#having the 'enemy's court mage as your lover has its perks
simgerale · 1 year
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sheridan: Princess, would you like to join us? As a Volais representative, of course.
olette: Oh… Why, yes. I would be delighted.
. . .
magdalena: Gentlemen. As we all know, the treaty ends in a matter of days. Five years ago, our rulers agreed to stop the fighting under the guise that it would continue once we resupplied. I cannot be certain of Eden's efforts, but my empire has tried to keep the peace for as long as possible. We do not want another war.
antoin: If that is true, your majesty, then would you mind explaining your sudden interest in obtaining a husband?
advisor: [clears throat] We feared that the war would go on, so an alliance was sought.
an: So you admit that you made plans to fortify yourselves. Why would you think that Eden would not see this as an act of aggression?
m: I do not believe my advisor mentioned fortification, Emperor. Rather, Volais desired aid in case the worst occurred. In your professional opinion, is it not wise to prepare for all outcomes?
an: …Your point?
m: My point is that we are not our fathers, and our people do not deserve to go through tragedy over an outdated grudge. I propose a permanent alliance between Volais and Eden. And yes… I intend to propose to your prince, as well.
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