#he'd have closure for chrissy. did everyone forget that his storyline started out with him telling chrissy he loved her?
dusterson · 2 years
OOC musings
I gotta be honest, I don't see Jason as a villain in the slightest. Is he set and written as an antagonist role? Certainly, but not a villain, and I hold those two words to very different definitions.
But, he has no idea what the hell is happening. From his perspective, the government is leaking chemicals into society and killing people, the crops all rotted, and the mall was razed to the ground. And now, culminating that with Chrissy, his girlfriend, the person he loves, being found mutilated in the trailer of a family that is KNOWN to be habitual criminals? And then he witnesses himself what happened to her, happening again to one of his closest friends.
He is TRAUMATIZED. He has ZERO context to what is going on, all he knows is that people are dying and the how's are only getting worse with no answer to the why. Of course he'd jump to the conclusions he did: when your life is mundane and the only spiritual things you hold faith in (as he's clearly religious) are unseeable forces of good and evil, to see all of that shattered would not make sense. Especially in the middle of very, VERY fresh trauma and grief. And he suffers both. His love was mangled horribly to death, his friend lifted midair and broken in so many ways before Jason's eyes. And there was no time, nothing he COULD do, but watch. Just like Eddie!
Even though it was not the right answers, the ones he came to make perfect sense to me. If you weren't around for it, the Satanic panic was a legitimate thing people were concerned about, and there were actual such cults (one lived in the woods right behind one of my childhood home).
To Jason, it was real, and it was the only thing that would have made any feasible sense to him. His perception of reality and how he'd have to live through it with the sudden shift in his personal life and the life of his town as a whole was completely flipped and knocked off the table, of course he'd go on a hunt to avenge his loved ones. Wouldn't you?
Also, watching him finding Max and Lucas, the first thing he does is try and help Max. He is SCARED, but all he wants is his friends and everyone in this town they all live in and know one another to be SAFE. He reaches to hold her PROTECTIVELY. He might not understand what's truly going on, and he's certainly still too overwhelmed by all the painful emotions to be fully capable of reason. Are you reasonable when two people you care deeply about die horrifically? When you see it happen?
Jason deserved better. I wish hed been given such understanding by the writers, and honestly the fandom, is all I'm saying.
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