#he has a beanbag he doesnt know how to properly sit on
uncertaininnit · 3 years
Why do you like the boy? do you think he's pretty? How do you feel around him? is he funny?
so many reasons
yeah :} idk like. the man has long dirty blonde hair that he doesnt deal with properly? like its pretty tangled often. makes me think of me in third grade. but he’s got a really sweet smile. he’s shorter than me, and for whatever reaosn when we were both standing and talking, he would like lean a tiny bit forward and down, so that he was a little closer to me and a little more below me. and his head would tilt slightly up as he listened to me talk with a big smile on his face and then would laugh and talk right back
also somehow i dont think anyone has ever had a better yearbook picture? the picture from the first year i knew was ridiculous. like he’s smiling all perfect and looks generally perfect? like once i stared at it for like 10 minutes being like ‘how. the fuck. can your yearbook picture be that STUNNING?’ the next year’s picture didnt live up to that one tho lol
happy. like i said, he’s said that im like, well last time i talked to him, like one of 2 people he really really likes and wants to be around. our mutual friend’s (she’ll be rachel) family hosts this new years party every year (not like. for 2021 tho) and i have stories from those :) 
i arrived late both years. the first year, rachel told me he had just kind of been moping around and being bored until i showed up. when i got there we wrestled with beanbags and played lazer tag and ate lemons and talked while sitting in their finished basement
the second year i was later than the last. like, the moment i arrived and walked into the kitchen, he popped his head in through the living room and his face lit up and he was like ‘[my irl name]! you’re here!’ and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to rachel’s little brother’s room, where he explained he didn’t like the other people at that party that much and had waged war against them because of it.
i was like ‘i like them fine’ and he was like ‘i know... but will you fight with us anyway? i’ve been stuck with only an 8yo as bearable company, and you’re here now.’ DKJHBGFVDHBSJ???
is he funny? yeah, generally. like, he isnt roaringly funny all the time, but when we get into banter and stuff? and we’re making each other both laugh? that’s the best. also, when he makes a joke or a comment and waits for me to react? the small smile and like... twinkle or whatever in his eye? the best
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