#he may be a total loser but he's MY total loser ❤
piescornerstore · 11 months
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The key to drawing addispam is to make him look like he's always about to burst into tears
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a/n : I know I've been gone for a while, I'm really sorry! I hope you guys enjoy this one!❤
You sighed for the third time that evening. It's not like you were by choice - your friend practically dragged you out of your house to a party at a club. To be honest, you'd rather be at home in your fuzzy socks, with your dog, and a book, and maybe some wine.
But instead your here in a short dress, your makeup a little too well done for your liking, and well, at least you have the wine.
"Wish you were some place else?" you heard a voice behind you. You turned around to find a tall handsome stranger stood there.
"Well yeah, how did you know ?"
"Well I've been in your place before and I can totally understand. I was a bit of a shy type, so anything to do with people, wasn't really my thing."
"And now?"
"Well now I got used to it. It's not like I have a choice, really. May I join you?", he asked, pointing at the chair beside you. You had decided to sit at the bar, because at least the bar tender was a decent guy, and it was a fair distance from the dance floor.
"Yeah sure okay." It wasn't like you did this often, but there was something charming about this strange young man.
"So what bring you here? A friend, a co worker, a significant other...?"
"Well my friend actually dragged me down here because she wanted to hang out with her boyfriend so. Yeah. I'm missing out on my 'watch chick flicks and sleep in' plans." You bit your lip after you said that. What a complete loser you must've sounded to him right now. Internally, you groaned, but tried to cover your embarrassment with a smile.
He however, couldn't help but grin. "I too had similar plans, but it was a bit more manlier: Play video games first, and then watch the chick flicks."
It was your turn to laugh. You were glad, in a way, that you agreed to let him sit. But it was odd that someone who was a stranger to you could be so charming. Your suspicions rose slightly.
"So what are you doing here, mister...?"
"Jungkook. My name is Jungkook. Well I came here with some friends too but they've all dispersed in the crowd, one is asleep, some are on the dance floor, and I'm not drunk enough to do join either of the two groups. I spotted you here, so I thought I could come speak with you instead. What's your name sweetheart?"
You introduced yourself while raising an eyebrow. Did he just call you a sweetheart?
"How do I know you're just not trying to get into my pants?"
"Well because, if I wanted to do so, I would've ordered a drink for you, seeing as you're almost done with your current one. But I respect that you probably still want to go home and watch some movies so I won't make you do something you don't want to. Besides I just told you, I just wanted to talk. Is that really a crime? I can go if I'm bothering you." He said, his tone flat.
You kind of felt bad for accusing him as you did, but you had had plenty of experience before. "No, stay. I'd like to speak with you as well."
He let out a small sigh of relief. "I'm glad you didn't ask me to go I was really dreading going back to the booth with my friends. I told you how limited my options were."
You couldn't help but giggle. "Where are your friends?"
He pointed them out on the dance floor. They seemed to be really getting down to the music. You let out a little exclamation of surprise. "Oh! That's my friend who dragged me here!" She was grooving to the song with her boyfriend, just next to his friends.
"What a small world." Jungkook said with a laugh.
"So, what is it you do for a living?"
You found out that he was a singer. That of course would explain why he had to ditch his shyness. There's something about the way he spoke that showed it.
You usually hated small talk, but you found yourself conversing with Jungkook with ease. The conversation didn't seem forced, and maybe it was the alcohol, but it seemed to you that he was kind of cute.
The next song that came on was one of your favourites. You couldn't contain your excitement as you visibly got distracted from the conversation and began humming along to it. Jungkook noticed this, and with a smirk asked, "Do you.... maybe... wanna.... dance?"
Now normally, you would've refused. You don't even know the guy! But after a few rounds of whiskey and a lot of conversation, you found yourself leading him to the dance floor yourself. This new found self confidence had taken over and there was nothing that could stop you.
"You like this song?" he asked, his voice a shout above the music.
You replied in the affirmative before getting your moves on.
"Damn I didn't know you could dance?" Jungkook said, flashing a grin at you in approval.
"Now just because I wear glasses and I said I'd rather be at home with my dog, doesn't mean I dont know how to get it on." you said, closing the gap between the two of you.
Somewhere the mixture of alcohol, the music, the conversation and the madness, you fell for this cute stranger. You weren't ready to accept it because, well, the rational side of your brain was warning you that you couldn't, and shouldn't take the next step.
Which was kiss him.
But who listens to their rational part of their brain when they're drunk?
And so, you pulled him closer, and unabashedly kissed him.
Time seemed to flow by in milliseconds, as the music drowned out and the lights dulled. You could feel a smile on his lips as he expertly made out with you.
In the middle of the dance floor.
In full sight of at least a hundred people.
What were you thinking???
You pulled away, to see a surprised look on his face.
"Uhh I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that I don't usually do that I'm going to go now." you said, a blubbering mess.
The alcohol in your system was slowly starting to lose effect and the weight of your actions were beginning to be clearer.
As you headed toward the exit, you had the cliche moment. Someone caught your hand. You turned around, fully prepared to tell Jungkook that you were sorry again, only to see it was your friend.
"Where are you going? We've hardly been here for an hour and you want to leave? Also I saw you with a cute boy, what happened?" she asked, pouting.
"Listen, we've been here for more than two hours and I accidentally kissed said cute boy so now I have to leave because I don't think I can face him."
Just as the words left your mouth, Jungkook came up to you and your friend.
"Cute boy! Hi! Why don't you go out with my friend here? I heard you made out."
If you could somehow summon a black hole to swallow every last cell in your body, you would. But you could only glare at her and try to twist out of her grip. She was surprisingly strong for someone who was drunk.
"Well your friend here ran away from me before I could say anything so..." Jungkook said, a strange look on his face.
"Well I'll leave you guys to it then!" You friend said as she let go of you and headed toward the bar.
"Do you want to maybe go outside? So that we can talk?"
You couldn't say no, you owed him that much. Stepping out into the night, the two of you walked down the street in silence for the first few minutes.
You were the first to break it. "Listen I don't usually--"
"Do this. I know. You said it earlier. Neither do I, though. I thought you should know that." He said, cutting you off.
You were surprised to hear that. "I'm not sure how to proceed. I literally haven't gone this far before." you said, your face turning pink with embarrassment.
"I kinda don't believe that. A girl as pretty as you? Okay that's too cheesy I'll stop." He said, as your struggled to hide your laughter.
"What do we do now?" you asked, sobering up.
"Maybe we could try something out? You and I?"
"Like go out? On a date?"
"Yeah that would be the general idea."
"Don't get sassy with me young man."
"Young man? How do you know if I'm younger?"
"Doesn't matter to be honest I'm basically a grandma. Don't expect dates where we do wild and fun things." you said, again, barely able to contain your laughter.
"I'm perfectly fine with watching movies with you and your dog and some popcorn." He said, stepping closer to you.
You felt his breath on your face and for the second time that night you tingling sensation cover your body, and you knew, it wasn't because of the cold.
"Even the chick flicks?"
"That, we'll have to take a vote on."
"Who's going to be the tie breaker?"
"You have a dog don't you?"
"He likes chick flicks."
"Oh shoot."
You couldn't contain it anymore as you burst out laughing. He joined you, and then pulled you close to him, tilting your chin up, and placed a kiss on your lips.
"That was revenge for earlier." he said, his eyes still on your lips.
Picture credits to owner!
You can find my masterlist here.
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