#he wants a son and an heir and gets a pathetic little boy instead who lies and cheats.
charmwasjess · 5 months
6, 13 and 18 (Dooku) for the fandom ask, please :D
6) Show us a bit of a WIP!
:D You get the Sifo + Dooku + Time Travel Piece that I'm "definitely" "not" "writing." Some Asajj + 20 year old Dooku team-up nobody asked for. Especially not Asajj. -
Asajj studied him again, more appraisingly this time. He did look disconcertingly familiar.
Did Dooku have an heir that she’d never heard about? She’d clocked the boy as younger, what with all his naivete and whining, but now that she really looked at him… Nineteen? Maybe twenty years old? The age lined up disconcertingly well with Dooku’s first days as Count. A hereditary title, after all, passed from father to son. The idea of Dooku reproducing was nauseating, of course, though it was at least a little funny to imagine the former Jedi’s face upon being informed that House Serenno required his “gift” to ensure the bloodline’s survival.
But no. Why would House Serenno surrender an heir to the Jedi? She didn’t need to see the long braid to recognize that this was clearly one of their Padawan Learners; he reeked of a sheltered Temple upbringing. She could practically smell the refectory milk on his breath.
“Why do you want to be the one to kill Count Dooku so badly, anyway?” she asked, instead.
“He killed my best friend!” His voice broke on the word best, but his fury streaked, vibrant as a comet in the Force.
Asajj almost choked on her laugh. It was so melodramatic. Cliche. Like a line from an overwrought holonovel, spinning out in predictable plot hooks before her eyes. This Jedi child was pathetic. She ought to get them into space and send him to look for Dooku out the airlock. It seemed like it would save her and the Jedi both a lot of trouble.
She thought of her sisters.
Vengeance. Thick and sweet and tangy, like spoiled cream clinging to her tongue. It belonged to her, but no less to the others whose lives Dooku had crushed out for no better reason than because he could. She was here to glut on the Count’s blood. Who was she to deny this hungry child his own right to the feast? Dooku made a big corpse. There was plenty for all.
“Do you know how to sit down and shut up?” Asajj turned briskly to the ship controls. They had already wasted too much time.
“Yes.” A lie. She could tell that without even looking at him.
“Yes, what?” She prompted, glancing back. Maybe she just wanted to hear him try to call her “my lady” in that ridiculous, overformal Coruscanti accent of his.
He swallowed audibly, clearly uncertain. He glanced again at the twin lightsabers at her waist and seemed to decide. “Yes, Master.”
Asajj couldn't help the small, startled laugh that broke from her chest. That hadn’t been what she was expecting. No one had ever called her that. She felt surprised at the strength of her own reaction. Perhaps this would actually be amusing. At least, for a little while.
“What is your name?”
“My name?”
Asajj rolled her eyes. “You have a name? Or should I just refer to you as ‘idiot’?”
She watched his hesitation, saw those big, guileless brown eyes drift and refocus. Black fucking stars, he lied artlessly, like a child.
“Sifo-Dyas. My name is Sifo-Dyas.”
13)What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
I know I went backwards here writing the most unknown/unpopular character in the series with Sifo-Dyas to the most popular, but I'd really like to spend a little bit more time with Obi-Wan. He's got a large role in the next chapter of Twelves Months to Murder Count Dooku and I'm really excited. I really like the character. Kenobi changed something for me about him.
18) Type [charater]'s name and tell us what the autocomplete suggests as the next word
Lolol. "Dooku FOUGHT." "Dooku only" and "Dooku Nu" were other suggestions. Yeah, that really says it all. No notes, google.
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rosedesang · 8 months
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The left hook from one of the competitors throws the room in a heat, a fervor that Bellamy can feel. His typical smile is spread on his lips, the smile of a man enjoying every drop of violence the show is giving to him : entertainment. It isn't the violence only, it is the context the violence in born in that he loves so much, men turned into animals, stock in order to prevent the elite from getting a little Too Bored on a thursday night. There is a hierarchy in this society, a hierarchy in life itself that follows the rules of nature, one that Bellamy affectionates and chose the mission to preserve it, maintain it, like a monarch would. "10k. I want this one." Speaks Bellamy to his assistant who never leaves the heir's side. Immediatly, the assistant disappears to get to Mr. Kang everything he wants. Despite Bellamy firmly believing in the preservation of titles and social classes, he's always been interested in the mechanics of the mind of the other side. Yes, despite his beliefs and obsession for his legacy, Bellamy is a man attracted by the philosophy of nuances, a man who likes to watch the big picture, understand it all and only when time comes, knowing what needs to be done. Taiyang Tseng to him is particularly interesting in that case. A crime lord offspring turned a crime lord himself, yet, desiring of a Better World, desiring of Giving back to the people, a Modern Day Robinhood would the tabloids call him. It is fascination to the Kang - In a way, Taiyang Tseng ( @velvetineblue ) stands in the middle : he is someone who has never truly known misery yet sympathizes with it, puts his life on the line for it. Why? A brow then raises on the heir's face. The respond of the crime lord son is one the heir was not fully expecting. It is : nuanced. "Interesting." He admits, his eyes now directed towards the other, his sly pinched smile on as usual. His assistant finally comes back after taking care of the deed, this time busy with lighting up a cigar for Mr. Kang, handing it to the man who then places it between his lips.
He inhales, exhales, thinks, his attention distracted away from the fight. "Individuality is the greatest of Evils. There is no empathy left and we are fooling themselves if we expect a revival of it. In that metro scenario of yours, the watchers appear more concerned by the preservation of their well being - What happens if they interfere and the aggressors turn against them? Assault them? Kill them? The watchers have their own problems to solve, their own life to live, their spouse to go home to and fuck, their kids to feed and raise. Why risking it all for a stranger huh? I mean, they look around, nobody's fucking moving anyway so why on earh would They?" He questions before his attention is directed to the fight again. "YES!" He shouts together with the crowd as he stands up, this time clapping with fervor as the fighter he put a bet on throw his competitor down, a knock out is coming. "THAT'S MY BOY. GET HIM. KILL HIM." He keeps on shouting with a passion and a rage from above as the VIP section has a nice view on the ring. Bellamy turns around then, facing Taiyang who got his feet up to booth, telling him about the rich on the ring instead. A sinister laughter escapes from Bellamy's mouth followed with another hit on the cigar. "A good fight? Come on. It would pathetic to watch. Mamas boys whimping and pissing themselves because it's the first time they can't use daddy's money to escape - I know exactly where you're going with it. But you know what would be waay more interesting? What happens next"
Shoving a hand down his pocket, now, he really is more and more curious about Taiyang's motivations, the Story of the Fight behind the man. Out of curiosity but Oh well, he also is aware of the recent quarrel between him and his cousin. Bellamy despises Gaya : she is not one of Them he says and because of that, she finds her particularly dangerous. A non-Kang granted with the power of a Kang could turn her back on them any minute, a white wolf among the pack. If there is Someone capable of taking away everything he has and aspires to have, it's Gaya and so, her enemies should be his friends. Just in case. "They learn. The rich boys learn how to fight, how to dodge, it's slow but it's coming. Some get really good at it and finally... They kill with their own hands for the very first time. As for the destitute, the ones who put the rich boys in the cages.. Well, well, well, would you think they will release them once they had their little fun? No no no. They keep the rich boys there, they enjoy the show, out of revenge sure but then out of comfort too. And by the end of the day, out of habit. Are they right to do that? Is it justified? Isn't it just as disgusting of what the rich boys used to do? "His smile never wither. "Like you said, we might never get the answer of who's worse. Or perhaps we could.. If the Cycles are broken. Do you believe they can be or do you believe it's in human's nature to always come back to the Dominant/Dominated pattern no matter what?"
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malfaith · 1 year
Lucius's Treatment of his Family
Lucius's skills as a parent, as portrayed in fandom, are generally all over the place. I'm very a little sensitive about this, as I feel he's villainized in ways that directly contradict what we see of him, and I don't do that. Here's the post about how Lucius treats his family (primarily focused on Draco here).
Lucius loves his family. Family is as a value very important to him, and frankly he loves his wife and son. A lot. Lucius is an all or nothing kind of guy.
Lucius is very involved in Draco's life . . . applying pressure. Draco is his heir and Lucius has very high expectations for him in all walks of life. He wants him to get fantastic grades, he wants him to make friends with all the right people, and he wants him to be the best at what he does (even if Lucius thinks sports is distracting from Draco's education).
Lucius is very susceptible to begging, pleading, and whining when Draco wants something. He feels his son should have the best of everything and usually also whatever he wants. Complaining about a Mudblood beating him in exams? Why don't we try murder. Hippogriff problems? Get rid of it. If Draco is upset about something, Lucius is probably doing something about it.
For Lucius, the personal is political. Narcissa and Draco are brought to dinner, to charm foreign wizards, and expected to play a part in his machinations. The idea of a front-facing facade is deeply important to him and he (tries) to train Draco in it.
Lucius lets Draco use magic at home, with his wand, while underage.
To Lucius, words are empty and often meaningless, and he usually only puts on the charm when he wants something. This can lead to him being callous and/or dismissive and/or just mean. His actual feelings are visible in his actions. He mostly just . . . expects his family to know that he loves them because they're his family.
Lucius is capable of being emotionally responsive when he's being attentive, and can be very romantic and sweet. He's secretly kind of a romantic. He can get self-absorbed though. Lucius goes by his whims here.
Lucius would absolutely try his best to always redirect Voldemort's rage away from his family, even if that means hurting him instead. Usually it's subtle, but sometimes it's more obvious. Watching his family get hurt is more painful to Lucius than getting hurt himself.
His disappointment in Draco post-war revolves around Draco being a Bad Death Eater. He can't kill people(!) and he doesn't want to hurt his classmates(!) and he doubts blood purity(!!). Terrible, a failure on Lucius's part, and absolutely pathetic. Fixing the Vanishing Cabinet was definitely a "that's my boy" moment though.
Lucius has an irregular "work" schedule. He's a #girlboss, forever on the grind, etc etc. He sometimes "works" long weeks trying to get things done or push through legislation, which is most obvious in the '70s when he's splitting his time between the Ministry and the Death Eaters.
I remember reading a post where someone was like, "at twelve Draco was like 'kill all Mudbloods', what the fuck was he hearing at home?" and what he was hearing at home was kill all Mudbloods, shame the Dark Lord fell, the lesser wizards are trying to take away what is rightfully ours as pure bloods, Muggles are filth (and hurting them is funny), and Murder Is Okay. Lucius is a bad person who hurts other people for fun and profit and is trying to impart his skills onto Draco.
Lucius doesn't like punishing Draco, so he . . . just doesn't. It makes him feel bad, even though he sort of feels like he should because he himself was abused punished harshly by his own father. The only time he'd ever do it was when Draco did something that put himself in danger.
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mayxthexforce · 11 months
@mutatiio said:
he had come here to kill this child. to rid sidious of his heir - not that he believed that man would ever actually allow anyone take up his role. the goal, as far as he knew, was immortality. an heir was contradictory to that. even so, the child earned sidious sympathy amoung the masses. a murdered child also would, but said masses have short memories. it will pass. he didn't dare set foot on coruscant. waited until the boy and his mother took a trip to alderaan. the planet appeared to have maintained its peaceful appearance. though he'd never been before he knew plenty about the planet. and in the grand scheme of things, compared to most other core worlds, this place felt the least ruined. maul tracked their ship to the royal palace. he'd been in the middle of breaking in when he spotted it. or rather, him. the target. who... appeared to be breaking out. although he was no more than five years old, he was avoiding guards relatively well. maul stalks after the boy, keeping his distance, pausing when he pauses. continues like this until he is led to an expansive field a little beyond the boarder of the palace. no more guards. no more potential witnesses. he lingers back, watching his former master's child play. hears him laugh. disgust rises within him like bile, the competitive spark he'd once felt truly squashed. the hold sidious still has over him, over his mind... it would please the man. that thought alone makes him feel nauseous. maul had only once killed children. that had served a purpose. he was nothing if not willing to go to the extreme. what purpose would this serve?? eliminating sympathy?? sidious did not need sympathy to rule. he would continue long after it runs out - child or no child. it would cause him no pain for maul is certain he holds no love for anyone, not even his own son. so, what?? was he to kill this child and in doing so admit he feels the same revolting jealousy as he once did for tyranus?? the same that he still holds for vader?? pathetic. "you bear no resemblance to your father??" maul speaks, his hood drawn low over his face as he finally steps out of the shadows. it was a compliment.
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His mother lied to him.
She'd promised that if he behaved and let Cronal shave the side of his head, cut him open so deep that he had to be strapped down to be kept still —because Cronal said that anything to alleviate the pain would have regressed Irek in his force training—, and put a chip inside his head, they'd get to do something that Irek wanted to do, something FUN for once. Irek had been beyond himself with excitement when his mother told him that they'd go to Alderaan. He was looking forward to the festivals, the miles and miles of nature, the food, being around other children instead of old people who didn't want to play; but then they got there and they just went to the palace! There were no children in the palace, even the princess was too old to want to play with him and, while he was indulged with some brief conversation, Irek wasn't dumb, he could tell nobody in that palace liked him or his mother.
So he left. Sneaking away from the guards was fun. Something could be said about the fact that they couldn't stop a five year old from leaving, but Irek was too young to turn his judgmental glances every time he passed one unnoticed into constructive criticism. Even if he could, his focus was concentrated on getting out and away from there.
An open field and a long stick were a bored child's best friends.
He'd watched the inquisitors duel each other many times. It was usually the entertainment arranged for any amount of time he was made to spend with the Emperor. He remembered some of the moves and, grabbing his pretend lightsaber by the middle, managed to imitate them with relative ease– after all, it was easier to handle a stick than an actual double-ended lightsaber. Irek laughed as he made it spin, then threw it in the air and watched it go up and then back down when he suddenly heard a voice and his attention snapped away.
Blue eyes focused on the cloaked figure. Any other child, raised normally, would have been afraid of the sudden presence. But Irek had been born among looming cloaked figures, his version of normalcy involved a lot of cloaks and threatening auras. He wasn't afraid.
The force warned him of the nearing stick as gravity pulled it back to the ground, and he took two steps back to avoid being hit by it. Never did he take his eyes off the cloaked figure, even though he could tell from the sound of it that his pretend lightsaber had snapped in half when it crashed to the ground.
"That was YOUR fault," the boy said quickly. One of the first things he'd learned as part of Palpatine's court: ALWAYS pin the blame on somebody else.
His brows furrowed deeply, as if taking offense in the question. His mother always talked about the Emperor, always tried to paint him in such a nice light to Irek, but he could tell she lied about that too. Besides, the Emperor barely ever spent time with him and when he did, it was because someone was watching them! Irek might not have the best example of normalcy, but he knew enough to know that fathers should be more involved in their children's lived.
"Of COURSE I'm not like my father," he scoffed. "He's old and ugly and some day, I'm going to be stronger than him! I have more midichlorians."
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