#hanta's mom is really really cool just.. like shes gonna be better but thatll be in the future
denkilightning · 4 years
the wip yall asked for im ready for some self validation
important thing to pay in mind: hanta uses they/them pronouns!! and they’re half portuguese from their mother’s side
tw/cw, tags: (lots of) swearing, guns/gunshots, q slur, slight misgendering, unloving biological parents, lgbtq themes
summary: Hanta gets kicked out. Aizawa finds them. Shit happens.
pls give constructive criticism/some validation
Hanta woke up on a couch feeling like absolute shit. Their arms and fucking elbows were raw as fuck. Felt as if they were gonna fall off. 
Wouldn’t be that bad. 
They haven’t felt this bad even after the Sports Festival.
Probably because I haven’t used them much there lmao, they chuckled to themselves. Why did I fall asleep on a couch, anyway? 
Then Hanta remembered what happened last night.
They came out to their mother. Which turned into coming out to their parents. Fuck. Because, yeah, that was smart. After their dad said he'd fucking shoot them if they turned out to be a fucking queer back in middle school. 
Right after the Sports Festival, Hanta decided it was a good idea to come out as genderqueer to their mother. 
Mamãe didn’t react so badly. 
A simple ‘You’ll always be my baby boy, querido’. 
Which were not the words they wanted to hear. 
Did it hurt? Yeah. Obviously. It was their mamãe, who was supposed to not only accept, but also support them all their life. 
And then she just… didn’t.  
She still loved them though! And wasn’t that enough? It didn’t feel like enough. It should though, shouldn’t it?
Hanta’s mother was an incredible woman. Smiling through hell, comforting them when they needed, taught them portuguese and everything they knew, really. Quirkless, in the world where only the quirk mattered. She was strong, funny, brave and beautiful. That’s what she was like, wasn’t it?
Hanta wasn’t at their house. They were at Aizawa and Mic’s. Fuck, I didn’t even know they were together. 
You couldn’t blame them, though. They didn’t pay attention to their teachers’ personal lives and these two were very different from each other. Didn’t seem to spend time together more than necessary. 
So Hanta was surprised when Aizawa warned them that Mic was there, too. They put two and two on their own.
Then the sweet smell hit Hanta. Rice, cinnamon and… vanilla?
It smelled like home. 
Tears pricked at their eyes. Fuck.
Baby steps, anjinho. They heard their mamãe's voice inside their head. 
They took a deep breath and slowly moved one arm. Hurt like hell but was livable. They gripped the blanket in one hand and slowly lifted. Then they moved their legs to test the waters. Their legs seemed fine. Or better than arms, rather. They put their legs on the ground, loosened the grip on the blanket and let it fall. 
It still wasn’t worse than father’s reaction.
Hanta couldn’t remember any actual words but what they did remember was shouting and gunshots and ‘get out of my house’s and fear. They remember feeling absolutely terrified. 
Hanta has never been so scared in their entire life. And they’ve been attacked by tens of villains and frozen by Todoroki, while being watched by the whole nation (if not multiple nations, fucking God).
Long story short, they were kicked out and they’d be homeless and starve to death if Aizawa hadn’t found them on his night patrol.
Hanta looked around and spotted a tall, slim figure in what seemed to be the kitchen. 
Just when the figure turned to them and smiled the extravagant smile, Hanta recognized Present Mic. 
‘I’m making rice pudding.’ Mic smiled. ‘It’s vegan.’ He added brightly.
Hana blinked in surprise.
‘Come on, sit with me.’ Mic invited the with a vague hand gesture. 
Hanta complied.
Mic smiled, pushing the plate towards them. ‘Try some.’
They took the fork. ‘Sure.’
They tasted the meal.
It was… not bad. They weren’t sure if it was good, but it surely wasn’t bad.
But most importantly, it didn’t taste like home. It was a bit sweeter, less vanilla than mamãe used to add. 
But Hanta liked it.
‘Do you like it?’ Mic looked at them with glowing eyes.
Hanta smiled. ‘Yeah.’ 
They looked down at their plate with soft eyes and looked back at Mic. ‘Thanks, Mic!’
Mic looked at them with a weird look in his eyes. Hanta decided he liked it. 
‘Call me Yamada, if you’d like.’
Hanta swallowed the rice and smiled again. ‘Sure.’
Hanta studied Mi- Yamada’s face, while munching on their food. They didn’t even realize how much they needed food until now. 
The guy would be considered really attractive if it weren’t for this fucking mustache, but Hanta had a mullet so they didn’t really have a room to judge. His colors were basically the opposite to Hanta’s. His rich brown skin contrasted nicely with the gold of his hair. He had a pointy nose and small mouth, which was surprising with his quirk in mind. His eyes were the most striking green Hanta has ever seen. And… was this red in his irises?
‘Um… excuse me, but what color are your eyes?’ Hanta asked slowly.
Yamada chuckled.
‘I have partial heterochromia.’ he said. ‘Most of my eyes are green and then there's bam! Red.’ Yamada gestured excitedly.
[the blank, but know toshi toshi comes in]
Don’t fucking assume pronouns, Hanta, they told themselves. A scratchier, brighter voice filled their mind, A hypocrite ain't something you wanna be, fofinho. Hypocrites end in sad places.
Yeah, I’m surely in a sad fucking place. 
‘You’re the guy from the hero course who got wrecked?’ Eyebags eyed Hanta, unimpressed, as they flinched.
That stung.
‘Not a guy.’ Hanta murmured, grimacing.
Eyebags raised their eyebrows and said, ‘Sorry. You’re the kid who got wrecked with that ice overkill?’
A sentence like that shouldn’t lift their spirits but Hanta was a human of low standards.
Hanta chuckled nervously. 
‘Yeah.’ They smiled sheepishly, scratching their neck. ‘And you’re the kid who declared the war on us?’ They raised their eyebrows, grimace turning into a soft smirk.
Just because they got almost killed by their own father doesn’t mean they’re not the piece of shit they’ve always been.
Yamada laughed.
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