#he'd be the hottest dad tho
bi4bihankking · 2 years
Hottest DILF in Stargirl Results
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I should reveal the results of this poll before doing anything else and I will count down from the bottom to the top even though you probably all know who won already.
If a character got beneath this line they got 0 votes (sorry Dragon King)
Joint 7th Place, 1 vote each: Beth's Dad, and Henry King Sr. (Senior you deserve nothing, read Infinity Inc. for him actually being a GOOD DAD)
6th Place, 2 votes: Charles McNider/Doctor Mid-Nite I (I should say nothing but I do kinda get this, all the old men needed to be on the poll)
5th Place, with 5 votes: Jordan Mahkent/Icicle, genuinely thought he'd be higher but maybe other people have less of a mob boss kink than me.
4th Place, with 10 votes: Sylvester Pemberton, the man who needs to mention his nephew, I guess he's lucky because everyone seemed mad about him after the last episode, idk why tho (does not live in the States, cannot watch yet)
3rd Place, with a disappointing 23 votes, pleeaaase he's the hottest old man *sobbing*: Richard Swift/The Shade
2nd Place, with 50 votes: Pat Dugan.
1st Place, with an obscene number of votes, literally 77% of them, 311 votes: It's Uncle Larry
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ventigh · 1 year
Hello there! I love your blankshipping art and I got some questions about dear Ingo and Emmet! One) when did they officially got together and who confessed first? Two) do you like it when they have children and if not why? Three) Is one or both of them trans? And finally Four) if they aren’t already married will they have a wedding and if yes how would it be like? Thanks! 💐
hello, anon! they are indeed very dear! 💐 thank you so much for stopping by to ask me some stuff abt the ship! :D
hrmm, now that i think abt it, i've never put that much thought into establishing clear romantic hcs for the two before. hopefully i got this right! sry if its kinda long ;;;
i'll try my best to answer under the cut! :)
1. hrmm, abt when they officially got together n who confessed first.
that's a tricky one. i think the most plausible answer would be that they knew ever since they were kids. like, it just happened for them, yanno? :) they place so much trust on eo, so y wouldnt they share these wonderful feelings at the first chance they can get? whispered under their kitchen table, sharing a bag of chips and chilling, feeling like forever. or just stowed away in their bedroom, unanimously agreeing on their future. the just knew in that sense :) for sure they r not the types to keep secrets to eo
-and even if they did already know such feelings were wrong for example ૮꒰/ฅ//ฅ//꒱ა i believe they'd still confess it, if only so their brother could help them. they trust each other that much. judgment? between these two? :) come on, now-
in the case of confessions, i think it's a toss-up on who catches feelings first. somehow i think it's kudari who'd be the first to say something bc he lacks a filter moreso than ingo. plus, i dont think ingo would be the type to realize such feelings at a young age. like, he'll have the same attraction towards emmet but he'd just assume it's his usual urge to spoil his baby brother or something. so he would just.. not notice it as soon. idk how to explain it but yeah :3
tho i do personally love it when they only reach such feelings as adults!! life's more complicated! you cant just tell him you love him! you have to pine there and sit with your thoughts, your very romantic and verrry adult thoughtsss (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) hahahhaah yeah i live for yearning (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
i still think emmet would confess first! he has the sort of fluorescent personality for it. but.... he def be careful abt it. more than u think, okay? he wont just go full-steam like this is something to be manic abt. this isnt just some pkmn battle. he loves battling sure but he battles everyday! this is his brother and he's important to him n emmet knows how to slow down, damn it !
yepp :')))
2. my opinions on them having kids!
im assuming this question came from my fanart of my friend's bikerdad!au? :) or it brought it up?
it's a mixed opinion haha. i mean beside @akirasdigbick's nori, i don't think i like imagining them w children? dont get me wrong, i go nuts for dad!nbr, like srslyyy one of the hottest characters in an au ever :') but i usually like stuff that r as close to canon as possible unless i get sold on it.
n i especially don't like it when it's the 'x adopts y' format where y is a canon character in the game. the reason in particular for this one is that emmet gets left behind in these kinds of fun :P the dad!ingo agenda sells by the dozen w a multitude of characters from both pla and bw and suree i see it, but it doesnt rly interest me ever since again, no emmet XP wc is a shame bc if emmets anything like me, kids would follow him around constantly
so yeapp. no kids unless it's a team effort XP personally ;PP
3. is one or both of them trans?
akdkskdk anonnnn nooo XDDDD canon wont ever let that happen ;w; ofc i dont view either of them as trans when consuming content unless its implied buuuut......
trans emmet i love you. trans emmet trans emmet trans emmet ohhh u give me so much comfort and if u view any of my works as emmet being trans then you'd be one hundred percent right suddenly! :D he is transs!!!
but no srsly i dont usually actively hc someone as trans so only emmet for me. and that's mostly for self-indulgent/validation purposes rather than bc i rly see them as trans subtextually per se (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠).... but it may work!!
(oh gods i swear i dont kin emmet)
but srsly okay. when i think of emmet as trans then he's def one who wears a binder! :) he came out at a young age w his parent and ingo ofc being fully supportive of him. he'd probably grow accustomed to the way a binder feels on him, n would be the type to forget to remove it for his own safety sometimes XP sometimes he will brute force his way into wearing it even if he's conscious of the pain bc body dysmorphia do be real and it's a hundred times worse when you carry a title like subway master + dealing w endless customers the leave your skin crawling hours after your shift.
ingo will always pull him aside and be verrry strict w him ofc n emmet would make a saucy joke or two if he wasnt as pale as a sheet, sounding like one too w the way he whistles between his breaths.
ofc ingo wouldn't stay mad for too long and inevitably just sigh and help emmet relax by filling a hot bath w some great salts and warmed chocolate moomoo milk and all the marshmallows. they have a tub big enough to fit both of them in, ingo would massage his back n chest and at first they'd just talk abt their day -complain snark n rant even- until ingo once again whispers for emmet to take care of himself, pleading between kisses on his shoulder blade to wc then emmet would finally just cry :'))))))
i do think that even at a young age, they will absolutely be like so normal abt it. ingo would totally be the best brother ever. liek emmet will totally chill around after his baths by a bit topless bc he'd suddenly be distracted w a game or something midway thru dressing up n ingo will just like not care, just tell his brother to stop being so slow to snap him out of it if he hasnt already. he doesnt go on unnecessarily fights w the kids who bully emmet abt it bc he and emmet knows its not worth shit. he was quick to fling emmet's binder to his face bc ingo told him to clean up his side of the room at the times when even emmets parents hugged him a bit stiffly when he had his binder on. ingo held his hands when he first started taking hormones bc even tho he knew emmet didnt rly fear needles -ingo feared sharp things more than him even- emmet was still scared, even though he'd been putting on a brave face for his parents. then they all had ice creams n still neither let gooooo :3333333333
yeahhhslfkskd a looot of thoughts on that one. not even counting the ones when ingo disappeared :')))
woohh if uve ever made trans!emmet ever, just know i love u forever :)
4. what was their wedding like?
ohhh, anon, i remember actually wanting to make something like a wedding fanfic back then abt that hahah!
the twins probably won't be getting officiated any time soon, that's for sure, but i think they'd be happy w the principle of it ! just that act of sharing their devotion, no matter how tiny it is (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。if it's good enough for them then they're sticking the date on their calendars as their wedding anniversary and thats that ^^
anyw, if u think abt it, a lot of ppl probably propose in the subway. it's where a lot of ppl end up! its where a lot of ppl happen to meet :)
its not knew to the twins but maybe one proposal happens to strike something in them. maybe someone saidbsomething at the right time, the gathered crowd laughs, emmet n ingo meet eyes. and theyre just sharing their own secret smile, ingo nudges his head toward the spectacle w a smirk. theyre subway masters after all, they should be accommodating n this is a joyous event. his twin just rolls his eyes and
-well xDD yeahhh u could see how simple this is going to get so ill spare u the details
but i think thatd best be what gives them the idea, u know? theyre not gonna have a wedding so itd be romantic if they had a proposal anniversary instead. theyd get their rings later but later that night theyd just exchange vows in their special ways. how that is could be up to you
but its just them realizing how ready they both r to just want to get married to rly tie the knot or whatever. rly rly rly see themselves and affirm themselves that theyre in love and its so valid that theyve the memories to prove it
the real prize here is that theyd totally be married like rly rly young. again, its just the point of reaching the revalation for them. theyve always already been devoted to one another.
theyd go, heyy we reached our dream job pretty young, right ingo? x333 y dont we add getting married to check off the life-list
i hc them w all good things in their lifeeee, huh? pretty smooth sailing w just those couple of bumps ^^ ofc we know what came next but.... (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) haaaaaaaaayssst
thanks again for the ask!
sry for boring u 🙇
its p cool if u made it this far (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ so i hope u have a good day!
again sry for being boring heeeeeh.....:DDDD
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anniemika · 2 years
Heeey, so like about dilf!Eren, can you give some headcanons for Eren as a dad and a husband? Your Mother’s Day fic was so gooood and he’s all I can think about💕💕 Oh also how he is when you’re pregnant
This got me all emotional while I was writing it lol ignore me, period hormones, anyways I’ve already written about how he is when you’re pregnant, so I’ll just insert that here. So let’s see
he’d be such help when your kids are still very little, he’d change diapers in the middle of the night, get up to feed them, try his best to take the load off your shoulders
if they walk or say their first word without him being there, he’d literally never get over it and be so sad his eyes would get teary:(((
but if he is, he’ll go completely insane, like he’d be so happy he probably wouldn’t go to sleep for a couple of nights, he’d just be right there next to his kid, waiting for another word to come out (praying it would be dada)
he’d be the type of dad that would go to all his kid’s recitals or even practices when he has the time
he’d be cheering in the crowd and get mad like a little kid if his children are losing at something
even if he is a bit disappointed (because of his ambitious nature), he won’t let them see it but will motivate them when they’re feeling down
would be an ambitious dad overall, even competitive with other dads (insert Jean)
would teach them from a very early age to ride a bike, ski, swim, basically encourage them to be active
he’d love playing with them so much, he would spend hours doing just that and forget everything else that’s happening in the world around him
would absolutely play dolls with his daughter (I just remembered how he played dolls with Mikasa agshdmldxm)
would bribe them for sure when he does something he’s not supposed to (break your favorite vase, conjure a small fire after an attempt at cooking smth he knows he can’t, etc.)
would ask you to teach him how to braid your daughter’s hair, or just teach him basic kid hairstyles so if you’re not around he’d be able to do them
same with his son, he’d be the one to do his haircuts and he’d get straight up offended if you even suggest a hairdresser
would teach them how to play video games and would pout so hard when they become better and start beating him
would make those cute breakfasts with the Mickey Mouse pancakes and fruits decorated as little smiling faces
he’d be such a caring husband, he would make breakfast for you with the kids on your birthday or Mother’s Day, he’d spend time doing handmade cards with them, then go buy you flowers and chocolates and just spoil you rotten
same goes for his kids, he’d make every birthday sooo special, dressing up as their favourite cartoon characters and dressing up as Santa for Christmas
just an all-around really involved dad that spends time with you and them as much as possible, but sometimes maybe not the best influence
you might catch your kids saying some questionable phrases and words because of him
it’d be so funny, he’d accidentally slip a “shit” or a “fuck” and you’d see the blood drain out of his face when he realizes, so he’d try his best to correct himself, saying “shoot” or “fudge” but it’d be too late
could get quite stern and impatient sometimes, it’s part of his personality after all
but he loves his kids so much, he couldn’t possibly stay mad at them for long, and if he accidentally shouts if things escalate (which would happen very rarely), he’d feel like total shit afterwards
would crawl in his kids’ beds and hug them so tightly, whispering that he’s sorry he’s yelled
cause he’s just an emotional guy with an enormous heart after all<3
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
I think about sabertooth being a big purring mess when his s/o is pregnant and closer to the due date.
👁️ This just activated my senses 😭😭😭✋🏻😫😫
He so would tho, like bro.... In like a, tames sabretooth au, he'd be the hottest of messes skskkkssksk
Our boy, just like all my other boys, had a pretty shitty childhood, so he wants to be the best dad he can be bc he knows how hard it sucks to not have one like that 😪 He will never leave your side.
Kind of like how an actual cat that's really attached to it's owner will follow them from room to room... Literally that. Gotta makes sure you're safe and not doing anything to exert yourself after all 🧐
Plus he just kind of likes that idea, that if you ever needed him just for anything at all, he'd be right there for you.
But big yes, he likes when you take some time to rest, especially if he can snuggle up next to you. He'll hold you close and just purr purr purr 😭😭 He can't help it honestly, it's like a reflex, he's just so happy!
Also, high key, I think it would just be so cute if the baby like learns to recognize dad's purring, like how newborns can be soothed by their mom's voice bc they recognize it. Kind of like that, like if the kid's fussy and you need a break, just give it over to dad. He'll hold the the little guy and just purr away, pretty much always works 😭🥺
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