#harness the power of subconscious mind
fastlane-freedom · 8 months
The Unseen Influence: Why Many Overlook Subconscious Power
The human mind is a marvel, a vast and intricate domain of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. While we often consider ourselves the masters of our conscious thoughts, we are not always aware of the powerful force operating beneath the surface – the subconscious power. The subconscious power is like an iceberg; only a fraction of its power is visible, while the vast majority lies hidden beneath…
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obsidian-pages777 · 1 month
Pick a Card: Message from Goddess Circe for Confidence and Shadow Work
Left top [Pile 1] Right top [Pile 2], Left Bottom [Pile 3], Right Bottom [Pile 4 ]
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Goddess Circe, a mesmerizing figure from Greek mythology, captivates with her enchanting sorcery and transformative powers. Known for her mastery of potions and spells, Circe is a symbol of feminine mystique and empowerment. Often depicted as a sorceress living on the mystical island of Aeaea, she weaves magic to shape destinies and challenge the perceptions of mortals and gods alike. Her story embodies the complexities of power, desire, and the journey of self-discovery.
Pile 1:
The Magician (I):
Circe's message is embodied in The Magician card. Like the Magician, she encourages you to harness your personal power and embrace your innate abilities for transformation. You have the tools at your disposal to manifest your desires and shape your reality. Trust in your intuition and tap into your inner wisdom to wield your magic wisely.
Special Message: Area [Friendships]: As you journey into the future, cherish the friendships that uplift and support you. Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be your best self and who celebrate your successes and stand by you during challenges. Cultivate meaningful connections based on shared values, interests, and mutual respect. Remember that friendships are a two-way street, so invest time and effort into nurturing these valuable relationships and be there for your friends as they are for you.
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Pile 2:
The High Priestess (II):
Circe's second message comes through The High Priestess card. She reminds you to listen to the whispers of your subconscious mind and honor your intuition. There are hidden depths within you waiting to be explored, and the High Priestess invites you to trust in the mysteries of the unseen realms. Embrace the unknown and allow your intuition to guide you on your journey of self-discovery.
Special Message: Area [Love]: As you navigate the path of love in the future, remember that authenticity is key. Embrace your true self and seek connections that honor and celebrate who you are. Be open to new experiences and allow yourself to be vulnerable, knowing that genuine connections are built on trust and mutual respect. Trust in the timing of the universe and have faith that love will find its way to you when the time is right.
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Pile 3:
Death (XIII):
Circe's third pile message is reflected in the Death card. While the image of Death may seem ominous, it symbolizes the inevitability of transformation and rebirth. Circe teaches that change is a natural part of life, and sometimes, old structures must fall away to make room for new growth. Embrace the process of shedding the old and embrace the opportunities for renewal and transformation that lie ahead.
Special Message: Area [Family]: Your family dynamics may undergo changes in the future, but remember that love and communication are the pillars that hold relationships together. Cultivate open and honest communication with your family members, even during challenging times. Embrace forgiveness and understanding, knowing that every family has its unique journey filled with ups and downs. Focus on nurturing the bonds that matter most and cherish the moments you share with your loved ones.
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Pile 4:
The Star (XVII):
Circe's fourth pile message is embodied in The Star card. Like the Star, she offers hope, healing, and guidance in times of darkness. No matter how challenging your journey may seem, there is always a guiding light to lead you forward. Trust in the universe's benevolent wisdom and have faith that brighter days are on the horizon. Allow Circe's magic to illuminate your path and inspire you to dream big.
Special Message: Area [Health]: Your health is your greatest asset, and investing in self-care and well-being will pay dividends in the future. Prioritize habits that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, such as regular exercise, nutritious eating, adequate rest, and stress management. Listen to your body's signals and seek professional guidance when needed. Remember that small, consistent steps toward wellness can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and vitality.
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liliomme · 11 months
✧ Solar Return Chart Observation ⋆⑅˚₊
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Take this with a grain of salt.
✦ sagittarius Rising
Having a Sagittarius rising in your solar return chart indicates that the upcoming year will be filled with excitement, abundance, and a sense of adventure. You'll have a strong desire to explore, expand your horizons, and seek new experiences. Optimism and enthusiasm will be your driving forces, attracting opportunities and blessings into your life. Embrace a thirst for knowledge, engage in educational pursuits, and be open to broadening your social circle. With a positive mindset and a willingness to embrace adventure, this year promises to be an exciting and abundant chapter of personal and professional growth.
In addition to the exciting and abundant experiences, having Sagittarius rising in your solar return chart suggests that you'll be guided by a strong sense of purpose and a desire for meaning in your endeavors. You may feel a calling to align your actions with your values, seeking experiences that contribute to personal and collective growth. This spiritual and philosophical inclination will add depth and fulfillment to your year, allowing you to explore the greater purpose behind your adventures and harness the wisdom gained along the way.
✦ Pluto in the 2nd House
Pluto in the 2nd house of your solar return chart indicates a transformative and potentially powerful year in terms of finances, resources, and self-worth. You may experience significant changes and shifts in your approach to money, possessions, and material security. This placement suggests that you have the potential to delve deeply into your relationship with wealth and value, uncovering hidden patterns or subconscious beliefs that may be influencing your financial situation. Embracing these transformative energies can lead to profound personal growth, increased self-empowerment, and a redefinition of what truly matters to you in terms of material abundance.
✦ Saturn in the 3rd House
Saturn in the 3rd house of your solar return chart signifies a year focused on communication, learning, and self-expression. This placement suggests that you may encounter challenges or responsibilities in these areas, requiring discipline, patience, and perseverance to overcome. You may find yourself taking on additional responsibilities related to your intellectual pursuits, such as studying, writing, or teaching. It's a time to hone your communication skills, establish clear boundaries, and develop a structured approach to your thoughts and ideas. While it may feel restrictive at times, embracing Saturn's influence can lead to long-term growth, a solid foundation of knowledge, and the development of effective communication strategies that will serve you well in the future.
✦ Neptune in the 3rd House
Neptune in the 3rd house of your solar return chart suggests a year of heightened imagination, intuition, and creativity in the realm of communication and learning. This placement indicates that your mind may be more receptive to subtle energies, symbolism, and spiritual insights. You may find yourself drawn to artistic and mystical pursuits, such as writing poetry, exploring spiritual philosophies, or engaging in dreamwork. However, it's important to remain mindful of potential challenges, such as confusion or illusions in your thinking or difficulties with clear communication. By harnessing the ethereal energies of Neptune, you can tap into a deeper level of understanding, foster compassionate communication, and infuse your learning experiences with a sense of wonder and inspiration. Embrace the creative flow and trust your intuition as you navigate this dreamy and introspective year.
Neptune in the 3rd house of your solar return chart also has its potential challenges and drawbacks. This placement can indicate a tendency towards mental fog, confusion, and a lack of clarity in communication. You may find it challenging to express your thoughts and ideas in a concise and straightforward manner. There is a risk of miscommunication, misunderstandings, and even deception or self-deception. It's important to be vigilant about setting clear boundaries and discerning between reality and illusion. Beware of being overly idealistic or gullible, as Neptune's influence can sometimes blur the lines between truth and fantasy. Strive for clarity, seek practical information, and practice critical thinking to navigate the potential pitfalls and harness the positive potential of Neptune in the 3rd house.
✦ Venus in the 12th House
While Venus in the 12th house of your solar return chart is generally associated with the themes of introspection and spiritual exploration, it can also bring gains and blessings in certain areas of your life. In this context, the gains associated with Venus in the 12th house may be more subtle or hidden, but nonetheless meaningful. One potential area of gains is through inner fulfillment and a deep sense of inner peace. You may find that during this year, you have an increased ability to tap into your own inner resources, finding joy, contentment, and a strong connection to your own spirituality. This inner fulfillment can be a valuable source of happiness and satisfaction, regardless of external circumstances.
Additionally, Venus in the 12th house can signify gains through artistic or creative expression. This placement can enhance your intuition and imaginative abilities, allowing you to tap into a deeper well of inspiration. Exploring your artistic talents or engaging in creative endeavors can bring joy, fulfillment, and even potential recognition or appreciation from others.
✦ Moon Square Neptune
The Moon square Neptune aspect in a natal chart signifies a complex interplay between emotional sensitivity and the influence of Neptune's illusions. This aspect can manifest as heightened empathy and psychic abilities, but it also brings challenges such as emotional confusion, idealistic tendencies, and susceptibility to disillusionment. Nurturing creativity, developing discernment, and setting healthy emotional boundaries are essential for navigating this aspect and finding a balanced approach to emotions, intuition, and reality.
✦ Sun in 11th House
When the Sun is in the 11th house of your solar return chart, it suggests that the upcoming year will be focused on social connections, friendships, and involvement in group activities. The 11th house represents your social network, community, and your aspirations for the future. The presence of the Sun in this house indicates that your personal identity and self-expression will be strongly linked to your interactions with others and your involvement in collective endeavors.
During this year, you may find yourself seeking out like-minded individuals who share your goals and aspirations. Your social circle may expand, and you may have opportunities to connect with influential or prominent people who can support your endeavors. Your presence and leadership qualities may be well-received in group settings, making you a natural fit for collaborative efforts and team projects.
With the Sun in the 11th house, it's important to embrace opportunities for networking and participating in group activities. Your involvement in social causes or community organizations may be particularly fulfilling. This is also a time to focus on your future aspirations and set goals that align with your authentic self-expression. Overall, the presence of the Sun in the 11th house of your solar return chart suggests that the upcoming year will be socially oriented, offering you opportunities to shine your light and make a positive impact within your community. By embracing collaborative endeavors and nurturing your social connections, you can enhance your sense of purpose, fulfillment, and contribute to the collective goals that resonate with you.
༯, liliomme.
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hermajestyimher · 6 months
Music can have deeply restorative powers when harnessed in a correct matter. I firmly believe that we at times force ourselves to "like" certain music because it's what everyone else around us listens to and we want to fit in with them, instead of using music intentionally.
When we curate the content we listen to carefully we can train our subconscious mind in a positive way, raise our mood, manifest, have a more intimate and personal experience with songs that reach our core, and maintain an important sense of individuality.
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soapoet · 8 months
PJO pick-a-card reading
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Percy Jackson; Your life purpose
Shufflemancy: Fan behaviour by Isaac Dunbar
Your life purpose involves a lot of instability. Some of which you face, and some of which you create. Leaving a legacy has never been easy, and though you sometimes doubt, there is a storm raging inside you and you know, whether consciously or subconsciously, that you have an important mission to fulfill.
You do not fit the mold because you are meant to break it. A catalyst of change, you are here to have your voice heard. You are a formidable enemy, but also a powerful ally. You have a strong sense of justice, and your heart and mind form a compass that shows you the way. In one way or another, you are here to create big changes. Early in life you may deal with a lot of karma, generational trauma, or simply have the odds stacked against you. You may often feel like everything that could go wrong always does, and sometimes every day is a struggle to get through.
The older you grow the wiser and more capable you become, and eventually you will turn the tables and serve up karma for those who have it coming, so to speak. You're protective of your loved ones and strangers alike, and are always ready to stand up for the underdog. You may engage in power struggles and fight unfair authorities often. A clever mind and slick tongue helps you a lot in your journey. You seem able to talk your way in and out of anything with ease, and you are meant to harness this ability to pave new paths forwards and catch people in their lies and failures through the plethora of loopholes and information which you integrate with ease like a sponge in water.
Regardless what you choose to do for a living, there will be an undertone of a greater purpose, creating change, and protecting others against injustice and harm. You have much to both overcome and to give, and there is a distinct sense that your name will be known for your words and actions in this lifetime.
Shufflemancy: Saturn by Sleeping at last
Your life purpose may simultaneously feel as though it fits you like a glove and not at all. Perhaps you've been told by many that you have the characteristics of a great teacher or mentor, yet you may believe yourself too broken or flawed to lead or help others. You have intelligence which lends itself to both heart and mind, but have weathered quite the storms in life which leaves you weary and doubtful of your own light, certain you could never be a proper lighthouse for other children of the storm.
But it is precisely your own suffering which ultimately helps fuel your sense of purpose. A sense of never wishing what you have been through upon any other soul, and a motivation to serve and protect others who may stray and get lost. You are meant to carry a lantern so that those stumbling in the dark may find you and learn of their own internal light so they can find their way.
You must learn to place boundaries and to say no, and walk through the depths of hell to heal that which has harmed you. Then, you will step into an empowered kind of gentleness. One that is equally revered and feared, one which cannot be taken advantage of. A sweetness which packs a punch, kindness which isn't taken as weakness. You have a natural ability to heal and to help. You're able to walk into the crossfire unharmed and help opposition find the middle ground. Whether academic or spiritual, you make for a powerful sage who can wield wits and emotion as equally sharp blades.
Regardless of what you choose to do for a living, there will be an undertone of guidance, aid, and healing. Your journey won't always be easy, and in your darkest moments you may feel hopeless and wish to give up, but you will always hold on to hope for better days, and be helped to take just one more step forward and then another, because your soul knows how much you are needed in this often grim and cruel world.
Shufflemancy: New romantics by Taylor Swift
Your life purpose may very well be quite the mystery to you, even cause a lot of confusion. Perhaps you found your way here precisely to find some clarity on the matter due to your uncertainty, as the other two groups felt so much more certain and yours is foggy and full of riddles. You may have asked yourself this question frequently. Unsure of the future, and at a loss in terms of direction. There are so many options and so many things you could enjoy, but is it really what you were meant to do?
Well, therein lies the answer. It may seem strange, but really you have a lot of choices, and none of them would be wrong. A jack of all trades, you could find purpose in many places. Though most of all you are meant to explore and to discover. You have an inherent vibrance and zest for life. You are open-minded and willing to try most things once. You enjoy freedom, and though you have an aversion to stagnation, you do long for some kind of roots. Though you struggle with indecision and may often compare yourself to others in your worries of not measuring up, you are capable of much more than you think and have the capacity to inspire many to choose their own path too.
Those roots you often yearn for will come in the form of the connections which you build. Some call it found family, and you are meant to find and connect with people from all walks of life and build a home away from home, a community of kindred spirits. You may travel or move often, or are meant to relocate from your comfort zone to somewhere different and new to you. Either way your interpersonal relationships play a big role in life and will bring many exciting opportunities for your you to seize as you please.
Regardless what you choose to do for a living, community and relationships will play a big role in your life. Your best bet in your attempts to navigate your life choices is to go with how you feel and always try to pick and choose the options that resonate most with you in your heart. And to never be afraid of changing your mind and seeing where the new winds take you, rewriting chapters of your life and making life look the way you wish it would at any given time.
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venusiancharisma · 2 months
Manifestation Breakdown: Astro Edition
In astrology, several houses, asteroids, fixed stars, and planets are associated with manifestation and the ability to bring our desires into reality. Here's a detailed explanation of each and how they can be incorporated into your manifestation practice:
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1st House: Represents self-identity, personal initiative, and the ability to assert oneself. A strong 1st house helps you manifest by giving you the confidence and self-belief needed to take action towards your goals.
2nd House: Represents material possessions, financial resources, and self-worth. A well-aspected 2nd house supports manifestation by attracting abundance, prosperity, and a strong sense of deserving the good things in life.
8th House: Represents transformation, shared resources, and the ability to manifest through collaboration or the support of others. A positively aspected 8th house can help you manifest by tapping into the power of joint ventures, investments, or other people's resources.
11th House: Represents hopes, wishes, and aspirations. A strong 11th house supports manifestation by aligning your goals with your highest ideals and attracting the necessary support from friends, networks, or groups.
Ceres: Represents nurturing, abundance, and the ability to manifest through self-care and the cultivation of inner resources. Incorporating Ceres into your manifestation practice involves focusing on self-nourishment, both physically and emotionally, to create a fertile ground for your desires to grow.
Pallas: Represents wisdom, strategy, and the ability to manifest through creative problem-solving and pattern recognition. Integrating Pallas into your manifestation practice involves using your intellect and intuition to devise innovative solutions and navigate challenges on your path to success.
Juno: Represents committed partnerships, equality, and the ability to manifest through balanced and harmonious relationships. Incorporating Juno into your manifestation practice involves cultivating supportive and mutually beneficial partnerships that can help you achieve your goals.
Vesta: Represents focus, dedication, and the ability to manifest through single-pointed concentration and the channeling of sexual energy. Integrating Vesta into your manifestation practice involves cultivating a sense of devotion and commitment to your goals, as well as harnessing your creative and sexual energy to fuel your manifestations.
Fixed Stars:
Sirius: Known as the "Lucky Star," Sirius is associated with success, wealth, and the ability to manifest through a combination of hard work and divine favor. Incorporating Sirius into your manifestation practice involves aligning your actions with your highest aspirations and trusting in the support of the universe.
Arcturus: Represents prosperity, abundance, and the ability to manifest through the application of wisdom and experience. Integrating Arcturus into your manifestation practice involves drawing upon your knowledge and life lessons to make informed choices and attract success.
Spica: Represents fertility, growth, and the ability to manifest through the cultivation of your talents and resources. Incorporating Spica into your manifestation practice involves nurturing your skills, creativity, and potential to bring your desires to fruition.
Sun: Represents vitality, self-expression, and the ability to manifest through the power of your unique identity and purpose. Integrating the Sun into your manifestation practice involves radiating confidence, authenticity, and joy as you pursue your goals.
Moon: Represents emotions, intuition, and the ability to manifest through the power of your subconscious mind and emotional attachments. Incorporating the Moon into your manifestation practice involves honoring your feelings, trusting your instincts, and creating a nurturing environment for your desires to manifest.
Venus: Represents love, beauty, and the ability to manifest through the power of attraction and harmonious relationships. Integrating Venus into your manifestation practice involves cultivating self-love, surrounding yourself with beauty, and creating loving connections that support your goals.
Jupiter: Represents expansion, abundance, and the ability to manifest through the power of faith, optimism, and a growth mindset. Incorporating Jupiter into your manifestation practice involves embracing a positive outlook, taking calculated risks, and trusting in the abundance of the universe.
Saturn: Represents structure, discipline, and the ability to manifest through the power of hard work, responsibility, and perseverance. Integrating Saturn into your manifestation practice involves setting clear goals, creating practical plans, and committing to consistent effort over time.
Neptune: Represents intuition, imagination, and the ability to manifest through the power of visualization and spiritual connection. Incorporating Neptune into your manifestation practice involves using creative visualization, engaging in spiritual practices, and surrendering to the flow of the universe.
Pluto: Represents transformation, power, and the ability to manifest through the process of deep psychological change and the release of limiting beliefs. Integrating Pluto into your manifestation practice involves confronting your fears, letting go of what no longer serves you, and embracing the transformative power of your desires.
Focus on embodying the qualities and energies associated with these elements through your thoughts, emotions, actions, and spiritual practices.
For example, if your 2nd house is strongly aspected, you might focus on cultivating a sense of self-worth and abundance through affirmations, gratitude practices, and financial management. If your Venus is well-placed, you might create a vision board filled with images of beauty, love, and harmonious relationships to attract more of these qualities into your life.
Remember that manifestation is a holistic process that involves aligning your inner world with your outer reality. By working with the astrological elements that resonate with your unique birth chart and desires, you can tap into the power of the cosmos to co-create the life of your dreams.
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soberpluto · 1 year
Chart Ruler in the 12 Houses, Pt. 2
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2nd part of my first post on chart rulers! Hope you enjoy. 7th house: This is a very interesting placement, because you may tend to project your own qualities unto others under a subconscious belief that you do not possess them. You are very pleasing with others, though, and may be worried with building long-term and equal relationships with those you care about. For you, having really close friends or a life-partner will be felt as a need, a deep desire. You are a great negotiator and like to be a mediator when you sense conflict. You will tend to be relationship-oriented and will see close contacts as beautiful, something that brings ease and pleasure each and every time. The downside is that you can be overly pleasing or devoted to those you care about without receiving the same amount of love and affection in return. You can also experience indecision when it comes to important life decisions because you will tend to see everyone’s point of view and will not like to stir conflict even if keeping quite is at your own expense. Malefic planets may cause more harm than good however, so it’s important that you are very conscious of the types of relationships you are attracted to and be very mindful of your own integrity, needs and wants when your build intimacy in them.
8th house: Your life events will continuously trigger deep transformations in you. You will be appealed to the unknown and have a keen talent for uncovering truths and revealing secrets, from others but also from life itself. Yours will be a constant pursuit of authenticity and because of this, superficial interactions or endeavors won’t seem attractive. Your own experiences will propel you into your own destruction or healing, depending on age and how well integrated your personality is. You may stumble upon near-death experiences, illness, crisis, debt, secrets and the forbidden as ways to connect you back to yourself, something that makes this placement a bit dark but very praising once you’ve learned your lessons, once you’ve learned to harness all your emotional and mental powers for the good. Turbulent events will create a new version of you each and every time, and this is why your life purpose consists of overcoming “tests”, of getting in touch with the highest version of yourself as you annihilate your ego. Before healing takes place, the most difficult facets of having your Chart ruler in the 8th will be the tendency towards excessive control, manipulation, obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, lower passions, compulsive/repressed sexuality and/or even dwelling dangerously on the occult. You may be the one who provokes all these but may also fall prey to them if you don’t place the right boundaries in your relationships! You may need to work on karmic issues related to Scorpio’s realm.
9th house: Truth and expansion is your ultimate goal. Your purpose consists of building your own meaning of life, to discover what you are meant to do in this Earth and to understand your existence from a higher perspective. Your soul is meant to evolve through exhilaration, spirituality, and righteousness in this lifetime. Your pursuit is more intellectual and divine than material. You want to become boundless and experience everything firsthand. You will not be satisfied with theory alone and instead, will seek to live your passions through your own perspectives and circumstances. Expressing and sharing what you’ve learned so far is one of your biggest motivators. Constructing your own philosophy gives you direction and purpose in life. You see life as an adventure but may be reckless or ungrounded as you go through this journey. As much as your vision is grandiose and inspiring, sometimes you can suffer from blind optimism or from holding your standards to utopic heights. Your need from freedom may make you go far in life, just don’t forget that others can’t run as fast or high as you! And you don’t need to convince others to see things your way. The purest form of inspiration comes from own example and not from preaching!
10th house: Your soul purpose has to do with creating your own merits, similar to having your chart ruler in your 2nd house, but with the difference that wealth and success will be actively pursued upon and will be achieved through career, most likely. With this placement, you want to be in control of your own life and will strive to be independent. You don’t like to rely on others to do as you please, especially regarding finances. It’s highly likely you had a huge influence from one of your parents, and no matter if it’s positive or negative, it instigates in you ambition and drive to be someone in the world. You can be a bit detached, cold or stern, or even fear intimacy and vulnerability because of how you perceive the world. Your image and overall health may help or undermine your professional progress. You are likely to become successful because of your resilience, determination and stamina, just be careful of not falling into the illusion that materialism and economic abundance are the most important goals in life! In brief, you are meant to organize your life according to your desires, learn how to reap the fruits of your own labor and escalate social and economic status by your own devices as part of your soul’s mission.
11th house: Your focus is placed on achieving your dreams and to leave something transcendent for humanity. Your heart’s calling will be hard to ignore, and you will engage life from this perspective, wanting to find your own emancipation from other’s expectations and views so you can shine from a place of altruism and brilliant thinking. You may be individualistic and will want to live by your own terms, which makes it a bit hard to find common ground in close relationships. However, your visionary and idealistic approach is certainly meant to inspire others so they aim high and achieve their dreams and passions, just as you do. You are meant to help others with your mind and altruistic nature. The sign in which your Chart Ruler sits will tell you how it will happen. Having a circle of like-minded acquaintances or a community where you feel you belong is very important, not only because this creates security in yourself and gives you a sense of purpose, but because accomplishing your desires is more likely to happen through these networks. Just try not to be so arbitrary with how you move through life, and use your charitable nature to attract good luck!
12th house: When your Chart Ruler sits in the last karmic house, your personality is not so open or expressive. You may be shy or introverted, and this is because you may feel overwhelmed by the world. Since the 12th house speaks of mystical and unknown things, your life may deliver several paranormal or spiritual experiences that are meant to teach you how to navigate the unseen realms. Depending on the planet, you can be very psychic and intuitive, and able to hear, see or feel things that are otherworldly. You may have problems with addictions, boundaries, and deception, but your soul incarnated this way for you to learn how to overcome these so you can guide less awakened people and help others who are misfortunate or outcast. You yourself may feel like an alien, and may need a lot of privacy and alone time to charge up. You have the capacity to become a healer and a spiritual guru if you wanted to as long as you manage to navigate your rich, ultra-sensitive and profound inner world so it doesn´t control you! Your nature is complex and deep, but your healing capacity is immense, just like the other water signs.
Thanks for reading! 🥰
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thejournallo · 5 months
Explain the basic: the Elements
Guess who's back—me, BRUH!
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
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In witchcraft, the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit are often seen as fundamental forces that can be harnessed for magical and spiritual purposes.
These elements are symbolic and represent different aspects of nature, energy, and consciousness. Here's a brief explanation of each element in the context of witchcraft:
Symbolism: Represented by the physical element of earth, rocks, soil, and symbols like pentacles or greenery. Qualities: Associated with grounding, stability, fertility, abundance, and the material realm. Magical Uses: Earth is often invoked for spells related to prosperity, growth, physical health, and stability. It is also connected to the physical body and practical matters.
Symbolism: Represented by the element of air, wind, feathers, and symbols like incense or a wand. Qualities: Associated with communication, intellect, inspiration, thought, and the realm of the mind. Magical Uses: Air is often invoked for spells related to communication, intellect, clarity of thought, and inspiration. It is also associated with the power of the spoken word and intention.
Symbolism: Represented by flames, candles, the sun, and symbols like a cauldron or a staff. Qualities: Associated with transformation, passion, energy, willpower, and the element of action. Magical Uses: Fire is often used in spells for transformation, motivation, courage, and purification. It symbolizes the spark of creation and the force that propels change.
Symbolism: Represented by water, rivers, lakes, and symbols like a chalice or a bowl of water. Qualities: Associated with emotions, intuition, purification, healing, and the subconscious. Magical Uses: Water is often invoked for spells related to emotions, intuition, purification, and healing. It is also associated with the flow of energy and the ebb and flow of life.
Symbolism: Often considered the fifth element, representing the divine or the ethereal. It may be symbolized by symbols like the akasha or an empty circle. Qualities: Associated with the divine, the interconnectedness of all things, and the essence of consciousness. Magical Uses: Spirit is often invoked for rituals that involve connecting with the divine, meditation, and spiritual growth. It is the element that transcends the physical and ties everything together.
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In rituals and spellwork, practitioners often call upon these elements, either individually or in combination, to create a balanced and harmonious energy.
The elements are thought to correspond to different aspects of the human experience and the natural world, allowing witches to work with these energies to achieve their magical and spiritual goals.
Tips and tricks:
Body: If we want to use an element but don't have an object that can represent that element, we can use our body. (ex: I don't have anything to represent the earth; let me hit my feet to the ground.). (I need to represent fire; let me use my passion.)
To connect to an element: let's experience it, Go out and feel the forest and the rain; watch the fire burning; and let the fire warm you.
Combine the elements: with the incense, you have fire and air together; growing a plant, you have water and earth collaborating; and so on.
Memories: Everywhere you go, take a stone, a sea shell, a feather, or buy a lighter. Let the elements be good memories.
Deity: Some deities (I will deepen this conversation in the final post to explain the basics) are connected to the elements; we can use them to honor them.
Songs: we can use songs and music to feel connected to the elements; for example, I associate "Je te laisserai des mots" with the elements of the earth.
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). If you are interested in more methods, check the masterlist!
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magickkate · 3 months
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Are you ready to embark on a journey through the mystical realms of Tarot and unlock the secrets of the cards? Tarot is a powerful divination tool that has been used for centuries to gain insight, guidance, and clarity on life's mysteries and challenges. Whether you're new to Tarot or a seasoned practitioner, understanding the basics of the cards and their meanings is essential for tapping into their wisdom and harnessing their magic. Here's a beginner's guide to the Tarot and the meanings of the cards:
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🃏 The Structure of the Tarot Deck: The traditional Tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that represent archetypal energies and significant life events, while the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles—that correspond to different aspects of daily life.
🌟 The Major Arcana: The Major Arcana cards represent major life themes, spiritual lessons, and transformative experiences. Each card carries its own unique energy and symbolism, offering insights into the universal patterns and forces at play in our lives. Some key Major Arcana cards include The Fool (new beginnings, spontaneity), The Lovers (love, relationships), and The Tower (sudden change, upheaval).
💫 The Minor Arcana: The Minor Arcana cards reflect the day-to-day aspects of life, including emotions, thoughts, actions, and material concerns. Each suit has its own elemental correspondence and represents a different aspect of human experience. For example, Wands represent fire (creativity, passion), Cups represent water (emotions, intuition), Swords represent air (intellect, communication), and Pentacles represent earth (material resources, physical manifestations).
🌿 Interpreting the Cards: When interpreting Tarot cards, it's important to consider the imagery, symbolism, and intuitive impressions that arise during a reading. Pay attention to the emotions, thoughts, and sensations that the cards evoke, and trust in your intuition to guide you towards deeper insights and understanding. While there are traditional meanings associated with each card, Tarot is ultimately a deeply personal and intuitive practice that invites you to trust in your own inner wisdom.
🔮 Practice and Patience: Like any skill, learning Tarot takes time, practice, and patience. Don't be discouraged if you don't grasp the meanings of the cards right away—keep practicing, studying, and experimenting with different spreads and techniques to deepen your connection with the cards and refine your intuition.
Labyrinthos - Tarot Reading and Learning (Mobile App on Apple App Store) [i’m a huge fan of the mobile app for learning the meanings of the cards]
Whether you're seeking guidance, clarity, or spiritual growth, Tarot offers a powerful tool for accessing the wisdom of the subconscious mind and navigating life's twists and turns with grace and insight. So shuffle your deck, draw a card, and let the magic of Tarot illuminate your path! 🔮🌿
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the-wayward-arc · 8 months
What happens to the iron dragons and thunder Lords after Nora and Yang's passing? Do they have some way to keep their memories alive? What about the rules they had in Legion what happens to those?
Loyal Au: The 2 companies became their chapters when the Legion split. With Yang passing peacefully at the age of 109, she was buried with her family, the private cemetery heavily guarded by three Iron Dragons at all times. Her gauntlets were reforged, at her request, into weapons befitting of the Iron Dragons chapter master. They are a symbol of his office and one of the very few things they have left of her. Iron Dragons repainted their armor to match her palette. Their chapter insignia being Yangs with a Dragon's skull in the center of it. They do their best to live up to her legacy.
Chaos Au: Yang's violent death came to destroy the Iron Dragons. In their anguish, as their Legion fell to the powers of Malal, the Iron Dragons allowed themselves to be possessed by great daemons in order to gain the power they need to avenge their mother. Great was their rage and Anguish, their need for power, that they actually turned the tables into the daemons that possessed them. Instead, devouring the daemons within themselves to harness the power, greatly mutating into their namesake while growing massive in size and keeping their will and personality. The Iron Dragons are extremely violent and ensure they rain down fire from the sky.
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Thunder Lords
Loyal Au: The Thunder Lords chapter is unusual in the fact they are small in number and all their battle brothers use only terminator armor. The reason why they have such an amount is because they scavenged as many as they could during the heresy. Raiding Traitor Armories and scavenging them off the dead, both traitor and loyal. As such, the chapter is only 300 strong. As such they have a motto "Strike like a hammer! Hard and thunderous!" The peaceful passing of Nora at 98 did hit the the Thunder Lords hard. Repainting their armor to match her colors and wearing her symbol with great pride. They honor Nora by being not only being the heaviest hitters but coming down like a hammer upon their enemies, destroying everything in one fatal strike. The chapter keeps itself at its current strength due to limited number of Terminator armor. Much like Yang's weapon, Nora's was reforged into a might Thunder hammer for the Chapter Master to signify his status and office. It is a terrifying weapon capable of much more devastating destruction than it previously was, know that their mother would absolutely love it as such.
Chaos Au: Holding their Nora as she took her final breath in front of them sent every single Thunder Lord into an eternal rage. Their minds became fragmented at the lost of their mother and even more so when they mutated into Chaos Obliterators when they fully gave themselves to Malal who bestowed them his own vile version of the virus that severely mutated them and turned them into violent hulking killing machines. Fused to their very armor, they are in eternal agony but also eternally furious as they relive the moment of Nora's death in their minds. Seeing both allies and enemies as obstacles in their way to save Nora, always calling out for her. Forever reliving that moment. In a subconscious vain attempt to be closer to her, their right arms are permanently fused to their thunderhammers. Swinging violently to anyone that gets near them. Their are only 40 of them left (bit of a retcon from 10 I stated before.) Gunnvaldr is the only one of his brethren to keep his sanity and the only one they listen to outside of Jaune. Even at times, above Jaune. They are kept in stasis or restrained.
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fastlane-freedom · 2 years
Subconscious Mind is Not a “Mind” But a "Success Mechanism"
Subconscious Mind is Not a “Mind” But a “Success Mechanism”
The new science of cybernetics has furnished us with convincing proof that the so-called subconscious mind is not a “mind” at all, but a (success) mechanism—a goal-striving “servo-mechanism” consisting of the brain and nervous system, which is used by, and directed by the mind.  Before moving further, let’s understand the meaning of the below terminologies —————————————————– Cybernetics: The word…
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What Are You Attracting? |
Pick-a-Card General Reading
Disclaimer! Tarot is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to dictate professional or medical decisions.
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take what resonates and leave what doesn’t! above all else, i hope you enjoy :) feedback is appreciated and encouraged.
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Pile 1 | Nephrite Jade
Cards Drawn: Ace of Stones, The Journey (Reversed), Seven of Stones, Queen of Bows
There has been something hindering your growth, something weighing on your mind that has brought a profound negativity into your energy or mindset. It feels like you’ve encountered a naturally busy part of your life or you are beginning to wind down from an exceptionally tiring season. If you have been looking for a fresh start or to shed yourself of this negativity, then I see you attracting this slowly but surely. This is definitely a steady energy moving at its own pace as it slowly trickles into your life. The key to harnessing this energy of new beginnings may be to look inwards at yourself, at the foundation of your being. This could indicate practices like shadow work, journaling, or meditation. There isn’t anything wrong with taking things quietly and at your own pace, sometimes it’s better to do a little bit everyday just to build the habit rather than trying to tackle it all at once. If you’re the type of person that tends to take on too many things at once, then this would be the time to implement the process of doing one thing at a time and focus on enjoying the process and finding joy in it. You’ve been a bit scattered from yourself and your energy and you are urged to take the time to reconnect with yourself and what you hold dear. Along with this, you may feel pulled to spend more time in nature, whether by taking walks or hiking as a form of self-care. You may find comfort in being amongst the natural world and find it as a sense of calming and grounding. Overall, a period of self-care and tranquility is on its way to you, in whichever form it decides to take.
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Pile 11 | Tiger’s Eye
Cards Drawn: Six of Pentacles, The Magician, Six of Cups
The first thing I heard when I pulled the cards for this pile was the phrase “material girl” from that one audio on social media—and honestly? Yeah, it makes perfect sense. The energy from this pile is so abundant and absolutely “in your power” era. If you have been making the steps towards a goal in your life, then all of that hard work is coming back for you in tenfold in rewards and benefits. Not only that, but I’m also getting the sense that you could be extremely skilled in manifestation or have been feeling more drawn to it and interested in learning more. Either way—success is coming your way, especially if you’ve been working your way to financial prosperity. You have all of the tools at your disposal to make it happen and you’re determined to get to where you want to be. I also get the sense that your ambition in this regard may be because of some lingering “lack” mentality from your childhood or earlier years. At this point, you could be asking yourself why you haven’t been seeing results sooner for your efforts or you could be getting a little impatient—that may be coming from that lack mentality that you’ve subconsciously carried with you, and if you are manifesting a certain outcome, it could be what is continuing to hold you back from receiving these blessings. But either way, I don’t see this even being that big of an issue for you. Whenever something clicks for you, you immediately set out to discover it and come up with a plan to improve yourself in that aspect. There’s not a single doubt here—you will get what you deserve and what you have worked hard for.
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Pile 111 | Aventurine
Cards Drawn: The Green Man (Emperor), Eight of Bows (Reversed), Nine of Arrows
Do you constantly feel like you’re being drained by the people around you? Then this pile is for you! You definitely lean more towards the introverted side of the personality chart. Even if you do enjoy large social gatherings and connecting with others, it tends to leave you tired and/or feeling a bit lost. I get the feeling that you tend to give more of your energy than you get back, or you spend a lot of your time feeling and/or feeding off of other people’s energies that it can become exponentially difficult to come back and be at peace with your own energy in solitude. From the cards drawn, I think that you’ve put a lot of time into other people and now you’re being asked to redirect some of that time and focus on yourself and your interests. This could represent itself in multiple ways. If you’re spiritual, you may rekindle your interest and begin investing your time in that area of your life. You might pick up old or new hobbies, especially things that have to do with hand-making things. The first thing that popped into my mind when I was reading this section of the cards was the term “kitchen witch” and candle-making specifically. There’s also an indication that you could take up an interest in aromatherapy and essential oils (if you have pets please be careful! some specific scents are harmful to them). In this season, you are attracting more tranquility and a meaningful approach to the use of your time. Once in a while, it’s okay to say no to going out with friends and just deciding to stay at home with your own company. When you enjoy the peace you have with yourself, you can better enjoy peace with others as well.
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Pile 1v | Peach Moonstone
Cards Drawn: Death (Reversed), The Devil, Queen of Cups
Overall, this pile feels particularly overwhelming. It feels like there are so many things to consider, to analyze, and to look at. This could signify that you are currently in the midst of a very complicated situation, one where your position on the board has become muddled with inner-personal ramblings and considerations. There’s so many “what if’s” with this pile. I see a couple of possibilities that could have you feeling this discombobulated, you may be feeling stuck or trapped whether because of a toxic work-environment (professional or educational) or an intense relationship (romantic or platonic). It feels like you could be currently depending on the very thing that is hurting you, which is why it could be a job or even a parental figure. Unfortunately, because you are still dependent in this situation, it’s unclear if you are realistically able to walk away entirely. If you are—I would recommend it, or at the very least begin to distance yourself emotionally while you work up to being able to fully distance yourself entirely. You’re attracting more honesty with yourself about your emotional body and the effects this has had on you mentally. You’re also attracting clarity, sort of like a “bigger picture” moment that will aid you in finding a clear path out of this. By doing this, you’ll find the courage and strength to begin pursuing your own path even if you have to pave it yourself. This will bring in a complete energy shift for you and you’ll begin to feel more determined. Keep your chin up even if it’s difficult now, I promise that it will improve sooner or later.
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kensanwrites · 2 months
Ultimate Quantum Jump: Affirmations Theta & Delta Wave
Welcome to our transformative video, "Ultimate Quantum Jumping Affirmations with Theta and Delta Waves" – Your Gateway to Shifting Realities, Manifesting Desires, and Rapid Transformation! 🌌✨
In this powerful session, we've combined the profound frequencies of Theta and Delta Waves with potent quantum jumping affirmations to elevate your manifestation journey to new heights. Dive deep into the realms of the subconscious mind and unlock the secrets of rapid manifestation.
🌟 Here's what you'll experience in this video:
🧠 **Theta and Delta Wave Affirmations** - Immerse yourself in affirmations specifically crafted to facilitate quantum jumping, allowing you to shift effortlessly between realities and manifest your deepest desires.
🔮 **Manifestation Techniques and Law of Attraction** - Harness the principles of the Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption to amplify the manifestation process, empowering you to create the reality you desire.
💫 **Positive I AM Affirmations** - Cultivate a deep sense of self-belief and empowerment with I AM affirmations that affirm your inherent power to shape your reality.
🌠 **Rapid Manifestation** - Accelerate your manifestation journey with the synergistic combination of Theta and Delta Waves, amplifying the potency of your affirmations for swift and tangible results.
Join us on this quantum journey as we explore the limitless possibilities of reality shifting, guided by positive affirmations and the transformative frequencies of Theta and Delta Waves. Like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay connected with our empowering content.
🚀 Manifest your dreams and unlock your full potential with us. Let's embark on this extraordinary journey together! 🚀
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bee-birb · 5 months
tails nine theory - sonic prime spoilers - this is a long one
so we established that the prisms have like, mega energy and are way too much power for one person right? like, dread knuckles got a taste of the power from the noplace shard and went mad over it, and thorn rose also went a bit crazy with the boscage maze shard. afterward, she even said that it was far too much power for one person. eggman went wacko trying to get the whole prism initially, though that could have just been eggman being eggman.
my theory is, nine probably never would have gone as far as he did in s3 if he wasn't exposed to the prism. and not just one shard like dread and thorn, mind you. all of them. he had full exposure to all five shards, and was regularly drawing on their power to shape reality with himself as a conduit. first the new yoke shard, then the grim shard, (both in s1), then as the council collected more shards during s2, he was presumably exposed to more prism energy. (though, i think the energy field holding them in the dome would have blocked most of the energy, but you get my point.) that much prism energy could not have been good for his mind, especially because he's still portrayed as rather young in the series. in fact, we only get the ultimate betrayal while nine is in the presence of four of the five shards. thats a lot of power.
because the prism's energy is so strong, and with evidence from thorn and dread that it makes you volatile, nine probably wouldn't have betrayed sonic over the miscommunication. in fact, sonic had mentioned repairing green hill multiple times before, and nine didn't speak up or ask about it. this could be because he was biding his time to get all the shards in order to transform the grim, but he probably would have made at least a sarcastic comment about it. he also leaves the resistance behind after having the new yoke shard in his possession, the same thing that dread does in s2.
over the course of season 3, we can also see the effect of longterm use of prism energy in nine. he gets tired, falling over atop his citadel, and is always mentioning needing more power. this screams that something else is at work in his subconscious. another example is when shadow remarks that it was always all about power. sonic goes to disagree because sonic, but nine agrees. except, i dont think it was all about power initially. it was about building himself a safe haven in the grim. he was originally going to include sonic in his safe haven, too, as evidenced by the hammock and the palm trees they reference in the citadel. it was about finding a place for him to belong- a blank slate for him to start over.
and after the prism is gone, nine gets far more sympathetic and seems to be more himself. this also could be sonic being, yaknow, on the verge of completely falling apart without prism energy, but that doesn't make as much sense. nine was more than ready to extract the energy from sonic in s3e1, and do so mercilessly- after he had used the prism to create the alpha grim bots. are you seeing the pattern? nine gets steadily more unstable, unsteady, and unfeeling as he is exposed to the prism and harnesses its energy through himself.
and i do understand that hurt people hurt people, and the kid is just doing what he can to make himself a home. it makes complete sense to do anything you can to make yourself the safe space that you've never had before. but the fact that he doesn't listen to reason and facts goes completely against nine as a character- he's the logical one. the thinker. he was the first to tell the council that using the prism would cause shatterverse wide decay. and he flat out ignores all that during s3. its not correlative to his character, hence my theory that something deeper is happening with nine.
now, for those of you saying that sonic never had such side effects- he already has prism power in his being. it wouldn't affect him as much as a completely outside source would.
anygays, thank you for reading my rambles and have a good night. remember, its just a theory- a gAME THEORY-
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the-masculine-alpha · 9 months
Tips For Brainwashing
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To effectively use mind control to brainwash macho men, it is crucial to employ a systematic approach. Begin by establishing a strong rapport with the target individual, gaining their trust and admiration. Utilize persuasive techniques such as mirroring their body language and speaking in a confident and assertive manner. Employ subtle manipulation tactics, such as subtly planting suggestions and reinforcing desired behaviors through positive reinforcement. Utilize visual and auditory stimuli to influence their subconscious mind. By following these steps, one can harness the power of mind control to effectively brainwash macho men, ultimately shaping their thoughts and behaviors to align with desired outcomes.
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grey-sorcery · 10 months
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Title: Sigilcraft Mechanics: Metasigils, Hypersigils, & Knot Magic
Suggested Reading
Sigilcraft: How-to Conceptualization Vs. VisualizationAnchorsEnergetic ConstructsIntermediate Energy WorkIntro to GnosisVisualization: Effective PracticeCorrespondencesThreshold Theory Basics of Spellcasting Spell Design
CW: This article discusses | || || |_. iykyk
Sigilcraft, Metasigils, & Hypersigils
When first getting into sigilwork, you may stumble into the practices of meta/hyper sigils. Metasigils are things like sigil-chains and spell circles, or multiple sigils that are connected or combined in order to create a more specific purpose. Hypersigils are nebulous connections made between concepts and intent that are embedded into the media. Hypersigils operate off the exact same mechanics as regular sigils but they are carried through a different, more expansive, vehicle. Rather than using lines and symbols to carry their purpose, their purpose is programmed through imagery, theme, composition, color theory, mathematics/numerology, and/or energy work. Sigilcraft, Metasigils, and Hypersigils represent intriguing aspects of contemporary occult practices, drawing upon psychological frameworks and symbol manipulation. Sigilcraft involves the creation and activation of sigils, which are abstract symbols charged with personal meaning and intention. These sigils serve as condensed representations of desired outcomes or transformative states. Rather than relying on explicit intentions, practitioners engage in a process of symbolic encoding to tap into the subconscious and evoke change.
Metasigils take sigilcraft a step further by incorporating multiple sigils into a larger, interconnected system. This system aims to capture a complex web of desires, beliefs, and archetypal influences. Metasigils serve as composite symbols that harmonize various facets of the practitioner's psyche, creating a unified expression of personal goals and aspirations. Through the interplay of multiple sigils within a Metasigil construct, practitioners seek to engage with deeper layers of their consciousness and facilitate transformative shifts.
Hypersigils push the boundaries of sigilcraft by expanding beyond static symbols into dynamic narrative frameworks. Hypersigils encompass a multidimensional approach, incorporating elements of storytelling, art, and personal mythology. They function as immersive vehicles that transport practitioners into a narrative world where their desires and intentions unfold. Hypersigils intertwine the symbolic power of sigils with immersive narratives, fostering a heightened level of engagement and identification. Through the ongoing interaction with the narrative construct, practitioners immerse themselves in a self-created reality that facilitates profound personal transformations.
The underlying psychological mechanisms behind sigilcraft, Metasigils, and Hypersigils are rooted in the power of symbolism and the subconscious mind. By engaging in symbol manipulation and focusing attention on the sigils or narrative constructs, practitioners tap into the reservoir of the subconscious, which is receptive to symbolic language and imagery. This process operates on the principle that the subconscious mind is more receptive to indirect communication, bypassing conscious filters and allowing for greater potential for change and manifestation.
Within this psychological framework, sigilcraft, Metasigils, and Hypersigils can be seen as tools that interface with cognitive processes, including attention, belief formation, and intentionality. The process of creating, activating, and interacting with these symbolic constructs involves a deliberate manipulation of cognitive processes to influence perceptions, motivations, and behaviors. By engaging with sigils, Metasigils, and Hypersigils, practitioners harness the power of suggestion, amplifying the psychological impact and aligning their subconscious processes towards desired outcomes.
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Historical Contributions
The contributions of Paracelsus (1493-1541), Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956), Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi (787-886), and Zhang Guo Lao (c. 8th century) to the practice and use of sigils, talismans, and amulets were instrumental in shaping the understanding and application of these symbolic tools.
Paracelsus, a pioneering 16th century physician and alchemist, explored sigils, talismans, and amulets within his holistic approach to medicine and metaphysical philosophy. His seminal works, such as "The Book of Seven Seals" and "Philosophia Occulta," elucidated the intricate connections between the natural and spiritual realms. Paracelsus emphasized the utilization of symbols and objects to harness and channel the innate healing powers of nature, promoting the idea that the physical and spiritual aspects of existence were intimately entwined.
Austin Osman Spare, an artist and occultist, brought a unique perspective to sigils, talismans, and amulets in the early 20th century. In his influential work, "The Book of Pleasure," Spare developed a method known as "The Alphabet of Desire." This system involved the creation of personalized sigils as a means of manifesting one's desires. Spare's approach emphasized the integration of sigils into individualistic practices, wherein practitioners could tap into their subconscious and project their intentions into the symbol, without relying on external correspondences or established magical systems.
Marsilio Ficino, a 15th century Italian philosopher and astrologer, made significant contributions to the understanding and application of talismans. In his notable work, "De Vita Coelitus Comparanda," Ficino explored the concept of celestial correspondences and the use of talismans to align oneself with the cosmic forces. He believed that talismans, charged with celestial energies, could serve as conduits to bring about specific effects or virtues. Ficino's emphasis on the inherent connections between the celestial and human realms paved the way for further developments in talismanic practices.
Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi, an 8th century Persian astrologer and astronomer, explored talismans and their relationship with celestial influences. In his extensive writings, including "The Book of the Thousands" and "The Great Introduction," al-Balkhi explored the creation and application of talismans based on astrological principles. He believed that the proper alignment of planetary influences and the selection of auspicious times were crucial factors in the efficacy of talismans. His works provided a structured approach to the utilization of talismans in magical and astrological practices.
The fangshi (Occultist or Alchemist) Zhang Guo Lao, a legendary figure in Chinese Taoism during the Tang Dynasty (7th century), is associated with the creation and use of talismans. Though historical details of his life are uncertain, his role in Chinese folklore and Taoist practices is noteworthy. Zhang Guo Lao was believed to possess the ability to create and utilize magical charms and talismans. He was associated with the tradition of Taoist magical arts and was considered a master of talismanic practices.
These individuals, each with their unique perspectives and contributions, shaped the understanding and practice of sigils, talismans, and amulets. Paracelsus's holistic approach, Spare's individualistic methods, Ficino's celestial correspondences, al-Balkhi's astrological insights, and Zhang Guo Lao's mythical influence all played a significant role in the development and evolution of these symbolic tools. By exploring the interplay between natural and spiritual elements, these historical figures expanded our understanding of how sigils, talismans, and amulets can be utilized as practical and symbolic aids in various metaphysical, mystical, and magical practices.
The concept of hypersigils emerged in the field of chaos magic, and it was popularized by the occultist and writer Grant Morrison. Grant Morrison is often credited with introducing and developing the idea of hypersigils in his comic book series "The Invisibles," which was published from 1994 to 2000. Morrison expanded on this idea and proposed the concept of hypersigils, which extended the creation and activation of sigils to more complex and immersive forms of media. In "The Invisibles," Morrison incorporated his personal beliefs, desires, and intentions into the storyline, characters, and themes of the comic series. By doing so, he believed that he was effectively creating a hypersigil that would have a profound impact on his own life and the world around him. Morrison is quoted: “"The 'hypersigil' or 'supersigil' develops the sigil concept beyond the static image and incorporates elements such as characterization, drama, and plot. The hypersigil is a sigil extended through the fourth dimension. My own comic book series The Invisibles was a six-year long sigil in the form of an occult adventure story which consumed and recreated my life during the period of its composition and execution. The hypersigil is an immensely powerful and sometimes dangerous method for actually altering reality in accordance with intent. Results can be remarkable and shocking"
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Uses and Applications in Witchcraft
The applications of Sigilcraft, Metasigils, and Hypersigils within the models of psychological, spiritual, energetic, and informational witchcraft encompass a diverse range of practices and techniques, each with its distinct focus and approach. Sigilcraft, the creation and utilization of sigils as symbolic tools, finds relevance and applicability in these different models.
In the psychological model of witchcraft, sigils serve as potent vehicles for self-exploration, introspection, and personal transformation. Through the process of crafting and activating sigils, practitioners engage in a form of self-directed psychological programming. Sigils become encoded representations of desires, goals, or affirmations, and their activation acts as a catalyst for subconscious shifts, empowering individuals to manifest desired psychological states or changes within their own psyche.
In the spiritual model of witchcraft, sigils hold significance as sacred symbols that establish connections between the individual and the divine or spiritual realms. Through the process of crafting and consecrating sigils, practitioners forge a connection with spiritual forces or deities, invoking their guidance, protection, or blessings. Sigils become conduits for spiritual energy and serve as focal points for devotion, meditation, or ritual practices, facilitating communion with the sacred and the cultivation of spiritual growth. May also incorporate astrology to aid in constructing this connection.
Within the energetic model of witchcraft, sigils function as energetic constructs that interact with subtle forces and channels of energy. By infusing sigils with a specific energetic signature, practitioners direct and manipulate energetic currents to influence specific outcomes or to affect the energetic balance within themselves or their environment. Sigils become energetic engrams, harnessing, transmuting, and directing the flow of subtle energies to bring about desired energetic fluctuations. Due to the pervasiveness of energy within all practices, any media or symbol can be created as, or made into, a sigil.
The informational model of witchcraft recognizes sigils as symbolic codes that communicate and transmit information beyond the conscious realm. In this model, sigils serve as gateways to accessing or altering information within the collective unconscious or the larger informational field. Practitioners employ sigils to tap into the reservoir of universal knowledge, to enhance intuition, or to encode information for purposes of communication, divination, or influencing informational flows.
Metasigils, an extension of sigilcraft, further expand the possibilities within these models of witchcraft. Metasigils operate on a meta-level, encompassing multiple sigils within a unified framework. They represent complex intentions, archetypal patterns, or overarching principles, serving as beacons for desired outcomes or as catalysts for profound shifts on various levels of existence.
Hypersigils transcend the individual sigil and encompass an entire narrative or artistic creation. Hypersigils are multifaceted expressions of intention and passion, woven into a larger creative endeavor such as a novel, artwork, or performance. Through immersion in the hypersigil's narrative or experience, practitioners engage with the intention on a deeper level, blurring the boundaries between the symbolic and the lived reality, thus manifesting desired outcomes or transformations.
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Sigilwork As A Concept
The conceptual foundation of sigil magic is functionally the same as non-sigil spellwork. Both  are forms of esoteric manipulation, exhibit striking similarities when examined through a purely theoretical lens. Both rely heavily on the deliberate and purposeful application of intent, passion, and gnosis, hinged on the belief that human will, when focused, can incite change in the experienced reality.
Sigil magic operates on the premise that a practitioner, through concentrated trinity of spellwork, invests a symbol, or sigil, with a specific directive or objective. This directive, often personally significant and meticulously crafted, is embedded into the sigil during its creation. This procedure leverages the potent forces of subconscious cognition, energy work, and potentially spirit work to effectuate desired outcomes. The sigil, in this case, serves as an anchor for the working of the practitioner.
On the other hand, non-sigil spell work also hinges on the utilization of the trinity, albeit  sometimes without the symbolic component. Such spells, which can incorporate verbal utterances, physical actions, or the use of specific artifacts, aim to manifest a certain outcome by directly channeling the practitioner's will. In non-sigil spell work, it is the act or process of spell-casting that provides the energy which is typically anchored in a physical object or organism rather than a symbolic representation.
This dichotomy between the symbolic (sigil) and the action-oriented (non-sigil) methodologies offers an intriguing insight into the functional versatility of focused willpower in esoteric practices. While sigil magic employs symbols as the praxis for the working, non-sigil spell work instead often utilizes action or ritual which may not utilize this method of symbology. Despite these differences in methodology, both practices exhibit a common underlying principle: the harnessing of will (intention, passion, & gnosis) to effect desired changes. Energizing a sigil, akin to the preparatory stages of a non-sigil spell, involves focusing one's psychological, spiritual, and emotional energy on the emblematic object. This concentration of energy can be analogized to potential energy in the physical sciences - energy that is stored and ready to be transformed or released.
In the final stage of the sigil operation, commonly referred to as activation, the practitioner catalyzes the stored energy, analogous to the casting stage of non-sigil magic. Like a potential energy converted into kinetic energy when a physical object is set into motion, the activation process of an active sigil (see Sigil guide) transmutes the potential 'energy' concentrated in the sigil into a force aimed at manifesting the initial objective. The release of energy in this manner parallels the manner in which a spell is cast in non-sigil magic - a directional release of prepared energy to achieve a desired outcome. They also invariably utilize energy work, subconsciously or otherwise, to program the work towards a specific direction; move the work towards its target; and cause manifestation to a certain degree.
Furthermore, through the Spare method a meme, like the well-known "Loss", starts as an explicitly narrative unit. The original comic strip, that gave birth to the "Loss" meme, encapsulates a specific narrative—a poignant moment in a larger story. When this meme gets abstracted into a series of connected lines (| || || |_), it undergoes a transformative process akin to the creation of a Spare sigil, where an idea or goal is reduced to an abstract symbol.
The process of abstraction is central to this model, severing the explicit link between the signifier (the meme or sigil) and the signified (the original narrative or goal), thereby enabling the meme or sigil to be loaded with new meanings. Through the principle of intertextuality, each subsequent iteration of the meme or sigil can carry additional layers of meaning based on its relationship with other texts or cultural artifacts, further augmenting its power or ability.
When a meme is shared, engaged with, and re-contextualized by numerous individuals across the digital landscape, it can accumulate a form of energy. This propagation, engagement, and subsequent energy accumulation parallel the charging phase in sigil work.
The final aspect of this model concerns the activation of the sigil or the triggering of the meme's energy. When the meme is encountered in a context that aligns with its charged energy—whether that's humor, shock, or another emotional reaction—it discharges this energy, catalyzing a change in the perceiver's consciousness. This change is the operative goal in both meme propagation and sigil magic, making memes an intriguing tool for modern magical practitioners.
This concept is relatively mirrored by spellwork and spiritual practices found in pop-culture magic. Where a spell or being is used in real life. Pop-culture spellwork operates on similar principles to traditional spellwork, with pop culture entities taking the place of classical magical symbols or archetypes. For instance, a practitioner might call upon a character from a popular film or book, seeing in that character a symbolic representation of the qualities they wish to evoke or the changes they aspire to make. This is akin to how a sigil operates: an abstracted symbol carrying potentially accumulated meanings, invoked to initiate a desired change. Spirits conceptualized this way can become what is referred to as an egregore, or a thoughtform, which is forged in the idea of “the collective consciousness”. These entities, much like memes, are imbued with a certain collective energy derived from the shared cultural understanding and emotional investment of their audience. Intertextuality and abstraction play significant roles in both practices. In pop-culture spellwork, the entities used are intertextual, their meanings and energies derived from their relationships with other cultural artifacts. In pop-culture spiritwork, the practitioner often abstracts the entity from its original context, enabling it to carry new or additional meanings.
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Applications of Sigil Conceptualization via Gnosis
The application of sigil conceptualization via gnosis demonstrates its efficacy and adaptability in various magical practices, such as knot magic, candle magic, rune magic, and kitchen magic. Gnosis, referring to a state of deep intuitive insight or focus (typically propagated through the cultivation of a conducive headspace), serves as a powerful catalyst for sigil work. The process involves the practitioner entering a heightened state, transcending ordinary awareness to connect with their intention and passion.
Knot magic, a practice found in diverse cultural traditions, involves the tying of knots to manifest desired outcomes. Through the use of knots, imbued with symbolic significance, practitioners harness the power of intention and gnosis to weave their desires into the fibers. By tying and untying knots with purposeful focus, the practitioner establishes a tangible representation of their intention through abstraction, activating the energetic potential of the work. This is nearly a 1:1 correlation to sigilwork.
Candle magic, another commonly employed practice, utilizes the element of fire as a transformative agent. The practitioner chooses a specific colored candle that corresponds with their intention, and through passion and gnosis, infuses the candle with their energy. As the flame flickers and dances, it serves as a medium for the manifestation of the spell’s purpose, releasing the intent into the universe.
Rune magic, outside of divination, is derived from ancient Germanic and Norse traditions, involves the use of runic symbols as conduits for magical workings. The practitioner, with deep gnosis, selects specific runes that resonate with their intention. By inscribing or projecting the chosen runes, they infuse them with their energy and connect with the inherent energies represented by the symbols. The runic sigils act as channels through which the practitioner channels their will and taps into the primal forces of creation. 
Kitchen magic, rooted in the practical aspects of everyday life, utilizes the preparation and consumption of food as a magical act. With a focused mind and gnosis, practitioners infuse ingredients and dishes with their will. By combining culinary techniques, herbs, spices, and energetic and maybe even ritualistic preparation, they create edible hypersigils that carry their encoded purpose. As the food is consumed, it serves as a vehicle for the manifestation of the magical intent, bringing transformative energies into the practitioner's life through their physical body.
The applications of sigil conceptualization via gnosis in knot magic, candle magic, rune magic, and kitchen magic highlight the versatility and potency of this approach. By bypassing the psychological model and eschewing specific religious or ceremonial frameworks, these practices provide a pragmatic and accessible avenue for magical workings. Through the fusion of focused intention, symbolism, and intuitive insight, practitioners unlock the transformative potential of sigils and harness the universal forces at play in the world.
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Ideas to Consider When Using Sigils in Spellwork
Since sigil magic can be considered a spell within itself and its core concepts permeate such a large area of magical practice, it would be wise to consider just how it is used as a component in spell work. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to see if your sigil would interact with your working in a hindering way:
Does my sigil’s meaning align exactly with the purpose of my spell? 
Yes: Beyond using it as a correspondence, or a physical representation of the threshold you’re creating, it will not help or harm the spell itself. If you want or need such representation or reminder it may be helpful for casting.
No: Next question 
Does my sigil avoid all concepts that are in my spell?
Yes: Will the sigil still work towards the purpose of the spell?
Yes: This sigil will aid the spell, as a spell itself rather than as a correspondence, but it won't necessarily help the caster.
No: Why are you using it? Perhaps omit it or find another to use.
No: Next question
Does my sigil represent my target?
Yes: This will work effectively so long as the sigil is energetically activated and/or can evoke solid memories, imagery, voices, and characteristics of the target.
No: Next question
Is my sigil used purely for correspondence?
Yes: Next question
No: Does the sigil imply some verbage or means of manifestation?
Yes: Next question
No: This sigil may potentially interact, though without more specific information it is difficult to tell.
Did I activate my sigil, or plan to?
Yes: Correspondence or manifestation?
Correspondence: If you plan to activate it, it would be wise to reconsider. If it is already activated, it would be wise to recreate an inactive version.
Manifestation: This sigil will work well for your purposes, so long as the means of manifestation are the same as the means defined by the spell.
No: This sigil will work for your purposes.
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