#haggling is what the site is about; yeah. but also like. £10 is a good deal for this type of shirt
pendragonfics · 7 years
Paring: Griff/Reader
Tags: female reader, meet cute, canon compliant, artists, dating, developing relationship, domestic fluff.
Summary: Little snatches of Reader and Griff's developing relationship over time.
Word Count: 1,899
Current Date: 2017-10-20
Tumblr media
Some days were slow. Other days, they were painfully slow. Like whichever God in the sky watched you lazily, and swirled a finger through your day to make it drag a little bit longer. Your boss had little to no time on site, and you were practically the most well-trained out of all the other people. Thus, you were left to man the register, and take care of the little shop front.
Your boss was a cult-favoured artist, but that was years ago, and even now he still pumped out painting after painting, and had you (on a very low commission) to sell them.
Another reason days were slow was nobody wanted to just come into a gallery where there was mediocre art and no stupid doodads or weird postcards for sale. Like today. It was warm out, for a change, and dressed in your very best overalls, floral neck scarf and orange dr. martens, you greeted every possible patron who entered the store with compassionate vigour, and yet, none stayed more than five minutes around the terrible motel art.
Except –
Around eleven o’clock, you noticed a man outside the window, lingering across the street. To other people, you were sure that they’d be intimidated, or perhaps, induced into turning the opposite direction he was going. He looked like the kind of hardcore who’d be into dad music and dumb dancing, but also, fast bikes and drinking piss ‘til dawn. You looked away from the window, and went back to cataloguing the sales of the last month (not enough for the studio to make rent) and alternatively, writing the essay that was due soon (for your grad school degree that you loved more than life).
But when you looked back out the window not an hour later, he was seated on a park bench six metres away from where you first saw him, using a newspaper to shelter from the oncoming shower as it spat upon the earth with distain.
In minutes of idle people-watching, you saw the droplets turned into downpour, and yet, while everyone else on the street fled to the dry interiors of their umbrellas, Ubers, the 7-Eleven corner store, the man sat there, like his two feet were fused to the concrete path.
From the side of the cash register, you grabbed the spare umbrella, and flipping the sign to sorry, closed! temporarily, you darted across the street, avoiding the stray puddle and awry taxi, to where he sat. The newspaper he used at first to shield himself from the rain has turned into a floppy rectangle of blurred text and dripping ink, and looking at him, you wonder if the pictures from the newspaper had transferred to his skin like a kid’s transferrable tattoo.
He looked at you strangely, no words shared for a moment, and then, gracelessly, you thrust the umbrella out, and hold it over him.
“Take it,” you tell him.
His fingers unlatch from the sodden newspaper, and curl over the handle, his smallest finger touching yours ever so briefly. As soon as he had it in his hands, you smiled, and as fast as you could, returned to the storefront you were supposed to be in, and out of the rain. As you flipped the closed sign back to yes, we’re open! you wondered if you’d ever see him, or the umbrella again.
It was a Saturday, and just like the rest of the days worked on the weekend, it was dry. Not a single soul came through the door in all the four hours you’d been open already, and fed up with standing around like a terrible marionette waiting for the strings to be pulled the right ways, you sat behind the cash register, and pulled out your sketchbook. You were doodling a design.
But then, the bell rang. Just your luck.
You were about to force on your best most patient smile, when you noticed it wasn’t just a run of the mill average busybody trying to haggle down the art to something less. It was the guy, with the tattoos, and in his hand, he gripped the umbrella.
“Come to return it.” He nodded toward the umbrella, holding it toward you.
Sliding from the stool, you approach him. Inside the art studio, he was taller (or maybe it was because he was standing this time), and he had a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses tucked into the lip of his stonewashed tee, and all you could think about was how real and alive he looked in comparison to all the dull tourists you greeted and your terrible boss and the greyscale people who littered the town like paper-cut outs of real people, and you stood there, silent, sort of dumbfounded for a second.
“Nobody has – thank you,” you remember what words are like to come out in the right order from your lips, taking the returned umbrella from his hand. “If I had a dollar for every time I leant out the store umbrella…”
“I bet you could afford a lot of umbrellas, ma’am,” he interjected, voice gravelly, but sweetened by his manners like honey. “I also came to say thank you.”
You raise a brow, protesting, “Sir, it was nothing, really –,”
He clears his throat, placing a fist against has lips. In this moment, you read that his fingers read sand on that hand, and your eyes graze over his edge of his facial hair, where a nick from a razor has given him a little cut. “Please,” he pleads, “at least let me take you out for coffee.” He says it with that Atlantan accent that just makes your ears and heart sigh.
“You can take me out, sure,” you tell him, crossing your arms with the umbrella tucked beneath your armpit, “but I know a fantastic little place downtown, Penny Lane. Their cappuccinos are to die for.” You beam.
He sticks a hand out to you. “Deal.” He grins. “The name’s Griff.”
You place your palm against his, and shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, Griffin. I’m ________.”
It’s a wonderful little afternoon that you’ve managed not to be at the store, or at university, and you find yourself in your newly polished shoes, your Sunday best, and a little coat for the weather this time of year. You agreed to meet outside Penny Lane, but it was almost ten minutes after you had promised to be there, and Griff still wasn’t around.
“What did I expect…” you sigh to yourself, turning to go.
But it’s then you hear a roar of a motorcycle, and looking over your shoulder, you see him. He’s on a cruiser, the colour of blood when it’s dried, or brown paint that’s slowly hardening upon canvas. It approaches quickly, and pulls into a spare parking spot, and tossing his helmet aside, Griff’s eyes meet yours.
“Sorry I’m late,” he apologises. “Work can be unpredictable.”
You look at the bike, glimmering in the sunshine like a jungle animal resting after a successful hunt. “Must be good work to afford a bike like that,” you motion toward it, impressed. As a dirt-poor student artist who dreamed of owning a car and not taking the bus in every day, it was like finding out that someone was practically an A-Lister with all they had. “Still want coffee?”
Griff grinned. “Hell yeah.”
Six months later, you wake at two in the morning to an empty bed and an intense argument in the next room. At first, you think nothing of it – you came from a blended family, and divorce only naturally included a little fighting. At first you think it’s just Griff on the phone to his family. But then you hear a second pair of footsteps, a second voice; one you’ve never heard in your life.
“Of course, I haven’t told her,” you hear Griff’s voice say. “I ain’t a saint, but I’m no idiot.”
“Good,” another man intones, the clink of glass on the bench. “Let’s keep it that way.”
You hear the front door to Griff’s flat click closed, the snap of the kitchen light switches off, footsteps retreat through the other room toward where you lay. You close your eyes, keeping your breathing shallow, soft. The footsteps approaching are muted, and slowly, the bed dips with his weight, the covers shift over his form. His hand finds yours beneath the sheets, and cold, his fingers graze over yours, stroking gently.
“I’m so stupid…” he murmurs, voice low, breath warm on your cheek as you feign sleep. “He promised me money, and I wanted to make something for us, a future…I’m not a bad guy, ________.”
Your hand moves on its own, fingers twitching. Griff recoils. You shift in the bed, turning to face him. His face is lit dimly in what moonlight and streetlight that filter through the curtains, his ink dark against his skin, eyes move to meet yours.
“Griff?” you whisper. “What time is it?”
His hand loosens over yours, “It’s too early for us to be up.” He turns in the sheets, facing away from you. “Go back to sleep.”
You consider confronting what looks like something that most certainly is in over your head, or just following the lead of your partner, and turn over yourself. It’s not hard. You pursued the man who had been sitting in the rain, you had pursued something beyond your little life. And you pursued this.
“I…heard you.” You whisper. “In the kitchen.” You hear his breathing hitch. The mattress squeaks as he turns over, and once again, you’re face to face with the dark eyes you can’t shake out of your heart. “Griff, it’s…I’m with you, to the end of the line. If you stay doing whatever you’re doing, I’m with you, if you want to leave…I’ll come,” you breathe, your hands cradling where his neck meets his jaw, where his facial hair is growing longer. “I love you.”
He’s silent for a moment, and then, “You’re too good for me,” he murmurs.
A week later he returns from a job, throws his leather jacket onto the couch, along with the keys to his bike. In a shopping bag he holds is a bottle of hair dye, an electric razor, and a burner phone. They’re for the both of you – in the bathroom, you take turns lathering dye into your hair, you chip away at Griff’s beard until there’s nothing but empty skin.
“You look different,” you stroke a hand over his face, in awe. In the mirror above the sink, you see the dye is taking to your hair.
“A good different, or…?”
You smile, and go to kiss his bare cheek. “Definitely.” You motion to the shower, and add, “I’ll go wash this out. Promise you won’t leave me if I look like a train wreck.”
Griff laughs. “We’ll be matching, then.”
Not four hours after that, you’re both on the road, ties cut, life free and world at your fingertips. Grad school can wait. That horrible job selling terrible art can burn in a trash can. You’ll find work somewhere, perhaps as a housepainter, or maybe a tattoo apprentice. Griff could be a security guard. These thoughts pass as you’re clutching his back, flying down the highway away from all you’ve ever known, toward something you’re never going to regret.
179 notes · View notes
kennethherrerablog · 6 years
13 Ways for Android Users to Bank Extra Cash This Week
Do you have an Android phone? Do you scoff at iPhones?
Well, good for you! Android phones are easier to customize, have expandable storage and generally cost less than iPhones.
A whopping 99% of smartphones these days run on one of two operating systems — Google’s Android or Apple’s iOS. In this tug-of-war between tech giants, I’m here to stick up for Android.
With an Android phone, you have nearly 3 million apps to choose from. (That’s more than Apple has, NOT THAT WE’RE COUNTING OR ANYTHING.)
That’s, um, a lot of choices. To help you out, here’s our list of the best Android apps that will put more money in your wallet.
1. Scratch Off A Free, Digital Ticket
Once you’ve watched some videos, rest your eyeballs by checking out a free app called Lucktastic.
Each day, it releases a new assortment of digital scratch-off tickets. Instant wins range from $1 to $10K. You can also earn tokens, enter contests and play games.
The app is free to download — and play.
2. Let This App Negotiate Your Cable and/or Internet Bill
On the phone with your cell phone or internet provider, trying to haggle a lower monthly bill?
Go ahead and hang up. (We know you’re probably listening to crappy music while sitting on hold, anyway.)
Download TrueBill, an app that’ll negotiate your bills, cancel unwanted subscriptions and refund your bank fees.
After downloading the app, create an account and link your bank account and/or credit cards. Turn on the bill negotiation and outage protection features. Boom. TrueBill is already searching for potential refunds — it might get you a refund even when you didn’t know an outage occurred.
On average, Truebill customers get $12 in credits off their cable bills each month.
The app will also remind you of all those sneaky subscriptions you’ve signed up for through the years, so you can cancel what you don’t use and reclaim your monthly budget.
Signing up and using the service is free, though there are some paid premium services that are totally optional — but could totally be worth it.
3. Stop Deleting Your Emails
It turns out deleting your emails could be costing you money. Intrigued?
One of our secret weapons is called Paribus — a tool that gets you money back for your online purchases. It’s free to sign up, and once you do, it will scan your email for any receipts. If it discovers you’ve purchased something from one of its monitored retailers, it will track the item’s price and help you get a refund when there’s a price drop.
Plus, if your guaranteed shipment shows up late, Paribus will help you get compensated.
Disclosure: Paribus compensates us when you sign up using the links we provide.
4. Get Rewards for Paying Your Bills on Time
Clarity Money* is a free app that helps you see, organize, and take control of your finances.
The way it works is simple. You just download the app, connect your existing accounts, and get ready to learn more about where your money’s disappearing to… and how to keep more of it.
Clarity Money analyzes and uses your spending history to provide budgetary insights. It’ll show you exactly how much you spend in different categories, like bars and restaurants, as a percentage of your total expenses.
But it’s not just a recap of your weekend spending with pretty graphics.
It also gives you the tools and information you need to start making better financial choices. And they’re all super-easy to use, and accessible right inside the app.
5. Squeeze Money from Your Shopping Receipts
Shopping in person? How vintage.
Ibotta is an easy-to-use cash-back app that’s partnered with more than 50 retailers, just about anywhere you’d do any kind of shopping.
Before heading to the store, search for items on your shopping list within the app. Strawberries? Check. An ear of corn? Check. Add each cash-back opportunity to your list in the app.
Then shop.
When you get home, snap a photo of your receipt and scan the items’ barcodes.
Bam. Cash back.
Some cash-back opportunities we’ve seen include:
25 cents back for any item
25 cents back on strawberries
50 cents back on frozen fruit snacks
$1 back on a box of tea
$5 back on a case of Shiner Bock beer
Notice a lot of those aren’t tied to a brand — just shop for the staples on your list, and earn cash back!
Ibotta is free to download. Plus, you’ll get a $10 sign-up bonus after uploading your first receipt.
6. Cash in on Your Old Stuff
Are your closets and shelves packed to the brim with stuff you never use — or even look at?
You can sell virtually anything on Letgo. This intuitive app lets you snap a photo and upload your item in less than 30 seconds. It removes a lot of the hassle of selling things online, and it’s 100% free to use.
7. Play Games, Save Money
Blast is a savings app for Android made by gamers for gamers. It allows you to save, earn and win cash for playing games.
It works with every game in the Google Play Store, as well as top PC games, including Counter Strike Global Offensive.
The app is free, with no hidden fees.
While you play, the app works in the background and transfers small sums from your checking account into a high-yield Blast savings account based on “triggers” you set — things like the number of opponents you defeat or enemy bases you destroy. You can earn extra cash by completing “missions” that allow you to test new games or take familiar games to the next level.
Your Blast savings account earns 1% interest, is FDIC-insured and is secured by bank-level encryption. You can withdraw your money anytime or just let your savings grow.
8. Play Free Scratch-offs — and Win Real Money
You know that feeling when you find a $20 bill hiding in the pocket of those jeans you wore last week? Yeah, that’s the feeling of a lucky day. The Lucky Day app is just like that. Have fun on your phone, just like you do anyway, and you might just pocket some extra dough.
Lucky, indeed.
You could win up to $10,000 playing digital scratch-off tickets or even a whopping $100,000 in the daily lotto. You’ll also have a lot of chances to win gift cards to cool places like Amazon, Walmart, Dunkin and Target.
It’s all free to play, with no in-app purchases. The company has already awarded more than $3 million in prizes to winners since 2014.
Seriously, you could have that “I just found money in my pocket” feeling today just for playing games and having fun on your phone.
9. Get Paid to Share Your Opinion
Surveys aren’t our favorite way to make money, but if you’re just vegging out on the couch — or shielding your eyes while being forced to watch “Final Fantasy 113” — why not click a couple buttons and earn a few bucks?
There are a bunch of paid survey sites out there, but one of the best we’ve found is InboxDollars. It offers several short, daily surveys, and you’ll get a $5 bonus for signing up. Plus, you get to earn cash, so you don’t have to worry about exchanging points. Check out how one college student pocketed $600 with InboxDollars. Her secret? Persistence.
10. Snag a Free $10 Walmart Gift Card
One of our favorite ways to save is with Ebates, a cash-back site that rewards you nearly every time you buy something online. For example, Ebates gives you 10% cash-back on online purchases at Walmart.
Plus you’ll get a free $10 gift card to Walmart for giving the site a try.
To earn your gift card:
Sign up for Ebates with your email or Facebook account.
Use the Ebates portal the next time you need to buy something. It’s connected to thousands of stores, including Walmart, Amazon and Target. You’ll need to make your first purchase through the site within 90 days and spend at least $25.
Your account will be credited with rewards points you can cash in for your $10 Walmart gift card.
11. Take a Walk Downtown
No extreme physical activity or pulled muscles required for this money-making trick. All you need to do is download the Shopkick app.
Once you sign up, the app pays you in “kicks” for walking into certain stores (including Walmart, Target, TJMaxx and more). You can redeem them for gift cards to a number of retailers, including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Sephora and Best Buy.
It pays you even more kicks for photos of receipts that include qualifying items you purchased in-store with a connected credit or debit card. You can also earn kicks for online purchases. You don’t have to do anything; your linked cards will automatically apply your kicks.
But don’t make the mistake of buying things you don’t need just for kicks, you know better than that.
12. Winter Is Coming. Save Your Acorns
So, how’s your Android phone doing so far? It’s working great, isn’t it? That’s what I thought.
Now let’s step up your savings game. Whaddaya say?
Open a micro-investing account with Acorns. Once you connect it to a debit or credit card, it rounds your purchases up to the nearest dollar and funnels your digital change into a savings and investment account.
Because the money comes out in increments of less than $1, you’re less likely to feel the impact in your bank account. (You can also set it up so it doesn’t round up every single purchase.)
When you sign up, you get a free $5 to start investing.
13. Bank Smarter to Earn Money on Your Savings
There’s no law that requires you to bank the old-fashioned way — at a brick-and-mortar bank with a crummy interest rate on your savings.
It’s time to move your money into the 21st century. An iOS app called Varo Money combines traditional banking tools with modern technology to help its customers become financially healthy.
Here’s the best part: Pair your Bank Account with a Varo Savings Account where you’ll earn 2.10% annual percentage yield. That’s 35 times — repeat, 35 times — the average savings account, based on a 0.06% average reported by CNN Money.
Varo goes easy on the fees, too. As long as you use one of its 55,000 ATMs across the world, you’ll never pay fees.
Additionally, you’ll pay no monthly service fees, no minimum balance fees, no foreign transaction fees and no cash replacement fees. You’ll just pay any fees charged by out-of-network ATMs and cash deposit fees if you deposit cash in-store through Green Dot.
Disclosure: Clarity Money compensates us when you download the app using the links we provide.
Mike Brassfield ([email protected]) is a senior writer at The Penny Hoarder. He has owned both Android and Apple phones.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
The Penny Hoarder Promise: We provide accurate, reliable information. Here’s why you can trust us and how we make money.
13 Ways for Android Users to Bank Extra Cash This Week published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?..?
"Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?..?
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would my insurance cost if i an a new driver age 16 in CT without a car ( i just use my parents car)?
My parents are good drivers and have no real accident record and i havre no criminal record and get decent grades. my dad saqys rates would go up 1500 dollars is he being accuratge?
Why is it so hard to get health insurance with an autoimmune disease?
I have rheumatoid arthritis and can't seem to find affordable health insurance. Providers see huge red flags when I tell them this. Right now I get all my healthcare with the county of Los Angeles, which is huge relief, but at some point I may want to leave the Los Angeles area. I have no idea what kinds of health care programs other states have for the lower income people. I am surprised that health insurance companies can get away with avoiding people with certain diseases, unless they want to pay huge premiums. Can someone explain this to me?""
Can relative use Insurance to get car towed?
Hi everyone. Had some trouble with my car in that it broke down 30 miles from home. The insurance company ( Halifax but outsourced to green flag) have told me that it would cost 160 as it is outwith the 10 mile radius ! So i had it towed to a local garage who tell me it needs a new engine !! Bad luck this car. I have arranged for a company to buy it back home despite being non-runner, so question is can my mum use her insurance to get it towed 30 miles free of charge ? Possible problems being that she might have to be at the car or they won't tow to the car buyer. Help please.""
Car Insurance and Credit Cards?
In less than a year I'll be getting my own credit card and I'll have to have car insurance. I am trying to find the best credit card and car insurance for me so that I won't have to spend money and time later to change it. I am unsure what kind of credit card is best. I am going to try and will most likely succeed in having the best credit. What credit card do you suggest to a high school student who will go to college and to the armed forces. Also I want to know which car insurance offers the cheapest car insurance, I want one that offers rewards for students, safe driving, clean driving records. Any help will be much appreciated.""
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business?
does it cover theft and breakage?
Exactly when will I be covered for health insurance?
I just recently bought health insurance and I am soon to be covered end of this month (december). So, I made an appointment next month (january) for my pap smear. I'm just a little confused about the deductible and coverage rules. Even though I just got my insurance should I be covered for my appt. or will I be covered after I pay the deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. Thanks""
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need an affordable health insurance plan ASAP""
Roughly how much would my car insurance cost?
Hi, - I have had a full uk license for 1.5 years. - This is the first time I am insuring a car. - I am a full time student at university. - 20 years old - Live in Nottingham - Have a driveway - The car is a VW Polo, 54 plate, 1.2L petrol engine, 4 doors, no mods. - No previous convictions/claims etc. Any approximate figures and good insurance company suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.""
Is car insurance cheaper in Delaware the PA?
I am going to be moving from Pennsylvania to Delaware in the upcoming months. I will need to change my auto insurance and was wondering for anyone else that has made this move, is it cheaper to insure in Delaware(Wilmington) then in Pennsylvania(suburbs)?""
Whats the best auto insurance for new drivers?
Newly 20 year old and trying to be on her own and independent. Im currently under my grandparents insurance(GEICO). I believe i got a good deal with Nationwide which would be 274.00 a month with full coverage and rental... Im looking to buy a 2008 infinti G37 sports coupe for $26,000< so excited about it hopefully i get it. I just wanted to know what should i be looking for in auto insurance... i def. need full coverage because im going to be financing the car..Correct? but yeah what are some things should i look for. i would ask my family members but they are stubborn, when it comes to things like this... but thanks!!! :)""
""Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Best car insurance for an independent at age 19?
Best car insurance for an independent at age 19?
The best Car insurance for a 19 year old.?
What Car holds the cheapest car insurance rating for a 19 year old ( first car ) Living in the southport area ?
What would be the best option of the mortgage or life insurance in case of serious illness? ?
Also if two people are on the mortgage do they both need separate insurance or one will cover them both?
I need affordable and reliable health insurance. 23 yrs old.?
hi I am a 23 year old foreign student currently studying in the US in a student visa..I am thinking about getting an affordable health insurance that covers emergencies and any sudden diseases that might occur in future.. also may be a yearly doctor visit etc.. i do not need dental.. i just want to make sure i am covered in case of emergency.. i am just a student and do not have a stable job so i cant afford a lot.. i have heard about medicare and medicaid but they are not for foreign nationals.. i have also heard about blue cross blue shield i was thinking about going with them but what do you guys think?? and what should be the monthly price?? thank you in advance .. no advertisements or spam please!!
California New Driver Law penalty?
My son just got his drivers license in California. I'm trying to get him to understand the penalty of driving with other kids in the car, when he's not allowed to. Does anyone know the penalty for doing so? How much is the ticket, what it could do to his insurance, etc.? Thanks everyone""
Can someone tell me how much will cost insurance for my friends car just for driving test day?
Can someone tell me how much will cost insurance for my friends car just for driving test day?
Will my insurance cover all my mole removals?
I know my insurance covers mole removal, but I have quite a few on my face and neck that I want removed. I'm talking to a dermatologist next week. I was just curious if they would cover multiple at a time. I'm talking like 20-30.""
Do I need to buy additional car insurance when renting a car?
I have full coverage with State Farm but I wasn't sure if I had to purchase additional insurance when I rent the car or does my policy handle renting a car? I have full coverage right now and I will only need the car for the weekend.
Minor car accident (not at fault) - should I go to my insurance or small claims court?
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Last week I was involved in a minor car accident. I was at a stop light and the car behind me decided they could not wait and they tried to get by my car to make a left turn. They did not have enough room and scraped against my car with theirs. No one was hurt and no police were called. We pulled over and I got their name, phone number and address. They did not give me their insurance information and said they'd like to settle outside insurance because there are only scratches. I know it was stupid but I said okay. Also I do not have the license plate number of the car. I thought I wrote it down but I did not (I understand this is a big mistake on my behalf). We made contact over phone throughout the week and discussed repairs but suddenly they stopped answering my calls. I believe they are avoiding me. Now I am at a loss of what to do. Should I take this issue up with my insurance (at the risk of raising my premiums) or should I take this to small claims court? In either case I do not have the car's license plate so if it isn't their car will that be insufficient evidence to prove they are at fault (my word against theirs)? Thank you in advance for all your answers.""
""When someone dies, does the family get money from their life insurance?""
When someone dies, does the family get money from their life insurance?""
How would you haggle the best car insurance in this situation?
cheapest quote on comparison website:Admiral quotes, 919 apr 8.9% access of 750 Key Info: Car Vw Polo 1.4 1yrs no claims i do not want to pay no more than 500 accesss what I would like to know is the difference ways in how you would approach this matter, how would you haggle the insurance company to go cheaper and to how much would you be targeting from the price stated above.""
Buy a car + insurance?
Hi i live in Toronto and i was looking to buy a car, the thing is i just recently moved to Canada and have no experience of this stuff, i didn't own an auto mobile back home. I also don't have that many reliable and truly trust able friends that i can turn to for help, and no relatives. So i turn to yahoo answers in my time of need. I need to know what the process of buy a car is and when and how do i get insurance on my car, I just turned 18 and would like my own car. And do you guys gave any suggestions for first cars? any tips? all help is appreciated.""
Can a 16 year old get auto insurance without being under a parents name?
I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm buying my own car. My parents and i don't get along at all (stepfather hates me, mom isn't on my side). So can i get auto insurance without being under their name? Also, would it cost a lot more? I'm an honor roll student.""
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?..?
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?
Is this the best way to go about cheap car insurance at 17?
Get insured on my mother's car for a year then get my own when the insurance drops.
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance and only 3rd party i am aged 18?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance and only 3rd party i am aged 18?
Do You Have to Get Car Insurance....?
Do you have to get car insurance when you get you temporary permit at the age of 15.5. I am fifteen and I am getting my permit soon and i was wonderin if i had to get insurance. Just Wondering. Thanks Alot:>
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
Thinking Of Insurance For A Car Even Know Im 15.?
Hi There For Ages Now i have been looking for an insurance site that does not have an age restrictor on it Because i am thinking of my first car. I Know quite abit to do with insurance im not a noob e.g ( I Will not be insured on a Nissan Skyline Lol ) Anyway .. I Was just wonderin if any 1 had any sites they would just giv out a price and not ask for your age. I Want my first car to be aither: A Citroen Saxo 1.2 or 1.0L , A Vaxhaul Corsa B Or C 1.2 Or 1.4L Or A Pugeote 106 1.2 , or 1,4 < This 1 I really want The 1.4 Engine. If There Is no such insurance site without an age restrictor Could somebody tell me what price it would be for the 106 1.4 L As A New Driver Please . Thanks And Hope You Answer. :)""
Recommendations for car insurance (NO URLs)?
*** Don't give me links to comparison websites. SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I'm looking for low cost, quality car insurance. Something other than USAA. Any recommendations? Here are some facts about me: Full-time student with a B average or better Car - (2000) Infiniti G 20 Never had Car Insurance Before No accidents, tickets, or traffic violations in the past My car has anti-lock breaks Thanks""
Insurance rates increase after claims?
If I was in a car accident and it was my fault. My insurance rate will go up. But now if the person I hit claimed Diminished Value and Pain and Suffering would that raise my insurance rate even more since my insurance company is paying out more. Or how does all that work out? Thanks in advance!
Speeding ticket in D.C. (4 points) affecting Virginia driving record and insurance rate?
I received a speeding ticket (42 in a 25-mile/hour non-school zone; 4 points according to the D.C. DMV website) a week ago. I'm licensed in Virginia. I assume D.C. will notify the Virginia DMV and will trasfer the four negative points to my driving record. I haven't had a ticket since 2003 and currently have five positive points on my record. It is the maximum number of positive points allowed in Virginia. QUESTION 1: Will my State Farm insurance policy go up? Even if not, I will take a safe driver course to offset the four negative points. QUESTION 2: Do I want to wait until the four negative points post on my driving record before I take the course? Thank you in advance for taking the time to reply.""
What's the best type of health insurance for a pregnant woman?
Is it PPO, HMO, etc...""
Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?
I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.
Can I buy a car without car insurance?
Hi, I am trying to purchase myself a Mazda, but after I checked the car insurance quote offered by RBC and other companies, things get ridiculous-the quote calculated my insurance to be more than 5000 per year-that's much more than my car! I am 19 years old and this is my first car. I just got my 5N license in Halifax. I didnt take the drivers course, so can I get my car without insurance? Or can you guys recommend a low-price insurance company? Thanks for helping!""
Can a car insurance still charge me if there was no police report and the guy ask me for money to let me go?
I turned right in a street when I got hit on my rightdoor it got just a littledented.But the other cars leftside bumper,headlight,and side of where the tire is at did get kind of ...show more""
Where can i find long term and short term disability insurance for a diabetic?
i need a great insurance but yet inexpensive.
What are car insurance groups?
Im a provisional driver and ive seen a 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says the insurance is Group 3. So what exactly does that mean? And is that good considering it will be my first car that i will be driving around for quite a while? :)
What good are healthcare insurance brokers?
I called one two weeks ago & he was going to email me different quotes. He never bothered to, and so I called him & asked where they were. He said he forgot. Meanwhile I called another health care insurance broker & she too sent me some quotes. I attempted on line to apply for one, but there was a problem with the form allowing me to go further. I not only called the broker like she said I could if there was a problem, but I also emailed her about the problem. She didn't return my phone call, and as of yet has answered my email. It seems to me they must not want to make a commission, so is it just best to contact the health insurance companies on their own? In the past a broker was able to tell me if I would qualify if there would be a mark up above standard rates. Now they say just apply on line and see what happens. Everything has to be on line which always obviously doesn't work. So, what good are health insurance brokers? They need to just do away with them if they aren't going to work.""
Car insurance and tickets!! Help?
I live in Houston and I'm 18, I don't have a license. I was driving my dads car and got 3 tickets. One for driving 25 on a 20 mile school zone, one for no license and the other one for my name not being on the insurance. I'm working on getting my license Will my parents insurance go way way up if they add me to their insurance because of the tickets.""
What is the best student accident insurance?
What is the best student accident insurance plan for Kinder level in Pennsylvania?
How much is the insurance on a 2010 Mazda?
Im turning 16 soon and im looking for a car. im thinking about a 2010 Mazda 3, 4 door. just looking for how much the insurance will be monthly...rough estimate is good""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much do you think insurance will cost my dad for me When i turn 16 in a couple months i am either getting an Audi a4 convertible Honda pilot Ford explorer How much will insurance be for them which car would you pick
Question regarding auto mobile insurance company policy?
so i just got with a new insurance company about 2 months ago. Would the insurance company accept a claim and cover all the expenses of a car accident if they didnt withdraw their monthly fee yet, but then i did received their pink slip of the policy number and everything?""
Car insurance question for military...?
We are in the military so the rules are a little different for us. For example, even though we just moved to TX, we can renew our tags in NC where we just came from... we don't have to change them to TX. We are going to renew our tags in NC which means our car will still be registered in NC... and we still have NC car insurance. If we get in an accident here, will having insurance in NC be a problem? Everything is registered in NC so we want to keep our NC insurance... or do we have to switch to TX?""
Want better insurance coverage??
It looks like that because of the conflicting passages in the ACA that you just might be able to qualify for better coverage by renouncing your American citizenship. http://blog.heritage.org/2013/11/27/obamacare-undermines-american-values/
Auto Insurance question?
Car hood popped open while driving (apparently was not closed properly when I closed it last) . Damage to windshield and dents on hood. I have a ridiculously high deductible for going to pay myself for the repair. My only question is: I get free windshield replacement thru my auto insurance (no deductible). Is it possible to get just the windshield replaced by them and I take care of the rest? Or are they going to want me to go through them for the whole damage (hood) when I call them for the windshield? Thanks.
On average how much would a body kit raise insurance?
Like on a mustang! Thank you for your time and may God bless you :)<3
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?..?
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?
I need affordable health insurance and can't find any anywhere.?
I need affordable health insurance and can't find any anywhere.?
What is the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance for Senior Citizen?
My elderly neighbor has had her homeowners insurance cancelled because she couldnt afford to pay it. She is on a fixed income and her children do not help in any way. She owns her home but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. her mortage company says that if she doesnt take out her own insurance then they will purchase it for her at a cost of 2100.00 per year. This is way too much for a Senior citizen. i got a quote for her from progressive for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper alternatives?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
I live on my own, I'm a full time college student, I have a part time job, I am female,and I make good grades. I want the cheapest insurance legally possible.""
Will the color of an automobile effect the cost of insurance?
Will the color of an automobile effect the cost of insurance?
Where can I get affordable child only insurance in Virginia?
We had Virginia FAMIS but they took it away after my husband got a new job. Though he does make more money now there is no way I can pay 200$ a month for my son to be added to the company health insurance! I work, but they take out 340$ a month for child care out of my check! Why doesn't FAMIS consider things like this? Anyway it seems everywhere I check for child only insurance it doesn't seem to exist. They want you to have a parent on the policy as well, and I really don't have money for that!""
Any suggestions on how to lower my car insurance?
I'm an 18 year old female driver, and about a month ago I got into a bad car accident due to a malfunction. When this occurred, the insurance and everything else was under my dad's name. Now that I bought a new car, my dad wants everything to be under my name because he doesn't want to get screwed over with high insurance and such, but the quote I got from Travelers (which was the insurance my dad was under)was around $800 a month, to insure my 2007 Honda civic, and my job doesn't pay enough to afford that. And I have other monthly bills to pay as well. Any suggestions on what I could do? Or what insurance company to switch too? Any helpful information is appreciated!""
""Brother got speeding ticket in my car, does my insurance for my car go up?""
so i let my brother drive my car, and he's a pretty safe driver, however he got caught doing 69 mph on a 55 mph in north carolina. i understand that he will have to pay a fine/get points on his license. will the insurance on my car be affected? my brother is actually not listed as one of the drivers in the insurance (my mom and i are listed as the main drivers- both of which have never gotten a ticket/motor offense).""
Whats the best way to get the best insurance rates for car and home?
Whats the best way to get the best insurance rates for car and home? I have a 25,000 truck from 2010 that I'm paying 1500 a year for and a house which I'm paying 1400 a year for. I live in Colorado. I bought my first house this year and I'm thinking that I'm paying way to much for my house and truck? I'm thinking of going to an insurance agent although i'm not sure how to source a good one. Another big problem is I never have access to my service so I have a really hard time comparing policies. Anyone have any insight as to how I can get better control of this situation?""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I've looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does anyone know any insurance company/comparison websites that are good? Preferably recommend ones you have used yourself. Thanks""
My insurance premium has doubled.how can they do this!(ireland)?
I put in a small claim of 600 year last year.I am full comp for four years.I have a full licence.I am a lady driver.I havent moved house.My claim is settled.some insurance companies has refused to quote me.they say it is not in there policy to do so.They wont give me this in writing as this is not there policy either.At the time of the claim i was told verbaly that my insurance would not go up more than 150 euros.
Usaa car insurance rates?
Hey guys! I was wondering if you could answer my question about the usaa car insurance rate for a 2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe for a 18 female driver. Thank you! :)
First time Car Owner Getting Insurance?
I'm a college student, not living with my parents, which means I will need to start my own parents. and I'm looking to buy my first car, which might be an out-of-state title. Say I eventually, locked on a deal. The question is: Do I have to buy insurance before paying for the car. But then how does the insurance company assess the quote since I haven't had a car yet. Do I just tell them the make and year of the car I'm Going to buy for sure or how does it work? What if I bought the insurance, but the deal didn't work out, and I have to choose other car/ make/ year? Or, can I get it insured soon After I make the purchase? If so, what happens between I picked up it from the seller and driving it to get it insured. Do I get screw if I had an accident during this time. I probably sound pretty stupid by now.. but dude help me out here.""
Learner driver insurance.?
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any companies that offer cheap learner driver insurance. One of my friends are going to be giving me lessons but I cant find any companies that offer insurance for me in their car that is like less that 60 a month! any ideas anyone?""
How much will my Car insurance go up?
I hit a car in Los Angeles and I have State Farm. The guy I hit drives a range rover and all I did was scratch his driver's side door. The body shop wants $1200 to repaint the door, which I think is insane. I would pay cash, but $1200 is a lot of money. Does State Farm have accident forgiveness, or will my premium go up if I claim this on my insurance?""
Car Insurance Question...?
I'm currently 17, 1 month until Im 18...and Im insured under my moms vehicle and my vehicle as well (under my moms insurance), I drive my dad's car once in a while and am not under his insurance. Do I have to be under his insurance in addition to my moms? My parents are divorced and I live in Michigan.""
""Do you think that the government ought to put a cap on car insurance ,and the prices they charge since its law""
car insurance is at rediculous rates. government says everyone has to have it , and insurance companies are making it almost impossible to afford. I have a wife and 2 kids we have to have 2 vehicles. but i can't afford the insurance on either one of them. now i'm breaking a law. what does anyone else think.""
Is there insurance you can get that will cover pregnancy?
I just found out that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance and I make to much for State covered insurance. Is there an insurance company out there that covers pregnancy now?
Is there a car insurance company that only ask if you have any convictions within the last 3 yrs instead of 5?
Is there a car insurance company that only ask if you have any convictions within the last 3 yrs instead of 5?
Where can I get cheap bike insurance?
I'm having trouble getting a decent quote for my ZX7R, due to my no claims being void becase I haven't ridden for 4 years. Can you help?""
Can I save money on insurance?
If I get hired as a Medical Assistant, can I use that to my advantage on car insurance and get a discount? I am currently in sales and might get a job offer as a Medical Assistant here soon. I am graduated from an accredited program and have my Certification. Thanks, for your time!""
Motorcycle insurance full coverage!?
how much will it cost me? im 18 and im going to take the MSF course...my bike is a honda cbr 600rr 2005 i could i put my dad under my motorcycle? he is 50 and no tickets he had his m1 for like 10yrs but not no more i live in pomona,california 91766""
Private health insurance plan needed?
I was layed off and need to enroll into a health insurance plan. My Cobra is going to be 700 just for me alone. I really need to have insurance but that's sooo expensive any hints or help is very much appreciated.
I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance?
I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance?
Mortgage Life insurance or regular Life insurance?
My husband and I got information on Mortgage Life Insurance which basically is kind of like Life Insurance I guess and pays off your mortgage if someone dies. For example, our house is $180,000 and I die in 10 years and the mortgage balance is $80,000 then my husband still gets the original $180,000. He can use this to pay off the mortgage plus have money left over and use for whatever. This sounds like a great deal to get but I want to get other people's opinions who know information on this. It is called Forester Mortgage life insurance. Also, what is the difference between this and regular life insurance? Is regular life insurance better? Thanks!""
Cat c car do i need to inform the insurance company?
when buying a cat c car does it affect the insurance and should i inform the insurance it was bought as a cat c ?
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?..?
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?
How much does company car insurance cost for your personal car?
If i was to take out insurance for my car to cover it for company use how much does this usually cost??? i guess every car/individual is different but on average whats the usual cost??? thanks
Car insurance for a new driver?
i want to buy a small car, but im worried that the insurance will be expensive what company sell cheap insurance? how much about did you pay? i want a small car, like a 1 litre engine thank you""
Classic car insurance for non-garaged car?
Anyone know of a company that will cover my cars if they are in a carport instead of a garage? Hagerty says no, anyone have any suggestions? I live in So. Cal so it would cost me half a million dollars to get a home with garage.""
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
Why are NYS auto insurance rates so high?
I live in NYC, and have taken over my late Dad's auto insurance. I was looking up quotes from other insurance companies (currently have Geico), and all the quotes are the same as I pay now, or more. My own license is clean, no accidents, violations, tickets, etc. I just want to know why NYS auto insurance rates are so high?""
It is good to Invest in LIfe Insurance than a Bank?
Life Insurance cover -Accident insurance -Death Insurance -Hospital Insurance -and they say you can retrieve the money that you've deposit if you don't like to continue with a good interest. anyway the life insurance that i talk to is sunlife flexilink, they say it is good to invest unlike in a bank please give me an advice, thanks""
Any Nationwide users know how much will their insurance cost monthly?
Hi I am 16 and was wondering how much would Nationwide insurance would cost. My parents said they were going to enlist my name under their insurance, however I will have to pay for the insurance for my car. They are going to take the car notes, and I am stuck with insurance and gas. I just turned 16 and need a car. So any Nationwide users how much would that Cost me so I can Expect a General price? Also I make $50 a week.""
Health Insurance Company?
What is the best health insurance company in United States?
HELP whats the Cheapest place to ge car insurance in ontario?
im a 18 male just got my g1 not to long ago, i have had/drove cars be4 But i am not doin the driving school thing as i dnt have $500 to Blow! so im just gonna wait the 12months to get my g2 (so ill be 19 goin on 20 when i have my g2), i just started saving for a car tht i plan on puttin on the road after i have my g2 (i can get cars for a fair price so im not worried about tht), but where can i get cheaap Car insurance in Belleviille Ontario?, as i dnt make alot of money right no and nobody else n my family has a license lmao so i cant go under their insurance. and i did a online thing sayin i had a 99 z24 nd it said ill have to pay $1013 a month wht is wayy to much money!! and i have already had a 96 cavailer, 93 mx6 (but i drove em with no license or anything) but now i either wana get a honda civic, sunfire, neon, mx3 or acura, 95 and up""
How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl driving a red 1998 corvette convertible?
I am a very responsible driver and I DO NOT speed. I always wanted a corvette and it would really help me out if someone would be able to tell me how much the insurance is. I heard the prices can range really high, but being a student on the high honor roll would that help me out? I am over a 4.0 gpa with honors classes. Btw I live in Illinois. Would it be over $100 dollars a month. I am very confused. please help me..""
Can i insure my car under my dads name?
so im an 18 year old boy right now i drive my dads old car under his insurance, and the registration is in his name, and thats all fine and everything. however my mom is renewing her drivers license soon (she had an accident that didnt allow her to drive for a few years) so my dad is giving her the mini van back and obviously, taking his car back. luckily, i have been anticipating this happening, as all good things must come to an end, and have saved up for a car of my own. i found one, and i went to get an insurance quote and found it was near $90 a month under my name. I put in the same coverage but with my dads information this time and got a quote of $30 a month for the same car. (because apparently 18 year old boys are dangerous drivers or something?) any way, what i am wondering is can i buy the car, and get it registered in my name, but have the insurance covered under my dads name? or should i just give my dad the money for the car and have him buy it and put it in his name and under his insurance but i just drive it, much like what we do now?""
Can Hit and Run increase my insurance rate?
I parked my car on the street and found on the next morning that it was hit. If I report this to the insurance company, will my premium get increased? It wasnt really my fault that somebody hit me. I have a perfect driving records and no accidents in the past 6 years.""
I want to buy a moped in california?
I want to buy a moped under 50cc in california, and I am 15 with a drivers permit. Do i need a license to ride a moped under 50cc? Also, would i need insurance, or a license?""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?
In Canada not US
How much is Auto Insurance in Italy?
Hi, im going to be moving to italy with my wife and child to stay there for four years so i will be purchasing a vehicle to get around with, im planning on a car but i want to find out a little more of how much it can cost for insurance on autos over there, both for cars and motorcycles, if its cheaper for motorcycle i will probably just get one car for my wife and get a motorcycle for myself. Any information will be helpful and thanks ahead of time""
Add another driver on Hastings car insurance?
hello we are currently trying to add another driver onto the car insurance (with Hastings Direct) is there any way to do it via their website does anyone know? they make it very clear how to draw in the new customers and get a quote but not much else! thankyou :)
Maternity insurance in North Carolina is it worth it?
My husband and I want to have another baby. I had to have an emergency c-section with the first baby and my doctor told me if I had another baby I would have to have another c-section. I had Medicaid with the first child, and I am not sure of those cost for that baby. I have a basic individual insurance plan now. I do not qualify for my employer's health plan because I am a casual staff worker. So my question is would it be worth spending the extra for maternity insurance or better to ask for a payment plan at the doctor's office and hospital? I would be seeing a doctor in Greenville, NC.""
How much wil I have to pay the first time wen I go set up my car insurance?
Ima buy a used car this week for about 2 thousand. Nd I wanna go put insurance on it but how much will I have to pay wen I go.
Cheapest Sport Motorcycle to insure?
What is the cheapest sportbike to insure??? I have a Suzuki GS500E right now but want to upgrade and don't want to pay GSXR type insurance.
Did you know 62 percent of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. 78% of which had insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat in this article and was shocked. Let me know what your opinion on the stat and article. And as always, please be respectful whether you agree or disagree. Thanks!""
Will this up my car insurance?
If I buy a normal Volkswagen MKV Golf, and get a new bumper fitted and put some black alloys on it, will it up the insurance by much? I'm not trying to 'chav' it up, I simply want more of an R32/Jetta bumper and grille. I also want to have the interior retrimmed in white leather, how much would this up the insurance by? Thank you :)""
Is there a cheap insurance company for teen driver?
My mom cant drive... so she doesnt know much about insurance. Im about to get my license and I was wondering if there's a type of insurance that is cheap and not too pricey... specially with a mom who doesn't have a high paying job?!?! I live in Texas if that helps
""Affordable Medical Insurance plan in Boston, Ma?""
Hi, My finance has not had Medical Insurance for the past year because it is so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know any agencies that provide Medical Insurance at an affordable cost..We've tried Free care already and we didnt gualify. Thank You""
Website to talk to a car insurance agent?
Okay do you people know the site where you can like instant message a car insurance agent? I forgot wut the site was called. My parents need it.
Car insurance for young driver?
I was wandering if I bought insurance for a car that I own on a provisional, drove it about on the provisional for a bit, then passed my test and told the insurance company that I had done so, would it shoot up to the 5,000/6,000 quotes I've been getting or would it not rise as high because I was with them on a provisional? also any general tips on knocking down the price, it's just ridiculous, it's for a 5 door fiat punto! thanks in advance :)""
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?..?
Average auto insurance rate for a sixteen year old in MI?
0 notes
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
"Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best life insurance for seniors?
age 53, will retire in 2010 - federal employee""
What is a good price for a 2007 SV650s?
I am looking to buy an SV650S. So far this decisions has been been placed on price, insurance cost, easability in riding (based on what I have reasearched), and overall looks. Once I get to the dealership it will get my final approval based on the feel when I actually get on it. But assuming that I still love the feel of the bike, how do I begin the haggling process. This is the first bike for me and I don't want to be taken advantage of. Currently near where I live, Los Angeles area, one is being adverticed as a new 2007 for $6199 OTD. Could this really be an out the door price? Can I haggle on an OTD price? Am i only allowed to touch and sit on the bike at the dealership? Could I ask them to throw in gear in the deal such as a jacket or a helmet or something?""
What the best life insurance for a 23 year old female?
i want what best so when something happen to me my girls has the money to buried me nice. I want something that don't go away in 30 years and i half to get another policy. ...show more
Why are people comparing mandated health insurance to car insurance?
You are not forced to buy car insurance if you don't have a car. You have the right to not own a car. So why can't we have the right to not have health insurance??
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old to have?
So I'm 17 and just got my drivers lisence! Woo! I'm trying to find what the cheapest car to have is? Like to buy, insurance and maintaining all together of you get me?""
Car insurance after customization?
If I put a body kit, new wheels, etc... onto my car will it affect insurance? Do I need to let them know? Before? What about the warranty, I have bumper to bumper warranty.""
How do I get affordable insurance after dui non-conviction?
State farm is canceling my auto insurance after a company called ChoicePoint inc. reported info. from the DMV about reinstatement of license, Chemical test modification and Chemical test revocation. I was arrested for a first offense and plea bargained to jump though all the hoops, pay all fines in order for it not to result in a conviction. Are there any insurance companies out there that do not purchase info. from ChoicePoint?""
Can a person get insurance on a car when the tag is in someones name?
can a person get insurance on a car if the tag is in someones elses name?
How much would my car insurance cost?
If i were to leave my parents insurance plan, how much would it cost me for insurance per year or month? I am 18 years old with no accident records, no criminal records, and a drivers ed discount. My car is a 1997 Plymouth Breeze with 150k miles and its red. I still live at home. If someone is in the same kind of situation can I just get an estimate...I think this covers everything that effects car insurance for college students, and I don't have a good grade discount. Oh yeah, I am on Liberty Mutual insurance under my fathers plan.""
Car Insurance : Average price for 40yr old female first time driver?
Just passed test. Quotes vary wildly online. Not bought a car yet. Looking at Nissan Micra's. What kind of prices should I be looking at?
Affordable dental insurance in Michigan?
I live in Saginaw Michigan and I am looking for affordable dental insurance. Any good leads?
A renewal company for home insurance?
We've had three claims in 12 years with our insurance company and the company has put us in nonrenewal mode....is there an online company that will handle our insurance... home insurance....?
Can I get insurance and buy a car using Irish drivers license living in New York?
I will eventually sit the test and get a NY drivers license, but in the meantime can I buy a car and get insurance based on my wholly clean Irish driving licence?""
Walmart $4 prescription list....only with insurance?
Are the awesome 4 dollar prescriptions only when you have insurance? I don't have insurance, can I get my regular 4 dollar script for still 4 dollars?""
What's the average insurance coast monthly for a Lambo convertible?
What's the average insurance coast monthly for a Lambo convertible?
Has anyone from Florida had any experience with Tower Hill homeowners insurance?
We're insurance shopping after we found out State Farm is charging us WAY too much. Tower Hill has given a great quote but I can't seem to find one their customers to talk to. Has anyone dealt with them?
I had no car insurance.....?
and my husband was in an accident.. His fault, he rear-ended her. We payed he deductible, and now her insurance company is trying to come after us for the damages. Can they do this? I thought that was why they paid for insurance. If I would have had insurance, they would have only paid her deductible. I also got a signed statement from the other vehicle owner accepting the money for the deductible and settlement.""
Do you need to have car insurance of your own to rent a car?
I don't have a car right now so I don't have insurance, will I need to get insurance to rent a car? In Canada""
Affordable health insurance in Georgia?
We're moving to Georgia (currently live in Europe) and my hubby's company has crappy insurance. It's free for him, but for me and my infant it'll cost almost $700 per month! That's just ridiculous! Are there any Georgia residents out there who pay their own insurance and would suggest their insurance company? I'm 32, a stay-at-home mom, and my son is 9 months. PLEASE don't answer that I should go back to work and get insurance there - Our plan is for me to stay at home until our son is old enough to go to school, and then I'll go back to work. Thanks in advance for all educated and serious answers!""
Insurance when renting a car? Waste of $$?
I'm 22 yrs old, renting a car from enterprise in 5 wks. On a budget and trying to cut costs, was wondering if the insurance they offer is really necessary, or just a waste of money. I currently have progressive insurance on my vehicle. Can I add this rental to my insurance for a cheaper rate? Or is insurance even an absolute MUST. Realistically, how often is it actually used? Any answers would help! 10 pts""
Is there any way to get cheap car insurance for a 17 year old who received a drink driving ban at 16?
im 17, live in the UK and received a DR10 driving conviction (drink driving) at the age of 16 riding a moped, i was banned for 12 months and i was wondering if there is any way at all i can get cheap insurance for a car? this would be my first car, i've done quotes on comparing sites such as 'www.comparethemarket.com'. Please no stupid answers telling me im an idiot for drink driving, i know what ive done and i know im stupid for it, can anyone help me? decent answers appreciated :)""
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
Do I need car insurance with a drivers permit?
I'm 15, just got my permit, do I need car insurance? If so, then why did my parents have to sign for responsibility? Wouldn't that just put it on their insurance?""
Looking for car insurance?
what do u use? Wat advice can u give me about it? All a Wat insurance do u use? Wat advice can u give me about it?
Massachusetts Health insurance?
Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
HELP PLEASE?What is the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required?
A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. $100,000""
Pregnant: no insurance?
i just found out that i'm pregnant. it was a surprise. i don't have insurance. what can i do? i am over qualified for medicaid, barely. my husband is a police officer. to give birth at the hospital it will cost $7180. i called maternity card but they are very expensive and my doctor already said he doesn't deal with them. does anyone have any solutions? i really need an answer. thanks! Additional Details just because my baby is a surprise doesn't mean it's not wanted. an abortion is never an option. it's too late to get insurance because pregnancy is a pre existing condition. i'll try medicaid again. i know i'm not an illegal alien but surely being an american citizen i should be entitled to something.""
Health insurance?
i love in ma and its a law that you need to have health insurance,i dont have it,so what are they goin to do?""
""Young motorcycle riders, how much is your insurance?
Im wondering how much insurance will be for a 19 year old for a 08' R1...im thinking about financing one but of course you cant have it without insurance..i would like to know about other riders and their insurances...and which one would be the cheapest for me..
Do you need boating insurance in California?
Do you need boating insurance in California?
Do you have to pay insurance for the driver or the car?
my friends keeps telling me her parents wont let her get he license because it is 2,000 dollars a year to have a licence, for like insurance. Don't you only have to pay for a car? like if she was to not own a car and just borrow her parents when needed would she still have to pay insurance? I am so confused haha""
Need Cheap Medical Health Insurance?
Hello, could anybody recommend me a site for cheap medical health insurance.I know many sites, but their offers are too expensive.""
Which is cheaper to insure a car?
I'm going to get a car for college, but I just need some information. My parents have AAA. Would it be cheaper to add the car onto their insurance (and pay them), or start my own insurance account with a different company?""
Car wreck and insurance?
Today I was in car wreck. I was in a parking lot going straight and the other driver turned left in to my car. She has dented the whole left side of my car. I called the police but because it was in a parking lot they could not do much. An officer showed up because she refused to give me her proof insurance. The officer said she was clearly at fault but could not cite her because of the private property thing. My question is does anyone know or have any idea how this will play out with her insurance? My car has a lot of damage and i'm in a lot of pain. I won't be able to go to the doctor/hospital until tomorrow because I won't have the money for a co-pay until then. The officer was very nice, he sided with me put all the blame on her, she claimed it was an accident when she clearly just didn't stop before making a left into my car, I thought she was going to stop and I tried to avoid her but she was going to fast. We both have insurance and we're in Arizona if that helps. If you have any advice for insurance or anything it would be much appreciated, thank you for your time""
The Best Health Insurance ..?
Hi there folks, I am new in this health insurance business and we are shopping for one. We live in Texas. Im looking for a plan for me and my wife. What's the best plan you guys have that affordable plan with the best coverage for 2 people.What do you have and what would you recommend? And whats the best health insurance plan that is affordable and also covers pregnancy? Please do let us know , I would really appreciate your responses. Camry Lover""
How am i meant to afford car insurance?
OK, Im working at island, earning minimum wage. Im at uni and Ive got to pay out 330 every term to pay my train ticket. Lucky Im staying at home so I dont have any rent. Nor am I going out drink anymore. Im looking to buy a car, to get around, get to work easier etc. How I cant see any way for me to afford this. My parents wont help, saying no one helped them. This is understandable as they are keeping me for free, although i clean the house as rent. Im just wondering if anyone knows anyway I can get insurance cheaper (I have pass plus). I just dont really want to get a loan for a car and insurance.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for bad drivers?
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for bad drivers?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
Motorcycle insurance cost?
thinking about getting a motorcycle and wanted to get an idea of how much the insurance would cost. thinking about either a 2000 rebel or an 06 ninja 250. just want an idea of what to expect.
Is my car legal to drive in California?
I bought a '79 El Camino in Oregon this past summer. They don't have any smog laws there, but in California they do. It hasn't passed a smog test because it needs a catalytic converter, and I can't afford that now. The tags don't expire until March, the car is registered to me, and I have insurance. And it still has the Oregon plates.""
Insurance regulations?
does the commissioner of insurance have the authority to govern foreign producers/ foreign companies. these are business entities that sell insurance in there state but there home office is in another?
How exactly will the small business I work for be affected at all by the health care bill?
I work for a small business that employs around 15 people. The owner purchases insurance for all the employees. I keep hearing opponents say that this bill is going to hurt small businesses, but I don't see how it would hurt the one I am employed by. My company already purchases insurance, and even if it didn't, we don't have the 50 or more employees required for the government mandate to purchase insurance to apply to us. Therefore, it seems like everything will remain the same for us. If someone out there can offer me any insight as to how my company will be negatively affected by this bill, please come forward.""
How can I get affordable health insurance because of obama care?
I work but i have 2 kids to support and I Make Minimum Wage.. plus rent and bills.. Does anyone have any suggestions about how i could possibly get health care or what will happen if I just simply cant afford it? And no smart *** remarks like get a better paying job. Jobs are hard to find where I Live and i am making it with what i have. But obama forcing us to have health insurance is making me wonder what Options i have. Medicare? or some kind of afforable health insurance? would love to hear people who are in the same boat i am. and any POSITIVE Suggestion would be helpful. Thanks
Car Insurance question reguarding the color of the car?
I wanted to know if buying a red or black car will make you car insurance go up? or will it make it higher? Im looking in to buying a red car and lots of people are tell me that if i buy a red car that my insurance will go up. Is this true? like what it the percentage of this? Can some one explain this theory to me?
Is it possible transfer the auto insurance?
I would like to buy a old car and is it possible to transfer the excisting insurance to my name,I am living in MA USA""
Where can I find cheap auto insurance?
I will be looking soon for auto insurance for my first car. I have bad credit, no driving record(I am just about to get my license within the next couple months), and am 26. Where can I find an insurance company with an affordable premium?""
Need health insurance for my friend mother please read details..?
my friend mother is 66 years old she is a green card holder she is not working and never worked in the usa she had stroke two years ago while she is in her home country she is in usa now but she can't walk so she need physical therapy do you know affordable health plan for her she is not working her son and daughter live in wisconsin and connecticut?
Legal question about car insurance.?
My son was at a party, an aquaintance asked for his car keys to get some drink out of the boot. He then stole the car and crashed it. Only a provisional licence. The car, which is a company car, is a right off. The insurance company are saying that they may not pay out. Who ultimately is responsible.""
""How much will it cost for liability insurance for property maintenance, residential construction and masonry?""
I have just registered my business. This business specializes in residential property maintenance, residential construction and residential masonry. I would like to know approximately how much I will need to put down for liability insurance that would cover me if anything was to go wrong. I have no employee's and no vehicles to add on. I want to only be covered for liability. Thank you very much and I hope to have a better understanding on this matter soon thanks to you!""
Best health insurance in Texas?
Best health insurance in Texas?
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
Health Insurance: How Much Will COBRA cost me?
I'm not one who likes working for others, and I'm getting enrolled in my company's health insurance. It's only for me, and they'll wind up deducting like $160 per month from my paycheck. I'm looking to leave as soon as I can, but if I choose to maintain the insurance through COBRA, will it be close to around the $160 or is it likely to be much higher, like $300 or more? Is there any way I can find out at this time?""
Car Insurance Claim Help?
Car Insurance Claim Help? On the 4/7/2011 I was at a set of traffic lights that was (RED) of my way to the shops. As the lights went green I begin to move off slowly as I did another car came from the left of me and tried to turn right as he speed up he crashed into the drivers side of the car. He clearly jumped a red light (Clearly Seen on CCTV). I was in total shock at the time! After he crashed into my car he went to drive off by reversing, I jumped out of my car to stood in his was so he could not drive off the witness behind me called the police while I was stopping his from driving off he started to drive forwards trying to me me out the way. After the driver spoke to the police on the phone, he then gave me his Name, Phone number and Insurance information. The next day I called my insurance company they was vary helpful and I believe the clam would be settled in my favor as I had CCTV of the crash as I had a camera inside of my car and a witness that was behind my car at the time of the crash. After nearly 4Months I have now revived a letter stating that the claim has been closed on a Without Prejudice Basis. When I contacted Aviva to see what the 3rd party has not accepted full liability they said it was dealt with like this as the 3rd party who crashed into me was not responding to and calls or letters that have send him. Aviva did not asked to see the CCTV of the crash and did not take into account the witness statement. WHAT CAN I DOOO??""
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
Estimated costs for restaurant insurance?
I am working on a business plan for school and need to know what types of insurance an upscale restaurant in Chattanooga, TN would need. Approx. 15 workers, alcohol will be served, and there is outdoor seating. I am having trouble getting any idea of how much this will cost because the online insurance quotes require quite a bit of information, which I don't have because this is not a real business. Any info will help. Thanks!""
How much would 6 points on your licence affect your car insurance?
I have just received 3 points and 3 points i have from a couple of years ago.how much will my insurance go up,now i ahve another 3. Please no smart *** answers like well u shouldnt speed ect.. just a straight answer please..thanks xxx Thanks you xx""
Driver's Test Insurance?
Im going to take the driver's test next month but have no insurance. The car is under my dad's name and is insured under his name. Can I use his car and insurance for the test or do I have to get my own insurance for it?
Should i keep my health insurance?
I make 30,000 a year for a family of 4. I have an 80/20 High deductible health plan with a deductible of 10k, that costs about $4,000 a year. My yearly health expenses are about $1,200. Should I keep my current insurance or apply for medicaid where only my children would be covered? I don't have any extra money to put in a health savings account.""
Which company provide online health insurance?
I want to buy health insurance online without any agent. Will you please suggest me the best online health insurance plan? Thanks in Advance
Can friend get insurance on car in my name?
I gave a friend of mine a car that was my Mother's after she passed away. The title has my name on it however the credit union will not release it because there was still some money owed. Anyway since he drives the car I was told that I had to get insurance on it being in my name and just put him down as a driver. Is this true? Can he get his own insurance on the car? I am worried if he would get in an accident it would raise my premiums.
Is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?
i know how to drive, but my mom is worried abbout the price, is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?""
Can you have auto insurance without a car?
I recently had my car repossessed and with the amount the finance company was asking I could not afford to get it back. I am wanting to know if you can have insurance without having a vehicle listed on the policy? I occasionally drive my partners vehicle and I need to have insurance and I do not want to terminate my current policy I am with Nationwide Insurance
I do not have auto insurance and my license is suspended (child support). I live in California?
Is the other driver still responsible to pay for damages to my car? He has insurance. What do I do first? Thank you for your help
Can a person get insurance on a car when the tag is in someones name?
can a person get insurance on a car if the tag is in someones elses name?
How much would car insurance cost an international student in Winnipeg?
I just got my license from my country. I am going to winnipeg in August I will be attending winnipeg university and I need a car. How much would insurance cost for an international student with the least rates and coverages?
Car insurance any idea's ? !! :@?
Heyy people Just so anoyed i spent about 800 on driving lessons and test etc.. Now iv passed well about 6 months ago! I would really love a car as i have to get 4 buses a day to college costing about 8pd! I can afford to buy the car the mot and petrol and other little costs apart from the major issue of insurance the cheepest iv found is 1,900 and that was on a 1ltr 02 corsa i simply carnt afford the insurance its so stuipid i am the most cautious carfull driver im a 19 female why are all yound people judged on bad boys with their sportyed up cars that drive like dicks and make the rest of us suffer! Does anyone have any idea's as to how i can find cheep insurance :( ??""
Recommended Car Insurance Coverage?
I'm 18 years old and have to buy car insurance for the firsr time on my one. I don't know what level of insurance to get... what's the recommended car insurance coverage amounts?
""I am from New Zealand, temporarily working in Canada for six months. How do I get car insurance to drive here""
I am from New Zealand, temporarily working in Canada for six months. How do I get car insurance to drive here""
How much does it cost for car insurance for an 18 year old male at insautoinsurance?
How much does it cost for car insurance for an 18 year old male at insautoinsurance?
How much i will paid from insurance Vauxhall Astra DR5 1.4 1995 year and where is the cheaper??
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 made in 1995 year.I am looking from something cheap but good.
When does health insurance expire when you move out of state?
Suppose you have health insurance in New York, and you plan to move to California. Before the actual move, you drive a vehicle across country, get a California license, register your vehicle, and register to vote. Then you fly back to New York for four months. You go to the doctor, and your NY insurance pays up. But then you get a letter from the insurance company, sent to the CA address but forwarded to NY, saying they heard you'd moved, so your insurance will be cancelled. You write back, telling them their information is premature, and that you'll change insurance when you complete the move. After four months, you complete the move to CA, and two days after your arrival, you start feeling woozy -- feverish with occasional headaches -- requiring bed rest and lots of fluids. If this doesn't clear up in a day or two, you'll want to see a doctor. Will you be covered by the NY insurance, given that you haven't had time yet to get CA insurance?""
22 y/o and have Cystic Fibrosis its a genetic disease (debilitating lung disease) Eventually kills you, supposedly by age 38 yeah yeah i know. right now i'm on Disability because i need Medicare and Medicaid to cover my expenses. And unable to work do to health conditions at the moment. BUT i want to work when i am able, and i do have my associates and want to obtain my bachelors degree. WHAT JOB (probably for the Union or Governemnt) can i get that has GOOD health Insurance that will not strain my health. ( I cannot work in medical field due too freq. lung infections) My Yearly Bills add up to at a minimun $50,000 and if i go in the hospital several times a year over $100,000.. also have monthly bills for antibiotics, and hospital and doctor visits, testing ECT. If i ever get or need a double lung transplant that costs over $500,000 and i need the medical to pay for it when that day arrives. I DO NOT want sympathy i need people to understand my condition and can point me in the right direction. I hate taking peoples hard earned cash, and i will not do it when i don't need to. I am not on my death bed yet and do not need to be on it the rest of my life.""
Will my insurance go up due to points on my license?
I am a 22 year old male. Was cited for going 25.5 miles over the speed limit on a freeway. Plead guilty. And 4 points were assessed on my license. This is the first time any points have been on my license. My question is will my insurance go up do to this and if so how much could I expect? Thanks Also, if anyone knows of anything I can do to keep my insurance from going up, please let me know.""
I am trying to show proof that I did have car insurance in 2009 but cant remember what insurence company I had?
does anyone know how to get past records of car insurance but dont remember what company I had
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deducatable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
What cars have the best insurance rates?
What cars have the best insurance rates?
""Can I get my car towed home, from a car lot without insurance? Or can I keep it there until I get insurance?""
Can I get my car towed home, from a car lot without insurance? Or can I keep it there until I get insurance?""
My insurer wants to charge me a lot for canceling my insurance?
My insurance company (Kwik Fit) tell me that if I cancel my insurance today I will have to pay the normal monthly rate tomorrow as I normally would and then the charge of 67 to cover the cancellation. As far as I can see this means would pay for a month of insurance that I neither want nor need. Is this right? I have looked over my policy and on the pages referencing canceling my policy and they speak f chrages but do not say how much and it is also quite confusing.
Liability insurance for small pizza delivery business?
Do I need any kind of special liability insurance for a small pizza delivery business? My delivery drivers will drive their own insured cars not company owned vehicles.
Will my insurance go up if i wrecked in a ice storm?
there was an extremely bad road conditions in my area on dec 15, and i hit a mailbox coming home, i was only going 15 MPH but the rear end of my car went out of control and hit a mailbox, will my insrance premium go up if i turn it into insurance? also will i get into any trouble since i hit a mailbox if i turn it in?""
600cc supersport vs 1000cc sport insurance cost?
I'm young and most insurance companies wouldn't insure me on a supersport until I've been riding for 3 years. So i'm wondering if for some dumb reason they'd be more likely to insure me on a 1000cc sportbike than a 600cc supersport bike just because the 600 is a ss. The other part of the question is what's the deal with 1000cc vs 600ccSS with older riders? Thanks love ya guys
Shouldn't Pres. Obama step up to the plate and tell them he just wants affordable insurance for all now?
Tell em to screw the lobbyists, so what if the health care lobbyists payed the House and Senate members over $500 million last year, I mean donated that much to them. They will have to wait, but people are dying now..""
What are some good auto insurance companies?
I have not yet did any quotes, I was just wondering can someone out here tell me from experience what are some good insurance companies. My sister has her driver's permit, and she just purchased a used car..Of course she's trying to get her license but she wants to practice in her car as long as she has a licensed driver in the car with her. I myself have license, but no car at the current moment. United Auto Insurance said that even if she doesn't have license and the car is registered in her name, she can still get insurance as long as I'm on there with her because I have license. Do you know of any other insurance companies that are like that. Also, she's just looking to get liability at the time and she is over 18yrs. of age.. Please no smart remarks, only mature serious answers please""
Can a car insurance broker be wrong?
This insurance broker gave me a quote that is a lot lower than what i pay for my car insurance right now. He double checked my information and my driver's licence and gave me a low quote, while all the other brokers told me higher amounts. Could he be wrong? What if I say I want to switch to that insurance, and it turns out he cannot get that locked quote for me? what happens then?""
""CAR QUESTION: If a car is registered in my name, will it be costly for my INSURANCE?""
I am 21 years old and I am planning to buy a used on so that it will not be expensive for my insurance. WHICH OF THESE IS BETTER: -Register the car with my name and pay like 3 thousand dollars for the insurance or. - Register it with the name of my Dad. If it is registered with my Dad's name in it, will that be cheaper to my insurance?""
Need help with car insurance?
My car insurance was cancelled because of no payments on January. I got laid off and couldn't make the payments. However, I didn't return the plates to rmv and was driving uninsured cuz I had make it to school. I just recently got a job and want to get insured again. However, I don't know how to begin the process again. What happens when I return the plates..where should return it..how much fee will I pay ..where do i pay it and when can I get a new plate and when will I be able to get insured again. I live in Massachusetts . Gladly appreciate an answer thanks""
Is commercial auto insurance much more expensive than personal?
I have a little Mr. Fix it business on the side and I carry a few tools in my SUV. I am thinking of getting a commercial auto policy. Will it be more expensive than personal and how ...show more
Financing a Car On Parents' Insurance?
I'm 18 years old, and planning on financing a new car in about a month. As the loan and car would be in my name, would I still be able to be on my parents' insurance policy? Or, would I have to get my own?""
I need to see a neurologist but don't have health insurance. Anyone have any suggestions?
Neurologists offices will only let u in the door with insurance because its too expensive. Of course to see a neurologist there has to be a possibly big problem, this has all been very stressfull and I don't know who to ask for help. Please if u've got suggestions of options let me know.Thanx""
Home Insurance Coverage In California?
We are new at purchasing the home insurance. (we plan to buy a house) We call the Progressive Insurance and request a quote for the house insurance And we also do some online quotes. All it cover basically the house part. We heard that they will cover the disability, life if spouse died the insurance gonna paid off the mortgage, unemployment they gonna paid for 1 year etc. Any idea or tips which insurance provide that? Thank You""
""I crashed my car, and Got a DUI. Will my insurance pay for repairs?""
I crashed my car into a tree, and got an OWI (more commonly known as a DUI in most states) My insurance (USAA) will request a police report, i know that much. But I want to know if they are obligated to pay for repairs, regardless of the circumstances? Yes, i know my rates are going up. Yes, I know about SR22. \thanks""
What is the cheapest insurance for beginning drivers in NC?
I'm about to turn 16 and get my license but I need proof of insurance before I can get it. What is the best insurance to get and how much will it cost?
What is the most affordable car insurance in Boise /Idaho?
What is the most affordable car insurance in Boise /Idaho?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new 20 year old driver in Michigan?
I dont have car yet but I just need some general information about how much im going to be paying a month. I also live in the suburbs and plan on getting a reliable,cheap,and off the theft radar car. Thanks!""
First time driver...really need insurance help?
ok, so i am 17 and i just bought a car. i live in CA and i really need to find auto insurance for cheap. i know its really expensive for a first time driver to get insurance for themselves, so if anyone knows of an insurance company that does not charge that much i would greatly appreciate a response. thanx""
Renters insurance?
What is a good company to have renters insurance through, that is still pretty cheap?""
i am looking to get car insurance.
And why does an auto insurance co. want to know this??
Why when I am getting quotes online for auto insurance do they ask for my marital status and even have a spot for single parent. Would I get a better quote if I said just single? Am I penalized for being single. I'm no kid; I'm over 40.
I need good car insurance?
i just got a car, and it isn't insured for the road. it's a 2002 mercury cougar and it's pretty pricey for insurance, in between 400 and five hundred. i live in ontario canada and i was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for insurance, the cheapest quote i got was from bel air insurance and that will run me around 400-500 a month, anybody know of a cheaper insurance company with fairly good coverage? i am 16 years old getting my g2 in january and i have completed drivers ed. please help. and also anywhere i can get free quotes would be great too. thanks!""
Buying Car Insurance?
Looking to buy a car next week, but i have not owned a car before and have no insurance. Is there something i can do before i go to the dealership that will allow me to drive the car off the lot? Ie. can i somehow buy insurance before buying the car (even if i do not know make or model? (I should also mention that i will want to register the car in CT and purchase in NJ, if that's possible.)""
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
Greeley Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 52050
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?
"When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?
I just turned 24 and am thinking about getting a sports car.   I heard the insurance comapany charge outrageous rate for male drivers until certain age. I was wondering what that age is.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can you have a separate car insurance policy for a different vehicle?
I am 18 and I am insured under my parent's policy for my main car. I'm really into cars so I wanted to buy an old Explorer or something as a throw around car to work on, but my parents would never let me put it on their insurance. I don't need collision or comprehensive, just liability insurance. Is it possible to be insured under my parent's policy for my one car and insured under a separate policy for a second car? I live in New Jersey if that makes any difference.""
Can insurance companies tell me what car would be the cheapest for me to insure?
I was just thinking, it would be handy if websites such as Gocompare.com could just tell me what car would be the cheapest for me to insure. Based on the Information i already gave for a quote. Instead of me having to go through every car i can think of getting a quote for each one individually to find which car is the cheapest for me to insure. Dose any one no if there is a site that dose this?""
What is a good long-term health insurance policy for international stays?
I am planning to move to Germany in spring and require acceptable, long-term and affordable coverage. What is a good company and policy for me to look in to? I've seen several offers but only one I could afford because it had a deductible of 10k$. Is there better?""
""What are insurance rates like in Thailand. Car, health and home.?
I have no idea what the charge for insurance and I hope to retire soon. I own houses in Thailand but they are not insured. And help would be appreciated.
Will my medical insurance pay?
Will my medical insurance pay for my transportation to work. I just had my drivers license suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP!
Will making two collision claims (one major/ one minor ) within a 6 month period raise my auto insurance rates
I've never made a claim before this first one, a deer ran in front of my car and caused severe damage. Now five months later someone hit my car in parking lot (I think) nothing major just a 6 black mark that pushed the body in a bit. Will they raise my rates? If so then I would just go a get it fixed and pay for it all out of pocket.""
Im 24 years old. How much will car insurance cost. Im female.?
I asked this question before. Everyone assumed I was under 18. Im actually a 24 year old female in Ontario. So I needed to provide this information originally when I had asked....sorry about that. So can anyone take a guess now?
Is it possible for me to get an insurance quote below 2000 for any possible car?
im 22..i've tried old and new cars for quotes... cars valued from 500 to 35,000... but the minimum possible quotes i get is around 2100.. and been given a quote of 7000 for a 2.0l bmw 3 series worth around 5000 itself... I know its not going to be 30 a month for such a young in experienced driver.. but 400 a month for a tiny car??!!... i have no one to help me ... how do i find out if car insurance is just a joke or is it possible to get some sensible quotes? how do normal people get sensible car insurance for the first time? or are they just born with 10 years of NCB ?""
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in ..Oregon?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in Oregon?
I am 16 and need tips on insurance and a car....
I am 16 years old and I have no job currently but I am getting one this week... it is half way through summer holidays and at first I was just going to drive my dads car cause insurance alone for me is 3800$ year because my dad is a single parent. But going into grade 11 I want to drive a car and I seen a beater for about 500$ volkswagen still running good, but Is it true that you need to put down a quarter or half of the insurance to start off? What do you think I should do about any of this ..... thanks""
Does anyone know any really cheap car insurance companies for old cars?
I have an R Reg Corsa 1 Litre, and 6 years no claims, but it seems to be the age of the car that's bumping up my insurance policy? HELP!""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old.?
Nissan 350z in florida. I heard that if you take drivers ed in school it lowers your insurance, is this true? To SLACKER286 (answers all of my car questions lol): how old are you and how much is your insurance each month for your 350z, thanks""
Which insurance company?
I am 17 year old male in the UK. I have a Citroen Saxo 1.1L 3 door 2000 car. I bought the car for 800. It is not modified in any way and it is in a secure garage every night. Having my dad as the policyholder is not beneficial because although he has been driving for over 30 years, he has always had a company car and has never owned, and therefore never had insurance. I have looked everywhere for insurance and the cheapest is 3500, most quotes are over 4000 and around a third of the results are over 10000. This is 3rd part F+T and using sites such as Confused, Compare the Market etc. I also tried getting quotes direct from the company and it's no cheaper. If anything it's more expensive. Which companies should I try, and has anyone else been getting ridiculous quotes like this?""
Will insurance cover damages caused by DUI crash?
I was leaving a parking lot, left too fast, and I fishtailed into a parked car (no one was in the parked car and I was not injured). When I pulled over and got out, a police officer who was a block away immediately asked if I was drinking. I was and admitted it. I was administered a field sobriety test and later a breathalyzer. I blew a 1.1 and was booked for OWI. I called my insurance company about the crash to get the claim started, but did not mention the arrest since they did not ask...but I know this will come up. I have full coverage...so will the insurance cover damages to my car and the other car?""
Insurance - Please help!?
I am looking at getting a new ro roof for my large two storey house. My house is located in a central business area where I have high foot traffic and a busy road only metres away. Due to the height of the roof there will be scaffolding errected around the parimeters and I am concerned and the legal problems if someone gets hurt or other property damaged. I have to be concerned for the builders, my neighbours property, pedistrans and cars driving by. I have tried searching for insurance but cannot find any. Does anyone have any ideas??""
Alternative ways to insure a car?
Im 17 and looking for car insurance someone told me that you can insure it by giving some company a certain amount of money around 15k and then at the end of the year they would give u it back, however if you were to claim, the cost would come out of the money you gave, is this true and anyone know what its called if it is? ty""
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can't afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can't get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn't offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it's self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!""
Can my ex-wife insure our kids through her husbands insurance?
My ex-wife is required to carry our kids insurance. She switched jobs and is now insuring kids under her husband. My only concern is, if he decides to leave her or gets pissed off he can drop my kids from insurance. Since he is not legally obligated to insure them. He is not adopting them. He is not legally bound to take care of them. Is my concern valid?""
Cost of getting motorcycle insurance for 20 year old?
I am probably goin to get a sports bike. I have had my license since I was 18. I have no tickets and clean driving record. I currently pay $140 a month for insurance on my truck. I was looking into getting a bike older than 2003. How much will motorcycle insurance be for a sports bike?
Cheap auto insurance for new driver?
I was just wondering of anyone knows of an insurance company that will insure new drivers for a low cost. I know it's hard to find because it always costs more to insure younger drivers due to the likely hood of them getting into an accident. I don't have my license yet, but will have it estimated by June of 2013, by then I'll be 17. I'm going to get my permit sometime in January so I would need the insurance by then.""
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
Will a renters insurance and automobile insurance claim effect homeowners insurance rates?
Im purchasing a home in 2 months. Meanwhile my apartment was broken into and my second vehicle was stolen via my spare key which was hidden in my apartment. My losses for the ...show more
Haggling Car insurance?
I am 20 years old Guy, and my car insurance is up for renewal, i have a Peugeot 306 hdi 2.0 turbo diesel. I have 2 years driving experience, however only have had a car for 1 year. I have had no claims, no tickets, no points on my lisence. Im Fully Comprehensive, live in a good area, have no criminal record, and park my car on the drive. I have my father, a Police Officer with 30 years no claims and 30 years experience as a named driver on my insurance. My Insurance last year was 1400 (steep yeah) and now its up for renewal i have had a quote of 1100. To me, this seems really steep seeing as surely by now i have proved that i am not some boy racer with a deathwish. My question is, do you guys think ill be able to get this price down with alittle haggling, what would you expect to pay for insurance if you where in my situation?""
""If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?
Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?
When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?
I just turned 24 and am thinking about getting a sports car.   I heard the insurance comapany charge outrageous rate for male drivers until certain age. I was wondering what that age is.
Does anyone know a good AFFORDABLE car insurance provider for someone with a DUI/accident?
I'm in New Jersey if that matters.. thanks!
Will my car insurance pay out?
Last night without my knowledge, my boyfriend let his friend take MY car out and he crashed it. I did not give my consent for this and although my boyfriend is on my insurance, its my car. Im the only owner. My name on the log book. I have told the police I did not give my consent. Turns out his mate has no insurance. My insurance company are dealing with it as a stolen car at the moment but until I get a crime reference number it wont go ahead. The police are not coming back until next Saturday to do a statement. Where do I stand here as im worried because my boyfriend said he could, it wont be classed as theft and my insurance wont pay out and then im buggered. This man has no money so I cant even say for him to sort this financially. Ive got to be realistic. Help!! :(""
What relativley low insuarnce group sports bikes are there?
Im 19 and just passed my bike test. Im looking for my first 'sports' bike (fully faired) with quite a led down riding position. I will be restricting the bike to 33bhp (but DON'T take that into consideration). Around the 600/650cc mark. So as a question again.. What sports bikes are cheapest to insure? Thanks.
Cheap insurance for a 17 year old?
Is there any hope of me insuring a group 14 insurance car? I don't care how crappy the insurance is as long as its legal. All the quotes I have been getting are ridiculous.
""Can anyone recommend a good, trusted car insurance company in Southern California (Los Angeles)?
Can anyone recommend good/trusted car insurance companies in Southern California (Los Angeles)? I just moved to Los Angeles from the East coast so I am not familiar with the local car insurance companies. I have had Geico for the past 6 months but I'm not sure if I want to stay with Geico. The customer service people are kind of rude.
Car auto insurance and person at fault wont pay.?
My sister was driving my car and was hit but the person at fault is refusing to pay. Filed a claim with both insurance companies . My insurance company refused to pay becuase my sister is not included in the policy and the other persons insurance company refuse to pay because they claim her insurance canceled because she moved out of state a couple of days prior to accident. Whoever was handling my claim refused to help at all since My sister was not included in the policy. What do I do? The other driver admitted it was her fault and I believe it is in the claim letter i received.
Life insurance for seniors over 75yrs?
Whats the slim chance that their is a company out there that provides life insurance for a Senior over 75 and has had and removed cancer in the past 12 months? None i bet huh?
When do i get insurance money from my accident?
ok so.. my friend was driving we were at a stop light and all of a sudden we got hit from behind.... hard!! i had to go to the doctor that day then a week later and now im in physical therapy. my neck and shoulder and my whole upper back hurt... there was no reason for her to hit us it was a red light... what should i do?? how much can i get?? P.S. it totaled the car i was in..
What is the average auto insurance rate for a 17 year old ..female added to her parent's insurance?
What is the average auto insurance rate for a 17 year old female added to her parent's insurance?
Health Insurance plan with no pre-existing clause?
Does anyone know of any health insurance plans for the Chicago area that don't include a pre-existing clause? Or more specifically, ones that immediately pay for Remicade after switching insurance plans?""
Pregnant with no insurance?
I may be pregnant and I don't have health insurance. I know I won't qualify for medicaid with mine and my husbands income, but we definately don't make enough to pay for appointments out of pocket, what can I do?!!""
Texas Car Insurance - 16 Years Old - Provisional License?
Okay, I'm sixteen years old (turning seventeen on July) and I have my provisional driver's license already. I don't have a car so I use my parents' when I drive. They don't let me drive alone because I'm not part of the car insurance. My question is: do I need to be part of the insurance coverage that we currently have for our car to be able to legally drive alone, even though I don't own it? Or can I drive alone without insurance as long as owner of the car (my parents) know that I took the car? 10 points to whoever answers the best and the clearest.""
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need it ASAP""
Is There Any One-Day Car Insurance?
I have a car that is unplated and I don't drive it for more than one year but I am going for my G license test which can be done in one day. So, I wonder if there is any car insurance for one day in Ontario Canada?""
Does 2 Insurance Policies Affect Each Other?
I am going to be buying a car and the cheapest way of getting insurance is by naming my mum the named driver of the car and i was added on..but she is worried that if i crashed it would affect her no claims bonus on her other policy..would it?
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
What is the best photographer's insurance in the USA ?
What is the most complete insurance for photographers? (experienced pros only please)? MUST INCLUDE: 1.Injury of photo assistant (eg hired help getting hurt on the job carrying something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment theft and damage I'm not sure if the stuff the PPA sells is really fully complete or just cheap insurance Category Arts & Humanities > Visual Arts > Photography
""Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
Insurance Agent has different names?
Most insurance companies use agent or agency for their representatives. Is there any other word insurance companies use for their representatives?
Insurance for seized cars..?
Okay my Boyf was driving his dads car to mine and thought he could use it under third party. He's only driving it cos his da is on holiday an he needs to drive it around. Anyway on the way over he got pulled over by the cops and they found out he wasn't insured. Therefore they seized his car. But after phoning up the insurance company he found out the car itself wasn't insured and his dads insurance expired a few months ago. Therefor the car is in the compound with no insurance and his current insurance company won't let him insure the car for anyone if it's been seized. But to get the car out, they need valid insurance to retrieve the car. So what can he do?""
How much money does drivers ed save on car insurance?
Is the amount saved by drivers ed a lot, meaning does drivers ed pay for itself by helping lower your insurance cost?""
Auto cheap insurance required! I am seriously looking for cheap auto insurance for my car and my realtives too?
I am seriously looking for cheap auto insurance for my car and my realtives too. Can you suggest me some auto cheap insurance ?
What is the difference between whole and term life insurance? what is a unit?
What is the difference between whole and term life insurance? what is a unit?
Insurance on a Mazda miata mx5?
Would it be considert a sports car? And how much would the insurance go up from a regular adult insurance?
How much will insurance cost for x3?
Im about to have a bmw 04 x3 and wondering how much is gonna cost 4 insurance for the car and me?? 19 NY,NY""
When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?
I just turned 24 and am thinking about getting a sports car.   I heard the insurance comapany charge outrageous rate for male drivers until certain age. I was wondering what that age is.
Will my car insurance go up because my friend got a speeding ticket while driveing my car??
I let my friend drive my car and he got a speeding ticket for going 5 over. will my insurance go up because he got the ticket while driving my car or just his insurance.
Whats the typical cost for fr-44 insurance - monthly?
more info: It would be a cheap car for example a 97 escort or corrolla in the state of florida. Thanks!
Anyone ever in a car accident & break a bone? Wrist? How much did the insurance compnay pay you?
I broke my scaphoid bone in my wrist due to a car accident. I would like to be prepared when it comes down to the settlement. I was wondering if anyone else had the same thing happen. I am right handed and it's my left wrist. the accident was not my fault. other party's company is accepting fault too.
Auto insurance question?
I was a passenger in a car accident and my laptop was broken. Would the drivers insurance cover it? Even if it was liability, it should still have to cover it right? He says the insurance says no because I wasn't injured... That doesn't make any sense.""
Where can I get individual health insurance that will cover Pregnancy?
I live in a small town in Texas, I was recently married in June 2008, we got pregnant with twins but unfortunatly had a miscarriage...one of hardest things I have ever had to deal with...anyways...we want to try again but I really want to have health coverage and not have to pay out of pocket...does anyone know of any health insurance that covers pregnancy...from what everyone else is telling me no individual policy will cover me if i get pregnant...if anyone can help I would appreciate it...""
Guess our car insurance?
Primary driver: 24, perfect driving record, female, some college completed but no degree The car: Something mediocre from the late 80s to late 90s The insurance: Minnesota, metro area, daily 10-20 mile commute each way, we want all the proper liability and personal injury coverage but don't care about collision Seriously, just guess. We'll take any ideas. We completely know it varies by each of those factors and many more, and we already know the national average. If you know the state average, that's one step up on us. I'd get a quote, but my roommate is the one seriously thinking about cars right now, and I don't want to do anything in someone else's name. She'll be getting quotes soon, but right now I'm a little concerned about the insurance companies possibly running credit checks, as I'm under the impression a slew of them at a time can lower your score, and we don't know what car we're getting yet. So once that's settled, we'll check into it for real. We just want to TRY to budget before we seriously car hunt.""
Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) - Survey question ideas?
I'm doing a sample survey for Social Science. I have to come up with 25 questions pertaining to my topic of inquiry. My topic is The benefits of the Affordable Healthcare Act, which is informally known as Obamacare. My hypothesis is the Affordable Healthcare Act would be beneficial if it was slightly altered to exclude the individual mandate. I need ideas for more questions, outside of the demographic questions. Here are the eleven questions I have so far: Do you have health insurance? Yes. No. In the process of obtaining a health care plan. Have you ever heard of the Affordable Care Act, the American health care bill signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23rd, 2010? Yes. No. Do you understand the key aspects that make up the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Somewhat. Did you believe that there was a problem with the current state of health care, and that it needed reform? Yes. No. The new Healthcare Act is going to be funded through a variety of new taxes and offsets. This includes a new Medicaid tax imposed on people that make over $200, 000 and $250, 000 annually, and a 40% tax on premium Health Insurances. There will also be new taxes on medicine, high cost diagnostic medical equipment, and a 10% tax on indoor tanning services. Do you believe that the imposed taxes are worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health insurance? Yes. No. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently reviewing the Affordable Care Act. Several U.S. states are questioning the laws constitutionality because the law requires Americans that dont have health insurance to choose an affordable healthcare plan or pay a fine (this is called the individual mandate). Do you believe that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional on these grounds? Yes. No. Not sure. If you do believe that the individual mandate is unconstitutional, do you believe it is worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health care? Yes. No. Does not apply. Do you believe that the government could still make the policy work if they exclude the individual mandate, keeping in mind that this would likely require more tax increases in different areas? Yes. No. Maybe. Having a basic knowledge of the Affordable Care Act, do you think that the government should abandon the policy and work on a new one? Yes. No. We should wait and see how this one turns out first. Do you stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure. Do you have any friends or family members that stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure.""
Is insurance for a V6 going to be automatically higher than a 4cyl?
Getting an Audi A4. The 1.8t (4 cycl) is the same cost as my insurance now. I found a 2.8t (v6) that I liked better though, and did not ask if that would cost more... Think it would kill my insurance?""
Auto Insurance for 18 yr old with 2012 Kia Soul?
Estimate of what it would be at most? i have taken a drivers ed class and passed in high school and can have them take the money right out of my bank account for the monthly payment and had a b average in school.
Will my speeding ticket raise my insurance?
Yesterday I got a speeding ticket in Cambridge, OH, my home state.Going 9 miles over, 79 in a 70. I have State Farm Insurance and this is my FIRST traffic violation. If i pay the fine right away, not having to go to court, will I get any points on my license or will my insurance rate go up at all?""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
Should I wait until I am 25 or 26 to start driving a car again? Is it true about Insurance costs? Please read?
Hello, I am 21 and in college. I am in Northeast Illinois. I have not driven a car since I was 17. This is because I did miserably in driver education. I passed the classroom, so technically I passed driver ed, but the driving I failed miserably. My parents won't let me be behind the wheel of their cars again. I talked with a friend of mine recently and she said that the cost of driving insurance in Illinois is dramatically less when a driver turns 25 or 26. I am thinking that maybe I should start driving again at age 25 or 26 so I can keep costs down (especially in a nasty economy like this country has right now). Now, here's the other thing, my dad has cancer (leukemia), he's the one who gives me rides to places, my mom doesn't want to give me rides because she is still angry at me for what I did when I was 17. She said to me You're not driving again, ever. You lied to me. You disobeyed our orders and was arrogant. You're done. I don't care about your behaviors anymore Yeah, she hasn't changed since what I did at age 17. My dad has a had time walking, sitting, standing, etc. He has mentioned a couple of times Its not a bad idea that maybe you should think about driving again, you will have to drive some time, son Then I think about the insurance cost and how much of a hassel it would be. So, should I do it? Should I wait until I am 25 or 26 to start driving again? Should I wait longer? It seems like my mom won't forgive me and my dad has this cancer making it hard on him. I don't know what to do. Thanks""
""How much, on average, would car insurance be raised if I added a 16 1/2 year old driver?
The vehicle would be an onld 1996 minivan.
I need affordable health insures help?
I need affordable health insures help?
How much would motorcycle insurance be?
I am a 16 year old caucasian male. Want to know how much insurance would be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my first bike, a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i.""
Auto insurance history question!?
I'm trying to get auto insurance for the second 6-month period of having my car. I don't get the question in applications for auto insurance (or getting a quote): Have you had auto insurance for the past 3 years without break or lapse in coverage? Well I have my first car for almost 6 months (fully insured), so I check no . but then it gives me two options: how long were you without coverage: a) more than one month / never had insurance b) less than one month I guess this question is trying to find out if I had a break in coverage. There isn't any break in my car insurance but I only have 6 month history! Is it OK if I say yes to the first question (Have you had auto insurance for the past 3 years without break or lapse in coverage) ? Thanks in advance""
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
About how much does motorcycle insurance cost?
and is it more than car?...about...
How can I find out the legality of an auto insurance advertised online?
I''m shopping around for my car insurance online and I don't know how to find out which one is good legally. Please help.
How much is car insurance for a 16 yr old girl in FL?
i want a car, something sporty but it can also be 4 dr too. =]""
Does anyone know a carr insurance company that quotes and lets you print certificate?
i need a car insurance certificate for wed and my own insurance cant post one in time. does anyone know a web site that quotes and then lets you buy and print off a certificate? not swift cover as they wont insure my car as im only 24! thanks!!
Car insurance--rates hiked after filing claim for hit & run?
do car insurance companies hike your rates if you file a claim for someone else doing hit & run damage to you? I've heard stories of car insurance companies doing that--even if ...show more
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
Cheapest car insurer and cheapest car to ensure?
Hello i will do my lessons soon and was wondering what is the best way to get cheap car insurance, thanks allot best regards Bilal""
Cheaper car insurance?
If i get a cheap car will my insurance be cheaper or more expensive? I have a car that i can have given to me it is about 5 years old but cant aford the first years car insurance out right if i sell it and gt a cheaper car will the insurance be cheaper or more expensive because it is an older car? I say this because if so i can sell the car i have and use the money left over to pay for the first ears car insurance. p.s i am a teenage driver which is why im trying to save as much money as i can!
When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?
I just turned 24 and am thinking about getting a sports car.   I heard the insurance comapany charge outrageous rate for male drivers until certain age. I was wondering what that age is.
What car insurance company has a commercial with a man riding a bike?
It's a car insurance commercial with a guy riding a little bike on the highway in his suit. it says car insurance slowing you down? or something. i want to find the commercial online or at least what insurance company it is. Help!
Free health insurance?
im 19 years old and im unemployed and im about to start college is there a way for me to get free heath insurance? i live in orange county california
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
Does anyone have the Mid-West Live insurance company of Tennessee?
An insurance agent sold this to my parents and I wish they put everything into layman's term. They bought this through a group called the Alliance for Affordable Services. They have a $5000 deductible but the policy reads like this: Hospital room/board has CoInsurance of 100% with Maximum up to $1000 per day. What is Coinsurance? Do they still have to pay something after their $5000 deductible? Thanks in advance.
What kind of fine do you get for driving without car insurance in California?
My older brother recently bought a brand new car, and just two days ago the insurance he purchased from the dealership's insurance company expired. He has liability insurance underneath a separate insurance company, but that has not expired. We were stopped for something minor the other day, and the police officer noticed my brother's insurance was expired. What kind of fine will he face?""
Whats the average price on owning a 125cc bike a month?
Im planning on buying a honda cbr 125cc bike and pay it up over three years im wondering if anyone knows the average cost of running this bike including insurance price of the bike and road tax and fuel. Im 20 years old if that helps with the insurance thanks.
Im 18 and i need car insurance cheap?
Ok im an 18 yr old student who needs cheap insurance - what is the cheapest and most legal way to do that because i don't want to spend 3000+ on a car with a base value of 600
My insurance company doesnt want to pay!!?
I was struck by an uninsured driver on 02-10-11. Because the driver who struck me was uninsured I was forced to file a claim with my insurance company(Omni Insurance). The car was towed to CJ's collision at 6128 n beechwood Philadelphia, pa ,19138 on 02-11-11. Phone number 215-848-2836. On 02-14-11 Omni insurance sent out an appraiser to evaluate the vehicle. They then faxed an estimate on 02-15-11 totaling $5300 to CJ's collision shop. I went to the collision shop on 02-15-11 to sign paperwork giving them permission to work on my car. They then began the repairs. On 02-18-11 the insurance company then deemed my car a total loss. The vehicle is a 2005 Nissan Altima SL with 96,477 miles. The NADA value for the vehicle is 10,995. According to Omni insurance a car is deemed a total loss when the repairs reach 70% of the value of the vehicle. Omni insurance valued my car at 7,415. They then proposed a settlement offer of 5826.40. They deducted 975.00 in prior damages(which I disagree with) and 1000.00 my deductible. The settlement offer included 386.40 in sales tax. After negotiating on 02-28-11 they proposed an offer of 7835.30. The value they gave my car was 9255. Again 975.00 was deducted and my 1000.00 deductible. They including sales tax and tags/registration fee in the offer. I accepted the offer out of desperation because they also stopped paying for the rental car I was driving on 02-28-11. I work, attend school and have a child my schedule requires that I have a car so I paid out of pocket for a rental car until 03-07-11, expecting the payment to be issued to my lien holder by then so I could purchase another car. I contacted them on 03-07-11 inquiring about my payment and was informed they did not pick the vehicle up from the collision shop therefore they were not issuing a payment. The collision shop gave them a bill of 1750.00 for the repairs they did and the storage fees. The insurance company disagrees with this and refuses to pick the vehicle up and issue my payment. They have also stated this may come out of my settlement offer. The insurance company already has the title to the car and all the necessary paperwork to the vehicle but refuses to issue a payment. It has been a month since I filed my claim and I can no longer afford to pay for a rental especially since it seems I will have to purchase a new vehicle. The insurance company is low balling me and also forcing me to pay for repairs they approved then backed out of.""
How good is the Insurance Business in Florida or Texas?
Hello dear people...I'm an Insurance Agent-Broker who would like to open an office in either of those states, can anybody please tell me how businesses are doing right now there?. I'd like to stay where I live in California, but it is crowded here, plus I'd like to start a new life...your inputs will be highly appreciated....""
Homeowners insurance question?
My father has homeowners insurance that covers the exterior buildings around his house, like a garden shed/ covered carport. this past weekend, a large snowfall provided too much weight for one building, and it collapsed. inside was a lawn mower and an antique automobile that dad has had since he was my age, and it was damaged by a metal beam. (think hot dog bun). the insurance company is now saying that they will pay for the repair of the building and for a new lawnmower, but not the car itself. it was not fully restored, but it was in fair working condition (meaning the engine works and the auto does move). does exterior building coverage also include everything inside, or does it have a limit? is the insurance company trying to weasel out of paying my father? if so, who should I call? (I'm in NC). please help! with good sources please!""
How much will car insurance cost?
I live in Ontario Canada, I'm an 18 year old male, I completed drivers ed, I have good grades and I will be primary driver of a 1991 Buick park avenue. Any ideas of how much my car insurance might be?""
Is Nissan 240sx expensive to insure?
Is 89-93 240sx (S13) expensive to insure? I am 16. I would put this car under my mom's insurance. She never had an accident, ticket, etc. Also I never took drugs or any stuff like that, never been pulled over or something if it matters insuring a car.""
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
If you pay your car insurance for the whole year but sell that car with in the year?
ok so if you brought car insurance for a whole year and then sold the car 5 months later can you get the rest of the money back from the insurance for the other 5 months you don't need the insurance.
Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate?
Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate?
Why my car insurance coming so expensive?
I am in leeds and thinking of buying a car but when i am searching all comparison websites its coming about 1000 pounds a month. I have 3-4 yrs expierience in driving in USA and i was paying there like 30 pounds per month. I talked with insurance company and they are saying that because i just came to UK as well as have international licence its coming that high my car comes in group 17 of insurance. Any other solutions for these? if people are new here i dont think they are paying these much every month Please if you know any good agent who can reduce these let me know. Else can i take insurance from usa or my home country India?
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
How do you apply for health insurance?
How does health insurance work?
Determining how much car insurance will rise after an accident?
I was in a car accident recently, my fault, and I totaled my car. The truck I hit has only $175 of damages on it. So how will my insurance company determine how much my insurance will go up? Do they just go on how much damage they have to pay for on the other car? Or do they raise it because I'm not a safe driver and I'm now more liable to be in more accidents?""
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Is Liberty Mutual a good reputable car insurance company?
If you know anyone that has them..or heard stories..or if you have them please let me know some things about them..pros,cons. Geico is quoting me $3500 for 6 months..I got a new car and Libery Mutual is quoting me $2000 for a year..so that's pretty good I really want to switch but I dont know anything about them. All advice open...""
Homeowners insurance that lets you have a trampoline!?
I want a trampoline and i also need homeowners insurance.This is when you tell me a company that lets you have a trampoline.
UK car insurance with a US license.?
I'm 18 years old, just returned to the UK from a 7 year stay in the US. while in the US I got my license at the age of 16. and accumilated 2 years no claims bonus. for the first few weeks back in the UK I had insurance through Ecar. but had to terminate that today through a misunderstanding with their terms and conditions W/ No claims bonus. what would be the best insurance provider to go through? I used compare the market before and the cheapest (minus e car.) was 3500 a year. I am employed and own my own car (2002 fiat punto) and I plan on staying in the UK.""
Insurance on a Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon.?
Would someone like please tell me how much insurance would run me on 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX wagon? I know that its not cheap, which I'm ok with. I just figured that it would be a little cheaper being that its a wagon, and I would also like to get a heads up b4 I talk to the insurance company P.S. If you have just an RS Impreza or a normal WRX you can also let me know how much that runs too. Either one is fine.. Thanks guys!""
Which company has the best renters insurance in terms of service and price?
I'm looking for a renters insurance company that is not expensive and has knowledgeable and cordial employees. Is not eager to deny claims and has an extensive policy. If you found one that covers breakage of your belongings due to accident or use by you, let me know. I'm not so sure if those types of policies exist.""
When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?
I just turned 24 and am thinking about getting a sports car.   I heard the insurance comapany charge outrageous rate for male drivers until certain age. I was wondering what that age is.
0 notes
Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
"Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
just a little argument what would cost more car insurance or van insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheap CAR INSURANCE please! (TX)?
im 25 and single and i have a 2008 suzuki car and i drive 2 minutes to my work. can you suggest any cheap car insurance i wanna change my insurance it cost me a lot and a penny is important to me nowadays. (im not broke just want to save and save LOL) im in san antonio, tx""
What is the average motorcycle insurance for an 19 year old in IL?
What is the average motorcycle insurance for an 19 year old in IL?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in NJ for a new driver above 21 years old?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in NJ for a new driver above 21 years old?
Classic car insurance for 1972 camaro?
Hi i am currently 22 and have 5 years driving 4 years no claims with no crashes or convictions. I am looking into buying a 1972 camaro Z28 from America and bringing it back to the UK. I want to buy classic insurance but dont have much knowledge about it. i know some people have said you must park it in a garage and limit to around 5k miles a year but apart from that i dont know. what sort of price can i expect for the insurance? what companies are good in the UK and how does age affect it as i may wait till i'm 25 and go with mates who also want American cars but have only just got their licenses. cheers
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
Haggling Car insurance?
I am 20 years old Guy, and my car insurance is up for renewal, i have a Peugeot 306 hdi 2.0 turbo diesel. I have 2 years driving experience, however only have had a car for 1 year. I have had no claims, no tickets, no points on my lisence. Im Fully Comprehensive, live in a good area, have no criminal record, and park my car on the drive. I have my father, a Police Officer with 30 years no claims and 30 years experience as a named driver on my insurance. My Insurance last year was 1400 (steep yeah) and now its up for renewal i have had a quote of 1100. To me, this seems really steep seeing as surely by now i have proved that i am not some boy racer with a deathwish. My question is, do you guys think ill be able to get this price down with alittle haggling, what would you expect to pay for insurance if you where in my situation?""
Anyone in Florida with a 220 insurance license?
I want to study for the 220 insurance test but before going to the school i needed to get a head start, and was looking for some study material can anyone help or send some lititure to study??""
Anyone know any good insurance?
Does anyone happen to know of any good insurance companies that may help pay for some of the initial tests for infertility?
If car insurance companies are giving you quotes that you did not request - Is this a sign of identity theft?
I've gotten like, 4 quotes all from different insurance companies saying Your quote is ready. They think I did request these! I didn't. Is this identity theft or just spam? What else could it be? My family said they didn't request this information either. Thanks in advance!!""
Health insurance?
Is there anyway someone who has been rejected by private health insurance companies can find affordable health coverage? What are some companies/resources?
Getting a license increases car insurance?
When applying for a drivers license for the first time, i was wondering if it increases a person's car insurance; even if the person that is getting the license doesnt have a car, and is under the age of 18.""
Minor car accident (not at fault) - should I go to my insurance or small claims court?
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Last week I was involved in a minor car accident. I was at a stop light and the car behind me decided they could not wait and they tried to get by my car to make a left turn. They did not have enough room and scraped against my car with theirs. No one was hurt and no police were called. We pulled over and I got their name, phone number and address. They did not give me their insurance information and said they'd like to settle outside insurance because there are only scratches. I know it was stupid but I said okay. Also I do not have the license plate number of the car. I thought I wrote it down but I did not (I understand this is a big mistake on my behalf). We made contact over phone throughout the week and discussed repairs but suddenly they stopped answering my calls. I believe they are avoiding me. Now I am at a loss of what to do. Should I take this issue up with my insurance (at the risk of raising my premiums) or should I take this to small claims court? In either case I do not have the car's license plate so if it isn't their car will that be insufficient evidence to prove they are at fault (my word against theirs)? Thank you in advance for all your answers.""
No insurance..?
Okay I have went to 2 doctors appointments with no insurance.. but now I have insurance.. How much do you think its gonna cost for them two visits
What kind of car insurance for a adapted van?
Ok I have a 1993 Dodge Caravan. I am disabled so it has a ramp that is let out and brought back in. It has disabled hand controls and a drivers seat that raises and lowers and turns around.. just a bit more than your average seat does now-a-days.. this van was adapted when it was made.. so i have no receipts on the modifications or anything.. i could get an estimate from a local store that deals in strictly handicapped equipment.. how do i properly insure this van? I need to make sure that if it is ever totaled that i dont get just blue book. since i have to have a adapted van (i live in a rural area and there is no dependable handicapped public transportation) i have the permanent general insurance now, with a $1000 on the custom equipment. but i worry thats not enough or maybe even doesnt cover my handicap adaptions. the agent with them was snappy, rude, and didnt know anything.. ugh! what company should i go to? what do i need to have in my policy? help! i keep getting all this bad advice from the insurance companies because no one knows what to do!!!""
""My family makes 80,000 but can't afford health insurance. I have loans and all, what do I do?""
We are currently living in Pleasanton CA because I want my daughter to go to a good public school (cant afford private schools)We have no family here in California, its just the two of us with our 5 year old daughter.(my husband is an only child, both of his parents died) It is very expensive to live in Pleasanton, but we rather live someplace nice where the school system is good and we are also interracial couple. We have credit card loans,(25,000) and my husband has a student loan. My daughter is on a Kaiser individual plan which is 300 a month. We have a car payment of 312 a month and still have 6000 left to pay off. We have a low interest rate on the car loan like 4%. We tried consolidating our loans but it did not work. Now my job offers health insurance, but it is very costly, 280 a month which I can't afford, and we are not qualified for the covered California. Please anyone has any advise we would love to hear some feedback.""
Auto Insurance Coverage - How much coverage should I buy?
Next week, I'll be switching to another auto insurance. My previous limits with another company were: -minimum MD state 20/40/15 for Bodily Injury, Uninsured Motorist, and property damage -PIP $2500 -250/500 for Comprehensive/Collision, had road service, towing, and rental. I don't have many assets. I'm a renter and I live from paycheck to paycheck. I have no accidents, no tickets, and no violations for the last 8 years. I'm a cautious driver. I drive a 2003 Honda Civic. The new insurance company is offering me $759/year for the limits 100/300/100 Bodily Injury Liability and matching for Uninsured Motorist + Property Damage, 250/500 for Comp/Coll, road service, towing, and rentals, PIP 2500. I've seen different answers that say 100/300/100 would be better for those who own a house and have a better income. What do you think is a recommended coverage going?""
Do you need boating insurance in California?
Do you need boating insurance in California?
What should i expect to receive for a 1997 saturn sl1 from an insurance campany after total?
i have a 1997 saturn sl1 that has 122,000 miles on it, power door locks, aftermarket component speakers, tinted windows, automatic, power steering, A/C. i was rear ended and the the body shop told me totaled. now im waiting for the insurance to pay me for the car and make an offer. does anybody have an idea what i should expect. this was a reliable car, i drive this car everywhere, it was supposed to get me to school everyday when i start college and my school is about 10 miles each way. i just dont want a low ball offer where i cant purchase a car thats going to get me to college everyday when i dont have a job. what is the average for this car, in great shape. will they pay for the speakers, the starter i just replaced 2 weeks ago""
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Why do you have to have full coverage on certain cars?
I have only liability right now on a 2000 ford. I am trying to figure out how much my insurance will go up, and if I have to get full coverage or not. Also what is the longest you can have a car loan? I really would like a Nissan Murano maybe around 12,000-15,000 at the abs. maximum. What do you think my monthly payments would look like? Thank you for any advice.""
Is there a auto insurance i can get for a low cost?
Is there a auto insurance i can get for a low cost?
Insurance Types?
Is there a type of insurance that covers any type of damages you cause? Specifically destruction of a mattress.
Will a 'C' Licence make my insurance cheaper....?
I currently hold a normal car licence (I'm 18) But I passed my Category C test today. For those of you who don't know what a category C vehicle is. I doubt you will know the answer to the question so please don't make up some rubbish... Will this make my car insurance cheaper considering I can drive a vehicle about 5 times the size? Also, I'm hoping to get my Artic licence next year, Will this make my insurance go down even further? I mean for my car, I already know my Lorry insurance is going to be INSANE. But I've got in the army as a Driver anyway so that doesn't really matter.....""
""I own my own buisness, Where can i get affordable Health Insurance?""
Small business, small budget, only need health for myself. Who has the best price? Help""
Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
just a little argument what would cost more car insurance or van insurance
What companies has cheap car insurance for college students?
Im a college student and wants to get off my my parents car insurance its currently 97.00 a month she said thats the cheapest it would be because I would have to pay 500 or 800 in advance or something like that. But i want to be independent and just pay it myself under my own plan ...any suggested car insurance companies?
Anyone know part time jobs that give health insurance?
i know starbucks does but i was wondering if there were any others...
Does car insurance claims effect youre house insurance rates?
i have had two auto claims that were my fault one was an electrical fire(total loss) when the car was parked and the other was a collision with a deer(total loss). now my question is when i go to get home insurance (just bought a house for the first time) will those two claims effect my rates on my home insurance or just auto insurance rates will be effected.
""I'm turning 17 soon & looking for car insurance, anyone know ruffly how much it would be for a toyota celica?
I live in N.ireland
""Will my car insurance rates go up if damage in accident is under $1,000?""
Today I bumped a parked car when trying to pull out of a paralell parking spot. Both cars were scratched, but no dents. My car was in worse shape than hers, and I took mine to an auto body shop to get a quote on what it would cost to repair the scratch. The quote I got was $671.23. The lady (who was sitting in her car when I bumped her) said she was going to have to have the whole bumper replaced... even though it was just a scratch about 3 inches long. We called the insurance companies and I admitted fault (duh.) She said she was going to call the police and may have to go to the doctor because her neck hurt, but the police were never called. I am still worried she is going to try to sue me or get more money from me... it was just a small scratch! Not even a DENT! My main question, will my car insurance rates go up, and if so, by how much? I drive a 2010 Kia Soul. I have one other accident on my record and I pay about $150 a month. If it does go up, is it going to be drastic? Her car was a 2012 Kia Soul (same color oddly enough) so I am hoping her quote will be similar? Since the overall damage is under $1,000, what can I expect to happen? Can she really report me to the police, or try to claim injury? I was just pulling out of a parking slot and thought I was clear, but still very slow and cautious. I just don't see how I could have hurt her neck... Any help/input appreciated, thanks so much.""
I involved in a car accident and that car insurance just expired few days ago?
I borrowed my brother in law car and unfortunately, i collided with another car. Then I realized that my brother's car insurance with GMAC has just expired few days ago. I don't have the same address with him, just borrow his car occasionally because i just moved here. I have my own car insurance in another state with AAA. What can I do in this situation?""
Can I expect a better rate switching to new provider?
I have the same auto insurance for last three years. Can I expect a better rate switching to another provider?
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
Around how much does car insurance cost?
just learned to drive, my parents said i can have their old wagon if i pay insurance. i want to see if i can afford car insurance. how much is it approx?""
Where's the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi, Recently I bought myself a Vauxhall Corsa SXI 2003, and have been looking around for car insurance. It seems that everyone thinks that car insurance costs around 3000 for a new young male driver, however the cheapest quote I seem to get is about 5000-8000. I've tried every insurance comparison site under the sun, and looked at so many companies direct. The cheaper quote is just over 4000, but that involves the little black box to be installed. I'm not complaining about this as I would drive sensibly and have nothing to hide, but it is still so steep. I can't afford these prices for a 1500 car. Anyone have any ideas? It feels so unfair that I haven't even been given the chance to show that I won't abuse driving... *I've tried putting my parents as second drivers, no luck. Also, the model of my car doesn't affect it as I get the same quotes for a 1997 Ford Fiesta...*""
Does insurance cover u if someone drives your car with no license?
This is for the state of Oklahoma, if u give permision for someone to drive your car and they get in a wreak but dont have a license will the insurance still pay for the damages?""
Im looking for the Best Cheap Insurance for a young driver?
im looking to buy a 1973 chevy nova. and wondering whats a good insurance company that is cheap.
Is it possible to get affordable car insurance?
How can I get affordable car insurance without really sacrificing the kind of coverage that I get? I just want to be able to pay less for my car insurance buy still get good quality.
Why is health care so expensive in the U.S.?
I know, I know -- look at other yahoo! answers first... But what I'm wondering is, why is it so much MORE expensive? Is health care really of a much lower quality in other countries? Do their governments regulate it more? Thanks in advance. :)""
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
How to renew two wheeler insurance ? Can I purchase some other insurance ?
Hi All, I have two wheeler (TVS wego), and when I purchased it I had United India Insurance which is expired, I want to renew it. How do I renew it or can I buy some other insurance as other can be purchased online ? Is it acceptable by RTO ?""
Need a MRI and obgyn but don't have insurance?
I have had abnormal vaginal bleeding for a month and I found out the other day I have a tumor on my uterus and need a MRI and see a OBGYN but I don't have insurance. Would they just bill me? I'm low income and on work comp right now so it's even lower. I am applying for cmsp that's california state assistance but I won't have it by then
Are there anyways of lowering my car insurance? 19 Yr Old Male.?
Im a 19 year old male and I have my own suzuki swift sport which I have worked hard for for the last few years. The only thing is my insurance is around 3000 a year (brand new car)........ I dont mind going on my mothers insurance for example, im not worried about not being able to build my own no claims bonus............................. I have done a small amount of research into going onto my mothers policy and it wasn't that much cheaper........................are there and other ways of legal going about this? Thanks for your time, Matt.""
About how much does full coverage auto insurance cost?
I'm just curious of how much a good estimate is. If you need a vehicle, try 2000 Honda civic.""
What companies offer mobile home insurance?
i live in ny. all the ones i've found don't do ny or won't insure us because of the age. it was made in 1979. the only one i could find was geico but they want an insane amount of documentation that i just can provide. like if the roof has been replaced and stuff. i know insurance on such an old home is pointless but i have to have it in the park where i live and moving it isn't an option.
Bill to allow insurance plans to not cover Obamacare requirements?
There is a bill going through Congress that would allow insurance companies to offer insurance plans that do not meet the standards of Obamacare. It has even gained some Democratic ...show more
Advantages of IT on insurance?
I had got the topic Advantages of Information Technology on Insurance , please tell me what points i can say on this topic ... the main points that i should mention will be pleased if you could give me a few 10, 12 lines of speech on the topic ...in simple English""
""I am finally getting my own insurance policy, but what is pip insurance?""
I am trying to get a quote from geico and they are asking me to select a type of PIP insurance. Which should I choose? I just moved out of the house, so I don't have a lot of money. PIP full pip primary PIP full health primary PIP med only PIP primary PIP med only health primary""
Motorcycle insurance quote - Progressive?
I only need insurance on my bike for like a week and progressive only gives me the option to either pay the full 12 month cost ($255) up front now OR 2 payments a year which is $135 up front right now. Im not paying $135 when im only going to be riding it for a week...?
How much does affordable health insurance cost?
How much does affordable health insurance cost?
Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
just a little argument what would cost more car insurance or van insurance
Can I get medicaid? (17 weeks pregnant)?
Okay here is the deal, I appreciate all of the help. Okay so I am 17 weeks pregnant and have cigna through my job but when I went to talk to HR today, I will have to be terminated when I take maternity leave because I will only be at the company for 11 months. ( need to be there a year ). So when I give birth, I wont have coverage, that is a bummer! I dunno what else to do but cancel my insurance and get medicaid, something I was trying to avoid but now I don't feel like there is an option, cause I can't cover the baby either with my companies health insurance... argh.. Can i still get medicaid even though I'm so far along??? I'm so scared and dunno wtf to do. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BTW I am in the state of FL""
Does anyone know the car insurance laws in new york state?
Ok. I am seventeen years old and i want to get my drivers liscense but my parents wont let me because they wont pay for my car insurance. Does anyone know the laws for underage drivers for car insurance? I would be driving one of their cars and i wouldnt have one of my own. If you can site a source, it'd be great cause then i could show it to them. thanks.""
Car crash and no insurance?
My partner bought a car he was driving it home but had no insurance. He was driving about 5 mph due to a Traffic jam, he hit the car in front there was little damage to his car. He told the driver he had just bought the car and had no insurance, he said don't worry we will do it between us. My partner told him he will pay for the damage to his car. We received a letter from the drivers insurance to ask to put it in writing that we are willing to pay for the car. A few days later they rang and told us he has put in for whiplash there is no way he could of got whiplash as i was going to slow, no sure what to do please help""
Is there a good site to compare the insurance rates of different cars?
I'm looking at cars for my son (who just turned 16) and would like to see which cars are best in terms of insurance rates without going through the process of getting a quote for each car.
Cheapest car insurance for 20 year old females?
im a new driver, 20, and female. i need car insurance! which would be the cheapest? i already looked at geico and esurance quotes, its $250 a month....""
Can you have car insurance in a different name than the title?
I have never had car insurance in my name before and I am 20 so I am getting quoted from every company for at least 300 a month. The car i'm planning on buying is a 2007-2010 mazdaspeed3. Would I be able to have the car insurance in my fathers name while the title of the car is under my name?
How much is car insurance for a teenager?
If the teenager is added to the parents policy, how much more will it cost the parent? Info: I have a good gpa, I will take drivers ed, my mom has a new car and its safe, and I have just turned 16.""
Question about motorcycle insurance?
Ok... I know that insurance is different from person to person but in general who is the best company to be with for motorcycle insurance. What is the average lowest price, who actually will do their job when its time for a claim. Who has the best or most coverages for a cycle. All these different things. So who is the best...""
Car insurance help please?
Ok, im 16... 17 in a few days, im looking at cars for when i pass my test and all that. What would be the best for a first driver.. Ive been quoted 10,000 on a 1998 ford ka.. Can any one help? Thankyou""
Work hourly - my health insurance in CA is $400.00 per mo. Where can I get cheaper H insurance?
I have migraines and take low dose seizures meds (no seizure in 5 years) so work insurance would not insure me. Other insurance is $400 per mo. and $500 deductible for meds. Where can I find cheaper Health insurance in LA, CA. Deparate""
Car insurance for teens?
what is the price difference between the insurance for an adult and for a teen. if it depends in the car then i am thinking in buying a Honda Accord of Civic, or an Acura Integra or Acura Legend.""
Aviva 15 weeks free car insurance?
does 15 weeks free car insurance mean i pay nothing for 15 weeks,.. or just pay the deposit then free 15 weeks,.. also what does total charge for credit mean and when does it get paid? thanks""
Are hearing aids covered by health insurance?
Since I was born, I've had a hearing problem on my left ear that I have to go to the audiologist for every year, and every year they say my ability to hear in it goes down by a fragment. I'm 16 now, and in high school, and they originally tried to get me to get hearing aids in 6th grade, but I threw a fit because I was afraid people would make fun of me, and they haven't brought it up since. This year I'm really noticing that my hearing is shot. I'm constantly asking people to repeat things, and whenever someone says something to me and I'm not looking at their mouth, it's all a jumbled mess. If there are a lot of people talking, and someone is standing directly in front of me, but I'm not looking at their mouth, I miss probably a fifth of what they say. I've been thinking about getting hearing aids, but I was wondered if they were covered by insurance. My mom gets the insurance through Fl Hospital, if that helps, and as I'm just now looking into it, I don't know many more details about it.""
On friday 4/25 my 03 Tahoe was stolen in front of my house it was recovered the following day 4/26 about 9pm?
it was about 2:30am when the vehicle was stolen, the police was called and they came out to the scene. they gave me a file number. Later in the a.m i called the Insurance and reported the auto theft i gave all the current information my statement was being recorded. The insurance inspector came out to inspect the vehicle on Tuesday theyre were alot of damage inside out. He said it was about $4,000.00 worth of damage. It maybe was going to be total loss. I went ahead and called the adjustor to follow up on the inspection he then said he gave my claim to a investigator for further review. I mention to him that my vehicle is at my house when it should be in the tow yard, that it seems they are lacking holding off in helping me with this situation. He was rude and continue to tell me to wait for a phone call. Today 5/2/2014 a claim investigator called me stating that it was a coincidence that i worked for a auto body shop and my vehicle being stolen recently. I got really upset i told her me working at a shop doesnt have nothing to do with my car being stolen. I told her I was going to seek help thru a lawyer and hanged up the phone. Has anyone been a similar situation? I live in the state of California and have Infinity Insuracne Both my cars are full cover and both are paid off.""
Cheapest car insurance companies for young adults?
I'm a 23 year-old student attending to college, my dad has Allstate so he added me into his policy and it looks like I'll be paying $224.11 for six months; driving a 2001 Mazda Millenia. Does this sounds comprehensive? I feel as is too much. Also, what if I put myself as a married person, will that make a big difference? Thank you.""
Why car insurance quotes go up late at night?
Just been look at car insurance for the last few days using comparison sites and I have been noticing the quotes go up and down by a few hundred pound depending on what time of day it is. Anyone know why this happens?
What cheap but reliable family car is best to buy must be auto cheap insurance?
What cheap but reliable family car is best to buy must be auto cheap insurance?
First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?
I just finished drivers ed today and I want to go ahead and get my drivers license because also Lowes called me and want me to come in for orientation! Crazy day right? 2 good things in 1 day. But anyways the Lowes that I should be working at is maybe 15 minutes away and the position I have should be a night position. I'm sure my mom doesn't want to drive around at night so I told her she can just give me the car at night. Here's the thing my dad said he'd have to put me on his insurance. I would like to get my own insurance so they can save some of there money. So can anybody point me in any direction or give me some tips. Because im clueless when it comes to car insurance. Right now my mom is asking me do I have to work there. I plan on grabbing this job because I've been looking for awhile and I finally got 1. Ain't no telling when I'll get another one
Do i Need Car Insurance?
If i drive my moms car and the car has insurance and my parents both do and i don't have my own and i get in a accident or get pulled over. what will happen to me and my parents? and also i am 16 and just got my license. my parents have AAA insurance and we live in Michigan. My parents do not want to add me on the policy, so can i still drive the car or can i get in big trouble?""
Is car insurance required when getting a car or license?
I going to work on getting a driver license and i want to know if insurance is required for driving or owning a car?
Which of the following medical expenses are deductible for AGI?
How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?
I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?
Which company provide online health insurance?
I want to buy health insurance online without any agent. Will you please suggest me the best online health insurance plan? Thanks in Advance
""Im 16 and have been for nearly a month, still havnt had anything about a national insurance card?""
Right, well i turn 16 like back in august, and i never got sent a national insurance card or anything about it. does anyone know who i have to phone to find out why i havnt had it??""
What happens if i cancel by car insurance?
I have recently turned 17 and can start driving in the UK. There is obviously a large difference between insurance quotes for my car depending on whether i hold a provisional license or a full license. While i am on a provisional i can get a quote for 620 with Quinn-Direct but this will go up to 2000+ after i pass my test. What happens if i buy my insurance then cancel it when i pass my test and get a quote from elsewhere, (I can get one for 1400) will i get a percentage of my money back or will it just be lost? Cheers Rob""
Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
just a little argument what would cost more car insurance or van insurance
What is life insurance?
Life insurance is suppose to be used as a protection of income. In case you die, your family is protected from devastation of substantial income loss. But, many insurance companies are selling it as an additional source of income or as an investment, which is really is not. Therefore, many families who have life insurance are underinsured because these cash value life insurance are very expensive. If you are using life insurance solely for the purpose of saving up for a goal or emergency, why aren't you investing it in mutual funds or put it into an IRA? If you are afraid of the stock market, then open a money market account. If you are saving up for your kids education, then open a 529 plan. All these alternative ways are better than keeping your money in a life insurance because you never have to pay it back if you use them. As to life insurance, if you use any of the cash value, you will have to pay it back with interest.""
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
Do I need to buy auto insurance when I rent a car?
I presently have comprehensive insurance on my own car
Is insurance cheap for a 2007 Honda CBR125?
I live in Vancouver, Canada if that helps. I'm a new motorcycle driver. 17 years old. What could I expect to pay for insurance?""
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
""On average, how much does SR22 insurance cost in Colorado?""
My boyfriend got a DWAI about 3 years ago, he has (finally) decided that he wants to get his licence back, but we aren't sure how much the sr22 insurance usually costs...This was his only driving offense if that matters. Can anyone tell me an average price?""
How do you fight with the other party's insurance company?
Hi, my car insurance covers for liability only and now I have an accident with a big truck. The big truck hit my car from the side. We were driving from 2 lanes next to each other and at one point the two lanes combine into one. While I was alittle pass over the truck, it hit me from the side. Their side has no damage since it is a big truck and our side has damaged from the driver side. The police report didn't explain clearly about whose fault it is except it mentions what the two drivers said. I think it is not my fault and the other driver denied it is his fault either. My insurance company didn't help much because we only have liability. Now, the other party insurance company called me and said they can't pay for the damanges since it is both parties fault. Therefore, pay for damanges on our own. Like I said, the other party didn't have any damages. If we have to fix it by ourselves, it will cost over $1500. :-( How should I fight with the insurance company to get my claims?""
How much does a clio sport 172 cost to insure?
im thinkin of gettin a clio sport 172 how much is the insurance? per month? if you could please state your age as well thanks
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
I'm buying a used car from a private owner. Will I need to have insurance before I purchase the car?
I've never had insurance before. Should I call insurance agencies before I get the car? Get quotes/etc? I won't know if I'm going to buy the car until I see it.
How much will my insurance go up?
I live in Maine, I was pulled over yesterday for doing 74 in a 65. I got a ticket obviously. It's my first one EVER. I am 24 and my parents pay my car insurance. I wanted to just pay it and not tell them about it because they will get mad. We have our car insurance through State Farm and have for a really long time. Some of my friends are telling me that since it's my first ever ticket it shouldn't effect my insurance too much. Is this true???""
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
Off roading 4wd insurance question?
Hi all Just wanting to know if when you are 4wding if you have an accident eg :rool the 4wd or flood it or break stuff on it are we covered by insurance and are there any 4wding insurance companies for 4wders only?
Car Insurance Claim for a respray?
My Ford Galaxy 1998 has lots of scratches all over the body work. Some are malicious where someone has keyed the car, others are from where a car has parked next to me and scratched mine, but the most recent one is from when i reversed into a pillar and scratched the back end. The question i'm asking everyone is am i able to claim on my car insurance for the malicious scratches? For the damage done by another car that i didn't report? And also the damage i caused? I have 6 years no claims bonus (protected) will it be affected? and an excess of 150. Am i able to make a claim for all the damage or will i need to pay where i have damaged it? Any advice please.""
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?
Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?
What happens if your car insurance is cancelled due to non-payment?
I live in Mass and I am facing cancellation for non-payment, sdo they take your plates? What happens?""
What would be the best car for a 17 year old in the UK?
(Has to have low insurance & fairly cheap to buy secondhand)
Trying to get free motorcycle insurance quote from progressive?
Its asking me this though: What date would you like your Progressive policy to start? Im confused. I just want a free quote, i dont want to actually sign up for insurance""
Is life insurance premium deductible?
I got a life insurance on my own. I would like to know if the premium I'm paying is deductible? If you don't know if there a way to find out if it is.
16 year old boy need insurance in CA?
I just got my license and I am planning to buy a toyota or a honda type of car. I want to know how much would car insurence would cost if i do get one and which company would give me a great coverage and a great deal. I need numbers and name people!!!
How does a car insurance company make money?
Does the government back the car insurance companies?
Will my car insurance be invalidated?
Phoned my car insurance company today to report a minor bump. The guy asked if I had any points on my license and I told him that yes I have 3 points for speeding. He said that they had no record of this. I don't know why they have no record of this but that's not really the point. Will they try to claim that my insurance is invalid? If they do try this will I be able to claim a refund as I will have been paying them money for literally nothing for the past four years?
I am after cheap public liability insurance for my bussiness with $5000000 cover in Australia?
The best price i've got so far is $476.63, but I want to pay less than $250 if I can, and I do not care if they are not an Australian company.""
Legal question about car insurance.?
My son was at a party, an aquaintance asked for his car keys to get some drink out of the boot. He then stole the car and crashed it. Only a provisional licence. The car, which is a company car, is a right off. The insurance company are saying that they may not pay out. Who ultimately is responsible.""
Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
just a little argument what would cost more car insurance or van insurance
0 notes
Car insurance cost for a young driver?
"Car insurance cost for a young driver?
My son is nearly 19 years old and having driving lessons. I am worried about the cost of car insurance for him. I have heard if he goes on my insurance it would be a lot cheaper. I have been driving around 10 years now with a clear licence, so my insurance is quite low at the moment. I was wondering if he were to go on my policy how much extra it would cost me if I were to protect my no claims?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the best (fully legal) way for a 17 year old to get cheap car insurance in the UK?
I'm looking at getting a car for my 17 year old son who has just passed his test, but am fairly horrified by the insurance quotes I'm getting for a Ford Ka. He will be the main driver of the vehicle, and I don't want to claim he's the second driver, as that would technically invalidate the insurance. Advice please.""
Can Hit and Run increase my insurance rate?
I parked my car on the street and found on the next morning that it was hit. If I report this to the insurance company, will my premium get increased? It wasnt really my fault that somebody hit me. I have a perfect driving records and no accidents in the past 6 years.""
What's the best way for a 19 year old girl to get insurance through the Affordable Care Act?
I had full coverage medicaid(and dental) up until I turned 19, and my wisdom teeth have just recently come in and I have cavities in them because I can't reach them with a brush. I need to get them removed immediately and another beginning cavity filled. I am independent but I only have a part time job and I need to deal with this immediately. What's the best way to get insurnce through the affordable care act? Links & recourses would be appreciated. Thank you.""
Insurance for teenage mustang driver?
Ive made enough money from my jobs. I have enough to buy a newer mustang (definitely not the newest one but over the 2005 brand) with help from my parents and grandparents. They are all throwing in 2000 dollars for me. But anyways, some backround information, I'm a teenage girl, have taken the driving defensive class, drivers ed, and also get higher than a 3.0 grade average. Would insurance be very high still?""
Cheap to insure drift cars?
im 18 and trying to get a drift car. I looked at nissan skyline, however as the cheapest quote i could get was 37,000, i might not be able to get that, as that was without declaring mods. wondering if anyone that knows drift cars that are cheap to insure or how to get cheaper insurance?""
Can 2 insurance policies go on 1 car ?
hello all .. i sold my car today basicly because i couldnt insure the insurance or fuel anymore as my hours have been cut in work . now my question is .. can i insure my mums car which is already insured by her .. reason i ask is if i cancel my current policy i will have to pay the full years worth of the car i had previous which would be 1000 pound , so i was thinking to insure my mums car to keep my insurance going ? is this possible ?""
Do i need insurance to leave my car parked on the street?
Its got tax and mot but if its not being driven, just parked outside do i need insurance for it? A neighbour told me someone else in the street got towed away as there was no insurance on it.""
Im 20 years old. Just wondering when i should buy life insurance?
Im 20 years old. Just wondering when i should buy life insurance. ? I have a bf live at home with my parents. I have a car loan out for 18,000. Have a full time job. Just wondering if its better to purchase when your younger. My bf and I have been together for 6 years.""
Obamacare and still insurance premium skyrocketing?
Now that Obamacare has passed and in place why insurance premiums are still skyrocketing at record numbers? isn't it the main primary reason for (to have)obamacare is to curb the ever increasing cost of health insurance premium??
How much would it cost to be put onto someone else's insurance?
If it is a 17 year old who is going to be put onto one of his parents insurance so he can drive their car, will the amount added on be roughly the same as if he were to have his own insurance or slightly more/slightly less etc? Cheers.""
Will my daughter driving permit have an affect on our insurance rates?
Will my daughter driving permit have an affect on our insurance rates?
Which companies do cheap quad bike insurance for newly passed car drivers?
Bashan 200c 2007 model, any idea how much insurance will be? Im 19 and have car license only.""
Car insurance for 18 year olds?
I'm 18 years old and I'm trying to find out how much it would be for me?
Insurance policy that's actually affordable?
I'm 18 and I have a 2006 mitsubishi GS that I have financed. It's value is around 10,000. All the policies I've checked out are over 300 a month. That's ridiculous, I have great grades and no traffic violations what's the deal!!""
Do you pay car insurance every month or every six months?
Need it for the class I'm in now. Help quick!
My car was involved in a hit and run and am not covered by insurance?
I just got a message from my friend saying that the car that I now own was involved in an accident. Specifically a hit and run. I know for a fact it wasn't me who hit the car and ran. It had to have been my other friend who borrowed my car. The car is not insured. I'm guessing my friend took off at the scene of the crime and came back not telling me about it. I really didn't notice anything wrong with the car until today putting 2 and 2 together with the newish scratch I had on the nose of my 1997 v6 camaro. It looks like he rear ended the other car from the outline of the marks on my car. Thing is he is not in California anymore and moved back to the east coast. I met the guy and became friends for about a month and a half. He knew alot about cars and he said that he would take it down to this one guy he knew how to flush out the radiator. He did that on the 24th of nov. and the claim of the other driver was said to be on the 24th. What do I do? I can't make any contact with my friend who drove the car because I can't locate him. Am I charged with a hit and run or is he? I forgot his last name so I really can't hold him responsible or report him liable The previous owner got the memo about the claim report because it is still in his name kinda. I told him to say he does not own the car any more and give the insurance company my info and I'll see what i can do. Well what should I do? I need some legit legal consulting.
Haggling Car insurance?
I am 20 years old Guy, and my car insurance is up for renewal, i have a Peugeot 306 hdi 2.0 turbo diesel. I have 2 years driving experience, however only have had a car for 1 year. I have had no claims, no tickets, no points on my lisence. Im Fully Comprehensive, live in a good area, have no criminal record, and park my car on the drive. I have my father, a Police Officer with 30 years no claims and 30 years experience as a named driver on my insurance. My Insurance last year was 1400 (steep yeah) and now its up for renewal i have had a quote of 1100. To me, this seems really steep seeing as surely by now i have proved that i am not some boy racer with a deathwish. My question is, do you guys think ill be able to get this price down with alittle haggling, what would you expect to pay for insurance if you where in my situation?""
About car insurance and drive?
Hi, Anyone can tell, if my insurance for on my name third party only and my friend have just new license and he can drive without anything else like insurance!! If he can't. By legally so if he'll catch when he's driving my car so by uk law what punishment /fine For me?? Or. I'm safe!""
Is their any where that can calculate the average price of car insurance without details?
I just want to calculate the average cost for car insurance without the hassle of putting in my personal details being that it will be at least 2months till i get my licence.
Insurance for a 2nd hand two wheeler.?
Recently purchased a second hand 2wheeler. Changed RC to my name already. Regarding insurance, which one is good?? 1) renewing existing with my name or 2) purchase a new insurance. which one is best?? do we have any difference for the above options?? Approximately how much it costs for both options??? Please guide me.""
Nissan 370z Affordable For A New a Driver?
Is a Nissan 370z or even 350z good and affordable for a new driver? Im only 2 years away from getting my G2 and even though it's really early I would like to start thinking about a good affordable car, yeah yeah why am I getting a 350z/370z when Im looking for cheap and affordable? It's because I would like to try and take it to track days at some local tracks and race when I get my G license. Please don't tell me to stop worry about it you're too young blah blah blah stupidity, in some cases it may be true I just don't care, sorry for my rudeness I get the talk way to much and it's really starting to get annoying. If you have a better choice than the 350z or 370z, I'm looking for any RWD car that is easy to pitch into a drift and race it, also available at a dealer or online at a trusted auto sales site, thanks in advance!""
""For pain and suffering money, how much is enough to ask for from your own car ins. company?""
I was in a car accident where the other driver was at fault (under 18 yrs old, no drivers' liscence, no car insurance, failed to yeild). My car was in the shop for 3-4 weeks, I just finished chiropractic care, and my ins. adjuster is going to meet w/ me soon. I have full coverage insurance plus 'uninsured drivers insurance'. So anything my regular car insurance doesn't cover my uninsured insurance pays for anything else. But he also let me know I will be getting 'pain and suffering money. How much should I ask for?!?! I don't even know an estimate of what I should ask for. The worst thing about it is, since the other guy doesn't have insurance, my dealing with my own insurance company. They said after my claim is settled, they will turn around and sue the other driver. I don't want to end up sueing my own car insurance company either. this is my first car accident.""
How much would insurance be on a 1997 dodge ram 2500?
97 ram 2500 ext cab short bed. Just wondering, also how much would insurance be on a 95 mustang gt?""
What's the salary and commission for infinity insurance in California?
Does anyone know?
17 year old looking to buy a car ( what cars are cheap to insure)?
hey as the title says what cars are cheap to insure and tax and so on please say the make as i dont have a clue about what makes of cars and stuff, prefer a 4 door as got a kid so it will be easier getting in and out with the car seat, thanks""
Car insurance cost for a young driver?
My son is nearly 19 years old and having driving lessons. I am worried about the cost of car insurance for him. I have heard if he goes on my insurance it would be a lot cheaper. I have been driving around 10 years now with a clear licence, so my insurance is quite low at the moment. I was wondering if he were to go on my policy how much extra it would cost me if I were to protect my no claims?
What is a private jet's insurance price? and maintenance costs? Averagely.?
For College I have to do a business plan. We are creating a fictive private jet renting company in Colombia but i can't find these informations. It is really important as i is part of our financial statements. Thank you very much.
Car insurance in the uk?
in the uk do you have to pay for car insurance if your car is on the driveway or off road
Do various driving school programs give different types of certificates that affect your insurance?
I am a 20 year old female first time driver living in Colorado, and I'm debating what program to go with for driving school. The completely online one, the half online half classroom, or the full classroom. I want to take which ever one will give me the best insurance rate.""
Adding a new driver to insurance.?
In Ontario, if a new driver was added to insurance on a 03 dodge caravan how much would it be about?""
Does state farm insurance cover rental cars if you car gets stolen?
I do have full coverage on the car that was stolen ,but does rental coverage come standard on full coverage insurance?""
TEENS: Car insurance question!?
Kinda random but here we go. 1 How much do you pay a month for insurance? 2 How old are you? Male or Female? 3 Do you pay for it or do your rents help? thanks!
How do i get my insurance quotes lower for driving?
im 17 and i want to insure a car but every quote i get is allways about 4000 - 10000, is the any way i could get them lower on my quotes? like having another person as a driver and things like that?""
Will my insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance?
Will my collision insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance when I get into an accident while driving that car?
What's the easiest way to get health insurance?
What's the easiest way to get health insurance?
Car insurance is it legal?
would I be able to drive my wifes car that she owns but has no insurance on the car. I have my own car and are fully comprehensive so would I be breaking the law.
Cop Didn't ask for proof of insurance or registration.?
So i got pulled over for going 28 over the speed limit haha..... It was on a highway and the speed limit was 55 i was going 83 ..... Im from florida and my car and license are all registered in florida but im in georgia right now living with a friend trying to attend college (except i cant find a job cause the worlds slowly dieing lol) But anyways so i get pulled over by this state patrol narcotics douche bag who mind you has no teeth to begin with and in my mind either his mom beat his teeth out of his head or hes a recovering crack head who had lost all of his teeth over the years. Either way he pulls me over and says You were going 83 on a 55 , may i see your license I give him my license he goes back in the car and yeh i was thinking he didnt ask for my proof of insurance or registraion. I would think that he would considering im from out of state. **** Im gonna rant on how this narcotics officer frisked me my question will be at the bottom lol***** So yeh he comes back to the car after running my license and tells me to get out of the car..... I was at this point like .... Ok? So i get out go to the back and he says I asked you to get out cause i see your eyes are red I told him ummm it could be the fact that im allergic to dust and pollen and im driving with the windows down, i rub my eyes cause they itch thusly they get irritated. So i said either its that or the fact that i just got no sleep from the night before and drove my friend up to north carolina. And he then proceeded to ask if he could search my car. Im a month from being 20 and never got pulled over before and ofcourse i said yeh w.e. I smoke cigarettes and when he went to go search my car he comes out freaking out. IS THERE ANY DRUGS IN THE CAR OR ALCOHOL i was like no.... and hes like WELL IF I FIND ONE SEED OF MARIJUANA YOUR GETTING LOCKED UP AND CHARGED 1,100$ ... i was like ok go ahead i dont have anything so thusly he didnt find anything cause i didnt have anything . He finds a vitamin water bottle that wasnt even mine it was my friends girlfriends and he smelt it and said there was alcohol in it...... i was tempted to call him a lunatic and a retard but didnt and just said uhh no thats just vitamin water, so he threw it out and then i went on my marry way with a court date and a crazy speed limit infraction lol. ******* heres the question **** Is it mandatory for a cop to ask for proof of insurance and registration or does it even matter? Thanks for reading if you read the whole thing lol Sean""
If a driver is not covered in your insurance and drive your car are they insured?
my daughter is 16 and is getting her first car today. I only listed the car in my insurance, if she gets in a car crash will she be covered? Or what will happen to her and the car?""
How do i get health insurance?
How do I get health insurance for myself? My work doesn't offer health insurance. My husband and all his younger siblings (over 18) are now covered under my mother-in-law's insurance from her work.
Can my father get iterm insurance ?.?
My father's DOB is 2 May 1947. he is retired from Gov job. i want to have a insurance in name of him bcoz i have two sister dependent on him . so can i get or can he get iterm plan for 20 laks for 20 years.
Should Teens Have To Wait Till 18 To Get A Drivers License?
I look at it this way. I almost if not all states, you have to be 18 to enter into a binding contract. So basically that means my son can't borrow $500 from the bank, but can be responsible for a 3,000+ Lbs. of steel on wheels. I just don't see why driving is the exception to the rule. In my state, a person over 70 has to take a written test.. The same given to new drivers, one time before they get a license. So does anyone agree with this? Or if you don't, why?""
If I ask my insurance company to fix my car will my premium increase?
I'm a beginner driver and I have my first car and a new insurance. Today I hit a standing car. My car requires some body work and the other car was not damaged at all. There was no police report filed. I'm 24 and single. I appreciate your help.
Can i get cheaper car insurance with historical license plates?
can i get cheaper car insurance with historical license plates
I am confuse in my shop insurance?
Insurance company says your insurance in under insure so you can not get full claim amount. What can I do?
Best as in cheapest auto insurance company in California.?
I have a perfect driving record, but i'm not currently insured because I'm looking for someone else... Had allstate.. any suggestions?""
How does the whole process of buying a car work for a teenager?
Okay i am 15 years old and i am trying to figure out now.. What i need to do to be ready to buy my own car in the next few years or when i turn 18. I have many questions.. Because i want my parents to help as little as possible because i will be leaving the house once i am 18 and going to a college that they do not want. So i need to know.. What car? How does the insurance work? How much are payments a month? how do you think i could afford them? Should i start saving now? Should i wait til i move back to california til i buy the car or should i buy it in New York and drive back to California? HELP! PLEASE! or email me and we can talk more about it.
Which car insurance company is the cheapest if you have many points?
Which car insurance company is the cheapest if you have many points?
""In california, what auto insurance options are must haves?""
hey i was just checking out the auto insurance rates (i am from california) i know that bodily injury liabilty, property damage liabitiy, and uninsured motorist are must haves in californa... what else?? i was reading the definition of the auto insurance optional coverages and got a little confused, for example: Property Damage Liability - Mandatory Coverage This coverage protects you against financial loss when your vehicle damages another person's property, such as their vehicle, if you are legally liable. vs. Collision - Optional Coverage This coverage provides protection for loss or damage to your vehicle caused by upset or collision with another vehicle or object. It pays the lesser amount of either the actual value of your vehicle or the amount of each loss, in excess of your selected deductible. i was always under the impression that once you have property damage liability and your car got into an accident, it's covered. can someone with some auto insurance experiece explain this for me please? do you think it's good thing to get both? any advices is appreciated thank you""
""Car Insurance: What are premiums, legal fees and voluntary excess?
I have been trying to get car insurance quotes online but I dont understand what the above terms mean Also if my road tax (UK) is not due for renewal till thursday can i buy it today? Will they adjust the date for me. Any help will be appreciated Thank you for your time
Do you have to buy insurance before you get a car?
I would like to buy an used car (from a private owner). But I was told before I do that I must have a license, tag and insurance on the car. But another person told me that its best for me to get the car first and then get the other stuff... I am so confused.. which way is the best way for me to do? please help.""
What car insurance do you like?
I'm an adult and looking for a good car insurance that's pretty affordable for the age group 18-24. I know that's it's more expensive for young adults due to reckless driving. I want esurance but I was looking for opinions on others I haven't thought about yet.
Car insurance cost for a young driver?
My son is nearly 19 years old and having driving lessons. I am worried about the cost of car insurance for him. I have heard if he goes on my insurance it would be a lot cheaper. I have been driving around 10 years now with a clear licence, so my insurance is quite low at the moment. I was wondering if he were to go on my policy how much extra it would cost me if I were to protect my no claims?
What do you need to get car rental insurance if you dont have car insurance?
Ok my husband and i are planing a trip and would like to know what we need as far as car rental insurance he has a clean driving record but we do not own a car hence the rental and there fore dont have car insurance so we dont know were to start or how we even get it. Someone plz help. Oh and he is 26 so we dont have a problem in that department lol.
Health care insurance?
My husband is on SSI and gets a weekly workers comp check? His income is non taxable . We did not qualify through the affordable marketplace for insurance for myself and son and did not qualify in Indiana for CHIPS for our child? We had been perviously purchasing our own private insurance but now I see you can't even do this anymore our current plan runs out in March of 2014 , and all thay offer now is temporary health care plans. Anyone out there finding them-self in this situation? Any advice ? Thanks?""
How much does health insurance cost?
18 year old, no dependents, on my own, no parental support. Tell me the cost of buying it myself.""
Insurance for moving to USA?
Myself and my partner are moving to the USA. We will need travel insurance and some health cover, and although we will both have health insurance with our new jobs, we will need cover for the first month and I am looking to see if I can find a travel insurance policy that provide the cover. Trouble is, the standard travel insurance I have seen so far assume that we will still live in the UK and that we just want cover for a months 'holiday'. One way travel insurance seems to stop 24 hours after we land in the USA Does anyone know of a one way travel insurance that will cover us for the journey and the first months stay""
What would be the insurance on these cars?
What would be the insurance costs for a 16 year old girl for a Nissan Altima 2013 2.5 SV, a 2013 mustang v6 and 2013 honda crv EX? Or what are good websites to price it at?""
How to make car insurance as cheap possible?
i don't even wanna pay it but if i can get a reasonable price i will pay it. its just ridicoulus how much it costs ( i got no spell check by the way)
Someone hit my car parked at work and i do not have insurance. whats the next step?
i was at work and when i came out, someone had hit my car while i was working. they left all their insurance information and a note apologizing, however, i do not have insurance. whats the next step for me?""
""Diamond Car Insurance? gave the cheapest quote, anybody use or used them?""
I am 21 year old female wanting to start my own insurance policy instead of being 2nd driver on my mums car. I have a Toyota Rav4 Sport, which insurance companies are good with younger people please (the car is 8 years old, so not worth a great deal)""
Insurance help please?
got hit from behind by a driver who has insurance, i notified my insurance what happens next ? will my car get repaired by his company or mine ? and how does a deductible work ? Ive never been in an accident so i am clueless on this,,,,,and how do they fix your car ? do they tell you where to go to repair it ? or just give you the money ? and how do you determine how much ? sorry for being uninformed completely !!!! thanks for your knowledge""
Can I receive california unemployment insurance while I am receiving retirement income?
I reeive a relatively small Cal Pers retirement but it is not enough to live on so I continue to work.
Will simply getting an STI test raise insurance rates?
I was wondering if any doctors or insurance professionals know as fact if insurance rates will increase if someone goes to their primary care physician to get an STI screening, even if they test negative for everything.""
How much does a ticket cost for no proof insurance in ca?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance at the time. But I have insurance. Does anyone know how much the ticket costs. Or what I can do to get it written off??
Anyone please help !!?
im 16 and i want to klnow how much car insurance is going to be. i dont want an exACT FIGURE BUT A ROUND ABOUT PRICE FOR statefarm with all the discounts taken out for being a good stundent and taking the drvers ed my car is already paid off and its a sante fe
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance for young people?
im looking for the who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance for young people
How long do I have to report an accident to an insurance company in California?
If I was in an accident in California how long do i have to report it to the insurance company so that they will cover it?
Cavities before getting health insurance?
What are the rules with getting dental insurance. I am willing to pay monthly for it because I really need my teeth fixed. I heard you can't get any teeth fixed you had before the insurance and also you had to have the insurance for a certain amount of time before getting your teeth fixed. Who knows what the rules are about this?
I am 23. I want to get a sports motorcycle. How much will my insurance be?
What is the cheapest individual health insurance plan in California?
I am young and healthy and need a health insurance plan for myself. Essentially, I just need health insurance in case of a freak accident that will land me in a hospital. Any suggestions? The cheapest so far has been $51 a month. I don't care about deductibles or any of that. Just that it has the lowest monthly fee. Thanks!""
I need advice on car insurance?
OK. Heres the history. I have 3 tickets on my record, two for speeding, and one for running a red light. I'm 18 years old and I am male. So i know I'm already ******. But i need to know is it possible for me to get car insurance again? Oh and technically I've had two accidents. And **** everyone who says Im a bad driver because Im not. I was just a dumb 16 and 17 year old. Quite frankly Im a greater driver than probably everyone who answers this. so shutup. REAL answers please. Thanks.""
Why is insurance coverage for a 2011 Mazda 2 cheaper than a 2007 Ford Focus or Hyundai Elantra?
I just got quotes for a new Mazda 2. Full coverage on the Mazda 2 will increase my total premium by $163. Full coverage quote for a 2007 Focus would be $187 increase. Full coverage quote for a Hyundai Elantra would result in a $176 increase. I find this very surprising. I thought used cars were supposed to result in cheaper insurance coverage.
What car insurance do you have?
Im trying to find one that's cheaper I recently have 21st Century. What's the name of your car insurance and do you like it?
How much will driving lessons in an automatic car be?
I live in the UK, and i'm having to learn to drive in an automatic car because i have a disability which affects my concentration How much would it be to take lessons in an automatic car? And is the insurance more expensive? Thanks""
Allstate insurance?
does allstate have medical insurance
Changing car insurance beneficiaries during a divorce?
Complaint about a car insurance company?
i am so dissatisfied with my previous car insurance company. they just tried everything they can to rip me off. i wonder: 1. where i can go to file a complaint: i will describe how i was mistreated by that insurance company. 2. also, what agency that give a rating to insurance companies? can i contact them to tell them about my story. i think we need to support good insurance companies. for those bad apples, we need to let the public know. thanks""
Car insurance cost for a young driver?
My son is nearly 19 years old and having driving lessons. I am worried about the cost of car insurance for him. I have heard if he goes on my insurance it would be a lot cheaper. I have been driving around 10 years now with a clear licence, so my insurance is quite low at the moment. I was wondering if he were to go on my policy how much extra it would cost me if I were to protect my no claims?
Is insurance required to buy a car?
I live in the state of Washington. I just turned 18 and obtained my driver's license. However, I have been driving for two years now without insurance and license :/ fortunately without any encounters with the law. Anyway, I want to buy my own car now, my first car, so I'm looking for something local on craigslist. My question is, is it required for one to have insurance in the state of Washington in order to buy a car? I've obviously never done this before so if you could explain how this works I would appreciate it. 1.) What exactly do I need to pay for besides the car? (license plates, registration?) and 2.) Do I need to have insurance? (or can I just pay the person for the car, get the paperwork, and it's done, because I can't afford insurance at the moment. Again I've never done this before). Thank you""
Best car insurance for a teen?
Im 16 and will be getting my license soon but have to pay for my own insurance. I would like to know which insurance agency would be cheapest?
Should I get AAA Roadside assistance or Insurance Roadside Assistance?
I drive an 07 Scion and was wondering if I should get AAA Plus or Insurance Roadside assistance. I currently pay $6 a year for Roadside assistance but I have to pay first and then get reimbursed and it only covers $50 each disablement. I was thinking if I should get AAA Plus which covers up to 100 miles for $76 because I know it costs quite a bit just for a hook up fee.
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
How will USAA Insurance decide how much my car is worth in an accident?
I'm not a member and was not at fault - the liable party was a USAA client. I had a 1996 VW Passat and am waiting to hear if they are going to total it. If they do, how do they determine worth? How soon will I get the money?""
Will my car insurance price increase with my mother as an additional driver?
Hey guys, My mother has had two accidents in the past, one of which was her fault.""
Insurance companys are evil?
So my dad is a very involved liberal democrat. We both really like obama (for the most part) and we've been invited to some protest down in Washington DC about how insurance companys are evil and need to change the way they do things. Which i'm excited about, i've never been to washington and it sounds fun. But the problem is.. i dont know very much about how insurance even works. I'm only eighteen, i've never had to deal with it before. I know a little, but since i'm young, its mostly just from the daily show. which is a crappy way to base any opinions i have off of. I'm more informed than most 18 year olds, but i'd still like to know more, if i end up going to this thing. So, can anyone explain to me why they're evil and what needs to change? Id ask my dad but he never shuts up once you get him started..""
Why is health care so expensive in the US?
Why is health care so expensive in the US?
Does red light camera ticket affect your insurance rate?
If i got a ticket from red light cam, will that affect my insurance? In the state of Missouri""
Can a 73 year old man get life insurance for $100K? What would the approx premium be if so?
I know it would be expensive-anyone have an idea? Thanks so much!!
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Why do insurance companys treat workers in the motor trade differently to any other? ie higher quotes etc?
because i work in the motor trade im unable to have the part of my insurance that allows me to drive other vehicles (such as family members) that are already insured why is this?
How will the Affordable Care Act impact part-time and full-time employees?
So I get that employees working 30+ hours, and where there are 50+ employees, have to be offered health insurance, lest the company get a fine, but I'm not sure how that will work ...show more""
How do i buy car insurance and how do I find a insurance company that suits me (cheap)?
ok so I've seen a car I would like to buy, how do I get car insurance? should I ring a call or get insured online? Also a list of names of insurance companies would be helpful? thanks""
My storage builing was broken into and some of my things were stolen... i have insurance on it and I called the insurance company to report it. I'm waiting for the adjuster to call me back to see what all was taken... what can I expect? Are they gonna have to do alot of research... how long is this gonna take?
Cheapest insurance in Kansas?
Cheapest insurance in Kansas?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Can I visit the hospital or doctor without health insurance?
I have been off of by parents health insurance for two years, even though I am a full-time college student, it's just how it was written in their plan. Here is the scoop: Two years ago I injured my knee and got treated for puncture wounds, and had some minor problems with a popping sound here and there over the years. Now, recently, the same knee is in so much pain, I almost cry. It feels like someone is sticking a flat-head screw driver into my knee and hitting it. I checked my symtoms (swollen, severe pain, weakness, loud popping and clicking, instability, pain when walking) on web md and every symptom points to a tore ALC ligament. The charts for pain match 100%. I don't have any form of health insurance, can I still go somewhere to get treated? My knee is severely swollen, and I can feel a shooting pain up and down my leg. It also feels like my knee is pulsating... Help please, I need to go get this taken care of ASAP, I was advised to for it can cause blood clots.""
What is the average cost of life insurance?
I know individual circumstances apply, but there must be an average monthly cost somewhere. 33 years old, Looking for term life insurance, 500K I was just given a monthly quote for $28 per month""
Whats the cheapest non-owners...?
Car insurance?
Car Insurance in NY?
Car Insurance in NY,NY Some used car after year 2000 , for 18 yr old.? I heard its like $4000 a year.?""
Trampoline and home insurance question?
I would like to purchase a large trampoline. However, my boyfriend said he would have to pay more home insurance if there is one on his property. Is that true? Wouldn't that only be required if people outside of the home get injured on it? I would be the one using it mostly, the kids would too. They're young teens.""
Free car insurance quote?
What is the best car insurance quotes & rates site to get free car insurance quotes from? Simpler the better!? I was wondering if you guys would be able to shed a little light on the simplest free car insurance quotes sites out there for U.S. citizens specifically?
How much should i be paying for car insurance in the state of ohio?
I am 17 years old im a male i drive a 2000 chevrolet blazer i have no accidents no tickets and i get decent grades
Cheapest saturn sky insurance for a 16 year old?
I am about to turn sixteen and i was wndering how much insurance would cost for a Saturn sky?
Car insurance cost for a young driver?
My son is nearly 19 years old and having driving lessons. I am worried about the cost of car insurance for him. I have heard if he goes on my insurance it would be a lot cheaper. I have been driving around 10 years now with a clear licence, so my insurance is quite low at the moment. I was wondering if he were to go on my policy how much extra it would cost me if I were to protect my no claims?
0 notes
Our favourite things to see and do in Luang Prabang, Laos
Looking for things to do in Luang Prabang? We’ve got you covered with our guide to the things we loved doing most in Luang Prabang, Laos. Crossing the border into Laos, you can actually feel your pulse begin to drop as your body relaxes into a new level of chill. We’re still not sure what causes this slightly sedative effect – the pockets of pristine nature, the many towns that have a languid riverfront vibe, the calming presence of monks, or the genuine smiles of relaxed locals – all we know is that it’s almost impossible to travel here and not feel like you’re spending your days in a dreamy haze. While all the areas we saw in Laos  (Vientiane, Vang Vieng, Don Det)  stayed true to this vibe in varying degrees, if you head north to Luang Prabang you’ll find that the real zen master has stood up – and is a dang good-looking one at that.   READ MORE: 5 PLACES YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST VISIT IN LAOS This magical ancient former royal city was built on the confluence of two major rivers, the Mekong and the Nam Khan. This is kind of ironic really, when you think about the fact that it’s also a complete melting pot of Lao and French culture; the latter’s influence found in the crumbling French colonial architecture, baguettes, and restaurants throughout the town. UNESCO Heritage status also protects from the rumble of a thousand trucks and buses (they’re banned) rolling through the city – a welcome relief in SE Asia. It’s hard to describe Luang Prabang, mostly because it’s one of those places that you need to feel for yourself to really understand. Words like ‘serene’ and ‘restful’ flit in between our memories from there – filling the gaps around images of a lush green riverside town, orange-clad monks, and the warmth of locals. We definitely expected to find a pretty city having seen it described as the ‘jewel of Indochina’ – but did we expect to find such a haven of tranquility? Definitely not, but we’re so glad to have stumbled upon it. Here’s our favourite things to do in Luang Prabang, the city of ultimate zen.  OUR FAVOURITE THINGS TO SEE AND DO IN LUANG PRABANG, LAOS  #1 EXPLORE THE GLORIOUS TEMPLES Yeah ok, temples really shouldn’t be too foreign to a list like this. But what makes Luang Prabang’s so special is the general feeling of mysticism that floats through the town thanks to the 33 active Wats. That is a lotta temple for a little town. Whatever your spiritual interests are (or aren’t – whatever, we’re not here to judge), weaving your way through the quiet grounds and intricate deep burgundy and golds of the monasteries really is soothing for the soul. LP’s best-known temple Wat Xieng Thong is the perfect spot to park yourself in some shade and monk-watch, contemplate Nirvana and soak up the serenity. If you’re lucky, you might also stumble upon a wedding photoshoot (we did!) and get the chance to witness some beautiful traditional costumes. There’s also an incredible mosaic of life on the western wall which really can’t be missed. COST You’re required to pay or make a donation to almost all temples in Luang Prabang – costs generally range between 10,000 kip – 20,000 kip (~$2.50). PRO TIP Like most tourist attractions, it’s best to get there early. Always remember to be respectful – these are religiously significant sites and should be treated as such – both males and females, cover your bare arms and legs. LAOS INSPIRATION: WHY YOU NEED TO VISIT LAOS NOW #2 ENJOY THE COLOURS OF LUANG PRABANG NIGHT MARKETS South East Asia is a haven for markets, and Luang Prabang has one of the best – the colourful and lively night Evening Markets, which take place from 17:00 – 23:00 in the centre of town. Hill-tribe traders and local vendors emerge selling all the usual products, including incredible wood carvings, handicrafts, jewellery (it’s the perfect place to load up of traveller wristbands), lighting, clothing, and other knick knacks. As is the case with most markets in the region, bartering is normal – play hard but fair and haggle politely. It’s also a wonderful place to photograph as the streets are alive with colour and people, however remember to be respectful as ask before you take a portrait. COST Free PRO TIP To avoid the crowds, arrive around 17:00, however the best time to visit is around 8pm, when the vibe makes it a fun night out. As always, be careful of pickpockets, and barter hard but fair for the best prices. #3 EAT TO YOUR HEATS CONTENT IN BUFFET STREET Buffet street is a backpackers dream – a narrow laneway filled with a market style buffet, with tasty local dishes ranging from fish and meat dishes, to vegetarian. You pay for a bowl, and then pick what you want – couple it with a beer and you’re all set. The seating is communal, which is perfect to meet fellow travellers and exchange stories over a decent meal. COST 10,000 – 20,000 kip (~$1 – $2.50) PRO TIP Steer clear of the meats – we were struck down with food poisoning as a result of eating some dodgy sausage. Fish is okay though! #4 WATCH THE ALMS GIVING CEREMONY  Monks and zen go together like temples and incense, and probably the most iconic image of Luang Prabang is that of the saffron-robed barefoot monk on the daily morning alms collection rounds. Before dawn, hundreds of barefoot monks walk single file through the city collecting sticky rice donations from the local lay people. It’s a hugely important aspect of their culture, and it’s truly magical to witness (as long as you participate right). If you’re thinking of heading to the alms ceremony, check out our guide on participating without being that guy. COST Free PRO TIP We wrote a whole post on how to be respectful during morning alms in Luang Prabang – go read it here. #5 WATCH SUNSET FROM MOUNT PHOUSI 100 metres above the town centre, Mount Phousi is boss when it comes to the Luang Prabang skyline, offering up 360-degree views of the town, golden pagodas, and the fog rolling in across the layers of distant mountains. It’s pretty enchanting. COST 20,000 kip (~$2.50) PRO TIP It’s also extremely popular with the sunrise/sunset worshippers, so if you’re there in the late afternoon unfortunately you’ll have to be prepared to watch part of your sunset through the screen of someone else’s phone or camera. #6 ADMIRE THE BEAUTY OF KUANG SI WATERFALL For a landlocked country, a surprising proportion of what’s awesome about Laos revolves around water, with Kuang Si no exception.  How many waterfalls have you seen that boast a 50-metre cascading drop into three-tiered azure swimming holes? Probably not many, if any. When we say the water here has to be seen to be believed, we’re not exaggerating. Turquoise, azure, whatever you want to call it, Kuang Si is like swimming in the sky. Hike up to the top (appropriate footwear is key to success here), and you can actually stand in the waterfall, about a metre back from the lip (PSA for the mums out there – there is a barrier keeping all safe and sound!) COST 20,000 kip (~$2.50) entrance fee PRO TIP We definitely recommend visiting Kuang Si waterfall early (8am), before the hoards out tourists arrive. That way, you’ll have it ‘mostly’ to yourself, and will be able to enjoy it’s natural beauty. After 11am, it becomes extremely busy. For those wanting to swim, there are changing facilities. TEMPLES AND CHILL – OUR FAVOURITE PHOTOS FROM LAOS #7 CYCLE, WALK, OR YOGA THROUGH THE LUANG PRABANG Given the lack of major traffic on the roads, this is the perfect place to hire a bicycle or lace up the walking shoes and really spend some time exploring the surrounds. There’s something to discover down every almost-french laneway, and a cycle to the hills around the town will leave you in utter awe. Of course, Luang Prabang wouldn’t be complete without some meditation and a little ‘om’ – so check out the cooperative of independent yoga teachers and get your yoga on in some of the city’s most beautiful spots. COST Walking is free, unsurprisingly, while you can hire a bike for around 15,000 – 40,000 kip (~$2-5) per day for many places in town, or from your accommodation. Yoga is around 40,000 kip (~$5) per hour long session. PRO TIP While cycling through Luang Prabang is generally pretty safe, always wear a helmet and keep your wits about you – sometimes your travel insurance won’t cover you for bicycle accidents. #8 EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY The best way to inhale the atmosphere of a place is to inhale its food – a step up from there would be to learn how to cook it too. If you’re going to take a cooking class in SE Asia, this is the place to do it.  French/asian fusion flavours abound, and you’ll want to be taking some recipes home to relive food nirvana in your own kitchen. Tamarind are your best bet – they run cooking classes daily and are well renowned COST 285,000 kip (~$35) for a half day cooking class SOUTH EAST ASIA: THE MOST PHOTOGENIC DESTINATIONS #9 SIP A COCONUT MILKSHAKE AND READ BOOKS AT L’ETRANGER There’s no shortage of cute/cool cafes in Luang Prabang, and our favourite was L’Etranger Books and Tea on Kingkitsarath Rd. Beautiful designed with French and Asian influences, it’s the perfect place to relax and enjoy a tea, or our favourite – the coconut milkshake. It’s also a book store where you can buy new, or exchange old books – which is great for backpackers looking for a new read. COST Depends on what you’re after, but expect to pay slightly more for food and drink than the rest of Luang Prabang. PRO TIP L’Etranger also do movie nights, so if you’re after a relax night out with a side of Hollywood blockbuster, this is your place. #10 UTOPIAN NIGHTS BY THE RIVER AT UTOPIA Admittedly, the Utopia Bar is a very tourist-centric hangout (and alcohol is probably not overly close to the original definition of ‘zen’), but once you’ve melted into the cushions and pillows scattered about on the floor and outdoor areas of this popular bar, ordered a nice cold Beerlao, and caught up on the day’s happenings, you’ll see exactly why it’s on this list. COST Beers from 15,000 kip (~$1.50) PRO TIP Due to nightly curfew that extends through Luang Prabang, Utopia closes at 11:30pm. Don’t fret, the party kicks on at the infamous ‘Bowling Alley’ – it’ll make more sense when you’re there! Need to book accommodation in Luang Prabang? Here’s £30 off your first AirBnb booking Check out Hotel’s Combined for the best hotel deals FOLLOW OUR ADVENTURES ON FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | TWITTER | PINTEREST LIKE THIS POST? PIN AND SHARE IT! JOIN OUR TRIBE & WANDER WITH US Join 30,000+ people and receive travel stories, tips + hacks, and stunning photography to inspire your wanderlust. Straight to your inbox We hate spammers. We'll never be those people. The post Our favourite things to see and do in Luang Prabang, Laos appeared first on The Common Wanderer.
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almostdiplomatic · 7 years
Our previous posting in Kuala Lumpur meant that my husband and I would finally get to have our own home. A place where we could call the shots when it came to the furniture and the whole look and feel of the place.
Thankfully, we were on the same page when it came to what we wanted – something classic and cosy. It’s the same view I have with clothes: It should still look good years from now when I look at photos and I should love wearing them. In the case of our home, we must enjoy staying in it. After all, this is where we will be recharging after a long day.
It also must look presentable enough – fit to host my husband’s counterparts, diplomats from other countries. Spoiler alert: the pressure during the furniture and decor hunting paid off. In the span of our 2 years and 10 months stay in Kuala Lumpur, we’ve had over an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, an Ambassador, an Undersecretary, an Assistant Secretary, a couple of directors, and even members of the media. My hosting skills were really put through a major test. It was exhausting but made for really good memories.
Another factor was of course, we wanted to save as much as possible. I’m married to a government guy at the end of the day.
We were lucky enough to find an apartment with so much space for a crazy-affordable price. It was an old building so it was an unusually-large cut that gave us ample wiggle room for furniture sizes. So, there was no need for an interior designer. I was also pretty sure we can do this on our own.
The husband, being a diplomat, also means we’re not staying in Kuala Lumpur forever. Lugging around big, expensive furniture would be such a hassle when it came to finding a new apartment – be it in a different posting or back home in Manila. And imagine if you get expensive pieces that will get damaged during shipment? Que horror! My heart won’t be able to take it.
(In case you want to see how we decorated the apartment for Christmas, click here.)
We didn’t want to be constricted by such a long-term (possibly forever binding) investment. We wanted to tailor our home to the place we’re in and the space that we have. The furniture we were buying would also end up being sold at the end of our posting in KL.
Buying and Selling Due to Our Constant Moving
Now that we’re in Berlin, I can honestly say that it was pretty easy selling our furniture after the posting. A, because they were still in tip-top shape due to my husband and I having an obsession with keeping things the way they are. And B, because we were able to part with the pieces at such affordable prices – especially since we got them at good rates to begin with. Friends came over  for ‘shopping’ and the rest were sold via expat groups on Facebook.
Prints from Etsy framed at one of the small galleries outside the Central Market. We brought these with us to Berlin though.
I love having guests and we were always complimented for the home that we built. Friends loved hanging out at our place and our home was always filled with laughter and fun dinners.
We just decided to pick and choose the furniture and decor ourselves. To make the place have a luxurious feel, we would sometimes mix in some pieces that are a little pricier with the bulk that’s on the more affordable side. A (gifted, even!) Diptyque candle here, a gorgeous lamp there.
I grew up with an Ilocana grandma so saving on things is truly a thrill for me. So, without further ado, here are the places I can truly recommend in Kuala Lumpur for furniture and home decor.
Yeah, yeah. It’s not the usual place where you will see diplomats buy their furniture. It’s where middle-class locals go for furniture so it was, of course, part of our list. We’re not brand snobs. As long as it’s the style I want and the quality is good enough without overcharging us, then we’re on board. 😉 If you’re willing to spend time finding the perfect piece at an affordable rate, you really should give Courts a chance.
While some designs may not be for us (some were a bit gaudy, imperial-ish, and there were even some that looked like they were designed for King Louis XIV), a good combing of the place will help you find some pieces that will do you proud.
Our sofa, the tables in the living room, and even our guest bedroom set all came from there. Oh, and the dining set too. I distinctly remember the two sofas costing us about MYR1500 (USD365.72, PHP18,400). They were the exact shade of light grey that I wanted and were too comfy for words. Those two sofas always had us snoozing while watching television at night. I envy the people using them now!
The dining set was really elegant and looked great in photos during those dinners we hosted. I can’t remember exactly how much it was, same with the bedroom set, but they were definitely way less than MYR 2000 (USD487.33, PHP24,524) for each set. That’s like shopping at SM Home in Manila and I’ve heard the prices have gone up there too.
Well of course this was going on the list. Ikea is a little bit premium in Asia. Were you shocked? It’s not as expensive as designer furniture. However, it’s still a smidge pricier compared to its local counterparts. I did get my work desk there (not in photos) and some of our decor, especially for the holidays, were from IKEA. If there’s one thing Scandinavians know, it’s Christmas.
An online store – but I suggest you visit the showroom like we did. MyFurnitureShop is located in Sri Kembangan. It’s a bit of drive from KLCC where our apartment was and we went there when we still didn’t have our car. You can take the KTM Train but I would recommend getting a Grab Car or an Uber instead since the place is far from the station. You will still have to take a car once you get off the train anyways. Do not take a taxi. They will overcharge you.
The mirror and console table came from My Furniture Shop
So did our outdoor set. The plant boxes were from IKEA. Sadly, these flowers proved that I don’t have a green thumb. May they rest in peace.
Buffet table also from My Furniture Shop. Those two vases were gifts from people from our Congress who I showed around KL after their meetings.
What we did was we looked through the site for pieces that we may like in the price points within our budget and asked to see them while we were there.I still remember the guy who took down our orders – Laltu.
Not all were available since the pieces are made to order. We did see a real, heavy, wooden bed frame there which I liked the look of. Laltu said he will make us one exactly like it for MYR400 (USD97.53, PHP4,904). I thought he was kidding.
That was incredibly cheap and he threw in a mattress which my often-sore back really loved for just an extra MYR200 (USD48.76, PHP2,452). I was dumbfounded. They never get this affordable anywhere else, do they? When the orders came, I even double checked the mattress thinking Laltu will sell me a used piece because I still couldn’t believe the price. It was new, thank goodness. And the bed frame? Really sturdy. I knocked on it with my knuckles and heard deep thuds. Also, they got really sore.
The thing about the website is expensive items are usually shown first. So when you check online and you see the prices are pretty high, look through the next pages of the category you’re in. Also, when you visit the store, you can haggle!
How About the Decor?
This is Southeast Asia’s version of Amazon and we’ve found a couple of really good items there. The driftwood lamp in our living room that everyone seemed to love and some even thought was a designer piece from Bangsar Shopping Centre? It’s from Lazada and it was a little less than MYR200 (USD48.76, PHP2,452).
This Australian chain is popular for their fabrics and home decor as well. I highly recommend their holiday decor as well as kitchen and bathroom knick-knacks. A great place for gifts as well. The items are a little bit pricier but they really do go all out during their sales. We once got a classy pump bottle for liquid soap for about MYR20. You can also get organisers for your home and makeup stash here.
This store carries affordable home decor and other cute knick-knacks. We got our huge prints on canvas here and even the huge lamp we hung on our balcony. Kaison is also a great place to buy pretty little things that you can add to a vignette or if you’re making centrepieces.
Department Stores
Lastly, I would also recommend the department stores in KL. My favourites are the ones in Pavilion (Parkson), Suria KLCC (Isetan and Parkson), and 1Utama (Aeon and Tangs). They are amazing when they go on sale. I got some of our Canon bedsheets at 80% off. Nothing makes a bed look more luxurious than it actually is other than high thread count sheets. They’re also great for decor as well as goods for your kitchen.
Master’s Bedroom. There were built in closets and a dresser which saved us a lot of money.
Even the guest room had built in closets and a dresser so we could focus on buying a bed and other things needed.
There you have it! So, if you’re moving to KL and thinking of getting your own furniture, here are some places you should consider. Living in Kuala Lumpur is insanely inexpensive – that is, if you’re smart about where you’ll go. Remember – money can’t buy class. So don’t pressure yourself to own expensive things if you’re on a budget. It’s how you carry yourself that dictates how people see you and the life you live. 🙂
If you found something you like and I didn’t mention where it was from, do hit me up in the comments section below. I’ll answer with the name of the store.
Sharing is caring! Do Pin this post if you found this post helpful. 🙂
More later!
Budget Friendly: Furnishing & Decorating Your Home in Kuala Lumpur Our previous posting in Kuala Lumpur meant that my husband and I would finally get to have our own home.
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Our favourite things to see and do in Luang Prabang, Laos
Looking for things to do in Luang Prabang? We’ve got you covered with our guide to the things we loved doing most in Luang Prabang, Laos. Crossing the border into Laos, you can actually feel your pulse begin to drop as your body relaxes into a new level of chill. We’re still not sure what causes this slightly sedative effect – the pockets of pristine nature, the many towns that have a languid riverfront vibe, the calming presence of monks, or the genuine smiles of relaxed locals – all we know is that it’s almost impossible to travel here and not feel like you’re spending your days in a dreamy haze. While all the areas we saw in Laos  (Vientiane, Vang Vieng, Don Det)  stayed true to this vibe in varying degrees, if you head north to Luang Prabang you’ll find that the real zen master has stood up – and is a dang good-looking one at that.   READ MORE: 5 PLACES YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST VISIT IN LAOS This magical ancient former royal city was built on the confluence of two major rivers, the Mekong and the Nam Khan. This is kind of ironic really, when you think about the fact that it’s also a complete melting pot of Lao and French culture; the latter’s influence found in the crumbling French colonial architecture, baguettes, and restaurants throughout the town. UNESCO Heritage status also protects from the rumble of a thousand trucks and buses (they’re banned) rolling through the city – a welcome relief in SE Asia. It’s hard to describe Luang Prabang, mostly because it’s one of those places that you need to feel for yourself to really understand. Words like ‘serene’ and ‘restful’ flit in between our memories from there – filling the gaps around images of a lush green riverside town, orange-clad monks, and the warmth of locals. We definitely expected to find a pretty city having seen it described as the ‘jewel of Indochina’ – but did we expect to find such a haven of tranquility? Definitely not, but we’re so glad to have stumbled upon it. Here’s our favourite things to do in Luang Prabang, the city of ultimate zen.  OUR FAVOURITE THINGS TO SEE AND DO IN LUANG PRABANG, LAOS  #1 EXPLORE THE GLORIOUS TEMPLES Yeah ok, temples really shouldn’t be too foreign to a list like this. But what makes Luang Prabang’s so special is the general feeling of mysticism that floats through the town thanks to the 33 active Wats. That is a lotta temple for a little town. Whatever your spiritual interests are (or aren’t – whatever, we’re not here to judge), weaving your way through the quiet grounds and intricate deep burgundy and golds of the monasteries really is soothing for the soul. LP’s best-known temple Wat Xieng Thong is the perfect spot to park yourself in some shade and monk-watch, contemplate Nirvana and soak up the serenity. If you’re lucky, you might also stumble upon a wedding photoshoot (we did!) and get the chance to witness some beautiful traditional costumes. There’s also an incredible mosaic of life on the western wall which really can’t be missed. COST You’re required to pay or make a donation to almost all temples in Luang Prabang – costs generally range between 10,000 kip – 20,000 kip (~$2.50). PRO TIP Like most tourist attractions, it’s best to get there early. Always remember to be respectful – these are religiously significant sites and should be treated as such – both males and females, cover your bare arms and legs. LAOS INSPIRATION: WHY YOU NEED TO VISIT LAOS NOW #2 ENJOY THE COLOURS OF LUANG PRABANG NIGHT MARKETS South East Asia is a haven for markets, and Luang Prabang has one of the best – the colourful and lively night Evening Markets, which take place from 17:00 – 23:00 in the centre of town. Hill-tribe traders and local vendors emerge selling all the usual products, including incredible wood carvings, handicrafts, jewellery (it’s the perfect place to load up of traveller wristbands), lighting, clothing, and other knick knacks. As is the case with most markets in the region, bartering is normal – play hard but fair and haggle politely. It’s also a wonderful place to photograph as the streets are alive with colour and people, however remember to be respectful as ask before you take a portrait. COST Free PRO TIP To avoid the crowds, arrive around 17:00, however the best time to visit is around 8pm, when the vibe makes it a fun night out. As always, be careful of pickpockets, and barter hard but fair for the best prices. #3 EAT TO YOUR HEATS CONTENT IN BUFFET STREET Buffet street is a backpackers dream – a narrow laneway filled with a market style buffet, with tasty local dishes ranging from fish and meat dishes, to vegetarian. You pay for a bowl, and then pick what you want – couple it with a beer and you’re all set. The seating is communal, which is perfect to meet fellow travellers and exchange stories over a decent meal. COST 10,000 – 20,000 kip (~$1 – $2.50) PRO TIP Steer clear of the meats – we were struck down with food poisoning as a result of eating some dodgy sausage. Fish is okay though! #4 WATCH THE ALMS GIVING CEREMONY  Monks and zen go together like temples and incense, and probably the most iconic image of Luang Prabang is that of the saffron-robed barefoot monk on the daily morning alms collection rounds. Before dawn, hundreds of barefoot monks walk single file through the city collecting sticky rice donations from the local lay people. It’s a hugely important aspect of their culture, and it’s truly magical to witness (as long as you participate right). If you’re thinking of heading to the alms ceremony, check out our guide on participating without being that guy. COST Free PRO TIP We wrote a whole post on how to be respectful during morning alms in Luang Prabang – go read it here. #5 WATCH SUNSET FROM MOUNT PHOUSI 100 metres above the town centre, Mount Phousi is boss when it comes to the Luang Prabang skyline, offering up 360-degree views of the town, golden pagodas, and the fog rolling in across the layers of distant mountains. It’s pretty enchanting. COST 20,000 kip (~$2.50) PRO TIP It’s also extremely popular with the sunrise/sunset worshippers, so if you’re there in the late afternoon unfortunately you’ll have to be prepared to watch part of your sunset through the screen of someone else’s phone or camera. #6 ADMIRE THE BEAUTY OF KUANG SI WATERFALL For a landlocked country, a surprising proportion of what’s awesome about Laos revolves around water, with Kuang Si no exception.  How many waterfalls have you seen that boast a 50-metre cascading drop into three-tiered azure swimming holes? Probably not many, if any. When we say the water here has to be seen to be believed, we’re not exaggerating. Turquoise, azure, whatever you want to call it, Kuang Si is like swimming in the sky. Hike up to the top (appropriate footwear is key to success here), and you can actually stand in the waterfall, about a metre back from the lip (PSA for the mums out there – there is a barrier keeping all safe and sound!) COST 20,000 kip (~$2.50) entrance fee PRO TIP We definitely recommend visiting Kuang Si waterfall early (8am), before the hoards out tourists arrive. That way, you’ll have it ‘mostly’ to yourself, and will be able to enjoy it’s natural beauty. After 11am, it becomes extremely busy. For those wanting to swim, there are changing facilities. TEMPLES AND CHILL – OUR FAVOURITE PHOTOS FROM LAOS #7 CYCLE, WALK, OR YOGA THROUGH THE LUANG PRABANG Given the lack of major traffic on the roads, this is the perfect place to hire a bicycle or lace up the walking shoes and really spend some time exploring the surrounds. There’s something to discover down every almost-french laneway, and a cycle to the hills around the town will leave you in utter awe. Of course, Luang Prabang wouldn’t be complete without some meditation and a little ‘om’ – so check out the cooperative of independent yoga teachers and get your yoga on in some of the city’s most beautiful spots. COST Walking is free, unsurprisingly, while you can hire a bike for around 15,000 – 40,000 kip (~$2-5) per day for many places in town, or from your accommodation. Yoga is around 40,000 kip (~$5) per hour long session. PRO TIP While cycling through Luang Prabang is generally pretty safe, always wear a helmet and keep your wits about you – sometimes your travel insurance won’t cover you for bicycle accidents. #8 EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY The best way to inhale the atmosphere of a place is to inhale its food – a step up from there would be to learn how to cook it too. If you’re going to take a cooking class in SE Asia, this is the place to do it.  French/asian fusion flavours abound, and you’ll want to be taking some recipes home to relive food nirvana in your own kitchen. Tamarind are your best bet – they run cooking classes daily and are well renowned COST 285,000 kip (~$35) for a half day cooking class SOUTH EAST ASIA: THE MOST PHOTOGENIC DESTINATIONS #9 SIP A COCONUT MILKSHAKE AND READ BOOKS AT L’ETRANGER There’s no shortage of cute/cool cafes in Luang Prabang, and our favourite was L’Etranger Books and Tea on Kingkitsarath Rd. Beautiful designed with French and Asian influences, it’s the perfect place to relax and enjoy a tea, or our favourite – the coconut milkshake. It’s also a book store where you can buy new, or exchange old books – which is great for backpackers looking for a new read. COST Depends on what you’re after, but expect to pay slightly more for food and drink than the rest of Luang Prabang. PRO TIP L’Etranger also do movie nights, so if you’re after a relax night out with a side of Hollywood blockbuster, this is your place. #10 UTOPIAN NIGHTS BY THE RIVER AT UTOPIA Admittedly, the Utopia Bar is a very tourist-centric hangout (and alcohol is probably not overly close to the original definition of ‘zen’), but once you’ve melted into the cushions and pillows scattered about on the floor and outdoor areas of this popular bar, ordered a nice cold Beerlao, and caught up on the day’s happenings, you’ll see exactly why it’s on this list. COST Beers from 15,000 kip (~$1.50) PRO TIP Due to nightly curfew that extends through Luang Prabang, Utopia closes at 11:30pm. Don’t fret, the party kicks on at the infamous ‘Bowling Alley’ – it’ll make more sense when you’re there! Need to book accommodation in Luang Prabang? 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