#having a cat is so he can have A Constant Source of love & companionship cuz otherwise.......good morning im mad at billions always lmao god
rebakadraws · 6 years
inukouga!! (sry if this one sent twice, i tried submitting it once and it did somethin weird, wasn't sure if it went through right or not the first time : 0 )
These are just like… character analysis’s.. of the pair… so thiS IS FINE  
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
Who is more likely to hurt the other?
Inuyasha :V. He is always the one to start the almost-fights between these two. Although both of these dog bois can be brash, I think Kouga has a bit more self-control than Inuyasha.
Who is emotionally stronger?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. They’re both so angREh and can act immature and angsty at times XD. This isn’t who’s more mature tho, it’s who’s emotionally stronger……. THEY’VE BOTH BEEN THROUGH A LOT AND ARE STILL STANDING SO……………….. Maybe…… Kouga? Just because… Inuyasha can be more insecure than Kouga? iDK 
Who is physically stronger?
The question they are always asking too lolI believe Kouga is more physically stronger than Inu. Inuyasha is a half-demon while Kouga is a full-demon, afterall. Inuyasha’s Tetsusaiga is what levels out the playing field between these two methinks.
Who is more likely to break a bone?
Inuyasha. Kouga’s more agile and good at dodging hits. Inuyasha also has his human nights where he’s much more fragile, so, that counts I guess?
Who knows best what to say to upset the other?
Mmmm although just existing around each other is enough to trigger them, XD, when it comes to knowing how to upset the other with words specifically, I think that’d be Kouga. It’s not too hard to insult an outcast half-demon, and easy to believe that such insults about being weak and unwanted would hit close to home and really hurt :’C.
Who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?
XD THESE TWO STUBBORN JERKS…. Kouga tho. He’s slightly more relenting to sacrifice being right for being on good terms with those he cares about. Perhaps because like, Kouga’s used to all the closeness and companionship of his pack that he hates being seriously at odds with his friends, while Inuyasha is used to being scorned and alone, so isn’t so affected by even his friends being mad at him.
Who treats whose wounds more often?
Hmm. I can see Kouga being more protective of Inuyasha (much to Inuyasha’s chagrin) since he’s a hanyou, but, I can also see like, Inuyasha occasionally taking care of Kouga because of what he’s learned from Kagome patching him up so many times. He’d be super tsundere about it tho, and only show his worry when things are really serious. “It’s only a flesh wound ya wimpy wolf; quit whining like a pathetic pup an’ just walk it off!”
Who is in constant need of comfort?
Inuyaaaasha… As you told me for your reasons for shipping InuKoug; Kouga, a full-demon, could be a really positive source of support for Inuyasha as a half-demon. For all his life humans have mostly been just afraid of him, while demons have looked down on him and called him a disgrace. After meeting Kagome, he makes human friends and eventually gets on much better terms with humans… But is still despised by most other demons. So.. Like Karasunosuke pointed out.. Kouga being a full-demon and telling Inuyasha he’s strong and likable and significant, would perhaps be even more meaningful to Inuyasha than praise from weak and mortal humans, who would of course be impressed by his demon powers. Also Inuyasha is just way more insecure and angsty than Kouga in general rip
Who gets more jealous?
Inuyasha, as we know from his interactions with Kouga over Kagome XD. Kouga has more deep-down genuine confidence (not just the cockiness they both have) and trust for his friends than Inuyasha, so, I think he’s a tad less prone to getting jealous. He would feel more secure in his relationships than Inuyasha for sure.
Who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
Inuyasha cuz he’s angsty and insecure and even more hot-headed and, Kouga is loyal af
Who will propose?
Uhhhhhhhh……… Hmm. I feel like I saw a headcanon of yours about this somewhere? But uh I can see Kouga ofc being the one to propose.. or even just, to make their relationship official at first as well? Inuyasha would still be so stubbornly tsundere about the true depth of their relationship for a long time, while Kouga would come to terms with every stage of the relationship easier. Kouga’s one to make up his mind very easily and suddenly too, while Inuyasha’s a confused tsundere who rarely knows what he wants XD, so.
Who has the most difficult parents?
Can’t be difficult when they’re all deAD. …..But hmm maybe like. Maybe some of Kouga’s pack who are kind of like elder familial figures to him, like, wise uncles idk – I could see them being really critical of Kouga starting to hang around just Inuyasha himself? And being critical for a long time as Kouga as Inuyasha’s friendship would grow and deepen. 
Who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?
Kouga duh my affectionate and unashamed boo
Who hogs the blankets?
Kouga. They’re both wild animal guys who don’t exactly have beds, but, Kouga’s got his cozy cave with perhaps cozy pelts for blankets, and is used to being warm and cuddly with his fellow wolves, while Inuyasha’s used to sleeping alone and without any bedding comforts defensively up in trees and such.
Who gets more sad?
Inuyasha gets more insecure and angsty, but, I think he’d just display that emotional pain through anger, not sadness. Tho they’re both tough and kind of embarrassed to show ‘weakness’ in the form of getting emotional, I can see Kouga being more prone to being just simply sad than Inu.
Who is better at cheering the other up?
Who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Omg both of them.And sometimes the one who got smacked will playfully smack the other’s arm in return.To which their cracking up slowly calms down and they just look at the other.And hit them back again playfully competitively but with their grin slightly faltering now.…EYES NARROW AND THE BATTLE BEGINS OF PETTY SLAPPING SCRATCHING AND PINCHING FLAILING THEIR ARMS AT EACH OTHER BLINDLY LIKE A CAT FIGHTXDDDDPlatonic idiot-jerks but close-pals InuKoug like this I do love and support XD They’re so hilarious
Who is more streetwise?
Mmmmm I think. Inuyasha’s traveled more, so.
Who is more wise?
Kouga. He got a pack to lead so he gotta start acting mature and picking up wisdom from his elders. Inuyasha can be a confused butt for as long as he wants pff.
Who’s the shyest?
Who boasts about the other more?
Who sits on who’s lap?
f bhdsfbhdsk Hmm. Kouga is more cuddly methinks and I can see him loving to hold his s/o, holding them in his lap or being the big spoon… But I cannot see Inuyasha willingly going and sitting on Kouga’s lap he’d be too embarrassed rip. Kouga’s the more bold one….. But for some reason I just can’t see Kouga sitting on Inuyasha’s lap? SO IDK. Maybe Kouga would lay his head in Inuyasha’s lap tho so there that’s your answer.
Ik your InuKoug fandom is smol so you’re welcome for headcanon things XD
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