#he started out problematic bc he's a templar and oh BOY does it keep getting worse
thenerdcommander · 2 years
I love making problematic male characters
#he started out problematic bc he's a templar and oh BOY does it keep getting worse#man's cheating on his wife with a mage he had a crush on 7 years ago#and he treats said mage like garbage now#the end of that story is already plotted and don't worry he effectively goes to therapy gets a divorce and becomes a simp later but LORD#the DRAMA in this romance#sometimes you let the order make your crush tranquil so they don't kill him and then later when he's cured of said tranquility he blames you#and then you both hate eachother for a long time and then you bang and then you convince yourself it was blood magic and hate your ex crush#even more than before but your crush still digs you anyway so it all snowballs into a personal crisis bc Mother Giselle was right you don't#actually believe it was blood magic or you would've killed him so now you just have to sit with that and pick apart this whole narrative#you've built over the years to keep yourself from feeling all the things you didn't want to#and it eventually culminates into divorcing your wife that fed your unhealthy coping mechanisms (ie spinning a narrative in which you did#nothing wrong) admitting you were in the wrong going through the process of rebuilding trust with your crush and building a relationship you#never let yourself have with him before bc as a templar you're not supposed to get close to your charges and you took that very seriously#back in the day but the divine abolished the circles so you don't have to do that anymore and you can relax and let your feelings *exist*#and you adopt a dog together and go on adventures and the first time you ever admit you love him is in front of your extremely pious father#which is a hell of a move bc your boyfriend is A) a mage B) a man and C) an elf#and then you sort-of adopt your niece together bc she started developing magic and your brother is an asshole#and then you drag your boyfriend out into the Vimmark mountains where you get the best view and propose to him but you're awkward#so you tell him to forget it and then later you try again somewhere else#and then you honeymoon in Antiva#and you make sure he gets to see all the things he wouldn't have gotten to locked up in a tower
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happywitch416 · 5 years
I'm going to keep asking you: Josephine, idk if I asked about Sebastian or not but if not then it's happening now, Cullen, Sera, Alistair, and Cassandra. I already know your feelings on most but my dude, your opinion is so important to me and also your posts are hilarious.
Did a Seb!
How I feel about this character
Josie is that elegant, well spoken lady I dreamed of growing up to be when I was a wee punk. She has mystery! A good heart! Golden. Ruffles. The noble eldest of her family, saving them from doom. I think its fair obvious I am heart eyes gaga over Josie. And she's a gossip! True story, my favorite kind of person. Tell me all the things. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Leliana and Josie is probs my favorite ship for Josie. Next would be the not romance with Blackwall. I don't think I have a specific Inquisitor romance for that i like. But imagining her with an ex carta dwarf lady makes my heart feel fluffy. Val may get a cousin.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Also Leliana, i love their friendship? How they pick on Cullen and Cassandra. You know the shopkeepers cry in terror and joy when they arrive. Like yes a sale but oh the standard they demand.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't think I have one. Hm. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon 
I am actually good with her canon. A marriage would be nice in Trespasser. Oh that would be glorious. The flowers alone. 
How I feel about this character
Cullen is. He is not my favorite normally. Fandom ruined him for me, #notsorry. Now. I do think he is a character with great potential. I also want that furry cloak thing. I need it.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I dont have specific ship but there are a couple, as in literally 2, specific pairings that I read. But its more because I love friends writing then because I am googly eyed over noodle head. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Therapy. He needs it. Do they have lyrium anonymous? That's what he needs.
My unpopular opinion about this character
That is not a redemption arc. He definitely becomes more selective with his mage distrust/hate. But he doesn't really change from his all mages can't be trusted stance. And the templars were poor mistreated puppies! Yeah no they problematic to bud.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Him interacting with now ex templars. Growth beyond the dogma and the addictions. It needed more. But kore isn't for boys who are pretty i guess 
How I feel about this character
Sera is a disaster and I love her. Sera is all of us who saw a qunari lady and also went woof. I like that she's nobody compared to most of your companions. She's a real people. Also eat the rich mentality is just yes. Throw them into the pit. And she brings the inquisitor in as a red jenny? Who else goes after this life, let's have another for you let's go. Her friendship is also so sweet? For all her friends, I don't think she gets friend friends until she's with the inquisition. Also, I totally get how she talks, train of thought is relatable. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Dagna!!!! They are just so damn cute. I am also partial to her and my Asa. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Iron Bull. Mayhem. I also love her and Blackwall. She gets him. He gets her. Dick jokes. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
She is perfect. And has a valid point. If there is a golden throne whats worse? An ass in it or it being empty? I also like that shes not an elfy elf. So many are doom gloom our lost cause. From like...over a thousand years ago. Can we grow pls
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I want to be a wingman on a Sera and Dagna date. Let me set up my explosions are for bonding lesbians. 
How I feel about this character
I was too old for Alistair when I first met him. He's a child. Literally. He's like 19. Thats a baby adult, the boy who didn't want to be king. Also i found this lone blossoming rose amongst the dead things so i took it..for being chantry raised he is not very understanding of miracles. And you gift him dolls. Why did duncan go oh yeah i'll take this one to probably die young. Like why dude. He could have left the chantry with alistair and been like okay here's 100 gold and go that way. You have a good sword arm, become a guard somewhere. Instead of feed the child blood... I also really hate how he treats Morrigan. Wtf man. And yes, she is mean back but to say he was inappropriate when they first met would be an understatement. I'd be a bitch to him to.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
No ships. Oops.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Wynne, he needs a mother. So badly. He needs cookies and hugs and stories. He may not be a child by age, but definitely by maturity. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
Like. My whole ass opinion lol
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I want him and Leliana to discuss that rose lol but i want alistair to grow a spine. He doesn't want to be king. His uncle treated him like shit, tell him no? Walk out on that king deal? Like thats barring sparing loghain bc he does sorta grow a pair then but abandons his duty that supposedly means so much. Why couldn't he have been like nah Anora is the queen why should i take her spot? That i don't want? 
How I feel about this character
I like that Cass is so Cass. Okay. She will fucking punch you in the face but also reads smut. I have found my people. She tries to right her wrongs, and the orders. She is also willing to eat her own words. She believes in people and goodness. While also maybe stabbing people. But she is also so naive? She believes Varric. Honey. Sweetie. He's full of shit and your full of shit meter is broken.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don't really have a ship for Cass. Bear with me here, she is married to her work. She believes in it with every fiber in her soul. If she had to choose between romance and what she felt called to, what was right? She would let go of the romance. Which is supported by canon if you romance her and she becomes divine. Love only in glances. The world needs saving after all. And for cass it won't ever stop needing to be saved.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Cullen. She is a good influence on him, that he can do better if he tries, that he is better than he thinks. Also Dorian, their love of books would be a good start for a friendship. You know they read a lot of similar smut, especially if it's terrible. How else do you be mean to it.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I am angry she tried to murder my dwarf. We will go rounds lady. In her defense, I understand why she wanted to stove his head in lol and that's why I don't ship them. To antagonistic for me.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I am pretty happy with her canon.
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