#he doesn't think about wearing them himself until he meets rufus and even then he doesn't actually wear them
pinknatural · 2 years
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mary’s pearl earrings
november 1, 1983. after an exhausting MOPs meeting that made mary feel itchy and like her skin was too small to contain her, john drives her home. the neighbor is watching dean sleep, and little sammy is curled up in his carseat, the gentle rumble of the impala soothing him to sleep. MOPs meetings were easier without a baby, she thinks. she hates the other MOPs with a passion, but when she was a kid she always wished her mom was in the PTA and this is kind of like the first step. her earrings feel too heavy for her head and she thinks they might help with the headache, so she takes them off, resting them gentle on her skirt. when the impala parks in their driveway, sammy awakes with a cry. john is already half-out of the car to go relieve the neighbor. mary doesn’t have anywhere to put her pearl earrings, so she tucks them into the glove compartment. she’ll get them later. 
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cosmiccandydreamer · 4 years
Stability Chapter 7
Otis Driftwood x Reader
( I don't own these gifs)
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"I'll never be your beast of burden
My back is broad but it's a-hurting
All I want for you to make love to me
I'll never be your beast of burden
I've walked for miles, my feet are hurting
All I want for you to make love to me"
Otis heard you before he saw you, dancing and singing in your cut off shorts and tired shirt. Your walkman swung dangerously back and forth on your hips as you sang to the rolling stones song while you washed your car. It was a super hot summer day in the unforgiving heart of texas. The car was your baby. It was a gift from Otis for your birthday, you had fallen in love with it when they towed it to the house after the last group of victims was captured. You told him you always wanted one of these so he and Rufus secretly fixed it up for you. He still insisted you go everywhere with him in his truck but you convinced him to let you drive yourself once in a while ( but not too far ) Spraying the hose over the hood you leaned over to get the farthest part, your ass poking out in the air.
"Am I hard enough?
Am I rough enough?
Am I rich enough?
I'm not too blind to see"
It was obvious the music was so loud you didn't hear him as he dragged a screaming victim toward the shed in the back. He stopped dragging her for a second to watch you and laugh softly. Well, that's adorable and hot as shit he thought to himself. The poor girl he was currently dragging took this opportunity to claw and bite at his hand in an attempt to get away in. For A split second she did, She wiggled out of his grasp and tried to take off towards the road. He quickly grabbed her and threw her on the ground pulling her by the hair back towards the house. All this while you were none the wiser, enjoying your song on your headphones. He resumed his spot leaning against the house staring at you.
"I'll never be your beast of burden
So let's go home and draw the curtains
Music on the radio
Come on baby make sweet love to me" 
You sang the last part a little louder using the sponge as a microphone. You were getting into this what you assumed was a solo performance. Swinging your hips back and forth you grabbed the hose and sprayed all over the trunk of the car. He was thrusting the girl back and forth by her hair to shush her as he leaned against the side of the house watching you. "Damn bitch shut the fuck up!, I'm trying to enjoy the view". He looked toward her in disgust that she would dare shrek and distract him. "Mister please let me go, I won't tell anyone". " I SAID SHUT UP" 
He suddenly heard the music better now, he looked up to see you with your headphones down now around your neck the music softly playing in a muffled tone. Staring at him with a smile slightly leaning against the car. " Whatcha doing there is handsome?". " Watching you " he smirked. 
"Am I hard enough?
Am I rough enough?
Am I rich enough?
I'm not too blind to see"
"Oh are ya now? So ...what are you gonna you do with her?" You pointed with the sponge at the dry heaving girl still on the ground with her hair in his fist. "Ah I don't know" he looked down at her then back at you " any ideas?" He lifted an eyebrow at you. "Maybe a few" you bit your lip a little tilting your head to the side. " I was going to tie her up in the shed and try that experiment I was running with you the other night but I don't think she's gonna survive. She also won't stop squirming", he chuckled and thrust her a little bit more back and forth. She muttered something inaudible. "That's fine," you said, tossing the sponge into the bucket. " We can tie her to the bed after she might stop squirming then." You flashed him a wicked smile.
 He winked at you, "my god woman you are wicked...have I told you I love you lately?" He asked, clearing his throat, the bulge that started to grow in his jeans was becoming more and more distracting. "Hmmm" you replied " maybe but you can show me how much you love me later" you leaned on the hood of the car allowing for him to get a good view of your shirt.
 He hastily sucked in the air standing up quickly, "hold that thought" he says turning back toward the shed. "Hey! " You shouted he turned back to you real quick, spinning the poor girl as well, her feet and legs dragging.  You took the soapy sponge and tossed it at him, smacking him in the chest soaking his white shirt. He cursed under his breath then laughed, wiping his face with his other hand. "You are gonna pay for that as soon as I'm back from tying this bitch up". He looked back at you one more time while heading back to the shed. 
Oh, little sister
Pretty, pretty, pretty girls
Ooh, you're a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty girl
Pretty, pretty, such a pretty, pretty, pretty girl
Come on, baby, please, please, please
"God I hate this fucking song can you change it?"... "OTIS hello?". Baby sat up from the floor of the van and snapped her fingers at Otis. "Hey get your goddamn fingers out my face woman the fuck is wrong with you" he angrily swatted at Baby's hand as she attempted to snap in his face again. " I said I don't like that song so change it" "I don't give a flying dick what you like, I'm drivin' and we're leaving this song." She slumped back angrily onto the floor. Earning a chuckle from her father Spaulding. "S'not funny daddy" she snapped at him crossing her arms. "Oh lighten up there kiddo you know the rules, the driver picks the music". 
Spaulding had finally met up with both of them at the motel. Although it had taken him a while due to some personal delay he arrived there in the nick of time to help finish off torturing the poor victims. After killing the rest of the family the daughter of Roy and Gloria was left to wear her father's skin on her face and be hung up behind the door to scare the unfortunate housekeeper when coming to assess the room. unable to get her father's skin off and running in a frantic the daughter unknowingly ran into the highway to be hit by a semi-truck. Using the van they stole from them they attempted to meet you at the next stop. 
Otis only hoped they weren't too far behind you. Suddenly Baby perked up and glanced at the passing billboard." Just in case anyone's interested, I think I'm gonna be wanting some ice cream in about 10 miles" she excitedly looked back toward her father and then to Otis. Otis looked over at her and repeated her [in a mocking tone]  "I think I'm gonna be wanting some ice cream in about 10 miles." Baby looked back at home with an angry expression "Hey DON'T you fucking imitate me, it's fucking rude!"
Otis:" Fuck you", Baby: "Fuck you! "Two fucking seconds for the kid, is that gonna kill you?" Spaulding interjected getting real sick of the interaction between the two of them.
"Yes, it is going to kill me! I have calculated the time, and two seconds is the exact amount of time that is a hazard to my fucking health!" Otis replied visibly getting more and more annoyed with the idea of stopping. " What the fuck is your problem? I'm in and out in two seconds!" Baby snapped at him. 
Spaulding laughed a little "You know? I think I'm gonna get me some tutti fucking fruity." "Tutti fucking fruity, that sounds good!" Baby said nudging her father. "I'm glad that finding y/n doesn't mean shit to either of you now I know who is taking this seriously" he gripped his hands on the steering wheel in anger. These fucking idiots he thought to himself. " Wow excuse you…. How dare you imply I don't care about finding my BEST FRIEND. You know she meant the world to me before She meant the world to you, she was my best friend before she was your wife ok? I met her first… don't think because I'm not sulking like you I don't worry about her. But she's stronger than you give her credit for and you've been treating her like a child!!!". Otis didn't respond to her, he was getting madder by the second. He simply gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.
 "I suggest we go see Charlie lay low there for a night before heading to the next motel," Spaulding said looking over at Otis. " Why the fuck would we do that?" Otis asked, slightly gripping the steering wheel even harder. Being away from you this long was not good for his mental health. It was throwing him off his game. It was making him anxious and nothing made him anxious. This was a very foreign and uncomfortable feeling to him. He wanted to get rid of it and to do that he had to find you. He only anticipated being away from you for maybe 12 hours and even the thought of that made him very uncomfortable. 
It's now been days this is unacceptable he needs to find you. "Look I saw on the news that the police are already on your tail. It's best that we throw off their scent a bit and lay low one more day can't hurt y/n is a smart girl she's gonna be alright". Otis didn't reply, he simply looked at the long stretch of road. Spalding continued, "I would hate to lead anyone to her Otis, Baby is right we care about her too but she's tough and smart I'm sure she's seen the news she will get the idea why we aren't there". "I don't trust that fucker Charlie" Otis finally replied with a sigh. Spaulding chuckled "yeah welp get over it". 
They drove through the rest of the afternoon only stopping for ice cream of course to prevent any distress from Baby and Spaulding. Pulling up to Charlie’s fun town, Otis’s annoyance grew more by the second. He hasn't been back here in years, he used to come on occasion to enjoy some of the girls here, but that quickly changed when you came around. He didn't like or trust Charlie, he had an inkling that this man was only out for himself no matter what Spaulding said. 
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