#he doesnt do much bc he's AAAALLWAYS doing smth when jes big - regression time is for him to finally relax yk
berrymoos · 6 months
Do you think Miguel is the typ of little to have tantrums or is he more a chill/idk
actually tbh i think he's both?? like, in a general situation, he's pretty chill - in a normal setting, he's always on high-alert, overseeing the multiverse nonstop, responding to rifts & anomalies at the drop of a pin ... regressing is the one outlet he has to simply let all of those responsibilities go, even if it is just for 30 minutes
he's very particular in what his regression entails, tho. i think miguel likes a little bit of schedule in his life no matter what, so he has a loose outline of what he'll be doin for the day (like lunchtime is at 12pm, bedtime at 11pm, etc) & if that's messed up in any way he'll get super upset bc that's his routine & now it's broken >:( oh and god forbid a caregiver tries to alter his routine in any way, no matter how miniscule that change may be — miguel will be filing a very loud complaint, thank you very much!
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