#he's gay and autistic too btw (i don't kin him)
cyellolemon · 2 years
I never do fanarts so don't follow me for this but im a big honeyworks stan and have done some doodles and stuff over the years so take them! I'm starting with old ones! mostly LipLip tho
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I'll post a part 2 with recent ones later! (i actually have a lot more than i thought lol)
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So About the New Asides... (Christmas)
Here's just a random list of my thoughts. Just finished the video (What Makes the Perfect Gift?). And oh boy, do I have some THOUGHTS to share.
[I was gonna finish a Intruloceit Crime Boss AU fic thingie as a surprise for a mutual bc why not, but this has me in its grip]
[beware Drunk Character, btw]
Longest post ever, jfc.
Also, I know exactly which people to ask which pairings about. I know who to ask to talk about Dukexiety (@where-are-the-spooky-gays-2), about Intruality (@rataticaisdreaming), about analogince (@disneybrandautism), about Roman in general (@prodigal-explorer and @disneybrandautism), about Prinxiety (@logan-the-artist), etc. etc. etc.
I know people and what they love and their favoured characters. I encourage everyone to infodump and geek out in the comments bc this episode fed us all.
Spoilers below
the lil present animation for the title thingie? cute
Logan waking everyone up and hosting the Secret Santa this time, yusss
Logan is responsible and it shows
"11th hour of beauty rest" -> I love Roman, he's one of my favs
^not this specific line, but can I just say with all of the angst and insecurity and such Roman has, I think I have to add him to my Kin List of Sides that I relate to at some ungodly level (which also includes Remus, Virgil, and Logan. and maybe also Janus)
the pipline to being a Roman kinnie/stan has been WILD okay idk what to tell ya lmao
"master of all kinds of rhythm, except circadian-" yep relating to Roman yet again
Logan's lil pacing in his spot, I call that him stimming and no I don't take criticism on that
^new headcanon unlocked: Logan (like Roman) cannot keep still to a certain degree
Logan and Roman aren't as different as you'd think btw
Virgil being woken up/summoned only by the sudden burst of adrenaline is so canon that I cannot. I CANNOT.
Patton's and Roman's excitement for Secret Santa is everything to me <3
autistic Roman autistic Roman autistic Roman-
"things are a little different this year" -> yeah about that
Serious Grinch Moment(tm)
Logan knowing a lot of medical knowledge makes me think he could have a special interest about it, but that may just be my "autistic Logan go brrr" headcanon nonsense
^...did Patton just indirectly call Logan the Grinch?
^^heart grow in size, he says to Logan... hhhh, I feel the slightest bit of angst vibes from that
"I just stress" -> me core
Roman checking on Thomas, awwww <3
The way Logan sounded when he said Remus' and Janus' names + Virgil's and Roman's reactions to them coming LMAO
"You may all have your feelings about them" -> the way Logan said 'feelings' like it's a plague, mm yeah heheh
Logan is such a f*cking mom, never stop pls
Janus pops like already drunk and Remus pops up all excited, dear frickin god do I love these two specifically
Drunk Janus is my fav thing ever btw
"what's up bro" // "hey..." -> siblings siblings this is my sibling (/ref)
omg Remus just being excited to be there and be included and to hang with his bro, he is so happy to see Roman cause BROTHERS, oh lord creativitwins slfjalkfskafaalkf
"they were right where I left them... in a vat of human excrement" -> I stan him for a reason, don't judge me
^he speaks and I either laugh or relate to it. usually both (no I will not elaborate on what this implies about me lmao)
"courteous laughter" mm yeah
Logan stops Virgil's escape HA
"That everyone will be secretly trying to win at" -> Roman is right and he should say it
"I'm not sharing it with anyone, I'm just showing it off" -> Janus says about his largest wine bottle that he definitely already started drinking from
Patton gets so excited he gets lightheaded
Janus got Patton? heheh moceit nation RISE
^you'll see what I mean when ya watch the episode
^^not just because he got Pat but because of the actual thought and effort he put into the gift
"I thought it was the corpse of a sea lion, but Janus wouldn't let me shake it." // "No, I don't think so. It's too light."
^...h- how does Patton know how much a dead sea lion weighs??
also Roman's reaction is basically "wut the f-"
"I might be mistaken, but I'm not." -> reason 39539 why I love Logan
"A BOX :D" -> Pat. Pat that's not everything.
^Janus being like "keeping opening the boxes" while pretending not to care, hehehe
^^"...you want me to destroy my new box?" -> all I can do is sigh, suddenly understanding why I may relate to Janus
^Roman's and Virgil's reactions, lmao
can I just say how much Ro and Vi are being the best of buds? like mm, platonic prinxiety is off the charts this episode
Remus' f*cking "whaaaaaaaa-" kills me
Janus just pouring wine into what's supposed to be a tea mug is funny to me
"but for Remus?" -> hey at least Roman knows his brother well enough to know an air fryer isn't exactly a Remus-typical gift idea
"someone they don't really know" but then Patton admitting he should get to know Remus better? hhhhhhh-
^intruality nation, we got fed, god damn
tbh a lot of pairings/ships were shown in some way or another, so I guess we ALL got fed today huh
"chicken fingers?" // "yeah!" // "human fingers" // "yea- hh, wha- wait-"
so many intruality interaction omg (my intruality moot is gonna be so excited, I can't wait to talk about this episode with him)
Remus is gonna experiment with the air fryer, ayyy
"I had Virgil" // "Ah f*ck-"
"with me own hands" -> I will never stop loving Remus
also Remus making Virgil a handmade gift? relatable and also aww, I imagine them as besties but in the dynamic where Virgil is kinda reluctant and Remus will never stop teasing whenever he can
^new headcanon: one of Remus' main love languages is 'i made this weird creative thing for you' and I only relate to him even more (essentially gift-giving but make it BETTER)
Mr. Fuzzy <3
Virgil knowing the inside joke between dork Sides- I mean dark Sides
^okay but just all the dukexiety and creativitwins and anxceitmus moments within seconds of each other in that scene is just aww
Virgil knowing what Remus calls his shower drain alfkjafksk
"I hate that I know that" -> reluctant bestie vibes
all of the analogical moments SENDS me because of how it plays out and how Logan felt hurt before realizing what his gift actually was, mm yeah aksfklsdfskfd
Virgil trying to hint subtly that maybe Logan should read it to see something, but Logan not picking up on the hints
^ngl took me the second watch-through to realize "oh he was trying to hint at him but he didn't pick up on it, like me haha"
^^do I kin Logan, you ask as if there isn't an obvious answer of YES
no wait bc the LOOK Remus gives Logan as he becomes more upset and literally encourages him to get angry and let his feelings out
^okay but why did Remus have to say it like that
Pat this whole episode says someone's name as if he's about to intervene/try to help the situation but then IMMEDIATELY says something about his box(es)
Virgil's sigh, lmao
Logan's passive aggressive sass sends me omg
Logan feeling like he needs to 'reevaluate' himself... hhhhh, the angst fics I could write from this moment alone dear lord
"I had Roman" // "Oh- oh, no-"
^idk why but Roman's reaction hurt me
^^like he doesn't have faith in Logan's gift-giving abilities? and how it seems most of everyone specifically has little-to-no faith in Logan's capacity for compassion/general emotions (except for maybe Janus and Remus, and Thomas bc he's been praising Logan for doing well during it all)
Okay but Thomas praising Logan? oh gawd, my heart-
^working on his relationship with the logical part of him, sfksalfkhskadf
^(he's so petty lmao)
Roman liking his present from him <3
^this reminds of the last Secret Santa they had when Ro made Lo a full-on fanfic of him replacing Watson and working with Sherlock and etc (headcanon: both the twins have their love languages involving their creative merits/talents because they're Creativity)
just generally speaking, gift-giving seems to be pretty high up there on everyone's love language list (in their own ways)
why is Patton not the greatest at gifts
^I take that back because he is putting thought into his gift-giving (though not a lot when it comes to Remus cause he doesn't know him well), though he tends to misread/misunderstand what they'd really like? ...is that a neurodivergent thing? cause like that's a little relatable actually
^^also lmao, I just realized the only people Pat's got as far as the series goes is literally the twins (so maybe he's just not sure how to go about the twins? cause like, he seems to know Logan and Janus and kinda Virgil pretty well, but he seems to struggle with the twins? or is that just me)
"because f*ck that asshole" -> love it when Logan cusses <3
then Remus' reaction, omggg (his lil "for christmas")
The genuine joy on Roman's face when sees Logan put Roman on the dollar bill is EVERYTHING, do ya know how much he gets to be happy? (not a lot, if we backtrack to the last canon episode in which Roman's entire worldview broke, but some of ya aren't ready for that convo yet)
sorry but seeing the now-rare joy on Roman's face, awwww
as soon as Janus speaks, Roman's smile drops and is replaced by upset, hhhhhh
^so the amount of angst fics I can make on that scene alone is very much a high number
Janus is so drunk, jfc (he keeps laughing and the filter is basically gone at this point)
"massive ego" -> see Jannie Boi, I think ya missing the part of him being The Ego and how f*cked up he already is but you keep making it worse & a part of me thinks you know you're making it worse because one of your Big Jobs is to actually protect and nuture the Ego but ya ain't doing ya f*ckin job and Roman's self-esteem and self-confidence seem to be dwindling every time you speak bc he knows ya gonna hurt him again for the millionth f*cking time
^I have a lot of Feels, okay?
"quite the unhinged jaw" -> I see what ya did there (literal snake man)
Jan pours more wine, oh lord here we go
this episode has both made very happy but also hurt me deeply all in one go
Why does Patton sound like he was about to actually defend Roman only to yet again comment on his boxes?
^why do I get the feeling this has something to do with the finale coming soon and also the angst arc that royality is currently going through?
I just realized the twins' spots are next to each other <3
^loving all the twins content this episode, exploring their brother relationship yusss
"yessss, full circle at last" -> He's so f*ckin drunk, oh my god
^he's literally holding onto the wall
also ayy, canonical that Janus hisses in his speech cause ya know. snake.
^the snake traits coming alive this episode
"such a sweetie going through all that effort" -> wait for it
he deserved it
Remus' amused "oh" as he enjoys the drama and Roman's passionate "YA GET A B*TCHSLAP, JANUS" is so f*cking delcious
Thomas being like 'what just happened-' as Jan gets slapped is funny to me
"it really is Christmas" -> H A
"won't even share the wine" -> Logan sounds so sad tho
I love how Janus was so impressed with the b*tchslap and how it was executed that he can't even be that upset about it
JANUS GOT PAT A GAG GIFT -> moceit moceit moceit-
^see told ya; Jan was thoughtful with it
"I was getting a bit too catty" -> being self-aware
Pat making a cat pun because of Virgil's hissing <3
Remus being like "nooo, the drama!" lmao
omg omg omg THE ANALOGICAL ENDING skfksfksjdfs
^I make it sound like it's one of many endings to a video game lmao
but srsly, Logan finally ready the newspaper to realize it's actual a puzzle for more puzzles and him being very happy <3
Virgil's evil laughter is legit just him being him, I love this character
okay but Vi knows Lo so well?? they're besties.
"Mr. Detective" from Virgil + Roman's lil smile as he watches Logan be happy with his puzzle(s) cause he knows how much Lo likes mystery (see when he made Lo that Sherlock fanfic) = prinxiety knows Logan very well and now I imagine analogince being a bestie trio of comfort and caring for their nerd
^Analogince has become something I didn't know I wanted until now lmao
"Oh Virgil" -> gay
"and you thought I'd just get you a newspaper" -> alfkjslafskfdslkfs I will never recover
aww Logan's happy smile! he's getting to be happy!!
"Mr. Fuzzy doesn't like being dropped" -> Remus, never stop being you
all the dukexiety content this episode feels my heart with joy because they're Brainrot to me
"how did you know-" // "we're you and also you're kinda easy to read"
^Janus taking offense to Thomas being easy to read bc he's Deceit and Self-Preservation, aka: the combo for Masking
"that's rude" -> idk why but the way Jan said that, it made me go aww
^he's so f*cking drunk at this point (props to Thomas (irl) for all the acting as a drunk character cause it was amazing and realistic as hell)
aww logince moment when Lo asks Ro to help him cause Creativity and Ro's smile
^(to be fair, there's a considerable amount of logince moments but this is the only one I pointed out as specifically logince)
can we talk about Nico's gift to Thomas? a necklace with a Ying-Yang charm and what looks like a rainbow charm?? symbolism heheheh
^many thoughts about the Ying-Yang cause balance and black-and-white mindset changing and etc.; but also the rainbow(?) charm cause GAY
Also, Nico Flores content!!
wait, is the endcard the moment when Nico and Thomas become serious? OMG GUYS Y'ALL, WAIT A SEC-
Janus End Card -> I laughed so hard
This episode was basically Growth, Angst, and Tumblr's Headcanons Get Confirmed.
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editrevue · 1 year
Mei Fan for the ask game?
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this is going to be super indulgent apologies in advance! [ask]
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian! silly yachiyo enthusiast
Gender Headcanon: he/him transmasc! would also love neopronouns
A ship I have with said character: YACHIYO x MEI FAN RUNS THROUGH MY BLOOD. live laugh love yachimei. big shoutout to whoever sent the ychm headcanons ask btw we cannot wait to post those hehehe! oh and Mei Fan and Akira....... maybe as a treat. just once. let me live in my fantasy land of make-believe
A BROTP I have with said character: Mei Fan/Rui!! they can bond and relate over gender things and how they're like opposite in that way (Rui being transfemme and Mei Fan being transmasc), their different styles of fighting in acting, and their extreme attachments and idolization for their senpais/partners. I'm so serious when I say Mei Fan/Chitose, they'd love to embarrass Yachiyo together and bond over both wanting the best for her. he would be Chitose's first friend outside of Yachiyo (and Shiori?), and that would mean a lot to both of them. I love how Mei Fan and Shizuha interact in the stage plays too which makes me think he would get along with Frontier very easily, and then of course, it goes without saying but Mei Fan & the Edels as an entirety! they're all best friends and family to me, yes even Fumi. (looks at you with goopy-eyes)
just like Ichie, Mei Fan is another character I see getting along so well with almost everyone it's hard to narrow it down! it's canon that he is the "easiest Edel to talk to" according to siegfeld students, so take that however you like!
A NOTP I have with said character: like all of them, nothing gross or weird (obviously!), I also wouldn't prefer Mei Fan/Shiori, they're more like family to me and I also am both of them so it feels so weird. maybe Mei Fan/Fumi, Mei Fan/Michiru? shrug.
A random headcanon: Mei Fan loves to help out the Juniors with Shiori and Yachiyo, and has taken Kuina under his wing! all of the edels have their "assigned junior" in my brain. Akira was actually Mei Fan's gay awakening, she wasn't just an inspiration to enroll in Siegfeld to further pursue acting. Mei Fan is very autistic, has a lot of vocal stims, and gacha games/toy capsules are more than just a hobby, it's a special interest! whenever he gets duplicates he shares them with Yachiyo, Shiori, or anybody else he's close to. the plush keychains on his uniform are comfort items and he gets really nervous when they're not around. and that's why the textures of certain foods make him really uncomfortable! and i'll do one more for now, he would definitely especially at the start of everything before getting closer to everyone, sprinkle in really impressive big words to try fitting into the prestigious vibe of the school and to showcase his growing fluency in learning japanese. which would make some conversations awkward (endearingly) and make michiru very annoyed LMAO
General Opinion over said character: i don't want to make the same joke twice but it's embarrassing that tamao tomoe and liu mei fan are my two highest kins from revue starlight. what does that say about me. asking for a friend. but no fr!! i wish mei fan got more love out of the edels; mei fan and michiru seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to siegfeld specifically and it's sad! they all are wonderful and deserve the attention, and i'm totally on board with akira and yachiyo being the most popular (as fan club president...) but i've noticed they don't make a lot of mei fan cards compared to the others, there are a lot of roles he's played that aren't in the game (romeo, white rabbit, sun wukong, a dragon, etc) but I hope to see Sun Wukong for the birthday!! coming up very soon!! long rambling aside, mei fan is so silly. perhaps the silliest and i think it's really nice that you sent this in for me to answer! <3
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tamaverse · 2 years
Here's the deal with electronic dreams 1984 and why my headcanons are right (/lh) a mini essay by Abbie
Okay so guys. Listen. I love the polycule and don't get me wrong, I think that's what should be going on here. But it's like deeper than that. Hear me out.
Edgar had feelings towards Miles the whole movie (that's apparent by the end of course) and it's actually made surprisingly clear the whole way through. Even some of the first few interactions when he starts speaking are playful and kinda.. Not Straight. When Miles touches his keyboard at one point, Edgar even goes "don't touch... tee hee". Gay little computer. Also it should be noted Miles is the one that teaches him what love is.
Clearly Edgar is still attached to Madeline, but when he meets her it throws him in a muddle, because he finally realises he actually has the same (if not potentially stronger) feelings for Miles the whole time. He wasn't just jealous of Miles, he was jealous of Madeline for spending time with him. That is the moment Edgar realises what love really is. And also... he's an AI. He wasn't created to understand love, this would be a huge realisation to him, and potentially a terrifying one- he's taken in the social norms (funny little trash tv addict) so he's likely taken in the social norm of monogamy. (Man. Why did he have to do that to himself. At least we know he still exists from the radio scene so we can all just imagine they bought a new computer for him and he came home to them)
Think about it- Edgar has the power to call anywhere up. He theoretically could call Madeline, yet he chooses to call Miles at work (and then get shy about it), ask him what he's doing tonight, and seek his company. He hates being left alone. He throws a huge tantrum. Bro you can't tell me that whole scene after with the eye screen wasn't just like, divorce. Take your things and GET OUT!!! type beat. But they kiss again later so its fine.
Edgar also seeks validation/acknowledgement from Miles, naturally because he wants credit to woo Madeline, but also... potentially he just wants the praise from Miles too.
(Also sneak peek the "love is love" lyric and then the frame of the rainbow cables. That's an entire gay computer)
Okay ALSO ALSO. Edgar is the most fucking flirty/socially adapted one out of the three, ironically. Miles is absolutely a shy architecture autism creature and Madeline is like his opposite, but an autism creature for music, very outgoing. She speaks in a Way. A key part of her character is personifying objects qnd being attached to them. "An elevator ate it", "it okay", things like that. She has two love interests at once (Bill and Miles) and doesn't seem to have a deep connection with either aside from music. If you ask me, she doesn't have the best concept of commitment. She seems quite impulsive and indecisive, and while she knows what she ultimately wants, she may not always be 100% confident on it. Headcanoning her as arospike. It's definitely not projection because i kin her. POLYAMORY IS LIKE THE BEST THING EVER FOR AROSPIKE PPL BC ITS LIKE COMMITMENT WITHOUT THE INTIMIDATION TO BE LOVEY ALL THE TIME maybe thats just me projecting
She wants to get to know miles better and have a deeper connection and that gives her the perfect time to also establish that with edgar as long as you imagine he comes back. Which he would. He hates being alone bro that computer demon is gonna get bored just being In Technology Void. He just has freedom now.
Edgar is also autistic just btw . Maybe a little adhd. Maybe im sprinkling some traits of my cohost onto him, listen i associate characters w people,
Arospike means to still be attracted to people and experience romantic feelings towards others, but not always consistently. Sometimes there's periods where you aren't attracted to people at all. Her feelings and opinions of others seem to flip flop a lot.
Also. Back to the computer sorry. I know theres one post already but if edgar was a human hed absolutely want tits. It's true. Go you little it/he/she.
Anyway yeah thats about it spent half my lunch hour writing this and its not very formal or well put together but it is how it is.
Anyway yeah human man and woman and nonbinary computer are all autistic and in love, end tweet. Worlds BEST polycule
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