#haven't practiced tougher stuff like preposition conjugation and the tuiaseal ginideach enough
crimeronan · 2 years
my irish after a little under a year of study is at a point where Most of the time as i listen to raidió na gaeltachta, i can only follow the very broadest strokes of what’s being talked about - like, news recaps i can identify Who and What Topic is being mentioned, general discussions i can identify The Basic Topic This Discussion Is About, music i can identify the general vibes of whether this is a relationship/farming/sailing/anti-imperialism song, etc
except that there are times when rafi will see me light up & be like “what are they talking about?” and the answer is “oh they’re talking about language preservation inside and outside the gaeltacht and the role of parents versus schools and whether it’s feasible or practical to open more gaelscoileanna when almost every workplace uses english exclusively and-”
imagine if i actually learned common vocabulary like a normal fckn person instead of. just. hyperfixating on all the vocab related to one extremely specific niche of extremely specific political discourse in a country i do not live in
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