#he got that michael socha look that i like
quotes121sworld · 1 year
CHRISTOPHER STEVENS on TV last night: Starving farmers? These actors are sipping latte macchiato
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The Gallows Pole (BBC2)Evaluation:The Great British Sewing Bee (BBC1) Evaluation:David walked from Birmingham, that much is clear. "I walked from Birmingham," he told his sister-in-law, Gwen."He walked from Birmingham," Gwen told her sister Grace. "He walked from Birmingham?" Grace repeated, checking to make sure she got the facts right. Later, Gwen's husband asked David where he had been. "Birmingham," announced David.There must be something in the Yorkshire waters The Gallows Pole (BBC2), because an hour later, Grace was still confused. 'Where have you been?' she asked David. Guess what he replied.Either the entire extended family in this 18th-century village is suffering from acute short-term memory loss, or the actors are having trouble with their dialogue.“The Gallows Pole” is loosely based on a novel by Benjamin Myers, which in turn is based on the historical legend of a gang of starving weavers who turned to counterfeiting and counterfeiting at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
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Michael Socha plays David Hartley in The Gallow's Pole (BBC2) alongside Sophie McShera as his wife GraceNot that you'd expect from the first part of this three-part series, which took a while to get going, to say the least. HEARTBREAKER OF THE NIGHT
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Soaps tend to kill characters ruthlessly. But the death of Lola (Danielle Harold) from a brain tumor at the hands of EastEnders (BBC1) was handled with great sensitivity - and husband Jay's (Jamie Borthwick) grief was almost unbearable. The first five minutes consisted of a man arriving from Birmingham in a blood-soaked shirt, dragging a bag of blacksmith tools and using deer antlers to ward off demon hallucinations.Captions flashed on screen, warning us of "canals dug by children" while "factories ravaged the country".When David (Michael Socha) finally got home, delirious from an infected stab wound, the villagers crowded around the house, loudly explaining where he had been. Did I mention Birmingham?Director Shane Meadows - who credits himself in the credits with gothic Georgian script as the scene-provider - made his name in the noughties with This Is England, a film about a gang of young skinheads. Starring Stephen Graham and Vicky McClure, much of the dialogue was improvised.He tries the same technique here, but without clear direction or predetermined lines, many of the inexperienced performers falter. They stand frozen, visibly reaching out for something to say, repeating themselves too often, like in a college improv class. When David came up with the phrase "F*** the King!", everyone pounced on it greedily, screeching like parrots.During a heated argument with David, Downton Abbey's Sophie McShera came up with the most telling line as Grace. "Why did you take a big break?" she demanded. "You're taking a big pause, it sounds like a lie."
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Presenter Sara Pascoe with judges Patrick Grant and Esme Young from the Great British Sewing Bee (BBC1)Without a script, the plot doesn't develop, and without a plot, I got distracted—I wondered why these penniless villagers all had fresh skin, well-groomed hair, and white linen. They didn't look hungry: they looked like they'd been downing oatmilk lattes between meals.For that we can thank the Industrial Revolution and its factories The Great British Sewing Bee (BBC1)which is filmed in a former wool mill called Sunny Banks near Leeds.After a perfectly timed opening episode last week, we already feel like we know the contestants - each had just enough screen time, with select glimpses of their personalities.The sewing challenges involved in making a backpack and a bathing suit are almost irrelevant the more we learn about them. Fauve is an international golfer, Mia makes stained glass, Matthew is a cruise ship entertainer.A holiday theme ran through the show, with strains of sunny music from the Undertones, Eddie Cochran, Donovan and many others. In one assignment, Judge Esme Young called for outfits made from the brightly colored plastic used in beach windbreaks."It's a sculptural fabric," she proclaimed. I have no idea what that means, but the bee is a reliable delight. Read the full article
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xxgothchatonxx · 3 years
Have not thought of Misfits in a while. I still remember a compilation of Nathan clips is what got me to wat h the show in 2012 that I only watched because I was deep into Ben Barnes interviews and he was in a movie with Robert Sheehan. So thank you Ben Barnes, your attractiveness knows no bounds.
Same here!
Okay not because of Ben Barnes (and yes his attractiveness knows no bounds) but I remember seeing YouTube clips of Nathan and being like "ok, what the hell is this show and does Video Ezy (our Blockbuster - yep that's gone, too) have it?"
Every once in a while I think of Misfits - the last times were when Umbrella Academy first came out, and that recent Dracula show had Curtis (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) in it.
Also Lauren Socha's brother Michael was in the Wonderland spinoff of Once as Will we don't talk about when he was on the main show... and I remember thinking "...ok, you look REALLY familiar!" Bloody hell, those two look so much alike, haha!
So thanks @thottiehardy for reminding me of Misfits again XD
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S4E22 and 23 -- Operation Mongoose, Parts 1 & 2
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
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Bobby looks about as done with this season as I am.  I know Michael Socha was done with it -- literally -- but we’ll get to that later.
This is gonna be long.  So have a seat, pour yourself a drink or seven, and get ready.  I’m not holding back . . . . . . 
First of all, I debated about whether I should review this as one or two episodes.  I decided to go with one, and will do this going forward with any episodes that have the same title and are part 1,2, 8 million, whatever.  Trust me, at times it SEEMED like 8 million.
First thing I want to address is a bunch of fandom wank nonsense that came out of this episode -- namely the idea that RUMPLE wrote the story.  Let me make this perfectly clear:
Rumple DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY.  Isaac did.  Rumple told him what HE, personally, wanted.  Isaac took it from there.  Rumple didn’t write Isaac as a famous douchebag author, and he sure as hell wouldn’t have given fucking ZELENA a wedding in the story, he’d have killed her off in a painful but well-deserved death.  Ditto Hook.  So if you still actually think Rumple wrote this story, my recommendation to you is that you back out of this post now.  And you should probably stay off my blog in general.  Because frankly, I think you are wrong and stupid and we are not compatible in any way.  Got it?
Looking at YOU, some RUMBELLE FANS who actually did this shit:
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Okay, so there’s THAT.  Next . . . 
So this episode was A&E’s attempt at META.  And frankly, they SUCK at it.  It didn’t come off as funny, it came off as making fun of the fans.  No spoilers, ha ha ha .  . . . . . . for those not in the know, back when the show was airing, Adam’s go to answer to fans on Twitter was #nospoilers.  So the whole Isaac so thing was basically a dig at the FANS.  
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So there’s THAT.
The entertainment media was shitting all over Rumbelle before the finale, which pissed me off enough to make this post:
And this comment:
And then there’s THIS:
Yes, in case you weren’t clear, dead is DEAD (we’ll revisit this thought in S5), Neal ain’t coming back, suck on it all of you who don’t like that!  Love, Adam and Eddy.  
Also, in other bullshit news, regarding who taught Henry to sail a ship:
Revisiting May 2015 me is making current me stabby.  And I haven’t even mentioned the entire town of dumbasses herp-derping around and partying at Granny’s while Rumple is dying and could be a meat suit for the ultimate evil of all evils any second now.  Morons.  
Let’s talk about the stuff I DID enjoy . . . . 
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Evil Snow was a riot!  
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Bandit!Regina was fantastic.  
And this guy:
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Gotta love Knight!Rumple!  
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Also, I will admit . . . . . Hook was more useful in useless mode in the AU than he’s ever been in Hook mode outside of the AU.  Does that make sense?  
So there’s all of that.  Overall this 2-part thing was part good stuff, mostly hot mess, and a lot of middle fingers waved to the fans from the writers.  But tally comes later.  NOW is the time to address the Michael Socha issue:
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Right about now, dearie.  Will Scarlett is gone.  You will never see him or hear about him again.
(Side note:  Made an error in my last review.  I honestly did not remember AT ALL that we saw Lily again in this episode, both in person form or in dragon form.  Which tells you how much of an impression that made on me.  Anyhoo, my bad.  I goofed.  NOW she’s gone for good.)
So what was the deal with Will Scarlett anyway?  
Well . . . . nobody knows.  We’ll probably NEVER know.  You see, Will Scarlett was one of the breakout characters from the spinoff Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, and when that got canceled, someone -- really not sure who -- thought it’d be an awesome idea to plunk him onto OUAT.  
There were many schools of thought on this, the primary one being that ABC wanted him for something and wanted to keep him on contract.  That was 2014.  I’m typing this in 2020, and there’s still no Michael Socha show on ABC.  So that was a load of horse shit -- or else Socha told ABC to fuck off and hightailed it back to England.  My money is on the latter.  
But the issue isn’t even that they didn’t do fuck-all with Socha -- it’s the LIES that these assholes (they being A&E) told.  So here’s where my receipts come in.  You ready?  Got your popcorn?
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First of all there’s this lovely article -- Will is mentioned by all of it is just glorious in general:
What is so HIGHlarious about all of this is that almost all of the articles that existed about the whole Will Scarlett thing -- no longer EXIST!
The highlight is Zap2it -- which is a now defunct fan site that A&E liked to go prattle to.  
So Frick and Frack promised us we’d find out how Belle & Will got together.  I have this:
And I have this:
I also have a bunch of people I KNOW can confirm they saw this interview full of bullshit before it got erased.  Please show yourselves!  
But fear not -- I have an ACTUAL receipt from Mr. Socha himself:
I’m grateful someone had the idea to type it out, because sadly the link to that article was DELETED, which makes me think Socha got in trouble for that interview.  Because shortly after that, a more watered down interview with him was posted in its place and THAT is still up:
Interesting, no?
Whatever the case -- Socha got royally fucked over by OUAT, for no good reason.  His character was a plot device.  What a waste and what an insult to the man who just wanted to work.  Fuck these assholes.  
So anyhow, there are the receipts, and we are now at the end of the clusterfuck that was Season 4.  
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Speaking of clusterfucks . . . . onward to Season 5.  
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Lord, give me strength . . . . . 
Points tally:
40 points to start
10 points for Rumbelle kiss
10 points for Rumbelle hug
5 points for Swan Queen
3 points for Papafire, at least it got mentioned
5 points for Belle in character
5 points for Rumple in character
5 points deducted for Hook
5 points deducted for Zelena
I really can’t justify adding or deducting anything bonus.  Just get me out of this season, please and thank you.
Total points:  68
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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queen-mabs-revenge · 6 years
16, 18, 23 and 47?
you are a menace with this list but i love it tbh.
16) Worst casting decision?
ok this is tough bc there are so many different factors -- like on the looks level, baby august....wtf. like kid’s a precious lil ginger, but a casting-magic mini eion he was not.
lily’s another one bc the whitewashing was just... :sigh:
but outside of looks? look i’m gonna catch heat, but i love sean to bits, but i really think that robin hood could have been a helluva lot more in the hands of a different actor. i don’t think he ever really gave much of a personality to robin besides generally needing to ingest plant fibres instead of merely roll around in them, and i don’t think he inspired the writers very much 😬 which is a shame because i have a lot of feelings about what OQ could have been.
18) What plot hole do you desperately want filled?
hehehe. hole. filled.
Literally anything to do with what the fuck they had planned for Will that got the boot for Frozen. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY HAD PLANNED FOR THE BOI FUCKIT. (like case in point....do we even know what was in that bag he was digging up on the beach? fucking hell jfc the fucking did michael socha so rotten)
23) What character or plot arc should have been revisited?
Modern Hookfire reconciliation besides the hug.
Liam II and his anger with/forgiveness of Killian bc of killing Brennan as a vehicle to explore that dynamic with Killian and David.
Milah should have been fucking revisited from that river goddamit.
47) Bonus: Rant about something
Well this is evil...
what’s something i haven’t ranted about?
OH ok i will honestly throw hands at the next person to come after henry for harold and maude that shit is a perfect film and y’all have no taste in cinemahhhhhh ok? honestly of all the fucking garbage nerd hipster references that a&e threw into the show, the cat stevens/harold & maude shout outs are the only valid ones, and i will fight the sun on this. that moment when ‘don’t be shy’ plays in 1x02 is honestly the most iconic music moment on the show the end.
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1x1shawn · 8 years
It’s that time again. The time where I ask for more plots! As I distance myself more and more from group roleplaying, I’ve really been wanting more 1x1s. I’m very friendly and committed to my writing. Under the cut, I’ve put faceclaims I’d love to play and some plots I like, but I’m open to just about anything (other than smut). Please like this or sent me a message if you’re interested! And of course everything is also open to friends I already have plots with as well as new friends.
Faceclaims I’d love to play:
Charles Michael Davis
Chris Wood
Eddie Redmayne
Sinqua Walls 
Matthew Daddario
Harry Shum Jr
Jacob Artist 
Jeremy Allen White
Christopher Larkin
Nico Tortorella
Michael Socha
Taron Egerton
Beau Mirchoff
Matt Dallas 
Aaron Tveit
Conrad Ricamora
Carlos Valdes
Dave Franco
Richard Harmon
Candice Patton 
Skyler Samuels
Dove Cameron 
Kat Graham
Josefine Frida Pettersen
Dichen Lachman
Shantel Vansanten
Maggie Grace (bonus if it’s against Sebastian Stan)
Molly Quinn 
Allison Scagliotti 
Karla Souza
Wanted Plots:
“ i just want a plot where muse a has been in this friends with benefits thing with muse b bc they both just wanted to lose their virginity already (they’ve been neighbours and fwb since they were sixteen) and now he became a manwhore. they are completely different at school (i thought of a bad boy/”good” girl kinda thing) BUT when muse a says she wants it to stop bc she wants to try to have a realrelationship with someone else, muse b realises he doesn’t want it to end bc he rlly likes her ??? and hes still such a dick but he starts to give her more attention at school to try to manipulate her to stay bc she’s the realest thing he’s ever had and he just doesn’t know how to stop the whole bad boy persona !!GIVE IT TO ME PLS “
“ going through a really bad break up and answering the door for your pizza in a baggy t-shirt and your underwear because you have nothing left to lose and the pizza boy is genuinely very concerned about you being okay so he assures you he’s not a serial killer and invites you to get dressed and ride shotgun in his shitty silver car while he delivers pizza for the rest of the night and he listens to you talk and tells you how much off an idiot your asshole ex was “
Something based on Greek myth characters?
“ a m/m plot where muse a and muse b are both students and neighbors at a boarding school. they’re also best friends. muse a knows that he is gay, but is only out to very few people - not muse b. because of this, muse a has been able to get away with a crush on muse b that is somewhat obvious to all of their friends. as senior year is winding down, muse a comes out to muse b; what muse a doesn’t know is that muse b has been struggling with feelings for muse a as of recently (potentially following an event that has muse a questioning his sexuality as a whole). as graduation inches closer, secrets are all coming out at once and with college on the horizon, is a relationship even in the cards for them? please like this post or message me if you’re interested !!”
Some kind of solider/long distance plot
Plot based off the TV show Zoo
“ how about a 1x1 where we each choose a birthday for our character. we then look up the various forms of zodiac and astrological signs and predictions for that character and make their personalities strictly in line with their sign. we can check their horoscopes every once in a while and make them act out whatever it says for that day. virgo will have a meaningful conversation with someone today? the virgo has to bring up a very serious topic that day. scorpio has energy and should use that to clean out their life? the scorpio suddenly decides to clean out their apartment and accidentally throws away the other character’s things. there would always be a way to mix up the plot by just checking that day’s horoscope, and their personalities would basically be written already. “
“ I want a plot of this girl that gets front row tickets to her favorite singer/bands concert. She expected it to be a cute date between her and the guy she’s seeing but he ends up ditching her for another girl. Still she goes to the concert determined to have fun. Everything is sort of depressing for her until her favorite band member/the singer notices a missing seat next to her. So he asks her about it and there’s this little exchange where she explains that she got ditched for another girl. It’s so completely unacceptable for such a pretty girl to be alone at a concert so he calls her on stage and tells her, “video me serenading you so the douche knows what he’s missing.” Except it doesn’t end in just a one time serenade. A cute friendship blossoms and they end up texting and calling each other all the time. Next thing they know he’s asking her on a date!! :)) “
“ The son of the President of the United States goes off to college after begging that he be given a little freedom and be able to enjoy his school years without the Secret Service following his every move. The government finally agrees to let him go but secretly assigns a young agent to go undercover as a student so that someone can keep an eye on him. The presidents son and the secret agent fall in love, but that’s all changed when the identity of the agent is revealed.”
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mrlylerouse · 6 years
First Trailer for 'Papillon' Remake with Charlie Hunnam & Rami Malek
"A great escape. An incredible true story." Bleecker Street Media has unveiled an official US trailer for the film Papillon, a remake of the 1973 film Papillon starring Steve McQueen as Henri "Papillon" Charrière. Both films tell the same story of a French safecracker from the Parisian underworld who is framed for murder and condemned to life in the notorious penal colony on Devil’s Island. This film seems to tell his entire life story of how he got there and how he escape, while the original 1973 film focuses mostly on his time on the island and eventual escape with another prisoner. The cast of this Papillon film includes Rami Malek, Eve Hewson, Roland Møller, Michael Socha, Christopher Fairbank, Brian Vernel, and Ian Beattie. This looks like a thrilling, harrowing prison film that tells a very impressive life story - but I don't think it will top the original. Not too much buzz out of TIFF last year where it first premiered. Dive in. ›››
Continue Reading First Trailer for 'Papillon' Remake with Charlie Hunnam & Rami Malek
from FirstShowing.net https://ift.tt/2IB1yQh
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An Explanation of Will Scarlett . . .
I am doing this post specifically for @sieben9 (with their permission and because this is faster and easier than sending 800 messages) because in S4, in addition to the Frozen crew, ABC added the character of Will Scarlett (also known as The Knave of Hearts) -- with literally ZERO explanation of who he was and why he was there.  (I guess that A&E assumed that they are so amazing and brilliant that everyone that watched OUAT watched Wonderland -- of course, never considering that a) not everyone did and b) there would be future viewers that would have no idea that Wonderland was even a thing unless they were involved in fandom and even THEN only if someone TOLD them.)  
So under the cut for those not interested in this . . . . . 
First of all, this announcement was made in the Hollywood Reporter after OUATIW was canceled:
I’ll refrain from commenting on the Neal comments -- I’ll just comment with a gif and leave it at that:
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Anyhoo . . . . MIchael Socha is an English actor that was (and really, still is) fairly unknown in the States.  He was on the UK version of the show Being Human (and actually did a good job on that show) and a couple years before OUAT even began he did a movie with Robert Carlyle called Summer (GREAT movie!) and all of the other roles he’s had have been limited to the UK.  
So he got cast on OUATIW as Will Scarlett/The Knave of Hearts and he was kind of a breakout character for that show.  The fans liked him and his character was funny and entertaining.  Also, he is a very charismatic, talented, capabale actor.
When OUATIW ended (because of a myriad of reasons, the main one IMO being TIME SLOT), the way I saw it was that ABC wanted to hold onto Michael Socha because he was a potential hot commodity for them.  But they had no project for him to work on.  So . . . . and this is just MY THEORY but I’m pretty sure I’ll get others to agree with it . . . . . they stuck him on OUAT in S4 as a contracted MAIN cast member for the season, kind of a ‘holding pattern’ till they can find a good vehicle for him, and told A&E to do something with him.  (Keep in mind -- as a contracted MAIN character, you are NOT allowed to seek out other acting jobs without permission, and if they conflict with filming of your contracted show, you CANNOT take them.  And ABC can call you literally any day and say ‘we need your ass on set.’  An actor like Michael Socha doesn’t have much clout or pull in the US to get ‘outs’ for side jobs.  So it puts him at a disadvantage in regard to extra work.)  
Edited to add: not sure if you’re going through replies but there are others who think this is all A&E’s doing to just shoehorn the character onto the show cause they liked him. I’m not sure I agree with that but it IS a valid theory and I wanted to put all possibilities out there. And it’s not like they haven’t shoehorned a character that makes no sense in the narrative into the canvas before. 😒. It’s really difficult to discuss ALL of this without spoiling S4 but after S4 we can have a long chat about all of the Will Scarlett/Michael Socha stuff, complete with a lovely receipt from Mr. Socha himself that is still one of the best worst things ever.
Back to the original content of this post ......
Given that a) OUAT was about to get invaded by the entire cast of Frozen and b) these guys don’t even know what they’re doing with half of their CURRENT main characters -- well, the writing was already on the wall that probably a whole lot of nothing and possibly a fuck ton of stupid was going to be done with Will, who literally had no place and frankly NO BUSINESS on this show.  No offense to Michael Socha -- he seems like a lovely human being.  (We’ll chat more about that later when S4 ends.)  
Will had a HAPPY ENDING on OUATIW.  He had a true love with the Red Queen.  (Ship called Scarlett Queen.) There was literally NO REASON to add him to the cast of OUAT.  None.  Zip. Zilch.  ZERO.  Other than ABC didn’t want to let go of Socha -- I got nothing.  (BTW that was in 2014.  It is now 2018.  Michael Socha is back in England working there in television and ABC never gave him fuck all as far as a new project goes.  So there’s that.) 
So who is Will Scarlett/The Knave of Hearts?  I looked on You Tube and some lovely person put together a 3-part video that explains his story with his TRUE LOVE, Anastasia (aka the Red Queen):
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Of course, again, A&E address NONE OF THIS on OUAT.  They have their Frozen toys to play with at the moment, they can’t be bothered to rehash the back story of a character that probably 50% of their audience knows nothing about, right?  
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Also I know that these are spoilers for OUATIW but trust me, given what is to come for S4 you really do NEED TO SEE THIS or you won’t understand why so many people (and I’m betting money you will be one of them) were -- to put it mildly -- not pleased with some things.  
So here we are.  That is the basic gist of who in the hell Will Scarlett is and why he’s in Storybrooke.  From here on . . . . . I’m saying nothing.  We’ll chat more about this after S4 ends.  
Again, this post is for @sieben9.  If anyone wants to discuss this with ME -- fine.  But please don’t reblog discussion on Will Scarlett on OUAT with anything S9 posts because they are watching spoiler free.  A few VERY RUDE people have already spoiled them -- please don’t be one of them!   
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