#he really love his wife ok the divorce alter his (after)life completely
The Long Road to a Redemption Story
Identity is a story that comes in three basic parts.  First is communion – who we are connected to, who we love; second is agency – what we have done and contributed in our lives; and third, redemption – how we have transformed the bad things that happened to us into something good.  Most of us can site many times we have created happy endings from nasty situations.  This is one of mine.  It takes a long and winding road with a cast of characters (many who shall remain nameless) and extraordinary experiences, each adding a major milestone.  Redemption would take well over a decade to be revealed to me.
OK, here’s the bad thing. My best friend betrayed me by having an affair with my husband which I didn’t find out about until two years after my divorce. 
When I met her, I was 29, divorced with two kids, and commuting from a NY suburb to my Manhattan job on the Penn Central Railroad.  My neighbor Fred introduced us saying she had a good weed connection.  Our friendship began just as I was beginning to date the man who, within three years, would become my second husband.  My BFF danced at our wedding.  She became the sister I never had.  
In the second year of my new marriage, my family moved from NY to Texas.  Dallas launched my princess career.  He had a great job, making lots of money.  We got a great house.  My kids were enrolled in a great private school. And, no longer needing to work, I built an art studio in the house and put my National Academy of Design training to work as a portrait sculptor.  Life was full of carpool, art, tennis, jogging, and socializing.  
My long, lost sister was a constant presence, no matter where we were.  Our first Dallas summer of 100+ degree days, we rented a house for a month on the beach in Long Island.  BFF arrived to visit with a surprising new practice – Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, a sect that believes we can unlock the limitless potential of our inner lives and achieve Buddhahood in this lifetime.  While she was locked away in her room chanting, nam myoho renge kyo for long periods of time, we were snarkily chuckling that she sounded like a buzzing bee.  She tried to get me interested. “Herbie Hancock and Tina Turner are Buddhists” she said. I would have none of it.
The following year, during one of her regular visits to Dallas, I was suffering a highly unusual and excruciating migraine headache.  BFF knew just the cure – chant nam myo ho renge kyo.  I was desperate.  After about 20 minutes, my headache was gone. And thus began what the Buddhists call, shakubuku, the initiation process into the Buddhist practice.  She connected me to a local chapter where I could meet people and learn to recite the gongyo, the morning and evening prayers.  From my first meeting, I was captivated by the sound, the harmony, the vibration, and the joy of these people chanting together.  
Through my regular practice with this chapter I came to know the family of TV star from the show DALLAS. While they were residents of California, they spent each of their summers in Dallas for location shooting of the show.  Seeing my work, they commissioned me to sculpt a portrait of their two boys, who were about eight and three years old at the time.  As summer turned to fall and they prepared to travel west, they asked me to shakubuku a woman named Carolyn, the ex-girlfriend of a doctor who had rented them their house the previous year.  Happy to oblige, I arranged for a meeting in which I taught her to chant.
Carolyn was the most dazzling, free spirit I’d ever met.  She was a model, a dancer, an actress, and a pothead. I would regularly go to her house where we would chant for a while, then smoke a joint, and go to one of Dallas’s luxury watering holes for champagne.   
Carolyn introduced me to her friends, a husband and wife who owned  a resort in Mexico and were purveyors of the drug Ecstasy, or MDMA, which, at the time, was still unknown and unclassified by the Drug Enforcement Agency. In other words, legal.  Ecstasy was a life-altering experience.  I’d had a commonly reported reaction – I felt my heart opening in a way that I can feel to this day, so many years later.   
One evening during a small cocktail party at my house with Carolyn and her friends, our doorbell was rung by a young family.  Enter Blair and Stephen, and their 18-month old son, Seraphim.  They had been on their way to their home in Austin and had stopped by to meet the resort owners just to say “hello” and give them thanks for the wonderful time they had had at their resort.  With our hearts Ecstasy-wide open, we invited them to stay, which they did, for three days.
Blair and Stephen were the personification of The New Age. During our time together, they taught me how to rebirth, a type of breath work invented by the therapist Leonard Orr. The basic idea is that you can heal whatever ails you by re-experiencing the trauma surrounding your birth.  It’s really just conscious, circular, yogic breathing that can be done lying flat or under water with a snorkel.  Traditional psychologists have voted to discredit it. But, for me, it was extraordinarily powerful.
Blair and Stephen were aspiring breatharians.  (If you’ve never heard of breatharians, think “vegetarian,” only substitute breath for veggies.)  I know. But stay with me. They believed that it is possible for a person to live without consuming food, purely on prana, Sanskrit for life force, IF you could eliminate all toxins from your body, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Go ahead and Google this.  There have been many articles written on breatharians and breathariansim.  At that particular moment in time, they were subsisting as fruitarians and followers of Baba Muktananda and Siddha yoga, working to scrub their souls clean.
Blair was a practicing medium.  She channeled a Canadian Catholic priest from the 1800’s named “Father Andre.”  This was the first time I had ever encountered a channeled being.  Blair would go into a meditation, and with her eyes closed, a new voice sprang from her lips, with wisdom and guidance for those in her audience.  Father Andre told me that I was like the sands of the desert, beautiful but frequently shifting, and failing to give solid ground to my children.  I could see it.  This harsh counsel came with a strong recommendation, “You need to do the est Training.”  Naturally, I picked up the phone and enrolled in the next program.  
Est, an 80-hour two-weekend training, was developed by Werner Erhard in the 1970’s.  Est promised “to transform one’s ability to experience living so that the situations one had been trying to change or had been putting up with, clear up just in the process of life itself.”  In truth, the training stopped my self-doubt and striving to be someone I was not, and actually produced a sense of perfection and responsibility.  I came away from est feeling as though my life had taken a dramatic turn.  I stopped drinking and drugging and encouraged my husband, whose drinking I was always working to keep up with, along with several of my closest friends, to do the training also. 
As an enthusiastic and tremendously appreciative participant, I became a holy roller advocate for the training and guest seminar leader, leading evenings about the training to enroll newcomers.  That’s where I met Lisa, my newest best friend and certainly the smartest and funniest woman I’ve ever known.  Lisa was 11 years younger than I and 11 years older than my oldest daughter.  We became so close that my husband had suggested that she could support my spiritual needs while he supported my financial ones. This didn’t work out so well.  I was living a sober life with my husband, with whom I could find little in common, and simultaneously falling in love with Lisa.  We divorced one year after the training. 
Lisa moved in the day after he moved out.  Her brilliance transported me from my desolation and fear to excitement about the blank canvas that I was.  It would take a couple of years before I could come to terms with the failure of my marriage.
With no husband to support me, finance instantaneously became a priority in my life again.  The job title, ‘princess/sculptor’ did not seem promising for generating anywhere near the income I needed to maintain the lifestyle to which I had become accustomed. I had to come up with a new career, and fast. Forced to examine what I had done in my life, I was completely stymied at how to combine my experience in visual art, sales, business analysis, and mother, and articulate it in the form of a new offer.  And to whom would I make this invaluable offer? 
Lisa connected me to a program on entrepreneurship that was being given by a Werner Erhard connection, Fernando Flores.  Some background on Flores: At 29, he was the youngest minister in the Salvador Allende presidency.  Remember the American-backed coup in Chile in 1973?  Allende died and Flores was isolated in a political prison at the hands of Augusto Pinochet.  After three years, Flores was released through the efforts of Amnesty International and went to Stanford to do his Ph.D.  His doctoral thesis “Communication in the Office of the Future” provided important distinctions that Erhard used in his training.   
The course on entrepreneurship created a huge opening for my career.  I was introduced me to the fundamentals of the philosophy of language and the inevitability of the coming boom in the personal computer industry.  From my years in the corporate world, I could readily see an offer to business.  I returned to Dallas, a complete novice in the computer world but ready to start a company with Lisa where we sold grey market computers loaded with modems, floppy drives, and communication software.
Our first big break came with a contract with a global software company in Dallas.  We were doing so well that we interested an investor in our business.  Needing a staff, the first person I thought of was my old BFF who had been trying to find a job in Dallas for years.
The business venture was a disaster.  We naively gave away 51% to the man with the money.  Within a year, he had fired us and left us holding a $100K debt on a line of credit with which we had bought computers that our partner had sold and collected on.  And while Lisa and I were fired, my BFF stayed on.  It seemed that she had conspired against us, something we could hardly understand.  Until the following summer when my ex-husband confessed his affair with her.
I called her immediately. At first, she denied it.  When I told her that the information came from my ex-husband, she deflected by saying, “it was another time.”  I offered her the opportunity to clean it up with me.  She declined.  I fell into a rage which turned into a righteous obsession that I couldn’t shake without several months of therapy and deep work on the nature of forgiveness.
No longer living together, Lisa and I bootstrapped a new business.  Recognizing a substantial need for greater competence than our customers in communication, I immersed myself in a long-term program with Flores in the philosophy of language.  Flores committed that if I would give him three years, he would teach me how to think.
In my third year of the program, a group of students went out for a night of salsa dancing.  There I met Cristián, a Chilean man who studied with and worked for Flores.  The moment I saw him, I knew I had to dance with him.  Within two years we married.  
Our highest priority was to live together authentically.  One of our first commitments was to tell each other everything we didn’t want to tell the other.  And in so doing, we delved into the depths of our humanity, discovering more and more of ourselves and each other, healing our shames and traumas, and continually expanded the limits of what is possible in an intimate relationship. 
We have been together for almost 30 years.  During this time, I developed the agency aspect of my identity.  Building on my education, I created a program called Mindful Collaboration.  I  have become known as a virtuoso coach and team developer, working with the leadership of Fortune 100 companies. 
Another significant connection came from my relationship with Flores.  I coached a man named David who was struggling to create a new business. We became friends.  I introduced him to a training called Avatar that was conducted at my friends’ resort in Mexico.  There he fell in love with a woman who moved him to Mexico where he encountered Huichol shamans who completely changed his life.  A few years later, David offered me the gift of vision quest, a traditional indigenous ritual where one goes alone to the mountain, fasting for days, sitting in a small corn circle with nothing to do and nowhere to go, praying for a vision.  The mountain showed me the intricate, sacred, interconnectedness of all life.  This great gift answered the question I didn’t know that I had, but was the force that had been driving me, “why am I here?” 
The portrait of my life is drawn by connecting the dots of these remarkable encounters. Meeting the mountain was a dot that forms the heart of my portrait, like a keystone holding it all together.
Bringing the sacred into our lives has given our couple a palpable resonance, one that has had people constantly asking what it is we know.  Ten years ago, we began to offer a course together called The Dance of Relationship that shows that love is a dance everyone can learn.  We share our most significant commitments and provide practices for mastering the moves of the dance.  The course awakens the heart of all who come. 
We have become great learners, Cristián and I.  This is the secret to redemption – find the gift in those failures and pain, use them to become masterful in life.  I sit in great gratitude to my old BFF for putting me on the path of learning and finding my amazing partner.  Without her, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
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justhumanhereandnow · 5 years
On November 8th, 2016, very late in the evening, a life-changing event happened to me; and to millions of other unsuspecting Americans. Shortly thereafter I began posting all manner of very opinionated political things on social media, because, of course I did. Me and about a hundred million of my fellow enraged citizens. My problem was that I was a small business owner in a conservative area, and my wife, who was also my business partner, did not appreciate what my opinions might do to our business when aired in public.
I struggled with this. I mean, you have to stand up for your beliefs, right? But, our business is pretty small, in a pretty sparsely populated area, and I finally had to agree with my sensible spouse. So, I created this anonymous persona, complete with a website, Twitter account, Facebook page, tumblr blog, etc. And I made LOTS of tweets! But not so many blog posts. In fact, I made exactly one. And then I was busy with my business, and then other stuff happened. I kept tweeting for a while, but finally, life just got in the way. And then life slapped me upside my head.
Here is what has happened to me in the last year (just the highlights)…
-        My youngest child graduated from High School and moved away from home.
-        I had an on-the-job accident (at my own business, so, all on me) which still causes me pain almost a year later.
-        My oldest child got married. And had a baby. No, wait, that deserves its own bullet point…
-        My first grandchild was born.
-        My wife asked for a divorce.
-        Both of my parents, who are still alive thank you God, have had serious health issues. Oh, btw, they live 3000 miles apart. I managed to visit them both.
-        I learned DIY home improvement on a whole new level. Learned to do electrical, plumbing, cabinets, flooring, dry wall… It didn’t help. She still wanted the divorce.
-        I moved to a new city, in a new state where I have never lived before.
-        I got a new job, doing what I did 30 years ago.
-        My dog died. No, seriously. He was a 14-year-old Golden Retriever who was the friendliest, most loyal friend ever. His name was Sparky, and I will miss him forever.
So, while I may write about politics here again, I thought I might take some time to write about life.
Two things should come out of what you read above: Change, and Priorities. And I think these may be the two most important concepts in leading a happy and productive life. If you can’t deal with change, you will have difficulty making it through any given day. And if you don’t have your priorities in order, you’ll be stuck in a meaningless life. So, I’m going to give you a two-parter. Today, we’ll talk about change. Next week, we’ll talk about priorities.
I’m going to be honest here… I’m still in the middle of a major life change. This could go very wrong. But I’m hoping that writing about it will help me survive. We’ll see how that works out; stay tuned…
Just a little more about myself… I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, I worked in the high-tech industry for 20 years, I ran my own small business successfully for 6 years after that, I was married for 28 years, I raised 3 children (with much help from their mother). Before I earned a college degree, I worked in restaurants for 10 years. I think everyone should work in a restaurant for at least a year. I’ve worked in several different industries, but cooking and serving people food will teach you how to work, how to be humble, and if you do it right, how to take pride in what you do, no matter how humble it is. Back to our topic…
Life is all about change. We’re born, we depend on somebody, hopefully our parents, to provide for us until at some point we can walk, talk, eat, dress, and otherwise take care of ourselves. All of that growing up part is nothing but constant change. And then, hopefully, at some point in your late teens or early twenties, the big change comes; you venture out on your own. So much change! How did you deal with it? I got high. And drunk. And slept around a lot. Sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. But it was the 80’s, so…
But then there was a baby. That. Changes. Everything! If you’re a parent, you get it. If not, there are other life changes and other responsibilities that are probably similar. Graduating college. Getting married. Buying a car, or a house. Acquiring a pet (never underestimate the responsibility of caring for another living creature). Or maybe something negative; an illness, a divorce, a death. In any case, there are big changes in life that alter your perspective. How you handle these events, and even the smaller changes in life, really defines who you are. I mean, that’s life, right? How are you handling it?
Here is where I have a confession to make. I happen to believe that I deal with change better than most people I have ever met. That’s not bragging, just an observation; it’s probably in my genes, or my astrological chart, or something. And that’s not to say that I don’t have a hard time with change. Everyone does. Again, it’s just part of life. But since this happens to be something I’m good at (and rest assured there are plenty of things that you’re good at that I am not), I thought I would share some life experience with you. If you read this far, you might as well keep going and see what I have to say…
Change happens on a huge spectrum. From a detour that makes it five minutes longer to get to work in the morning, to a global recession that puts you and your whole community out of work with no apparent recourse. From an allergy that makes your day just a little less pleasant to your child suddenly falling deathly ill. I’m not here to tell you how to deal with those most extreme cases. And I’m not here to address clinical depression or extreme anxiety. I’m talking about how most people get through day-to-day life, with the usual things that life throws at you. Like losing a job. Like getting older. Like relationships failing. Like the world around you going to hell in a handbasket. Like that.
And it’s worth noting that all change is difficult, even good change. Like, say, if you were homeless, sleeping in your van with all your worldly possessions, and suddenly, you got a job and found a roommate. Sure, it’s great to have an income and a bed to sleep in and people to socialize with, but all that change is still hard (don’t ask me how I know).
OK, so, there you are. Something changed. You were probably comfortable with how life was, with only a few minor complaints now and then, and BOOM! Shit happened. And now… AAAHHH! Chest constricting, stomach turning anxiety! Paralyzing fear! Gut wrenching sadness over the loss of what was… WHAT DO YOU DO???
Drink water.
Do the next thing.
It’s that simple.
First of all, let’s be clear. Your body and brain cannot function without oxygen and water. Seriously, it starts there. When everything seems overwhelming, stop and breathe. And drink a glass of water. You will be amazed at the difference in your mindset right there and then.
And then, do the next thing. Not THE BIG THING. The next thing. Do the dishes, take out the garbage, make your bed. Apply for a job, or go to work, or pay the electric bill. Take a shower, brush your teeth, eat a healthy meal. Do the next thing. I’m not going to tell you to stop thinking about your problems, because that never works. Do the next thing. That works. And if you keep doing the next thing, eventually, life moves on. And all of a sudden, eventually, you realize that you dealt with the change.
Maybe the next thing is applying for more jobs, or following through on your physical therapy, or changing yet another diaper. I’m not saying those things are easy. I’m saying don’t focus on the days/weeks/months/years ahead; just do the next thing. And try to do it well. Whatever it is. Doing your best at anything is an accomplishment, and accomplishments are good. When life is throwing you curve balls, just keep swinging. Don’t worry about the count, because life doesn’t play by those rules, and you shouldn’t either. (That was a baseball analogy. I’m not a baseball fan, but I do love sports analogies, so get used to it.)
OK, let’s sum up. Change happens. That’s life. Everyone has a hard time with it. How you deal with change will play a large part in defining your life. When hard change happens, just keep going; breathe, drink water, do the next thing.
And now that you’ve managed to get through the big change (or even a few little ones), you might have noticed that you have thought about or questioned your priorities as a result of this change in your life… and I’ll talk about that next week.
Until then, be nice to someone. Forgive someone. Accept someone for who they are.
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astrology vashikaran mantra
astrology vashikaran mantra
Welcome to Astrology, as it is the study of the movement and relative positions of celestial objects as a means of divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events. The astrology services include Vashikaran, Get back love, Love Marriage, Husband Wife Dispute, Family problem, Business problem, Carrier problem etc.According to the Vedic astrology, vashikaran is an art of hypnotism wherein you control the thoughts and actions of the preferred person.Under the influence of the powerful forces the desired person is unable to act on his free will and all his/her actions are governed at your discretion. The science of vashikaran is filled with countless magical mantras that are unique for every problem. An expert is fully versed with all these Vashikaran mantra and tantras and knows the proper means to chant them in a correct manner. Only when used correctly, these mantras will turn things in your favor.
astrology vashikaran mantra
Vashikaran the Sanskrit word is created with the composition of 2 words “Vashi” and “Karan”. Vashi means that to draw in somebody, create your influence on somebody, attract the targeted person and create him in line with your wand. Vashi is sort of a mesmerism or management of mind. The word Karan could be a technique to form somebody ordered down. Thus we will say Vashi is ‘in your control’ and Karan is to ‘do so’. Vashikaran is employed from an earlier period to unravel love, marriage, family, business connected issues.Vashikaran is utilized in the shape of Vashikaran Mantra or Vashikaran Yantra to manage the mind, activity, thought, and behavior of the specified person. With the utilization of Vashikaran you’ll get the happiness of life and peace of mind. These Yantra and mantra are used on Lover, loved one, Husband, wife, soul mate, boy, lady with same impact or to unravel your totally different purpose.
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Get all that you simply wish in your life success, prosperity, love. Astrologers are a unit specialist in Vashikaran and a sure norm for Vashikaran within the kind of Mind management, Hypnotism. It does not matter to whom you’re victimization this method however its guarantee that it’ll create the impact on alternative as you wish. Our world notable Vashikaran service includes love vashikaran, love downside resolution, wedding problems, resolution of husband married woman disputes and alternative personal and skilled concern.
Love is that the most essential and necessary a part of everyone’s life. Most of the folks are endued with the sweetness of god. They get their love partner in their life while not having any downside. But, most of the folks are born of struggle. Once ample efforts they’re unable to urge their lover in life. For them, Vashikaran Specialist predictor is that the finest approach. They will create your life eminent and peaceful. As, Vashikaran mantra offer the foremost powerful result through that, we are able to simply get our love back in life and feel comfort to satisfy our want. This mantra ought to be properly musical, as improper use of it’ll provide negative results.
Vashikaran Specialist predictor is specialized in numerous fields. Pandit astrologers are very skillful in issues finding techniques and be happy to allow the correct and approachable methodology of each downside. These mantras ought to be chanting underneath the superintendence of specialized predictor so folks will get the total result of this Vashikaran topic that is maintaining an area within the subject of Astrology.
Vashikaran Expert Astrologer, Astrology is the powerful way to get your all problems solved; you can consult with Vashikaran expert astrologer if you want astrological solution to solve your love problems. Astrological and Vashikaran solutions make it possible to make someone attract towards your personality and work under your control. This is the ancient vidhya that has been providing the best resuts and positivity to the people for long time.
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Those who have faith in the power of Vashikaran and astrology then can get the sure solution. Those who don’t trust on the power of it, who will not get the results so devotion is compulsory while you choosing Vashikaran expert astrologer to get your life issues resolved in quick and easy way.
You might be have love related problems like you may have lost your love, you might want your boyfriend/girlfriend/ex in your life back, inter caste marriage, love marriage, relationship problems, family relationships, husband-wife disputes, divorce issues, business, career, job, stock market, financial problems, but you need not to be upset for having these problems.
You can contact with the best Vashikaran expert in India and get solutions for all your problems via call, mail,  whatsapp or SMS. There are many renowned, popular and experience astrologers are available in India, you can find them online too, so it is better to connect with them and get best possible solution for all your problems or troubles.
vashikaran kaise kare hindi me
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totke vashikaran
You need to choose best Vashikaran expert in India to get the desired results. The Vashikaran solutions are used to control someone’s thinking, feelings and mind. It has been done with the help of some astrological rituals.  The whole procedure includes Vashikaran Mantra, Vashikaran Tantra, Yantra, Vashikaran Puja and sadhanda.
If you want to fascinate someone whom you love you and want strong Vashikaran results then you can go with an expert advice. An expert also offers you the effective mantra as per your horoscope and alignment of planetary positions. These mantras make it easy for you to get your desired love. Vashikaran and Astrology have direct connection with your life so you can choose it to get a happy and contented life and love relationships.
People have to face adverse or odd situations in their life if they are in love. Sometimes they have to make their parents agree for their love marriage or inter caste marriage or sometimes they have to leave their real lover for the sake of family and parents. If you really love someone then you should not leave him/her as this may hurt the feelings of your loved one.
At least you can try the power of Vashikaran to get your loved one in your life forever. Vashikaran solutions are available for love marriages, Inter caste marriages, happy married life, husband wife relationships and other love problems. You just need to trust on the power of astrology and Vashikaran.
An experienced Vashikaran Astrology expert uses the tantric power to alter someone’s mind process. He helps you turn your dream love into reality. The power of Vashkaran used as hypnotism. A Vashikaran specialist should be sophisticated and mature enough to understand your feelings and provide love solutions according to it. You can get your lost love back in your life definitely if you follow the right procedure of it.
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The main motive of the Vashikaran is to interact with the people and make them understand how to deal with the bad circumstances of life. This has been very popular in India and many rural peoples are using it to get their problems solved. This is an ancient science of attraction that brings powerful and strong results with the help of Tantra and Mantra. This is used to control the speech, feelings, thoughts, actions, minds and behaviors of the person whom you want to take under your control.
Vashikaran Expert Astrologer
You can attract someone or draw him/her whom you desire in your life. There are some mantras that you have to chant to get desired results. These mantras are provided by the specialist after analyzing your horoscope, birth chart and planetary movements. These mantras should be chanted as per the suggested time or day by the Vashikaran expert. So don’t waste your time in wondering here and there to get the powerful solution for your life problems, just contact an expert Vashikaran specialist and get strong solutions of all your troubles.
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Vashikaran mantra is ancient systems, which is specially developed to possess desired one mind, get control on them and get the thing as we want from that, as per the name of Vashikaran. This ancient technique is a solution of all the problems and obstacles, which is often faced in the today’s era.
Our Vashikaran Specialist Astrologer is the one, who have deep knowledge of ancient mantra along with Vedic astrology, means they gather the strongest power, which is used for make life liberated from obstacles and hassles. They are much luckier among astrologers because they got succeed to get whole and deep knowledge of Vedic astrology.
Vashikaran Specialist Astrologer completes all works from fidelity, for this reason, they got prestige in the whole world. The clientele is ever growing, uncountable individual and families are connected to them just because of their satisfying services.
Vashikaran specialist for love problems
Today’s love problems become too much vast because on the minor issues couple gets out of relation don’t ever get that point which is ruining relation. The cause of this fact, lots of couples is going through love related issues. If you ever go through such situation then here is Love astrology, which will make your help and suggest remedies get overcome of love issues forever.
Vashikaran for Marriage
Marriage is the second phase of the people if a couple gets a happy life then ok; otherwise, their life gets ruined forever. However, obstacles and conflict occur in all people life, but healthier couple gets overcome it easily and another isn’t. Well, all have a different way to get overcome of issues. If you ever think that, something is running your marriage then takes help of a Vashikaran specialist.
Vashikaran for business or career
There are many people who are concern about their business and career, a cause of having too many competitors. If you are not getting much profit or your career at the last stage then take help of a Vashikaran specialist. They will make you suggest remedies through which all issues and obstruction will get out of your business/career and you will get a new opportunity.
Vashikaran for keep away evil spirit
Most of the time, people life turn towards conflict and crisis because of having an evil spirit, but human being can’t explore that points, So to protect your life from the evil spirit and keep it away from your life take help of a Vashikaran specialist. They will suggest you remedies and protect your life from evil spirits forever.
kamdev vashikaran
kam vashikaran mantra in hindi
kisi ko vashikaran kaise kare
Lady Vashikaran mantra is basically used for the sole purpose of stirring up the essence of love instead of taking control over her mind or body. In order to get benefited with the most fruitful results, every professional Vashikaran specialist like us will advise reciting such mantras with pure heart and intentions. There should not be any type of evil thoughts in your mind while reciting woman Vashikaran mantra. None of the practitioners would suggest you to perform such mantras so as to steal any other person’s love.
astrology vashikaran mantra for true love
We have the most promising salt Vashikaran spells that will certainly facilitate you to attract any woman towards you. This mantra is really simple “On Bhagwati Bhag Bhaag Dayani Dev| Danti Man Vashya Karu Karu Swaka||”. There are several particular guidelines to perform this lady Vashikaran mantra using some salt. It can surely magnetize any girl or woman towards you without any struggles. With happiness, simply take some salt on Thursday and spell it with the mantra for at least seven times.
Moreover, we will even get you acquainted with the proper pronunciation and the way to get the woman Vashikaran mantra energized for the most effective results without any negative impacts on your life.
vashikaran upay in marathi
powerful mantras for marriage
vashikaran mantra hindi mai
Besides all this, if lady Vashikaran mantra is used effectively, it can also prepare the girl to get intimate with you even if she will not willing for the same. So, if you are also in love with a caring and a beautiful girl and are not gutsy enough to express your feelings and emotions, we prefer to get a woman Vashikaran mantra performed efficiently and get your love successfully. It is one of the simplest methods of getting your love in life and without any fear of getting separated at all. You can consider approaching us anytime with prior appointment and experience amazing results.
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