#he just fell like that and Charlie didn't even move XD
hexolotl · 8 months
The babies!!!
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Does he like my cat or is he trying to harvest his organs...?
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Is it weird I never found stu hot with the spitting and he sticking his tongue out and he looks like Sid the sloth a bit lol xd
No it's not weird I can understand bc at first I didn't see the appeal either. HOWEVER, now I want him to stick that tongue down my throat while choking me ~
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I definitely think with Matthew Lilard in general it's a personality appeal and his vibes that make him so fine (And his looks imo). He's so fucking charming and funny and sweet <3
NOW HEAR ME OUT; He is not NOT attractive but he is definitely unconventionally attractive aka he has features that are not everyones cup of tea as opposed to Billy/Skeet that ik makes hetero men question things bc he is so conventionally attractive that most ppl with eyes can agree on that. (I remember talking to a friend and agreeing that if Skeet and Jamie switched places as roles that Randy's role would go from annoying geek to poor misunderstood boy played by Skeet to the fandom in a heartbeat and Billy played by Jamie would be hated on as much as Charlie was in Scream 4 ppl are shallow at the heart of it all and Billy's weird ass character DEFINITELY got away with pretty privilege the entire movie.)
But Matt is attractive to me, not smoking hot at first glance but everyone has they're own taste! At first glance he's just okay but when he speaks and moves and you see that swagger naturally pour out? 8 out of 10 easily what a fucking cutie I would be blushing if he spoke to me and when he's Stu and being crazy? Solid 9 out of 10. The character is so hot. I may not be the ultimate Stu simp but a simp I am for sure.😏🥴
I feel the same way about Eddie Munson. When I saw a pic of him I thought "Oh he's alright I guess. What's the hype tho?" BUT WHEN HE SPOKE AND HIS PERSONALITY AND CHARISMA SHOWED? I fell in love istg 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Another one is Lazlo from WWDITS there is nothing about him I usually find attractive (Again my preference; don't hurt me-) but I fully understand Nadja and he could smash anytime if I was in that universe. The sex is just oozing from him no matter what he does.
Gomez Addams is another example, I would FOLD for him even tho to most ppl he's not 'attractive' but omfg that man was the blueprint for me and still is ~
Def not hating or trying to change ur mind but It's the vibes. The sex appeal. The charisma. You do not have to be conventionally beautiful to be sexy as a mother fucker and I fully stand by that.
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roxxythebirbrps · 6 years
Charlie's Birthday Part 3
Charlie: *She couldn't help herself any longer she was so excited that he would be willing to write her even after stating so adamantly that he wouldn't, she hopped up out of her seat going around the small table and hugged him tightly. She was smiling from ear to ear there was just no containing the happiness she was feeling inside. Her arms draped around his neck as she leaned into him hoping she doesn't knock him out of his chair in the process*
Damien: C-charlie! *her jumping up startled him and he barely had a moment to react before the tight hug came crashing into him and she wrapped around his neck before he could regain his balance from the initial shock of her jumping up, so her leaning into him was juuuuust enough to knock him out of the chair just as she hope she wouldn't do.* GAH! *And with that he fell on the ground, back hitting hard but somehow had enough foresight to pull Charlie into his arms. To cushion her fall with himself or to cling onto something to keep from falling... he wouldn't be able to tell. Nor would he be able to speak at the moment what with the crazy amount of red in his face, yo know an incoherent mumble would be all that would come out of his mouth*
Charlie: *feels the all to well known feeling to her of falling, she squeezes her eyes shut as she feels Damien's arms wrap around her. She ends up pressing her face into his chest as they go toppling to the ground, she was thoroughly embarrassed to say the very least. Blushing deeply she looks up from his chest up at him to see him as red as she was, feeling slightly bad for liking being this close to him given the current embarrassment. Once that thought passes she immediately starts worrying that he hurt himself when they fell which her face obviously showed*
Damien: *holding her close, the redness doesn't fade from his face until he see she was just as bad off as he was in the embarrassment category and he smiled a little, until she looked at him with worried eyes and he worried himself* Hey, Kiddo, are you alright? Are you hurt in anyway? *he shifted up to a slight sitting position, wincing the whole way since his back was very much in pain after the fall, one hand still over Charlie and rubbing her back lightly, her worry mirrored in his face*
Charlie: I'm okay but what about you? *sees him wince and she really gets worried* Oh merlin...you're hurt I'm so sorry Damien *feels just awful, she ended up hurting him when all she wanted to do was show him how happy he made her feel. She hangs her head a bit when he sat up all the way now sitting on his lap*
Damien: *smiles patting Charlie on the head* I'm fine Charlie..... Really. * sits up straighter minding his wince so it wasn't showing* Just the shock of falling, is all.... chin up... There's nothing to be sorry about...
Charlie: *she looks up slowly blushing lightly as she looks at him still upset with herself she did hurt him no matter how hard he tried to hide that he was hurting* but....you're hurt.....
Damien: It's not as serious as you're making it out to be.... *keeps up his smile hoping to calm her down some* I'll be more fine if I could get you back to your happy birthday, kiddo... *he wasn't going to show his pain and he was telling the truth- he had been through worst, and the pain was already subsiding*
Charlie: are you sure? *she looks down a little and fidgets with her ponytail then looks back up at him, not yet realizing the rather intimate seating arrangement they were currently in with her on his lap. She carefully hugs him trying not to touch his back* I'm still sorry.
Damien: Yes, yes... I'm sure. *smiles lightly, hugging her back and petting her hair lightly, a little tighter than his usual awkward hugs, to prove that he was alright- to console her and he hopes it was working and that hug did make him feel a little better, until he heard the footsteps behind him and felt the eye peering down his neck, heating him with their gaze- no it was the blood rushing to his face as he released his grip on Charlie realizing the situation that he himself had put them in- on the floor, her on his lap, him shoving her away would only worsen the situation and he didn't want to upset Charlie any further* Ki-kiddo- Charlie... I think.... I think we should get up off the floor now... *he gulped down any further words by accident as he turned his head slightly to catch a glimpse of the barmaid's shoes still behind him tapping lightly, impatiently at them both, muttering something about drunk patron and to young which only futhered Damien's mind dilemma*
Charlie: *smiles a bit at him hugging her tightly, it made her feel a bit better about her own failure of knocking him down, she wanted to keep hugging him and stay like this. It was warm and safe and he was there holding her there was nothing more she wanted. She looks up a little when he sputters out the fact they were sitting on the floor in a public place. She looks up a bit further to see the barmaid staring down at them, she blushes when she suddenly realizes that she is sitting on Damien's lap on the floor in the middle of the Three broomsticks. She haistelly gets up off of him and holds her hands out to him to help him up still blushing very embarrassed again*
Damien: *after a small debate with himself on whether or not he should, he took one of Charlie's hands lifting himself up mostly with his own strength, soliciting a small groan of pain from him as he move it for the first time since sitting up. Positively glowing red he turns to the barmaid with a small smile and a chuckle, but unable to form a clear sentence besides the phrase "I'm sorry" along with various other mumbles*
Charlie: *she makes Damien sit down in his chair and she apologizes to the barmaid and explains that it was her fault and that it won't happen again. She watches the barmaid go off and she takes her seat blushing across the table at the bright red Damien. If she hadn't already she finishes her dinner so that way they could leave cause they don't have to eat the cake here* Maybe we should take the cake and go for a walk...
Damien: *nods taking his seat, not wanting to further dig himself in a whole of non-communication keeps his mouth shut and finishes eating calming himself the whole way down as Charlie mentions a walk. He looks up into her eyes when he realizes that she's doing it not only for herself but probably mostly for him too... Who was the child in this situation? Regardless of this thought he smiled at her, grateful to be leaving this place, this whole situation to have a bit of fresh air* Are... are you sure Charlie?
Charlie: *she smiles a bit still blushing* yeah I'm sure it's getting a bit crowded in here anyways. *she pushes her plate off to the side and looks over at the cake then over at him. Just wanting to get out of the awkward situation and be alone with him where she doesn't have to worry about being embarrassed that they did something silly*
Damien: *places his plate atop hers and then puts down a few coins for the meal... plus extra for causing a disturbance he stands clearing his throat with a small smile picking up the cake with one hand and offering the other to her* Shall we?
Charlie: *smiles and stands up taking his hand* we shall *she carefully leads him through the maze of tables and chairs to the door. Once at the door she holds it open for him since he has the cake. Smiling she waits for him to exist the three broomsticks not sure where they will go from here but she doesn't really care*
Damien: *he shrugs out into the cold without another word, taking in the fresh air. It's been a long while since he enjoyed a day like this, most times he enjoyed it from the safety of his room and window and it showed on his face, the blush gone, his eyes closed the last time he was out for a walk... he met Charlie again in the winter... it felt good to be out during the springtime... He remind himself to thank Torin again for forcing him out... maybe figure out his birthday and get him something. (pffff far to late I know... but at least he's thinking of it. XD) But right now it was Charlie's day and he smiled at her again, brightly, feeling rejuvenated after leaving that place and that embarrassing moment* Had any place in mind Kiddo?
Charlie: *follows him out taking his arm shivering slightly as she moves from the warm inside to the cold outside. She holds his arm nice and tightly smiling walking along in the dark with him. She shrugged slowly* I don't really know, where do you think we should go Damien? You probably know a better place to go than I would.
Damien: Me? No. *laughs, trying not to be to awkward as she clings to him, smiling at her* I was hardly here when I was a student, and let not get into the amount of times I was here while working...I could probably count them all on one hand. *laughs again, but still leads on down the road, not knowing or caring where they're going*
Charlie: well I can only think of the shrieking shack but that place gives the creeps *shivers again chuckling walking down the way with him looking up at the sky for a bit thinking back to when she flew over hogsmeade without permission*
Damien: *smiles* Really, Charlie? You know it's all just a hoax! *chuckles with her looking up as she did and seeing only stars* What are you looking at?
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