotional much) but now its time to throwback to mr chwe hansol’s au, this will be another reposting of his au, so im back to posting and scheduling daily now so!!! yayayay!! i wish everyone a great day and night an i love you alllllll <3 until next time! (ps. with the bias x theme thing, i’m still doing that but as a little side project, but that doesnt mean ill stop with the requests hehe, it’ll just take a while - love you!) | POLL | forgetful!vernon
one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • nine • ten • eleven • twelve • thirteen • fourteen • fifteen • sixteen• seventeen
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