#he's just not gonna broadcast that to Primus and everybody without a DAMN good reason
spymeister · 4 months
What is your main motivation?
Kind of a broad-ended question, anon- but I'll do my best to answer it for ya.
So, m'not really the academic type- that's more @rifleseye's thing than mine, but I'll see if I can't bullet-point it for ya.
So, main motivation(s) is/are gonna be:
Survival— Y'might think it's a throwaway, but survival ain't just about having somethin' to drink, eat, and a place to recharge. It's about figuring out how to get supplies, the logistics of friendships, relationships, and other situations you might have to manipulate to help you blend in or mimic a particular type of people, atmosphere, or culture. People hear 'survival' and think about the immediate physical needs, but a lot more goes into it.
Emotional Well-being— Sounds like a cop-out, but lemme tell ya that if you ain't got your processor where you need it to be- you're not gonna thrive. Emotional well-being can be as easy as doin' a nice task now and then for someone ya care about- or cultivatin' a whole-aft relationship with people ya never thought you'd have stuff in common with.
Safety— Spent the whole war lookin' over my shoulder and in the ceilings and floors for threats and predators. That sorta of paranoia doesn't go away easily, and it comes laden with a whole lotta PTSD. Creatin' yer own safe spaces are essential as frag. It's the only place or places or people- where ya can allow yourself to just melt down and feel. Or just to go and regroup yourself in relative silence. I'm a pretty social mechanism- so more often than not, my safe space is certain people. (You know who you are.)
So there ya are, my top 3 motivations.
Rarely, there's a fourth; sometimes, that one is just Vengence. I try not to use that one often. Tends t'get me in trouble.
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