#happen hourly and doesn't stop them because they either 1 do not care and are a cold hateful god
journalingdaze · 3 years
When you're told your new schedule and it doesn't sit right with you, at all, let it be known. Ask if you could change it. Don't be afraid to stand up for your rights.
I understand we all have families and want or need certain days off, but don't use YOUR life as a reason as to WHY I can't have certain days off for MY family time. Yes, it sucks not seeing your daughter for more than 5 minutes, but you also signed up for that role when you became the title you are. That has nothing to do with me. Straight up - stop trying to justify the wrongfulness in the scenario.
Also, don't tell me that the way I came about it isn't "right." Like, we're all entitled to our feelings, and if I disagree, in that moment, I'm going to come at you with how I'm feeling. Doesn't mean it's the right thing to do, but understand, these changes literally just fucked up so many peoples lives and all you see is the anger behind it. It's a lot to take in in a short period of time, and you're expecting everyone to change what they had planned, IF anything, to accommodate this damn company.
Number one, there's not many calls. Number two, 9:30-6:30, really? Number three, no weekends off - ever - UNLESS you find someone who would be willing to change with you. (Not here - NOT HERE) So, I'm fucked. And I don't agree with it at all. Number four, it goes into effect THIS weekend, MEANING I get 1 day off, and now my scheduled days off are Tues-Wed. Nope. Don't agree. And it's unfair to those who get weekends off, at least one day out of it, every weekend, where my "team" is having to surrender to be there on both weekend days. No! Number five, who the fuck is Corina and why hasn't she introduced herself so we know who our TL is? It's a major shit show and it's overflowing.
Please, stop telling me that things are being taken into consideration if you're still seeing certain people there who have done wrongful things. Just, don't. I don't have time to play these games of literally spilling my heart out and providing my feelings to "hope" things change. It's not going to, it's just not.
Don't tell me that in this CC, if you're not on a phone call that your money is going to be deducted from your check. Meaning, your call time is your check. Not your actual "in building" time. Nah. That doesn't sit right with me. It's hourly PLUS commission. It shouldn't be based on how long you're in queue for taking calls. If that's the case, I'm out. I'm done. Because, if I have personal issues to take care of, yet I'm still in that building, you're telling me that I'm not gonna get paid for my time being there because I'm not taking a call? Naaaaaaah.
I've never heard of ANY place ANYwhere that has said, "you're only getting paid for the time you're PHYSICALLY WORKING." But yet, I'm held hostage in a toxic environment for eight hours. SMH. Not one damn job I've had has EVER said that. If you're in that building, you're getting paid. Because! In this case, nobody would just be freeballin', walking around, if they KNEW that the phone calls was their paycheck.
Also, thanks for letting me know that my help is appreciated, but stop doing it. Yeah - let's just keep the frustration happening. Not just with me, but the customers and the agents having to wait on slow ass people to either walk over to you or possibly answer in the Q. Nobody pays attention to detail, so we'll be there all day with no assistance. But, you want me to stop? K, tell me to my face. Thank you. I won't do it anymore. But, it's "appreciated." Again, makes no sense. But OK.
I'm mentally exhausted, emotionally drained, and physically over stepping foot into that damn building, with these dumb and rude people, with these dumb policies and procedures, that don't change anything.
"There's only two people who can terminate someone and their always busy. One is getting pulled everywhere and one is always in a meeting." Okay - so, why can't anyone else write someone up and tell them something? *shrug*
It's not even worth talking about anymore beyond this post, today.
I'm waiting for an interview phone call / text to set one up. And you know what? I'm taking it if I get offered. I'm D. O. N. E. here. Done.
There's never gonna be enough people to make it fully staffed, meaning, no moving up. Everyone is overwhelmed and upset about something that nobody stays. It's an ongoing cycle of people never returning. And, I'm next on that list.
Let's just finish up AT LEAST this week and see how it goes. 🤞 Fingers crossed I get called for that interview ASAP cause once Sunday hits, who knows if I'm gonna agree to the changes.
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