#he'd like to have a house with soph with this kind of stuff..
ddejavvu · 2 years
single mom bau reader with hotch? reader has a little girl who love love LOVES jack and he’s just like “woo hoo i have :))) a little sister :))))” whenever they have dinner at rossi’s, aaron just stares and the two of them playing so fondly with the reader, tackling her in the glass n stuff and the rest of the team are looking on in disbelief at how oblivious the reader is..
anon this was so cute :(( i looooove single parent!reader with hotch!!
"Sophie," You croon through a giggle, brushing grass out of the little girl's hair, "'Be careful what you wish for!"
Jack comes racing over, hands still sticky with grass stains from where he'd participated in a Sophie-led grass fight, and you made a mental note not to tell Rossi that his perfect lawn is now a little uneven.
The young boy spots a sprig still tucked into one of Sophie's ponytails, his fingers curling around it clumsily, "Missed a spot, Miss Y/N."
"Thanks for gettin' it, buddy." You smile fondly at Jack who puffs with pride at your praise, "Say thank you, Sophie."
"Thank you!" She beams happily at Jack who returns the toothy expression, and he leans in to whisper something rather loudly in her ear.
All you hear is 'attack' and 'mommy' before you're taking off in a sprint, the little ones chasing after you with much smaller strides. You see Aaron sitting on the deck, drink in hand, and make a beeline for him, not bothering to evaluate why he'd already been looking at you before you'd run over.
Safety in mind, you duck behind him, your hands on his shoulders as you peer goofily over his shoulder. The kids stop dead in their tracks, not wanting to throw handfuls of messy grass at Aaron, and he raises an amused eyebrow at them.
"They're tryin' t'get me," You huff, breathing heavier from your sprint, "Your son is a grass killer."
"We'll have to take him in," Aaron hums thoughtfully, looking at the beheaded greenery in his son's hand, "Do you have handcuffs that'll fit him?"
"We'll use rubber bands." You reassure him, your face hovering beside his own as you straighten from behind him, "We're gonna throw you in jail, Jack!"
The boy knows you're joking, even giggles slightly, but Sophie doesn't seem to. Her tiny brow furrows, and big crocodile tears wet her eyes, "No! Mommy, don't!"
"Oh," You croon, reaching for the little girl to wipe her tears, "We're just teasing, bug. We won't really lock him up."
"No," Aaron shakes his head, setting his drink down to lean towards her with a soft smile, "Don't worry. He couldn't stay in jail for very long anyways, he has a soccer game tomorrow night."
"A soccer game that we'll be attending," You shake Sophie gently by the hips, jostling her around to get her out of her funk and excited to go, "Right Soph?"
"Yes!" She cheers, fear long forgotten as she jumps up, "'Gonna bring my quarters, 'cause I need three for a popsicle."
"What kind are you going to get?" Aaron inquires, leaning back in his chair now that the crisis has been averted, "Cherry?"
"Mhm!" She nods vigorously, ponytails bouncing, "How'd you know?"
"That's my favorite, too!" Jack answers her question, perhaps unknowingly, a smile on his face, "Can I get one too, dad?"
"Maybe," Aaron sighs dramatically, "But I don't think I can afford three quarters right now. Maybe Sophie has some for you?"
She doesn't grasp that he's joking, and her eyes light up, "Yeah! I've got ten, Mommy says that's a lot."
"That is a lot." Aaron nods, shooting a smile at you, "You'll have a house in no time, Sophie."
"Can I live there, too?" Jack asks, and Sophie nods eagerly.
"Yeah! We could have sleepovers every night." She grins, reaching for your hand, "'N my mommy can make us mac and cheese!"
"My dad makes real' good mac and cheese too," Jack boasts, "We can all live there together!"
You glance at Aaron, amusement twisting your face into a smirk, but he's already looking at you. Something fond twinkles in his eyes and it catches you off guard, but it's so beautiful you don't have time to evaluate why it's there. You just return the soft smile that he sends your way, turning back to your kids.
"Well that sounds like a fantastic plan," You crouch beside them, setting a hand on each of their shoulders, "Why don't you go draw the house you want? I think your Uncle Rossi left some crayons over there."
"C'mon, Jack!" Sophie's off like a rocket, sprinting through the yard to the designated kid's table, dragging the older boy behind her, "We gotta make plans!"
You watch them go with a fond smile, then plop down unceremoniously into the seat beside Aaron. He's watching them too, eyes growing darker with concern when Sophie nearly topples in her chair, but soft with adoration as Jack helps right her.
"Do you think we, like, get any of the mac and cheese?" You ponder, breaking the serene silence between you two.
"We'll have to make extra when they're sleeping." Aaron decides, "Kraft?"
"Only if the noodles are princess shaped." You insist, eyes intense as you narrow them at Aaron, "None of that star wars bullshit."
"R2-D2 tastes better than Belle." He waves you off with a scoff, "Don't be ridiculous."
"He does not," You shriek, "Take that back!"
"I will not." Aaron grumbles stubbornly, swirling the ice in his drink, "You're wrong."
"This is not going to work out." You sigh forlornly at your daughter, mourning the loss of the house she's scribbling out with Jack, "Who's gonna tell them they have to make their own?"
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