#hard mode is going to kick my ass an i haven't even done it yet
fishareglorious · 9 months
im trying to do the green lake stages in arduous difficulty and oh my god i have so many pollution debuff stacks.
the enemy does one turn. i get two hundred million quantillion pollution stacks. sonetto breathes for half a second and suddenly she's at dangerously low health. druvis does one attack and then she gets -255 -134 -165 damage to her. dikke doesn't generate enough healing cards.
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annkous · 1 year
Some Obey Me! Nightbringer commentary, up to Lesson 10 because I just finished it and I need to yell to the void about it 🥲 and for my own future musings when more content comes out...
I'm still missing some side lessons/hard modes because I need to get higher ranks to unlock them but the main story up to date is done!
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First of all, I love a more chaotic MC. I also love time travel plots a lot, and how this game explores more deeply the relationship between the brothers: I felt they took it a bit more seriously than the og Obey Me! More seriously it's probably not the right word but... better paced? Which I like a lot considering they are still adjusting. I saw most of them struggling with issues I wanted to see in the og game and damn did I get fed. We haven't seen all of them in 10 lessons, but seeing them also worry about each other as they went through different shit was amazing, considering how they "joke" about leaving each other to their demise in the og game lmao. I liked this a lot more.
Also a day or two ago I thought about us still having the Ring of Light while progressing Nightbringer (I even went back to og Obey Me! to catch up... I left it on Lesson 68 and was saving up on rainbow sticks and AP, only for my dumb ass to forget that they have a promo of 0AP going on so I put on the seatbelt, grabbed my 70~ rainbow sticks and plowed through the damn thing up to Lesson 80 while I farmed some grimm in Nightbringer to level up my damn cards and continue the story when I was done. And I found out that yes, we still had the ring with us in the present) and how they would find out we had the thing. And lo and behold, on Lesson 10 Lucifer sees the Ring and flips his shit just like I hoped he would bc it's an important plot point and I was a bit worried they'd forgotten about it lmao. The brothers did see MC use the Ring before on Lesson 9 but Luci wasn't present and MC pulls a "oh they're just similar" and that's it bc they buy it lol I love them.
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Also I thought it was weird none noticed we were human, but Diavolo was onto us on Lesson 8/9. He pulls us aside and outright asks and I was like "THANK GOD" bc SOMEONE between these powerful bastards had to notice eventually. I mean, I know people pointed out in og Obey Me! sometimes they can't tell and perhaps we've been with our demon and angel family too much so they kinda can't tell what we are. So. Yea. Also demons can change their appearance/don't always look like demons, so it made sense. But I still made fun of their radar lol.
And then Diavolo pulls a "you can't stay here as a human, the situation is already dire as it is" and I was like "WAIT NO GO BACK". I legit thought we could fly past it with a task, like the usual trials Diavolo puts MC through, but I underestimated how more serious Nightbringer was compared to og Obey Me! and at some point I legit believed we were going to get our ass kicked out of the Devildom by the end of Season 1 and we'd have to come back for Season 2, just like in the og game.
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For the "Diavolo trial" (lol) I thought it was going to be the Mausoleum job Mammon mentions the moment we get back home, because it fits the usual MO (I had just done all the trials to get into the Student Council in og Obey Me!.....), but when we get there we meet Adam (who posseses poor Mammon) and hello there, YET ANOTHER MYSTERY IN THIS GAME, HOW ARE YOU? GOOD? GREAT! Leaving aside the whole Adam thing because that's a whole other suitcase to unpack another day and I'm not in the mood to revise Biblical history right now to look for Lilith+Eve stuff (and besides he said his beloved was in the Celestial Realm, so it can't be Lilith...... I think.) when he mentioned that a demon who called himself Nightbringer told him a human with the damn Ring of Light would lead him to his beloved in the Celestial Realm I almost flipped my shit. I kept changing my mind about the "unknown person" who sent us back being Barbatos because it could also be a red herring (god knows I've eaten those up way too much so I have Trust Issues with very Obvious Stuff), and past Barbatos didn't recognize us despite being able to see shit everywhere, past-present and future. But if future Barbatos wanted to keep his past self without knowing shit, I suppose he could also do it... So, yeah, I believe it's him, but for what purpose? I think he saw shit going down in the future and the only way to help us/everyone was to send us to the past without us knowing.
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As an extra: before heading out to the Mausoleum job, MC wrote a goodbye letter for the brothers because of Diavolo kicking us out. When I tell you I got misty eyed xd like, damn. "Lucifer, be nicer to your little brothers." "I always had fun with you, Mammon." "We have to go bookshopping, Satan!" etc etc, it was all so sweet. We have it with us at the moment, but we didn't give it to them at the end Lesson 10 bc Shit Went Down (I'll get there in a second). Also there are little details, like them commenting how the "empty guest room" makes them feel so at ease thay they even caught Lucifer napping in there. Who tf is cutting onions.
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I thought it would be a while until we revealed we're a human to the brothers but Lesson 10 had other plans (very cool Lessons 9 and 10 btw, with Beel's and Belphie's stuff going on and Lucifer trying to face Diavolo for the sake of his little siblings I love this man so much)
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and then, after a Cool Heroic Moment after which we are left out in the open bc we used all of their powers oops, they leave us with this confrontation and A CRIMINAL CLIFFHANGER.
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Lucifer doesn't exactly buy it for some reason because we're too op lol and Belphie is reclutant for obvious reasons. And they end it with this as the final blow:
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And that's it!!! Good luck waiting for the next lesssons bitch. Have fun lol
Oh you think the next stage before the boss battle is going to be the end of this convo? Nope: it's Solomon and Simeon being cryptic. I wonder what Solomon told Simeon. He warned us about Time Paradoxes so I don't think he'd go that far to tell Simeon. Solomon did tell him something though, and we won't know what it is yet......
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I am suffering here. But God Nightbringer gave me a lot of good stuff. I will eat this time travel plot like candy. I feel I'm being spoiled by the game with all the scenes they're giving me and I'm enjoying every second of it. Plus the dynamics, I already talked about the brothers between each other, but there's also new stuff, like Barbatos hating the absolute shit out of Solomon. After Solomon uses his pact on him to save our asses he takes revenge on the Sorcerer lmfao I KEEP WONDERING WHAT DID SOLOMON DO TO HIM TO GET HIM SO PISSED OFF?? But man that was hilarious do it again.
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Bonus Barb: one of the last things you can say to him in og Obey me! is "I love you" so if he's Nightbringer it's going to be Fun (and I can't WAIT I've grown fond of Barbatos too agh).
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Plus there's the whole Simeon being human issue, but he seems to be faring better at the end of the game. He keeps saying "He (Michael??? Their Father????) probably had a reason to do it" but it won't stop me from kicking some Angel ass ngl. It's gonna be fists out with Michael the moment I see him, I swear.
Plus I want to see the present demons losing their shit with MC disappearing. I bet they're all frantic o(-< and Solomon said he can go back and forth between fuckin dimensions, so he could probably go back and tell them we're okay???? But he hasn't. I think. This is a mess lmao poor MC and demon family. He does say if something happens to us Lucifer will have his head, so..... you can do it, Solomon, I believe in you jdfgsdg
I can now farm side lessons and hard mode at peace for extra scenes, wooo.... o(-< oh and there's new songs in Lesson 10, but only in Lesson 10. The duets/group songs remixes were there and they were a breath of fresh air ;u; I hope they add more.
Time to farm side content in peace and prepare my cards for when they release the next lessons............ whenever it''ll be. Sobs.
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maeswritingnook · 1 year
A New Chapter In Our Story
Prompt: Jake and Sherry get a new job positions and have to move their family, but they get a fresh start
Warning(s): None
Rating: E
“I am ready to have a home and not just a house though." Sherry smiled and took one last look at the apartment.
"I just, I never imagined this for me-for us. Don't get me wrong, I love you and I'm so madly in love with our little boy, but I feel like I'm dreaming. I never thought we would slow down a little, get married, have a kid, and now have an official home. I got so used to the fast pace that nothing like this ever crossed my mind."
Ao3 Link
Edit September 2023: Just realized in all my other parts Jake doesn’t have a mom so I had to fix that haha
Packing was something Sherry did better when she was alone because when she was in go mode, she was in go mode. She was packing up all the last-minute things they need for their move. They were moving from Washington to Boston. Even with her foot in a boot due to a broken ankle, she received from her last mission, she was kicking ass right now.
Chris, Claire, and Leon had made a couple of trips down to Boston with Sherry to help her move a lot of stuff while Jake stayed back with their son. Sherry figured it was better for Jake to stay back with their seven-month-old so his schedule wouldn't be thrown off.
Leon and Chris had come over right after Jake left so they could take all the bedroom furniture and the last of Aiden's bedroom furniture.
Their son did have an appointment that day so Sherry had Jake take him while she stayed back and packed all the things that they had left at the apartment so they could still live there until they had to leave for Boston.
The move was something very last minute, they only had a month to prepare. After the Chef of the DSO Boston headquarters offered Jake and Sherry a new position there, they had to hurry and find a house.
They were lucky to find a house that wasn't too far away from their new office and big enough for the three of them to live very comfortably.
The decision was hard on Sherry and Jake but since they had worked with the Boston team many times before and every mission they had helped the Boston team on was a success, and the fact that they knew how things operated over there, helped them come to a decision.
Hey, just finished up here with Rebecca, are Aiden and I allowed to come home yet?
Ha! I know you're joking but no actually. Can you two stay out for a while? I need to focus and get Aiden's room done and I can't do that with you two here. You are both too distracting.
You know what, I'm gonna take that as a compliment...I guess Aiden and I will find something to do. Need me to pick anything up when I am allowed to come home?
Of course, you are...and yes, please! I need more tape for all the boxes I've already packed. Also, send me a picture of our kid, I haven't seen him today!
Okay and will do! Let me know if you need anything else.
Sherry put her phone back in her pocket and looked at her son's room and sighed, she had started packing clothes, diapers, and other things like that the night before when he was asleep. She knew his room was going to take her a while, not only because of how much stuff he had but because of how emotional it was for her.
After about two and a half hours, Sherry could hear the sound of the door being opened and closed.
"We're back!" Jake called out from the front door. He was shocked to see almost everything packed and ready to go.
"I'm in Aiden's room!" Sherry called back. Jake smiled and then walked through the small, almost completely empty, apartment to their son's room.
"Looks like you've been doing a lot of work while we were gone, supergirl." Jake chuckled.
"I've been putting off his room all morning, it's kinda sad to take all his things down and put them in boxes." Sherry looked around at the almost empty nursery. It made her sad to see all his pictures and things put away.
"Hey, how was his appointment?" Sherry asked, bringing her attention to her son and husband and away from packing for a minute.
Jake smiled and kissed Sherry's head before sitting down on the floor next to her.
"It went very well. Rebecca just said to bring him back one to two times a month so she can check him out."
Since both Jake and Sherry were genetically modified and had active cells of the C and G virus living and flowing through their body, Aiden was born with both the C and G virus mutations in his blood. Rebecca was always checking Aiden out to make sure he was okay since he could be considered a BOW because he had both the G and C viruses. So far, he was harmless and they wanted to keep it that way.
"Okay, that's good." Sherry smiled as she took Aiden out of his car seat. "You look wide awake bubs. Did you just wake up from a nap?" Sherry smiled at her son. His blue-grey eyes were wide open and his red hair was a little messy meaning he took a very good nap.
"He took a two-hour nap. I went to the office to sign some last-minute papers and I went to go get more tape like you asked me to and he slept the whole time which is kind of surprising. I was also going to get you flowers but I felt like now wasn't a good time because, well, you know," Jake added. Sherry looked over at Jake and smiled before kissing him.
Ever since they were dating, Jake would bring home flowers for Sherry if he was out without her. He did it on their wedding day, on their honeymoon, and every day she was in the hospital whenever Aiden was born.
"You are the best husband ever." Sherry giggled as she got up with Aiden and walk to the kitchen.
Jake smiled at Sherry's compliment before getting up and following her to the kitchen. He leaned against the kitchen island and watched as Sherry open the cabinet doors and tippy-toed to reach the top shelf.
"Want me to take him?" Jake asked as he saw Sherry getting some glass plates out of the kitchen cupboards.
"Umm, I think he's okay for now, he seems like he will stay still, but can you help me grab the plates please?" Sherry answered as she looked down at her son who seems pretty content and happy with just playing with the necklace she was wearing.
"Hey, we're staying at your Claire and Leon tonight, right?" Sherry asked as she wrapped the dishes in some towels as Jake handed them to her so they wouldn't break during transport.
"Yeah, we can head over to her house as soon as we're done here."
The kitchen only took her about half an hour to pack and luckily for her, Aiden hadn't gotten upset or bored yet but she still needed to hustle.
After Jake took all the kitchen boxes down to the car, Sherry walked over to the last remaining things in the living room and grabbed a pacifier for her son since he was starting to get a little fussy. She sat him on her hip and closed her eyes to think.
She could hear Jake walking back into the apartment and towards her, probably to ask if she was okay or to make a snarky remark.
"Don't say anything. I need you to shut up for a minute so I can make sure I got everything from his room and our room." Sherry's tone was soft, she wasn't by any means trying to be rude, she just need to picture everything in her head to make sure she got everything from the bedrooms.
"There is still a box in our bathroom. Can you go grab it please while I finish up things in here?" Sherry asked as she opened her eyes.
"Yes ma'am." Jake smiled as he went to go do what he was asked. As Jake walked off, Aiden grabbed Sherry's face and smiled at her even though he had a pacifier in his mouth. Even he could tell that his mama was upset and tense.
"You look too much like your daddy." Sherry smiled as she moved Aiden from her left to her right.
"You wanna play while Mama finishes packing?" Aiden smiled up at his mom and then rested his head on her chest as if he was hugging her. He was the sweetest little baby and it melted her heart.
Sherry walked to the few boxes that she had packed the night before and looked threw them for Aiden's toys.
"Baby, do you know where Aiden's toys are?" Sherry called out. "Leon told me that he took some of the boxes by the door this morning so he might have taken them," Jake responded before he walked back to the living room and put the box he was asked to grab by the front door with the other boxes Sherry had packed.
"Now what do we do to keep him occupied?" Sherry looked around at the empty apartment hoping that there was something to keep him in a good mood and occupied for about an hour.
"Here, look." Jake took Aiden from Sherry and put him in an empty box and put his blanket over him. Aiden pulled the blanket down and looked at his dad and giggled.
"Jake, you can't do that." Sherry laughed. "Why not? It's keeping him in one place and he seems pretty happy." Jake defended himself.
"Or I can also do this." Jake grabbed one of the flaps from the box and started pulling his son around in the box.
The baby's laughter only grew louder and wilder. Sherry couldn't help but laugh herself as she watch Jake pull their child around in a box.
"Why don't you take a break and play with him and I can do some packing, you've been on your feet all day, your ankle has to be killing you."
"My ankle is killing me, but I want to keep going, I just want to keep my mind occupied," Sherry answered as she walked over to Jake and Aiden and gave them both a kiss before going back to work.
After an hour of hard work and help from her husband, the house was finally empty. No family pictures, no baby toys scattered around the living room, nothing. Their apartment was 100% empty.
"Where is your gun?" Jake asked Sherry after he came back from putting the last box in the car.
"I left it in the closet while I packed. Yours?" Sherry asked as she grabbed her keys and put her shoe on.
"Mine is in the car's glove box, I didn't feel the need to bring it in."
"Can you put him in his car seat while I go grab mine from the closet and do one final sweep to make sure I got everything?" Sherry asked before she passed Aiden over to Jake.
Jake smiled and happily put his son in his car seat. "We're gonna go spend the night with your grandma so you gotta sleep through the night. Deal?"
Aiden looked up at his dad and smiled.
"Are you ready to go?" Jake asked Sherry as he picked up their son's car seat from the floor and watched her walk back into the living room. Sherry looked back at her husband with a bittersweet smile.
"No...We've lived in this apartment since we were dating and this is the plane we brought Aiden to after he was born. It's bittersweet for me." Sherry admitted truthfully.
"I mean, I know this place isn't home, but I'm still a little sad," Sherry added. Jake put Aiden's car seat back down and then went to go hug Sherry. He knew Sherry didn't do well with change so he knew how difficult this was on her.
"I know, but it's going to be okay. You're allowed to be sad, supergirl." Jake cupped Sherry's face in both hands before kissing her.
"I am ready to have a home and not just a house though." Sherry smiled and took one last look at the apartment.
"I just, I never imagined this for me-for us. Don't get me wrong, I love you and I'm so madly in love with our little boy, but I feel like I'm dreaming. I never thought we would slow down a little, get married, have a kid, and now have an official home. I got so used to the fast pace that nothing like this ever crossed my mind."
Sherry had always wanted to settle down before she met Jake, but when they got together she wasn't in a rush at all. She liked the fast pace of life and had never given a thought about getting married, starting a family, and having a home.
"I know how you feel. Before you, I never thought I would slow down or be the person I am today, but after I spent a good two years with you I knew one day we would slow down, but I didn't expect the kid or the home." Jake looked down at Sherry and laughed before kissing her again.
"Two years?" Sherry teased and laughed when she saw that Jake got flustered.
"You know what I mean! I knew I wanted to marry you after our very first date. It was after two years I realized that I was ready to settle down." Jake tilted Sherry's chin up before giving her a quick kiss.
It was reassuring to Sherry to hear that Jake felt the same way as she did, to know that he thought the same as she did.
"Okay, I'm ready now." Sherry looked back over her shoulder and took in the fact that this chapter of their life was over.
"You sure?" Jake wanted to make sure that his wife was ready to officially leave.
"Yeah, I'm ready. I'm also getting hungry and Claire said she would start making dinner at 5:00 and it's almost 5:30." Sherry nudged Jake's shoulder with hers before she grabbed her son's car seat and opened the apartment door.
“Claire is cooking? Hell yes! Let go!”
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