#he's just constantly on this knife edge. push him a bit too far and he'll snap
creonininkwell · 2 years
What’s it like working with Lucy? Does anything seem…off about him?
A giant pain in the @$$, but I put up with him because he's a useful pain in the @$$
At first I thought he was a whiny b!tc# I'd have to constantly babysit. It's a bit suspicious that his "work" happens to coincide where I go. The first few times he would show up randomly at the place. Sometimes he would accompany me on the ship ride. His "job" is harvesting monster parts. Why the Devil needs Lucy to go monster hunting, I don't know. He doesn't know either, cuz why would you question your boss, the Devil?
Fair point.
I wonder if the Devil eats them? That would kinda make sense.
Lucy also seems accident prone. Like one time I was trying to search for clues or secret mechanism in the overgrowth near some ruins. My back was turned for one minute, JUST ONE. I turn around to painful screaming. Somehow Lucy got himself bitten by some giant beetles. He's too embarrassed to tell me how he gets into these accidents. But seriously, how is it possible to stab yourself in the foot? I don't know why he had a knife to begin with. I have no idea where he's keeping them. Maybe he's got a bag of holding or some bull$h!t pocket dimension.
Then everything changed the one time he lost his $h!t and started to torch nearly everything to ashes. Now I've got to worry about his hair-trigger temper. It's worse since he can set things on fire (b@$stard). I don't know how contracts with the Devil work, but it's gotta suck if the side effects are growing devilish feature with heavy magic use. It's kind of unsettling to see an unhinged Lucy with horns and yellow spliced eyes setting things on fire...and laughing.
Another thing, he still hasn't learned from the last time we tangled with that wolf mafia. And this was when he was "pursuing" me. You'd think getting kidnapped and roughed up, he'd learn to shut up when it's needed. Seems like he needs to piss off or insult someone. I expect a lot of fights any time we encounter people or talking monsters. Half of the time I'm able to smooth things over without it escalating further or worse than before.
But again, those are kind of rare and few. How does a cartoon universe have some f***ed up cults or evil psychos that look like they've been ripped straight from horror flicks? I'm really upset at how much I've resorted to violence to solve my problems. The past dimensions have forced me to bring back my old skill set; how to murder and getting away with it.
Now it's not all bad. There are times where he's actually helpful. I'll admit this, I don't think I could've made it this far in my search for a way back home. As much as I dislike magic, it's really handy to have a magic-user with you. Even if said magic-user is an a$$h0le, satanic warlock. He's super knowledgeable about ancient civilizations and most magical beasts and monsters. He actually has a knack for dead languages. It's really impressive.
Sometimes he'll have a lecture or two on the history of certain sites. It's actually one of the few times when he's not being a pretentious prick. Now if only he can stop putting up this snobbish front all the time. Expeditions with him kind of remind me of the good and treacherous times with my party from the D&D dimension.
Still think his demon teapot is creepy. And that grimoire he brings out occasionally. Him chanting in whatever infernal language with that book sets me on edge. I almost expect the Devil to pop up from his summoning.
Now that you mention it. There are some things "off" about him. Especially when his eyes glow when he's searching with magic sight. For some reason those glowing yellow eyes really set me on edge. It really creeps me out when he stares at me with those eyes. Like he's looking for secrets. Sometimes he'll pause mid-sentence or mid-word when he's talking about himself. I don't know why he's so tight-lipped about himself. Wonder if he's embarrassed about some personal stuff. I don't push on that issue on principal. since I prefer to keep lots of personal stuff to myself. Sometimes he gets sullen or moody at times, but he won't tell me why or give some bull$h!t excuse.
It's a good thing I'm a light sleeper. Experience from my time in service. Hopefully it's just my paranoia, and Lucy doesn't plan to slit my throat in my sleep for whatever bath$h!t ritual. I haven't seen him doing any rituals...yet.
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