#hail skydra!
kyliafanfiction · 4 years
Tagged by @okoriwadsworth Author Name: Kylia
Fandom You Write For: Right now? Arrowverse, Stargate, Fallout and Buffyverse. I’ve also written for several others and may return to some of them at various points.
Most Popular One-Shot: Let’s take a look, actually. On Fanfiction.net, going by reviews: The Iron Coin of The Jester, technically, though since it’s the first part of a larger series, arguably not. Hail Skydra if you discount the previous.
On Archive of Our Own, going by Kudos: Hail Skydra again On Twisting the Hellmouth, going by reviews: The Iron Coin of the Jester, again if you count things part of larger series. If you don’t, then The Spellbook
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:  On Fanfiction.net, going by reviews: *Siiiigh* The Fourth Tale, my oldest posted (and worst ever posted by several country miles), one I only keep online because A) It was the first writing project I ever finished, and B) Because these days I’ve long since decided it’s almost never okay to delete fanfics, having been burned by authors deleting some of my faves for one reason or another.
On Archive of Our Own, going by Kudos: Enough Good Left After All (incidentally my 2nd most popular fic on FFN by reviews)
On Twisting the Hellmouth, going by reviews: Iron Coin Chronicles: Season 1
Favourite Story You Wrote: Not applicable.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Punishment and Reward, the first (and so far only) dedicated smutfic I ever posted.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: I try to pick something that at least gives some sort of indication as to what the story is about, even if that indication only actually makes sense a few chapters in. The title has to be about the story, and we’ll often see a full on title drop. Titles will also sometimes be little jokes on canon in one way or another.
How Many of Your Stories Are: (Going off just ao3 for simplicity)
Complete: 53 out of 71, but on Ao3, a lot of oneshots are posted that got posted in collections elsewhere, if posted anywhere else at all.
In-Progress: 18 out of 71, though that includes two deliberately open-ended (if unlikely to be added to anytime soon) oneshot collections.
Coming Soon: I only have one fic I’d actually call ‘coming soon’, in terms of being definitively a thing that will happen and yet hasn’t yet, and that’s my Snowbarry AU of the Flash called Frostbite
Upcoming Story You’re Most Excited to Write: Well, I’ve only got the one, so...
Do You Accept Prompts: Not at this current point in time. I have before, and I may again, but I am not now.
I Tag @raywritesthings @lordflausch @verynonyideas and @stargazerdaisy
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