#have a peek into my kenma's backstory
empress-simps · 3 years
Strangers (seven)
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▪︎Pairings: Kuroo Tetsuroo x Reader, Bokuto Koutaro x Reader, Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji and Kageyama Tobio x Hinata Shoyo
▪︎Prounouns: She/Her [Fem!Reader]
▪︎Genre: Angst
▪︎Warnings: Some typos and grammatical errors
▪︎Synopsis: Finding out your soulmate rejected the bond to be with someone else feels terrible.
Note: This by far I think is the LONGEST chapter I wrote, the chapter ahead contains Kuroo's backstory and who his soulmate is👀 I know some of y'all are curious on who it is. I hope this vhapter isn't confusing since we're going to jump from Kuroo's memory to another. I hope this makes it up for the long awaited update!
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》 Strangers Masterlist
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Kuroo didn't believe in love. Not after what happened between him and his soulmate did.
He can still feel the heartbreak, betrayal, anger and confusion that was in his chest when he'd found out she left him.
He remembers the days where Kenma would get annoyed at him for yammering about his soulmate, how excited and elated he was.
Kuroo felt special. Considering He's the only one who has a soulmate mark in his group of friends, he would proudly show off the ever forming mark.
On one uneventful weekend evening, he made kenma sleep over at his house for the purpose of 'getting to hang out more'
"Huh.." Kenma briefly glanced at the the clock, "It's already midnight.." He mumbles, continuing to play with his game as Kuroo buzzed around the room, seemingly not running out of energy while copying the spiker's pose in one of the recorded volleyball matches that was playing in the tv.
Kenma groaned, "Can you stop that? I already lost in the game.. you're making my head hurt." Kuroo rolled his eyes at his bestfriend who was in the the corner of his bed.
"It's not my fault you're just not good at it. Besides, okaa-san baked you an apple pie! So you don't have a reason to be grumpy." Kuroo huffed, sitting down besides his introverted friend.
"I only came for apple pie..."
Kenma mumbled while Kuroo snorted, "You don't think I didn't know that?" The younger boy shrugged, just as he was about to restart the game a loud gasp emitted from Kuroo.
"Did fhe mark became readable..?" Kenma mumbled as he peeked at his bestfriend's wrist.
Kuroo felt like he was on cloud nine. His eyes glimmered and his heart thumped loudly in his chest, he feels like nothing could bring him down. His thoughts ran with endless scenarios thay he formulated on his head. Kenma, who noticed his friend who's off in his own world stared at the name with curiousity (that would soon turn to anger).
Yamaka Mika.
Kuroo sighed, a lovestruck expression on his face as he gingerly traced the mark on his arm. "Don't make that face, it's weird." Kenma said as he 'bonked' Kuroo's head with a controller.
He believed that she's the one who he's going to be with until they grow old. Not once did a thought of him getting rejected passed by his mind.
He also hadn't thought that his soulmate would fall for someone else.
"U-uh Kuroo.." Yamaka mumbled, eyes downcast to the ground. Kuroo hummed, "I told you to call me tetsu-"
"I don't think this will work out."
Kuroo felt his world stop as he could only look at his soulmate with disbelief. "What do you mean...? I-i thought we-"
Mika sighed, "I tried Kuroo.. I tried to love you. I decided to give it a shot since we're soulmates. We're suppose to love each other after all, but I just—cant."
It felt like all of the weight of the world came crashing down on his shoulders as he could only utter out one word.
Mika gulped as she stared into her soulmate who's slowly falling apart.
After the messy break up, Kuroo decided to keep his heart locked. He doesn't want anyone to enter just to break it again.
Then he met you.
Even though he desperately tries to put his walls higher, it all came tumbling down, and before he knew it, he found out that you could melt away the ice surrounding his heart easily.
At first, Kenma was hesitant. He knew how his bestfriend crumbled at the betrayal and rejection that happened a few years ago. He knew how Kuroo fell apart and how he struggled to pick himself back up.
He doesn't want the same thing happening again.
Kenma disliked you at first, he thought that you'll break Kuroo's heart again even if you don't mean it. But then, he saw how much you both meant to each other. Even if you still don't realize it.
You both healed each other's wounds.
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Taglist [Closed]: @decaffeinatedtealover @lulu-102 @whateverfeelz @ginsan-eyes @pluviophilefangirl @bakuhoesbro @aonenthusiast @amecchii @jadasz @random-734 @sleep3deprived @snflwrkenma @archishaya @kissungjae @sakusasimpbot @its-the-aerieljeane @dimsumhomie @jessie9008 @crapimahuman @outflannel @ysatrap @denkibutinsteadofpikachuitspichu @johnnysactualgf @just-a-saltine @nekomavsnohebi @acsycharm @sazunari @baby-jichu @felixsamour
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ohkiyo · 4 years
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pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Reader x Akaashi Keiji
warnings: kissing, nothing major.
word count: 2.3k
a/n: This one is like a backstory of how (Y/n)’s relationship with Bokuto in snecret and with Akaashi in paramour started. It can still be read separately.
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It’s a peaceful morning, as the members of the Kuroo household starts their day quietly, Kuroo Tetsuro an upcoming third year at Nekoma Metropolitan High School and captain of the boys’ volleyball team made his way down the stairs, running a hand through his messy bedhead, as a yawn left his lips. It was already 9 am, usually, he'd be up by 5 to have a morning jog but this time he decided to sleep in.
Reaching the living room, he was surprised to see that it was empty, except for his mother arranging and dusting the furniture.
“(Y/n)-chan's still asleep?” Kuroo asks his mother; normally his baby sister would be awake at this time of hour watching her morning show while eating her breakfast "It's not like her to miss an episode of (f/s)”
“Oh (Y/n) went to school to have her placement exam,” his mom answered, trying the curtains and opening the window so that natural light and fresh air could enter.
“Oh, what school did she applied to?” Kuroo questioned interested, he had been telling his sister to enroll in Nekoma so that she could be their manager since their team does not have one, his mother just smiled at him.
“She told me she will tell you herself when she gets her result” he nodded his head “Now, go eat your breakfast and help me with this after you’re done”
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“I’m home” (Y/n) announce, bending down to remove your shoes before walking into the living room, looking over his shoulder Kuroo greeted you as you took a seat beside him.
“Welcome home” their mother replied from the kitchen, already cooking them dinner.
“How was the exam?” Kuroo asks, turning his head to look at the tv, giving you a side glance.
You shrug your shoulders and let out a sigh, the questions were not easy and even though you already prepared for it months in advance, you still encountered some problems “It was hard but still manageable”
He ruffled your hair chuckling “You’re smart, I’m pretty sure you’ll get in” he said before fully giving you his attention “Tell me, which school did you applied for?”
“Not telling~” You jump off from your space on the couch when your brother made an attempt of getting you in a headlock.
“Come back here and tell me!” You stuck out your tongue and ran upstairs, making sure to lock your door to stop your brother from barging in and demanding you to tell him. 
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Kuroo stared at the paper, eyes twitching as Fukurodani’s seal in the middle of the paper stared right back as if taunting him. His head turned to look at his sister, smile wide and a proud look on her face “What… is this?”
“I pass the exam nii-chan” your smile turned into a pout, not expecting that kind of reaction from him, he does not look happy, not at all. But, he should be happy right? He did help you study after all.
“Yes I can see that, but why did you choose Fukurodani?” He asks incredulously all hopes of having a manager for the team crushed and broken.
“Because they say it’s a good school” You replied, not giving much of an explanation to your answer.
“But Nekoma’s also a good school!” Your brother reasoned “(Y/n)-chan, go to Nekoma” he almost begged as their parents watch from the sides, finding it amusing how their calm and usually level headed son is begging his baby sister to attend his school.
You just smiled at him and took the paper from his hand “But nii-chan I already took the exam, and I’m also in a preparatory class, see” you pointed at a specific sentence where your section was mentioned.
He let out a huff, seeing as how he cannot convince his sister, he turned to look at their parents “Mom, Dad tell (Y/n) to enroll to Nekoma”
Their mother let out a chuckle, shaking her head “We can’t do that Tetsurou, it’s her choice” she said before going to the kitchen to start preparing their dinner.
His eyes shifted to their dad hoping that he will agree with him “What your mom said”
His sister chuckled patting his shoulder, before going up to her room and tucking away the paper.
A month has passed and it was finally the start of classes, Kuroo is now a third-year high school student while (Y/n)’s in her first year. Waiting for his sister at the front door with Kenma by his side, he let out a sigh as she walks towards them, wearing her Fukurodani uniform.
She flashes him a smile excited for her first day of high school, he let out another sigh ruffling her neatly arrange hair before they started their journey to school, and it was a good thing that Fukurodani was just at the same direction as Nekoma. Which means he can walk his sister to school every day.
The walk to your new school wasn’t that long, reaching Fukurodani’s gate in fifteen minutes. You wave goodbye to your brother and Kenma before entering the school. Reaching your hand into your bag, you turn to look at your schedule. The first years’ orientation was the first event of the day, and it was going to be held at the auditorium. 
The only problem was that you didn’t tour your new school in advance and now you were going to be late because you know, you just know, you were going to get lost trying to find it.
You turn your head from side to side, trying to find any higher year or any of the teachers that you could ask for directions.
“Is everything okay?” You heard a voice behind you and you turned around your eyes meeting with someone’s chest, looking up, you try to stop yourself from gaping.
‘He’s so pretty’ You thought, as you silently stared at the black-haired boy in front of you, his eyes meeting yours. You snap out of your little daze, a little embarrassed of the thought of you shamelessly checking out a guy you just met.
“I-I’m looking for the auditorium, can you tell me where it is?”
“Ah, a first-year” you nodded your head “I’ll take you there”
“It’s okay; I can go there by myself. I don’t want to trouble you”
He shook his head, a small smile making it’s way onto his face “It’s okay, my classroom isn’t far from the auditorium, I’m Akaashi Keiji by the way”
“I’m Ku-“
“Hey, hey, hey! Akaashi good morning!” you heard another loud voice called out to the person you were talking to, Akaashi slightly turned his body and you move a little to the side to see another handsome looking guy walking over, a wide smile on his face. But what caught your attention was his spike-up multi-colored hair, it looks so cool it makes your brother’s hair looks stupid, but then again, you always thought your brother’s hair was stupid, you just didn’t tell him.
“Bokuto-san good morning” Akaashi bowed, as you followed his example, seeing, as this newcomer was another senior.
“Oh, who’s this?” Bokuto looks at you curiously, as Akaashi looks at you as well, waiting for you to introduce yourself.
“I’m Kuroo (Y/n), a first-year”
Bokuto’s face seems to lit up in recognition “You’re Kuroo’s younger sister, right?!”
You nodded your head “You know my brother?”
Bokuto laughs “Of course! He’s like, my best friend!”
“His name is Bokuto Koutaro” Akaashi said, as you nodded your head memorizing their names for future references. Having a feeling that this might not be the only time, you will meet them. The three of you went towards the auditorium, with Bokuto following blindly not knowing where you were going. Once you were in front of the auditorium’s double doors, you turn to the two and gave them a bow.
“Thank you so much”
They nodded their head at you as they started walking to their room “See you around mini Kuroo!”
You blush a little, as his voice was a bit louder than it was now that you were inside an enclosed space, the other first-years around you looking at you weirdly as you immediately went inside the venue and took a seat.
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Finally, it was the end of your first day of school, the bell ringing as you gathered your things. Saying goodbye to your new friends as they went to scout for clubs they plan to join, while you had already decided yours.
Exiting the first years’ building, you walk to the area where you had seen the gyms were located; there were quite a few that you had to ask some people to point you to where the boys’ volleyball club hold their practice.
Reaching the open entrance, you peeked to see that they were already warming up.
“Are you looking for someone?" you turn around as you saw two girls looking at you wearing a jacket and track pants that you had recognize as the manager's own uniform.
You shook your head “I was planning to apply for the manager’s position, but I was told club applications start next week. I was just going to ask where I can submit it?”
Their face lit up, happy that they finally have a new manager for next year’s team "You can give it to us; we're the team's current managers. My name's Shirofuku Yukie"
"Suzumeda Kaori"
"Kuroo (Y/n)"
"Oh! Kuroo Tetsurou's younger sister!"
You nodded laughing a little. It seems like everyone here knows your brother, must’ve been because of the training camps.
"Why don't you stay for practice? So, you can see your new teammates, be warned though they can be quite a handful. Especially the captain"
You followed them, walking over to the coaches, and introducing you. Once the formalities were done, Yukie and Kaori started filling you in with the things you will be doing as a manager. There was a lot, but nothing you can't handle.
"Hey, hey, hey! It's mini Kuroo!" you watch as Bokuto and Akaashi walk over to you. Already in their practice clothes. "You here to watch us practice?"
"She will be the new manager in training starting next week" Yukie answered as she turned to you "(Y/n)-chan, they're the team's captain and vice-captain" she pointed at Bokuto and Akaashi respectively.
"If we’re not here and you need help with anything, you can come to them"
"Or you can just go to Akaashi instead; Bokuto doesn't know anything not related to volleyball"
You laugh "Yes, I will"
After that, practice finally started, with you watching from the sidelines. Reading the volleyball manual Kaori lent you to help you with the technicalities and other jargon. You already know a few, but if you’re going to manage the team. You need to learn more than just the basics.
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Months have passed and you were now officially a manager, slowly getting used to your new role and becoming immediate friends with everyone. However, the persons you are really close to are Akaashi and Bokuto, who had assigned themselves as the ones to walk you home every after practice. During one of your many walks home, you had gotten to know them better, discovering more things about them, sharing their experiences, and the little shenanigans they had with your brother.
Not only that, but you also discovered something as well.
You had developed a crush.
On both of them.
How could you not?
They were nice, they would invite you to have lunch with them from time to time, cheer you up when you feel sad sometimes, help you with subjects you're having trouble with (this one's mostly Akaashi though, since Bokuto can't even study to save himself) and they 're pretty fucking good looking too.
You would sometimes find yourself unconsciously blushing or stuttering, whenever you talk to them, keeping eye contact as well, had become a very hard thing to do nowadays.
You just hope they won't notice though, but God knows Akaashi's very observant.
It was already the end of practice and Akaashi was assigned to lock up. Everyone had already left, leaving just the three of you alone. You put the mop back to where it belonged, pushing the basket full of volleyballs to the side to avoid the middle area from being overcrowded.
"Is everything in there (Y/n)?"
“Yes” you answered, watching as Akaashi place the net on top of the others that were there. You must have zoned out a little because you haven’t noticed him staring right back at you. Finally snapping out of it when you felt a hand holding your chin.
The hand-guided your head to meet blue eyes, as you suddenly felt yourself getting pulled by how beautiful they were. Until you felt lips on yours, you were shock of course, but after realizing that Akaashi was kissing you, you kissed back.
His other hand pulling you flush against his body as he deepened the kiss.
"Man Akaashi, you couldn't wait huh?" you broke apart, your head turning to look at Bokuto leaning on the door, a smirk on his face.
"I did tell you I was going to do it today Bokuto-san" Akaashi's replied, squeezing your waist.
You look between them, what did Akaashi mean by that?
"We like you too, (Y/n)"
Akaashi answered your silent question, as your mind went blank. Like you too?
Wait, so they know?
"You're very easy to read"
You blush; you were really trying not to be obvious, just to save yourself from any unnecessary embarrassment. Then not everything goes to how you want it.
Bokuto walks over to you, placing a hand on your cheek caressing the soft skin before planting a kiss on your lips.
"Nii-chan won't be happy if he finds out"
You grinned up at them, as Bokuto's eyes twinkled in mischief with Akaashi smiling down at you.
"We'll just have to keep it a secret then"
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pudding--cup-blog · 7 years
"Who did this?"
Send “Who did this?” for your muse to discover my muse with a black eye or a busted lipKenma’s shoulders stiffened up as he heard Bokuto’s voice, fingers twitching in their hold of his phone. Taking a moment to school his face into that of indifference, Kenma raised his head to look up at the other male. “I ran into my door.” he explained with a small shrug, palms sweating as he lied. This had never happened before, they had never been visible before except for small things that he could blame on falls at practice. This one was one he couldn’t say he got just from landing on his knees or running into a table because he wasn’t looking where he was going. There was no mistaking the black eye, the deep purple splotches that defined the bags under his eye, a mix of blues and yellows spotted everywhere. So he just ‘ran into a door’. That’s what he was supposed to say. Just ran into a door. He spoke once more, having repeated his lines over and over again enough at home that they flowed naturally now despite being monotone.“I wasn’t looking where I was going, I was looking at my phone.”
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