#he is the most powerful man in all of faerun: good looks strong arms and deadly he's got it all
amysgiantbees · 3 years
Head-cannons for me for MHA DND
Urarka is grey ace pan. She likes to perform cantrips or float a little to alleviate stress. Socialist, ACAB. Trains with Bakugo regularly, they’re very close friends. Her parents are poor builders. They live in the poor area of the city and do a lot of community and charity work. 
Kirishima is a trans man. Loves meat, particularly red meat. Big protein guy. A whole homosexual. He has two mothers, one is a gladiator, the other is a stay at home mom. He does yoga and meditation. Absolute golden retriever, mourning person. He cracks his knuckles when stressed. Always goes for a mourning run. He knows how to speak Bakugo so he knows when is or isn’t being a dick. 
Denki is nonbinary they/he, Bisexual. Denki loves flirting with people’s parents especially Bakugo’s. His parents are awful and resent him for being chosen by Kord as they are very stuffy, devout followers of him for years and never recieved similar attention. Dyslexic and ADHD - ticks ALL the boxes, like can pick up talents very quickly, like the lyre. Night owl, puts all his work off till night then sleeps till noon. Gets jitters and ticks when stressed. Massive flirt. No filter. Lack of self preservation. Would be a fantastic dancer if he didn’t overthink it so much. Was in Jiro’s band.  Lichtenberg figure. When he short circuits it’s numbing. He can’t think and his thoughts come slowly too him at best. He often ends up drooling. He can’t focus on his surroundings. Can’t feel anything so people can easily take advantage. Usually can only form enough thoughts to reassure people and put his thumbs up to show he’s okay. 
Sero is nonbinary, they/them. Demisexual panromantic. Skateboards exist just for Sero. He is from a large family. Two fathers, one mother. They’re part of a traveling commune. Sero is just sleepy, isn’t a morning or a night person. Best wingman, very observant. Very laidback. Rubs arm and elbow when stressed. His family are tattoo artists, did his elbow tattoos as his magic focusses before he left for high school. 
Whole Bakusquad are Kord fans. 
Mina is ace/aromantic. her parents are assassins' that specialize in poisonings. Night owl. Loves fashion, and visiting Bakugo’s parent’s store. Sensible one out of the Bakusquad. Bakugo is usually the brains behind their plans but she’s the primary authority on whether they go ahead. Kirishima tends to hesitate - look to others for advice, Sero hesitates too - wants to think it over and take his time, Denki just dives in on instinct - what feels right, Bakugo is impatient - does not hesitate at all and often doesn’t factor in people’s feelings. Mina is the perfect balance of everyone. Thinks it through, has good instincts, is brave, doesn’t need to ask but is open to suggestions. 
Aoyama is gay. He has IBS (Alcohol, chocolate, caffeinated beverages are potential culprits as are certain types of carbohydrate known as FODMAPs). He massages his face when he’s stressed. 
Tsuyu is ace and homoromantic. Her dad is a grung florist and her human mother is the accountant for the flower business. She has two little siblings, a twin brother and sister. 
Jiro is a sex positive ace bisexual. Jiro’s family are very popular travelling bards. Songwriters too, they’ve patented songs. Night owl. She plays with her hair when stressed. Plays instruments to relax. Can get stage fright. Likes to sing to calm down people after a monster attack, help people with both her talents. Loves her parents. 
Nejire Hado grew up as an orphan raised by the local temple of Sune. She has grown to have a stronger connection with Mystra now as she’s grown into her own person but she still loves and worships Sune. Nejire asks more questions than she answers. Gets over excited very easily. 
Bakugo is pansexual - he just likes them strong. His mother is half-orc and a model and fashion designer for her and her husband’s clothing business. It’s called Green with Envy. Masaru has terrible shyness when it comes to modeling. So all of their clothing is made to be gender neutral and Mitiski models everything for the flyers and posters. Totally has ADHD, impulsivity, avoids lengthy tasks, feels restless, can’t stay seated. Never drinks, this man treats his body like a temple, he has a bed time, morning person. Bakugo cracks his neck and joints when stressed. Can play drums, was in Jiro’s band.
Tokoyami is ace and grey aromantic. He can play the lyre, was in Jiro’s band. Dark Shadow likes to collect shiny things. He pets and talks to her her when stressed. He loves poetry and ballads. Often spends nights in taverns listening to dark songs. Writes his own poetry. Only his best friend Shoji and crush Aoyama get to read it though and even then it’s very reluctantly. 
Shoji is very nervous to date, very insecure. grey ace, panromantic. 
Ojiro is pan. Everyone likes to play with his tail when he grows it. He plays with it when stressed. 
Koda is ace and aromantic. Likes to hide, be somewhere small and confined when stressed. Terrified of bugs, but mostly just the crawly, scary ones. 
Sato is grey ace aromantic. Stress eats. Solves other peoples problems with food too. Giving gifts is his love language. 
Izuku is also pan he really likes them strong. His mother has a tiny cake shop in her house next door to Green with Envy. Night owl, anxious. ADHD - shows in impulsivity, distracted, very observant, fidgeting, can’t stay focused, talking excessively, interrupts, intrusive. He fidgets with his hands when nervous. Holds grudges and guilt trips when upset. can’t forgive himself, apologizes too much. Stubborn, doesn’t know when to give up. 
Heroes are gladiator esque. They have posters, dolls, figures, homemade wood carvings. They work as adventures but some are paid by the heroes commission to remain in one city and participate in gladiator battles (not to the death) too. 
All Might is currently ranked number 1 in the world by the hero commission and has permission to teleport anytime to other countries to help but is based in Faerun, Masfutu. 
Izuku and Bakugo try every year to win behind the scenes tickets to the coliseum. 
All Might is ace/aro. He’s always been naturally talented at picking up new skills - ADHD - and is thrown that he hasn’t quite taken so well to teaching. Struggled for a bit but is taking it seriously and putting in the work finally. 
Grand Torino and Recovery Girl are in love and they spend their dates hassling and messing with the Youth. 
Cementos is struggling with a divorce
Mic and Aizawa are married. They have been since a couple of years after school. Aizawa had a whole flamboyant, elaborate proposal planned for Mic, but the day he was going to propose Mic said “we should get married” while gazing lovingly in his eyes and Aizawa was so relieved. 
Mic is nonbinary trans he/they. Before he got married to Aizawa and teaching when they took a break from each other he was a world famous Bard. He sings in class and Aizawa has to always bang on the wall to get him to shut up when it gets to loud. 
Aizawa is trans and Shinso is son with an ex he jumped into a relationship with after he finished UA. He was never a “hero” in the coliseum, didn’t want the attention, he was a freelance adventurer for a little bit before becoming pregnant, then teaching. 
The reason Power Loader never wears a shirt is because he is a huge fashionista and he doesn’t want any of his clothes getting wrecked because he refuses to own no more ugly clothes than required. 
Ibara Shiozaki is straight. She’s from a whole family of temple worshippers. (Fantasy) bible before boys. 
Jurota Shishida is the lone survivor of a werewolf attack and an orphan. He lives at the school permanently. 
Iida is mostly straight. He swings his hands when stressed and musts his hair. plans everything. Morning person. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 
Yaoyorozu is the local royalty. She has lead a VERY sheltered life. Never left the city except when directly teleporting to other fancy locations. Iida is very dedicated to her as his family is one of her family’s vassals. She rubs her chest when stressed. Absolute capitalist. Only knows how to ball dance and can play the piano. Was in Jiro’s High School band. Doesn’t get to do her own shopping a lot so loves to whenever she can. Loves spoiling people. Kind of naïve. 
Cementous and Exoplasm are the oldest teachers at UA and best friends. 
Shouto is a grey ace demiromatic gay man. He darts his eyes when nervous. He’s autistic. Knows how to ball dance.
Hawks is pan. He’s a workaholic so he’s up at the crack of dawn. Always seems laid back but is VERY observant. High alcohol tolerance. He plays with his feathers when nervous but is aware of this tell so tries to just do nothing and only does it if very stressed. Favourite food is birds, like chicken, as that’s hawks primary food. He has tetrachromats eyes so can see ultraviolet light. Female hawks are generally larger than males. Hawks prefer open habitats, like deserts or fields. Probably lives on the outskirt of the city, lots of windows. His preferred time to work is just before nightfall. He will likely only live to his 30s at most. He’s mostly based on red-tailed hawks. Perfectionist. Orphan, is the adopted child of the head of the commission. 
Shouto’s father is so desperate to find him and keep him because he knows that news of his reputation is vital. Enji is not royalty by blood but by marriage. He’s aware that if he doesn’t keep a tight leash on his family they could ruin his reputation as he’s human (mostly) and the rest are half-elves. So they’ll all outlive him. He’s already lost Touya so he’s desperate to as discreetly as possible find Shouto. Momo is helping him run away and hide out and paying for his school tuition. Enji was at first a hero like All Might until he managed to secure his marriage with Rei. He’s very aware that there’s only so much he can control his reputation as his whole family will outlive him. So will he redeem himself or double down? 
Dabi is the League’s reluctant big brother. Likes to mess around with Toga most of all, she reminds him of his little siblings. 
Vlad King is one of the founders of UA and is over 100 years old. 
* These are purely notes for myself for a dnd game coming up for myself which is why I’ve nicked ideas from tiktoker lia_faye. 
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blue-mood-blue · 5 years
Blupjeans hades and Persephone au where Lup is hades (Taako is Posiden) and Barry is Persephone
Does this strictly follow the pantheon or the legend as it originally goes? Absolutely it does not! I am going to take so many liberties in the interest of doing what I want, you've been warned.
When the twins fell upon the steps of the temple, she saw them. And when they cried out against a world that had been too harsh and too unfair to them, she heard them. In mercy, she reached out to them; she claimed them as her own, and instead of dying they were transformed.
So the story goes. The Raven Queen, who rules over life and death and balance, has two children who were once mortal. One rules the oceans in the sunlight, and one rules the dead in the depths. They are always holding hands, the stories say, because the ocean reaches down deep and deeper, to where the underworld is hidden.
Barry's own story is different. When he was a baby, he was left out in the snow and cold of winter. Istus, mother of creation and fate and change, transformed the world around him into new life so that he would be warmed. She couldn't leave him, and so she scooped him up and when he was old enough, placed the spring that brought them together into his arms.
So the story goes.
This is a different story.
There was an adage, in Faerun: the same spring never blooms twice. And while it served as a good piece of advice for living one's life to the fullest, it was also factual.
Barry would never allow the same spring to happen twice.
He could have, in fairness. Istus never made any demands on him as far as his job went; she was happiest when he was happy. But Barry, who had been fascinated with the sprouts and the baby animals since he could barely toddle around on his own, who had dedicated his growing years and then some to understanding every small, delicate working of the life around him - Barry would not be satisfied with leaving things as they were. He wanted to know what would happen if this flower bloomed in more colors, or if that bird sang a different song. Every year, subtly or dramatically, life would return just a little changed. And for a time, through the spring and summer, and sometimes into the fall, Barry would sit with his notebooks and pens and observe what the changes meant. He kept careful and meticulous notes about which changes were good, which were bad, and which didn't seem to make a difference.
And every year, without fail, fall would set in earnestly and then snow would fall, and all of Barry's work would be obliterated.
"It's just the way of things," Istus told him placidly, again, just one more time in the years and years of lost progress. "You know this, dear. The Raven Queen demands balance."
"She can't leave me one flower?"
"You have a greenhouse."
"A wild flower! I'm not studying cultivated plants!"
It didn't matter - Barry could make whatever arguments he liked, he was always met with the same response: this was the way things were. There was a reason for balance. He didn't have to understand why.
With every year, his frustration grew. Finally, he decided that if no one had a good reason why everything he created had to die, it could only be because there wasn't one. 
Barry brought spring with him into the cold winter day. He found his favorite flower of the season, which had clung to life into the late days of fall with a desperate tenacity, only to be shocked into death with the onset of winter. The bloom was still on the stem, shriveled and wilted. Barry breathed new life into it, and held back the winds and cold.
The flower picked up its head to the sunlight, and Barry had a moment to exhilarate in undoing death before a face, quiet and furious, was only inches from his.
She was beautiful. She was beautiful like the blizzard and the wildfire, like something powerful and destructive and unstoppable. The winter winds whipped around her and burned with cold where they touched him. He wondered for a moment if he was facing the Raven Queen, but no - no, this could only be her daughter, keeper of the dead.
This could only the Lup of legends.
"This is not yours," she hissed, and plucked the restored flower from the stem. "Don't steal from me, child of spring. Don't you dare." Then she was gone, taking the flower with her... and, unwittingly, Barry's heart.
Spring was brighter and more beautiful that year than it had ever dared to be in the past; the flowers were enormous and eye-catching, the animals had beautiful coats and intelligent eyes, and the amount of life, strong and abundant, was everywhere. None of it was enough to catch Lup's eye; none of Barry's most ambitious creations were enough to coax Lup from her place with the dead.
"You might try asking," Istus advised, calmly. Barry couldn't be calmed. He'd never felt so alive before.
In the winter, he chose his most beautiful flower, and he returned the life to it. When Lup appeared before him, her fury was mingled with confusion. "Are you toying with me?"
"No. Is there any other way I could see you?"
She glared, took the flower, and disappeared.
They carried on with their slow, rhythmic dance between the seasons; Barry would work all spring and see nothing of Lup, only to steal a moment with her in the midst of winter. Lup would come for her flower, less angry every time until the day when she was waiting for him before he had resurrected anything. Vibrant as the sun on a crisp, clear winter morning, she grinned at him. "Well," she asked, "Where is my flower, then?"
They were beautiful flowers. They were always made just for her.
One year, after handing Lup her flower, he called out after her. "Do I always have to wait the whole year to see you?"
She stopped, and turned back to look at him. She smiled, and the expression was painful. "We live in different worlds. Our seasons have their time, but never the same one."
And then she was gone, and Barry only had the hope that he would see her next year.
Lup sat on a familiar stone by the sea, watching the waves reach up to her and get pulled away into the distance. She spent a lot of time here when she was small, when she and Taako were still mostly children and not-very-much gods. Taako would try to splash her with the waves.
He sat next to her now, watching her watch his domain as if it had any answers for her. "'We live in different worlds?'"
Lup shrugged.
"Just doesn't sound like you, is all. Definitely doesn't sound like the you who threatened him for stealing from you the first time you met."
"That's the thing, though," she said. "I can't just steal him like he stole that flower. And he wouldn't be happy where the souls are forever - and I wouldn't be happy living in spring forever."
Taako looked over at her. They looked more different than they used to - they were both wild things even now, but in different ways. "Forever? Forever is too much for anyone - why are you thinking of forever?"
"I want him forever."
"Not what I mean." He smiled and beckoned to her. "Let me show you something."
Lup surrendered herself to his winds and his waves, and soon they were in the shallow water under a cliff. On the top of the cliff was a house, and outside of the house was a man, playing the fiddle. Taako gazed up at him like he was in love.
"He plays for me," Taako said. "I bring him fair tides and kind winds. And one day, he'll die, and we'll love each other in a new way." The music was beautiful and sad and hopeful where it reached them in the sea. "See? Not forever."
Lup shook her head. "You never said anything about it ending."
Taako smiled at her the way he used to when he found the answer to a riddle before she did. "You're right, I didn't. You're trying to hold him, when you should let him come and go. Like the tides, like love, like every permanent thing in the world - always moving and changing." He patted her hand. "Has our bird mom taught you nothing?"
When she stood before Barry again, Lup ignored the flower and held out her hand. "I want to show you something," she said, "If you'll indulge me."
It was an offer that Barry would never refuse; he took her hand and she took him down and down, to where she lived. It wasn't as dark as he would've imagined - everything was glowing with light, from the rocks and the water to the veins of magma lazily moving in the walls. Her hand burned differently here, like lightning and the slow burn of the inside of a volcano, but it never hurt. In the rooms she pulled him through, he saw familiar sights - all of the creations he'd made, even before the first flower he'd tried to take back, were here with her.
Nothing he'd made had ever been lost.
"Why are you showing me this?" The question was a whisper, spoken with awe.
"This is what winter and spring are - this is what we are. We can't exist without each other, and I won't pretend to." Lup turned to him. "I want to steal you," she told him, lacing their fingers together tighter and grinning at him. "I want to steal you away like all of those flowers you stole from me. And when the winter is over, I'll return you... on the condition that I can steal you again."
Barry leaned close and kissed her, and for all that she was wild and uncontained, her kiss was soft and sweet. "I'm yours to take."
The same spring never blooms twice.
And that, perhaps, is the reason why spring doesn’t last forever - so that there is room for new things to grow.
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