#he didn't join the qun because he believed in it he did it for the aesthetic
feeshies · 1 month
For Mihika!! 4, 5, 6, 11, and 26 :D
your canon DA worldstate
attitude towards Andrastianism?
Oh boy, so Mihika didn't spend a lot of time around Andrastians growing up. Seheron has a small Imperial Chantry presence from its proximity to Tevinter, but Mihika rarely crossed paths with them either. So Andrastianism tended to be classified as "oh the human religion :)" whenever she thought of it -- if she ever did at all.
But she underestimated how...dominant it was. It overwhelmed her when she first came to the Conclave, and that was before people started referring to her as the herald. She started to see the way the chant was pushed on her, and how those same people didn't care to hear about her own religion in the same way. She started to realize how isolated she was in her religion, even among the other elves in her circle. She wants to help the people who are scared and if that means becoming a symbol of hope in their culture then maybe that's the right thing to do, but she's losing her sense of identity and no one takes her seriously and oh no why is everyone singing at her???
So yeah. Her attitude basically went from "that's nice, you do you :)" to "why won't you let me do me? :("
attitude towards the Chantry?
I realize this really overlaps with my previous answer lol. Her experience with Andrastianism has really been mostly through the Chantry. Sometimes she feels like people are using the Inquisition as a placeholder for the Chantry and it makes her feel sick.
attitude towards the Qun?
Mihika's clan has mostly prioritized keeping out of the Qunari and Tevinter's way. She never encountered any Qunari personally, but she does fear the prospect of her home finally being conquered by either the Qunari or the Imperium. She had a few interactions with some fog warriors who stayed with her clan and from them she learned more details about the Qunari, specifically the process of conquer and conversion. Despite her background, she was open to learning more from a direct source when The Iron Bull joined her circle, but he didn't exactly deny anything she heard from the fog warriors. But he also never tried to convert her (unlike some other religions...). Her attitude has only shifted in the sense that now the Qun reminds her of her home and it makes her homesick.
what are their religious beliefs, if any?
Dalish elf! She believes in the elven gods (regardless of what Solas says), although there are some regional differences between her clan and the others (there is less emphasis on the more forest-centric traditions. But growing up, Mihika never viewed her religion as being a separate "thing" in her life. It wasn't like she had the religious part of her life and other non-religious parts. Her religion touched everything. Because just as existing as a Dalish elf in the world, she was honoring her gods and following their paths.
Of course after she became the Inquisitor (and after she stopped caring what her boyfriend thinks), she started to be much more forward with her religion.
do they get a happy ending?
Yes! She disbands the Inquisition, spends some time being single and working on her mental health, and moves to Rivain where she eventually meets her new husband. Also she somehow gets a law degree (since that's her canon in my modern au)
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