#happy dragon bash we are here causing problems <3
darkjanet2 · 4 years
Drusilla's Soul Chapter 11 Part 2
Davis walked over to get a little drink but hundreds of green slimy Digimon called Numemon swarmed out. TK and Kari turned around when they heard screaming and they saw Davis on the ground in horror. TK and Kari burst out laughing.
“Ha ha, very funny.” said Davis, sarcastically as he got up and continued following them.
Davis asked, “So were those things Digimon?”
Kari nodded, “Yep, there are tons of other ones, a lot cuter than those.”
“And a lot scarier ones, too.” added TK.
“Do they all come out of vending machines?” Davis asked.
There were two creatures that appeared to see their partners and they were happy to see them. The winged-ears creature had blue eyes, orange fur and cream underbelly fur, and stubby legs with black claws. And the white feline had purple tuft tips of her ears and tail, her long tail striped purple and white without a Holy Ring. She must have been attacked by Unimon.
“TK!” Patamon cried, flew into TK’s arms and TK was ecstatic.
“Patamon! Boy, am I glad to see you!” said TK, it had been so long that he and Patamon were partners ever since he was 8. Davis freaked out a bit.
And there was a young man who appeared in the forest. He had big, brown bushy hair attached to his blue headband and black circular goggles, and wearing a green high school uniform.
“Tai! I told those guys you'd be alright!” said Davis.
Tai looked surprised, “Davis! What're you doing here!?”
“ Kari!” Gatomon jumped into Kari's arm and the both of them hugged, causing Kari to laugh with joy.
“Gatomon!” Kari gasped when she saw Gatomon wasn't wearing her favourite accessory. “Your tail ring! Tell me what happened.”
Horn Blaster!
Unimon blasted a ball of energy that engulfed Gatomon. She screamed in pain and slammed into a tree. Gatomon dropped to the ground in pain from the attack. Gatomon opened her eyes to see Unimon preparing to stomp her out of existence. Despite her exhaustion and the damage she had taken, the small cat Digimon managed to roll away but Unimon stomped on her tail ring and was stuck to the ground. Gatomon noticed her tail ring is stuck but her survival instincts kick in when Unimon attacked again.
Horn Blaster!
She went on the prowl on all fours.
*End Flashback*
“A few weeks ago, this bossy human appeared and began making Digimon into his slaves. He said "I'm the Digimon Emperor!" I heard we're all gonna have to punch a time clock, too.” said Gatomon.
“Another human? You mean that someone else comes here besides us? There goes the neighbourhood.” said TK.
Gatomon nodded, “Yeah, and he's got this strange new Dark Digivice that makes us unable to Digivolve.”
Davis took his Digivice out of his pocket and showed it to Gatomon. “Like this one?”
Gatomon pointed a paw at his Digivice. “That's it! The Dark Digivice looked exactly like that. You work for the Digimon Emperor”!
“What!? I don't work for anybody, besides mine's not dark! I just got this thing when it came out of the computer!” Davis was outraged by the accusation.
‘So that's what came out of the egg when I picked it up, 3 new Digivices but why did Davis get one? What's his purpose in the Digital World and more importantly…who got the other 2 Digivices?’ Tai thought.
“The Dark Digivice is draining out power and making us all weak as newborn kittens.
Everything makes sense now as to why Agumon couldn't Digivolve before.” said Gatomon
“That's why you couldn't Digivolve!” said Tai, putting his hands on his waist.
Agumon crossed his arms furiously, “Yeah, if I could Digivolve , he wouldn't stand a chance!”
“What's worse, is now that I've lost my Tail Ring my powers have been cut in half, so I'm just about as useful as Rookie Digimon.” Gatomon turned to Agumon and Patamon. “No offense, you guys.”
“None taken.” said Agumon & Patamon in unison.
A Dark ring which the Digimon Emperor was using to eavesdrop on the Digi-destined flies was undetected.
“The Digimon Emperor uses these powerful Dark Rings to control the Digimon.” said Gatomon.
“Yeah, and once the ring captures you, you're a slave for life.” said Patamon.
“Those collars do everything but get rid of fleas.” said Gatomon.
Kari looked pretty pissed. “Digimon Emperor! I'm gonna slap a Dark Ring on him!”
The Digi-destined were now standing in front of the Digi-egg with Crest of Courage on it.
“Looks like a deflated beach ball, no wonder it's got a spike through it.”
“Yeah, plus it's heavier than my mom's meatloaf.” said Tai.
TK walked over and attempted to lift it up with effort but it wouldn’t move.
“It won't budge!” said TK.
“Move aside, this is a woman's job.” Kari tried to lift it with effort too but failed.
“Too bad we don't have a woman here to help.” said TK
“Guys I pump iron all the time, let me do it!” said Davis.
Davis walked over to the egg and bent down. He grabbed on the egg and expected it to be hard to pick up but it required so little effort he picked it up and landed on his back, shocking Tai and the others.
“ What did I tell ya? Light as a feather, you guys need to work out a little more.” said Davis.
“There's a problem.” said Tai.
Suddenly, an orange pillar of light burst out from the hold that was beneath the egg. A black shape was formed inside the light. It's revealed to be a small blue dragon like creature with a v-shaped mark in between his eyes. He was curled into a fetal position and opened his eyes. He exited the light in excitement.
He hops around a gobsmacked Davis. “Free at last! Free at last! You moved the Digi-egg. He stops. My name's Veemon, but you can just call me Veemon.”
“Hi, I'm Davis.” said Davis, who was in awestruck.
Digimon Analyser (Agumon): I've heard of Veemon. Supposedly he's a fun loving, adventure seeking little Digimon that brings you good luck but I thought he was just a legend.
“Nope, I'm real alright and I've been waiting a very long time to meet ya Davis.” said Veemon.
“Uh…I think you got the wrong guy.” said Davis.
“Nope, you're the one alright because you're the only one who was able to move the Digi-egg of Courage.” said Veemon.
‘That's right, even though I had the Crest of Courage I couldn't move the Digi-egg but Davis could…’ Tai thought.
Tai was taken out of his thoughts when the entire cave began to rumble and rock fell from the ceiling.
The Monochromon the Digimon Emperor sent bashes through the ceiling and roars.
“It's a monster!” screamed Davis.
“No! That's a Digimon!” cried Kari.
“Monochromon!” TK cried.
Monochromon went through the big hole he made and slid down the wall.
Digimon Analyser (TK): Monochromon! His shell is harder than diamonds! His attack, a volcanic strike sends out millions of fireballs.
Boom Bubble!
Pepper Breath!
Agumon and Patamon blast out their respective attacks but they barely faze Monochromon.
Lightning Paw!
Gatomon leapt with her fist clenched and slammed it against his face but as expected, she was pretty much useless without her tail ring. Monochromon wasn’t hurt at all and smacked the diminutive champion level Digimon with his tail. Gatomon screamed in pain and slams against the wall.
Kari ran to her partner. “Gatomon! Gatomon, are you okay?!
Gatomon opened her eyes a bit.
“I'm sorry, Kari, but without my Tail Ring, I'm useless.” said Gatomon.
Volcanic Strike!
A ball of fire flares up within his mouth, prompting everyone to make a run for it.
“Come on, let's go!” TK yelled.
“Davis!” Tai cried.
Davis yelped and followed after them right before Monochromon blasted out a powerful ball of fire. They all screamed as they ran along the cave.d
“Davis, hurry up and open the Digi-egg!” cried Veemon.
“I don't know what you're talking about!” cried Davis.
Davis and Veemon were far behind and Monochromon began to catch up with them. They finally manage to exit the cave and stop by a small Cliffside. Davis turned and couldn't see Monochromon anymore.
“That was close.” said Davis, sighed in relief.
“Davis! Get down here!” cried Tai.
Streams of flames blast out from the cave so Veemon tackled Davis off the cliff in time. Kari on the other hand fell on the ground with Gatomon.
“Davis, tell me what hurts?!” cried Veemon.
“Everything but my ear lobes.” Davis groaned in pain.
“You control the Digi-egg of Courage, you've got to use your courage to open it up.”
Tai ran over to Davis.
“Davis, get up! It's not safe!” said Tai.
Davis lifted himself up and his goggles were badly damaged.
“I can Digivolve if you open the egg but you've got to have the courage to do it!” said Veemon.
Tai nodded, “It's worth a try!”
Everyone but Kari and Gatomon ran over.
Gatomon looked at Kari on the ground holding her ankle in pain.
Gatomon cried, “Kari!”
“I can't move my ankle!” cried Kari.
Monochromon leapt off the cliff and everyone watched in shock as he proceeded to rip Kari to pieces. She gasped in horror.
“Davis!” cried Veemon.
“Have Courage!” cried Tai.
Davis was shocked as his crush was about to get killed. “Kari's in trouble!”
Monochromon got closer and Davis clenched the egg. He stood up and took off his broken goggles. “You want courage! I'll show you courage!”
Veemon cried, “Davis! The magic words are Digi-Armour Energize!”
Davis cried out, “DIGI-ARMOUR ENERGIZE!” He held out the Digi-egg of Courage and it released an orange glow.
Veemon Armour Digivolve to…!
Veemon fused with the Digi-egg and was engulfed by rings of fire that take shape as images of Agumon and all of his digivolutions appear. Out of the fire, claws extend from his fists and then a spike from his helmet.
Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!
Monochromon ran to Kari but the new fighter rammed into his side and caused him to fall over. Flamedramon lands on the ground.
Veemon has Digivolved into a remarkable Digimon slightly taller than Tai. All parts of his body were flaming pieces of armour, the Crest of Courage is emblazoned on his back, his hand and feet were tipped with sharp claws and a sharp blade sticks out from his head.
The Digi-destined are in complete awe.
Tai couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Armor...Digivolve!” said Tai.
“It was the Digi-egg!” said TK.
“Wow! What's that!?” Davis was amazed that Veemon had changed.
Digimon Analyser (Flamedramon): I'm Flamedramon! As Veemon I use the Digi-egg of Courage to Armour Digivolve. My Fire Rocket attack will charbroil the enemy like a well done steak.
Monochromon charged in but Flamedramon gets into a battle stance. Monochromon rammed into the Fire of Courage who merely held him down and stopped him in place. With incredible strength he lifted Monochromon up and flipped him backwards. A loud crash could be heard throughout the forest and the smoke cleared to reveal Monochromon was on the ground a bit weakened. He opened his eyes and roared. Flamedramon gave a battle cry and went on the offensive.
Volcanic Strike!
He blasted out 3 fireballs but Flamedramon ploughed through and cut them to pieces as if they were paper due to being a fire attribute Digimon. Monochromon growls and charges in again. He lands a hit and sends Flamedramon flying in the air. The others gasped but there was no need because Flamedramon recovers and prepares his special attack.
He engulfed himself in a fiery aura and blasted off like a rocket, intent on destroying the dark ring strapped around Monochromon.
“Barbecue that Dark Ring, Flamedramon!” shouted Gatomon.
Flamedramon made a direct hit on the Dark Ring. He flipped up and the Dark Ring was broken off. Flamedramon landed on the ground and was engulfed in a yellow glow. An orange light was released and sent into Davis's Digivice. The light also went into his pocket. Davis checked it and took it out. It's a D-terminal.
“What's this?” He opened it up and the egg was now in his D-terminal.
Flamedramon had de-digivolved to Veemon and Kari had gently rubbed Monochromon who was on the ground in exhaustion.
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