#happily swinging a bat at a hornet's nest
headspace-hotel · 1 year
types of opinions about climate change mitigation/adaptation:
Everyone should go vegan and that would fix everything
Everyone should stop having kids and that would fix everything
We're all doomed and soon all life on Earth will succumb to [some extreme extinction event that is well outside the scope of current predictions]
We're all doomed and if you are hopeful that solutions still exist you are callous, evil, and probably bigoted
We're all doomed and that's a good thing because Humans Are The Real Virus
We have to move humanity into giant cities where they can't harm the rest of the Earth
We have to start farming in huge indoor warehouses because farming is unsustainable
We have to start eating algae and bacteria because crops are unsustainable
We have to go back to a pre-industrial existence because industries are unsustainable
If we just execute the 100 richest people, that fixes everything, right?
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youchoseeachother · 3 years
Misha has joked about shipping wincest since day one and he just faked disgust because that's the reaction y'all want from him.
I'm not saying he ships it. He just jokes about it the exact same way he jokes about destiel. And if y'all can't even read the word "wincest" without having a two-days crying fit maybe you're too young to be on the internet.
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thequiver · 3 years
Swinging at bat at a hornet’s nest here, but the way some of y’all talk about fictional women is.... shall we say very telling. 
Using two examples from the Arrows because... well.... this is an Arrows blog. 
Dinah is often viewed by fandom as a woman who has never done anything wrong ever in her life, and who is too good and perfect to deserve a man like Oliver who dares to *checks notes* mess up sometimes and learn from his mistakes. There are lots and lots of fans of hers who will happily call Ollie out for being a serial cheater (something that’s a retcon), or will gladly ignore that Marianne was an adult by the time she kissed Ollie, but who will completely ignore the fact that Dinah has canonically slept with a minor because she was angry at Ollie, or that she victim blamed him for his sexual assault, and will ignore anything that could potentially indicate that Dinah is just as responsible for issues in their relationship as Ollie. They want her to be his equal but only in a way that makes her #girlboss, and not in a way that makes her human. Tell me why it’s okay to ignore these things for Dinah, but when it comes to Ollie we have to “show the good and the bad.” 
And it really falls into this trend where female characters either aren’t allowed to do any wrong or are the sole source of wrong in the relationship. And the defining difference there is usually racism. 
Let’s compare the “Dinah is an angel who’s never done anything wrong ever,” approach to the way that fandom treats Jade in comics CheshRoy. The set up is that Roy has been tasked with arresting Jade and brining her in, she doesn’t know about this, he leaves and she doesn’t find out that he was supposed to arrest her until the relationship is over. Roy kidnaps Lian, despite the fact that Jade was contemplating giving up Cheshire for her and yet somehow Jade is still blamed for every issue in this relationship as though Roy isn’t also a responsible for his own actions which contributed to the toxicity. I’ve even seen Jade demonized for her relationship with Catman where she’s been described as callous and heartless for denying him his son, but he helped fake the death of their child who was, like his older sister, kidnaped. 
And these trends persist with other characters outside of the Arrowfam. White woman characters tend to get the “beautiful cinnamon roll can do no evil” treatment while WOC tend to be villainized and the good parts of their characterization, any love they have for others is viewed as manipulation rather than actual affection or a sign of goodness- while their negative traits are often exaggerated in order to paint a wholly one sided picture in which they are an irredeemable villain. And these are written into canon too- especially with the Dragon Lady trope being as prevalent as it is.
It’s just been bothering me a lot about Dinah lately, especially as I’ve been thinking more and more about DinahOllie as a ship and how the dynamics of it work, and why they work (for more of my thoughts on DinahOllie click the link here). 
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
clexa + murven for the brutally honest ship ask owo
-cracks knuckles- -winds up- -swings my bat at the biggest hornet's nest the 100 has to offer-
It.....it just sucks. It's terrible. Clarke's relationship with Lexa was shorter and had less depth and development than her relationship with Finn, and yet Lexa is the one the show wouldn't just fucking leave in the past and let Clarke grow and move the fuck on from. And it's so ridiculous bc, like, the ship just wasn't that good to begin with?
Like, the truly unfortunate reality of Clexa is that it's based on nothing but infatuation&physical attraction. They did nothing to give us any reason for Clarke to actually be in love with her, especially not after Lexa's betrayal forced her to murder a mountain full of people to save her own (not to mention Lexa forcing her to execute Finn, her first love). Then in s3, Lexa had her tracked down and brought before her in chains and then Clarke was angry at her for five minutes and then.... got over it, they fucked, and then Lexa was dead and that was literally it.
Except that the show refused to let Clarke get the fuck over it and move on. And it became so infuriating after a while because so much more shit was going on, there were timeskips galore, and eventually Clarke's time with Lexa was a blip on the screen in terms of screentime and actual time they spent together in the show's timeline, but she was still this constant, lingering presence that dragged down Clarke's character and the show as a whole and if that weren't enough, jrot had some mystical alien take Lexa's form in the series finale even though it made no sense (if that stupid plotline had to happen and they couldn't have Bellamy, it should have been Wells who appeared to her and I will die on that fucking hill) specifically to bait the Clexas and have them give him hits&ratings that he could carry with him into the pitch for his new show. Worst part is, it worked. (We can only hope that his new show tanks before it gets off the ground.)
It's not a ship I ever really thought about while watching the show, but honestly, I can see it! -eyes emoji-
I always really liked Murphy's dynamic with most other characters, there was a lot of potential for growth and development there, and I think Raven's overall character might not have suffered writing decay so badly if she'd been given something (or, cough, someone) to do so I'd be really interested to see how their dynamic plays out in fic.
I definitely think they had chemistry (then again, Murphy had chemistry with just about everyone and I can't think of a single character I wouldn't happily read about him wrecking, im js) so there's definitely potential there. (And Emori can come too. Probably a lot hehehe)
send me a ship and i'll give my (brutally) honest opinion!
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