#he's like wow! i love my dad and my best friend! isn't life swell!
cloysterbell · 1 year
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You know, this past year, this is the longest I've ever stayed in one place.
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islandfate · 1 year
is it sad to say … i MIGHT cry over this show today. thanks to a little lost au plotting, i went ahead and took the initiative of writing down every major and interesting plot point in season one. and wow if that didn't bring back a shitload of nostalgia and emotions for this show. plus, listening to lost's soundtrack is like an absolute punch in the gut in the best way.
it's been a lost week ( and year ) for me, surprisingly enough. i rewatched seasons 2-5 back in april and wrote some stuff for ben, which is the first time i've really dabbled in his character since 2017. last week, i mentioned lost to a new buddy and she suggested we watch it together ( since she wants to see billiam's lost video essays ) and i said fuck yeah! so we're doing that tonight. and on tuesday, i think, i met up with some friends at lunch and mentioned lost. again. but! this guy we were sitting with knew about the show, enabling me to talk/rant about lost for what would usually be a little too long, but my rambling convinced my suitemate to start watching it, so i think that's a score! and now the lost au plotting just has me in my feels. i will seriously never forget how special watching lost is, how much it means to me, my first time discovering it ... and the great thing about starting this show when you're ten years old is that, every time you watch it, you understand something new. the love i have for my favorite characters grows even deeper. i grew up alongside these characters and their stories and relationships mean so much to me. i think the reason i've written so little lost fanfiction is because this show is like, the closest to perfect it gets in my eyes? of course, this show isn't actually perfect. but i can't see a way to write something interesting or new about these characters when they already do that.
honestly, though, me and lost are synonymous. we go hand in hand. it is my show and i will defend it till my last breath, misconstrued ending be damned. and aside from bjm, there has never been something in my life that has spoken to me this much. that has touched parts of my soul i didn't even know existed. i'm not a big cryer when it comes to movies or television, but lost is always a tearjerker. not even always in a sad way – it's often the reunions, the character relationships, the touching moments that make me cry. rose and bernard's reunion, two character i don't even care about, makes me cry ( and made my nine year old brother cry ). seeing michael say goodbye to walt in that flashback will never not make me sob. the raft launching and the music swelling in the background always makes me tear up. locke finding out his father conned him to steal his kidney makes me cry SO HARD. every time. desmond and penny reconnecting over the phone??? sawyer telling jack that he met his dad before the crash, and how proud christian was of his son? giving jack that final closure? ben crying over his daughter and saying that locke is "the only one that will have me" ?!? just rips my heart out and stomps on it. i could go on and on about the emotional moments in this show, but i think that's something so great about it. lost doesn't pull its punches when it comes to making you feel. once you get attached to these characters, you're in it. you are not coming out unscathed. ana lucia, i character i don't even like very much, made me fucking cry. because you can just feel her devastation in those flashbacks. they're all just so human, and yes, they're flawed as hell, but i love what they did with these characters. even jack, for as much as i despise him ( until season 6 of course ), i still think he's a great character. and they do a damn good job of making you love characters you should absolutely hate ( cough ben & michael ).
it's just not fair that no one watches this show anymore!! and if i have to be the person that spreads the word, then i'll do it. because i think it's genuinely worth watching. and there's not a moment that's gone by i regret spending time on lost, because it means that much to me. i've watched all six seasons every year since i was ten, sometimes watched it again that same year ( as 2023 is shaping up to be one of those years ), so i've seen this show fully through at least ten times. that's over a whole month of my life spent watching lost. 37 days. and it'll only grow, because i'm taking this show to the grave with me.
anyway. thanks for coming to my ted talk. more lost thoughts will be happening soon, i'm sure – especially after i watch the pilot episodes. expect many more rambles <3
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Chapter 5
Eden came too not knowing where she was.
"Chase!" Eden screams out scared out of her mind.
"Shhh Princess I am right here." Chase says kissing her head.
"Oh god Chase you got me." Eden says.
"Of course baby girl I will always come get you." Chase says.
"Am I in the hospital?" Eden asks.
"Yes awaiting a bed in the ICu. You need blood so they have to admit you." Chase says.
"Okay how bad was it?" Eden asks.
"Bad baby. But they stitched you back up and are going to give you blood." Chase says.
"Okay." Eden says.
"Yes they ran some lab work and other things as well just waiting for the results to come back." Chase says.
Eden relaxed against him feeling safe in his arms. Chase kisses her head being careful of the cuts and bruises. The doctor walks in.
"Sorry to interrupt but we got her tests results back." The doctor says.
"Everything okay?" Eden asks.
"Eden did you know you are pregnant?" She asks.
"No I didn't I was on the shot so I didn't think I could be." Eden says.
"Well you are. I am going to do a sonogram to see how far along you are." She replies.
"Okay." Eden says softly.
The doctor leaves to go get what she needed. Eden looks up at Chase who has a big smile on his face.
"I want to be a a dad so bad." Chase says.
"But what if it isn't yours Chase?" Eden asks sadly.
"Biology is just that biology. It don't make you a father. So no matter what happens and whoever the baby dad is I will raise him or her like he or she was mine." Chase replies.
"Really baby?" Eden asks.
"Yes baby." Chase says.
The doctor comes back in with the sonogram machine.
"Okay lets find out how far a long you are.   I am assuming this is the dad?" The doctor asks.
"Yes he is the dad." Eden says.
Chase just smiles.   The doctor nods her head as she gets ready.   Eden lifts up her shirt and the doctor rubs gel on her belly.    She runs the wand over her stomach and the screen comes to life.
"Well from the looks of it you are just a few weeks a long.   Almost a month but not quite yet.   And it looks like you are having twins." The doctor says.
She points at the screen and shows them each baby.
"Wow Princess I got good Aim and on the first try. "Chase says.
"Oh my god Chase really? "Eden says covering her face in shame.
"I have actually heard worse so its okay." The doctor says chuckling.
She prints them each a copy.   They finely got her a bed in the ICU.
"Will Chase be able to stay with me?" Eden asks.
"Yes he can." The doctor says.
"Good I am glad." Chase says.
"I will make sure that they start you on prenatal vitamins and everything okay." The doctor say.
"Okay, thank you." Eden replies.
The doctor leaves and they get Eden moved up to the her room.   They had gotten Chase a cot to sleep on.   They started Eden's blood transfusion.   Chase was laying beside her and Eden was resting on his chest.
"I love you baby." Chase says kissing her head.
"I love you too.   I know without a shadow of a doubt you are the father." Eden says.
"I think I am too baby.   Not that it matters I will love them like they are mine." Chase says.
"I do not deserve you." Eden says.
"Yes you do baby.   You are the most amazing girl in the world.   You are my soul mate and my best friend." Chase says kissing her head.
"I feel the same way.   God I am sorry I got myself into this mess." Eden says.
"Oh Eden baby, this is not your fault.   You are a victim." Chase says.
"I don't know if I can get out of this Chase.   I am contracted with the team and he isn't going to let me go." Eden says.
"Press Charges against him Eden.   What he did to you was assult and battery." Chase replies.
"I know but I provoked him." Eden says.
"What happened?" Chase asks.
" It is going to hurt you." Eden says.
"Tell me anyway." Chase replies.
"Sid and I were having sex because he wanted to try and make it work.   I didn't want him to snap.   So I closed my eyes and pretended Sid was you.   Well when I came I called out your name." Eden says.
"Oh damn.   Not that is a reason to try and kill someone." Chase says.
"You aren't upset?   You don't hate me?" Eden says.
"One I could never hate you.   And no I am not upset." Chase replies.
Eden was shocked but glad that he wasn't upset.   She would hate hurting him.   She was so thankful she had him in her life because she knew walking away from Sid wouldn't be easy.
Its been a few days since Eden was attacked.   She was out of the hospital and doing really well.   She missed Chase's race in Cali cus she was still in the hospital but she was in Vegas with Chase for the race there.   The Penguins gave her a leave of absence to minimize the damage Sid had done.     Eden and Chase were in the coach at the track eating dinner.     Eden was flipping through a magazine looking for something fun to do.  
"Hey Chase I got a crazy idea." Eden says.
"Oh yeah Princess what is that?" Chase asks.
"Well we are in Vegas so why don't we go get married?" Eden asks.
Chase stopped mid bite, "Are you serious?" Chase asks.
"Well I mean we are about to become parents in eight and half months so why not?" Eden says.
"You are right baby.  Let's get married." Chase says. 
Eden was so happy.   She went and got her best dress on and Chase got his suit on.   They head out of the coach. 
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Ryan was waiting for them.
"I can't believe you two are gonna get hitched in Vegas." Ryan says.
"We will have a big wedding later on. "Chase says.
"Yes I just want to marry him and make it official." Eden replies.
"Well let's go get you two hitched." Ryan says.
They head to the chapel.   They go inside.    As soon as it was their turn they head up.    Ryan was standing up for them.    Chase had it all set up in their package.  They got they even had real wedding rings.    Finally it was time for their vows. 
"Eden, you and I are beginning a new chapter in our life together. As husband and wife, I want us to enjoy today, to experience what this moment has to offer, to drink deeply at the fountain of love. But I also want us to experience our future together, to gather wisdom from all our shared adventures, to discover the joy of loving more deeply as the years pass. I want us to be inseparably bound by the thousands of events we will live together. I want us to build a past rich with laughter, love and enthusiasm – a past we can always remember with fondness, while bravely and happily facing our future." Chase says.
"Clyde, you and I are beginning a new chapter in our life together. As husband and wife, I want us to enjoy today, to experience what this moment has to offer, to drink deeply at the fountain of love. But I also want us to experience our future together, to gather wisdom from all our shared adventures, to discover the joy of loving more deeply as the years pass. I want us to be inseparably bound by the thousands of events we will live together. I want us to build a past rich with laughter, love and enthusiasm – a past we can always remember with fondness, while bravely and happily facing our future." Eden says.
Finally it was time for the rings.
"Eden, I give this ring as my gift to you.  Wear it and think of me and know that I love you.  I give you this ring in God's name, as a symbol of all that we have promised and all that we shall share.   I give you this ring as a visible and constant symbol of my promise to be with you as long as I live." Chase says slipping her ring on her finger.
"Chase, I give this ring as my gift to you. Wear it and think of me and know that I love you.  I give you this ring in God's name, as a symbol of all that we have promised and all that we shall share.   I give you this ring as a visible and constant symbol of my promise to be with you as long as I live." Eden says slipping his ring on his finger.  
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They finally were able to share their first kiss as husband and wife.    Ryan was happy for them.   They head back to the track.  
"Congratulations guys.   I am so happy for you both." Ryan says hugging Chase and then Eden.
"Thanks man.   Thanks for being there." Chase says.
"Yes thank you for being there on our important day." Eden says.
Ryan heads back to his coach.   Chase picks Eden up.
"Clyde what are you doing?" Eden asks.
"Carrying my wife over the threshold." Chase replies.
"Such a traditional guy." Eden says.
"Yup a Georgia Peach." Chase says kissing her.
They head inside.   Chase carries her into their bedroom.   Fletch scattered off the bed.  Chase sits her down on the ground.    Eden pulls him to her with his tie.
"I can't wait to peel this suit off of you piece by piece." Eden says.
" I know and I can't wait to get you out of that dress." Chase replies.
Eden undoes his tie throwing it.   She then slides his jacket off throwing it on top of the tie.   She then un buttons his shirt slowly.   Placing soft kisses along his chest as she does.
"Eden." Chase moans.
She unbuttons it tugging it out of his pants.   She then slides it down his arms adding it to the pile on the floor.
"God you are so handsome and all mine." Eden says running her fingers down his chest.
"All yours princess." Chase says breath hitching.
Eden pops open the button of his pants.     She then un zips them letting her fingers linger.   Finally she pulls them off followed by his boxer briefs.
"Damn." Eden says licking her lips taking him in.
"Princess you have far to many clothes on. "Chase says.
"Undress me Clyde."  Eden says turning her back to him.
Chase stepped up behind her kissing her neck as he unzipped her dress.    He let it fall down her body pooling at her feet.
"So pretty." Chase says running his hands down her body. 
He un hooks her bra pulling it off tossing it.   He then runs his hands around cupping her breasts in them.
"God Clyde." Eden moans.
"I love these baby and I can't wait to watch them fill with milk for our babies." Chase says nibbling on her ear.
"God." Eden moans.
He massages her breasts a few.   He then runs his hands down her stomach.
"I can't wait to watch as your  belly swells with our babies as they grow." Chase says.
"Me either baby." Eden says putting her hands over his.
Chase kisses her neck sucking as his hands travel down to the top of her panties.   He pulls them down and Eden steps out kicking them to the side.     He runs his finger up and down her slit.
"So wet for me princess?" Chase asks.
"Always wet for you Clyde." Eden moans as she turns to face him.
Chase pulls her in for a kiss as he picks her up.   He carries her over to the bed laying her gently down.
"Mrs. Elliott you are so beautiful." Chase says hovering over her.
"Thank you Mr. Elliott.   You are not bad on the eyes either." Eden says.
"I love you Eden." Chase says as he sinks inside her.
"I love you too Clyde." Eden says wrapping her legs around his waist.
"God princess." Chase moans.
"I know baby.   Feels so good." Eden moans.
Chase wanted to take it slow but with each thrust into her it was harder to stay slow.    Eden digs her nails into his back begging him to go harder.   They move together building each other up.
"So close baby." Chase says.
"Me too." Eden replies.
"Eden baby." Chase moans as he cums hard deep inside her.
"Clyde oh Clyde." Eden calls out as she cums with him.
They ride it out.   They make love a few more times before falling to the bed exhausted.   Eden was laying on his chest.
"Get some sleep baby." Chase says kissing her head.
"You too.   You have a race tomorrow." Eden says.
"I do.   Goodnight Princess, Mrs. Elliott, I love you so much." Chase says.
"Goodnight Clyde, Mr. Elliott, I love you more." Eden says.
They snuggle together fallen asleep.
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