#hate crime by people who haven't even heard of twitter. The only people who like these things are clinically online left teens
kjzx · 7 months
Ok trans people who say that the so called "transphobia" leads to the endangerment of their lives are, uh, ""valid"" or whatever it is that the youths say nowadays, but when are we going to talk about all the feminist biological females that die from hammer car explosions every year.
Like yeah sometimes women say things out of fear for the young girls worldwide, but you cannot convince me that a random "terf" (which is a slur jsyk) saying that "trans identified females tend to always regret brutalizing their bodies and that manipulating young girls should be a government regulated offense" worse than transgenders saying things like "if youre a terf you should explide severly if youre a transphobe I'll stab you like forreal". Sure let's all ignore what women were being treated like for centuries.
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wasabikitcat · 6 months
Y'know, I wonder how much of the increase of political radicalization and the alt-right pipeline is as a result of everything you see on the internet now being personally tailored to appeal to you specifically by the algorithm. When even search engines like Google are now altering their search results based on what you are more likely to click on and make them more money, it's a lot easier to understand how far right fear mongering is so pervasive.
I mean, imagine that you've indicated to the algorithm that you are interested in right wing conspiracy shit, either because you looked something up about it or you follow someone on Facebook who shares that stuff or any other reason you may stumble upon that, and now the algorithm is aware that you're likely to click on things like that. So now Facebook and Twitter are putting nothing but scary sounding article titles about how schools are putting litter boxes in the bathrooms and trans people are grooming children, and YouTube is only recommending increasingly radical conspiracy theory videos, and the news articles that Windows is forcing on your desktop are all about individual instances of minorities commiting crimes. If that's literally all you're seeing, then it's easy to assume that's just what the world is like.
Then, when people bring up things like increasing numbers of hate crimes towards minorities, these people say "I haven't heard of anything like that happening, so you must be exaggerating" because the algorithm hasn't shown them those news stories, because it knows they're less interested in those stories, further reaffirming the idea that those things don't actually happen.
The Internet has made it so far right extremists are basically living in an entirely different world, where everyone is against them and they're fighting a lonely battle against a society that wants to destroy their livelihood. It's near impossible to break out of a cult like that when the entire Internet is designed in a way to keep them there, because showing opposing viewpoints and news stories that challenge their worldview doesn't make as much money.
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