#he's looking at wwx like 'even if he falls i wont look away'
angstymdzsthoughts · 4 years
1 no war abo au where teenager omega wwx accidentally (it actually was an accident, the one instance where he wasnt trying to be a little shit) pulled lwj's headband off so now they have to get married even when lxc and jyl isnt married yet. yzy was more than happy to be rid of wwx and jfm couldnt do much with pressure from both his sect and gusu lan.
2 wwx was very apologetic and tries his best to at least be friends with lwj but lwj doesnt know how to deal with him. he keeps avoiding wwx even if he still makes wwx perform his marital duty. the lans are harsh and biased on wwx. making up his rule violations just to have him punished. no one would defend him bc even his husband is cold towards him. then lxc brings in jgy (jgs begrudgingly took my in just bc an omega is an asset and not bc he valued his skills) to gusu lan to marry him.
3 jgy is subtle and obedient, and despite his background the gusu lan elders much prefer him to wwx. xiyao's marriage affair was much larger and not just bc lxc was the sect heir but bc jgy was a better bride than wwx could ever be. wwx couldnt even enjoy the one time good food was served in cr, with his new pregnancy any food tasted like paper. maybe after the child is born lan zhan would look at him and protect him.
4 he didnt. he acted aloof as usual. even when their child lan yuan, the legal heir of gusu lan (by gusu lan law the heir is the oldest of one's generation in the main family), didnt even get a proper one month celebration, lwj didnt bother to fight for them. in reality lwj is torn bc he felt guilty towards wwx but the elders do not like his husband and by extension his child and they criticize him for not being proper enough. so he did what his father did best, standing by doing nothing.
5 it was truly unfair, lxc is free to be intimate with jgy in public but lwj gets scolded for visiting wwx's cottage more than 3 times a week. after 2 years, jgy is still not pregnant and cant resist jgs pushing him to get rid of lan yuan. wwx's omega instinct is in overdrive. it wasnt entirely unreasonable. he may be paranoid, but a venomous spider wont just magically appear in lan yuan's crib. wwx doesnt ask lwj to protect their son, he saw firsthand how useless his husband is in his inaction.
6 it came crashing down when ayuan got sick and he found the note in jgy's handwriting for ayuan's nanny, along with the remains of a poison. he took it up to the elders, not having any of their shit anymore. but they blame him instead, accusing him of being too greedy for power that he would try to get rid of his rival even when his own son was already heir. that he forgot his station, a mere son of a servant. he looked at lwj, who couldnt meet his eyes and didnt say a word to defend him.
7 that was the final straw. clearly them mother and son mean nothing to the entirety of gusu lan, so they would just leave. he brought suibian out and cut a few inches off his hair. you only cut your hair in mourning of spouse or parents. he continued by cutting off the tip of lan yuan's ponytail. from now on wei wuxian has no husband and ayuan has no father. using an invisibility spell he ran away from the wrath he just invoked.
8 he flew to lotus pier and hid under jiang cheng's protection. mdm yu would kick wwx out if she saw him and uncle jiang is as passive as his husband. the healers all report to mdm yu, so jc managed to get him some medicine to treat ayuan, but it didnt cure him, only lessened his symptoms. with jyl's marriage closing in most people are too busy to notice him. jzx is going to pick jyl up from lp instead of having her travel all the way to lanling alone.
9 wwx is glad at least jzx got his head out of his ass and returns his shijie's feelings. the lans come for the wedding, obviously. jc did his best to hide them, but got found out anyway. he ran away and ended up in yiling, sitting by the side of the street to get out of the rain when wen qing found him. the female alpha took him in, out of kindness since she remembered wwx to be one of the few students who were nice to wn during their study in gusu. she healed ayuan and came to like the boy too
10 it was wq who taught ayuan to read and write, wn the one who taught him to play games. jc visits them sometimes, even slipped a silver bell for him. jyl sometimes come when she visits ym. ayuan is almost 5 and gusu lan still hasnt had a new heir, so they are never truly safe from being pursued by the lans. it just so happens that wen xu travelled to yiling from nightless city to meet wq. he was greeted by a child, obviously related to the lans judging from his facial features, hugging his leg
11 wen xu is a decent person, unlike his sleazy younger brother. he appreciates competence like his father and respects wwx as a cultivator. (after all that trauma wwx's bar is very low). ayuan likes him so wwx has no qualms with being friends with wx. they become closer with wx's increasingly frequent trips to yiling.
12 wx began courting wwx. wwx never been courted, never been liked that way by anyone. wx even offered to properly adopt ayuan as his heir. wwx didnt feel it necessary, but it was nice for ayuan to have a father figure. wrh quite like both mother and son. wwx is a strong cultivator and ayuan has innate talent for cultivation. besides, if wwx marries wx and ayuan becomes wen yuan, they would never have to go back to that wretched place everyone calls sacred.
13 wwx agreed to marry wx, becoming young madam wen. but he didnt want any announcement. he just wanted to live in peace where he is. it was quite strange for the marriage of a sect heir to not be held in fanfare. the answer came on the next conference in nightless city. the alpha child sitting next to wen xu has lwj's nose. he has lwj's lips, has lwj's cheekbones, but he wears black and red and dons the surname wen.
14 jc and jyl werent surprised, but the rest of the sects were. lqr spat blood seeing wwx appear next to his son wearing wen robes. wrh didnt appreciate the ruckus and told them to keep it for later. lwj approached wwx after the conference. he admitted that the elders had been putting him on a grill since wwx left. elder brother turned out to be impotent, so the task of producing an heir falls on him. they basically want ayuan back.
15 wwx told him he didnt need to worry. he didnt have to do anything for them, since hes so good at it. just marry another omega, a proper one this time, and have a child with them, as he clearly is able to. besides, wen yuan is already formalized as an heir to qishan wen. so if they dont want a war with the wens they better just leave them mother and son alone.
16 then wen yuan came around the corner, looking for his mother. he called out to wwx, telling him that the banquet is about to start, lets go back to a-die. wwx left with him without another word to lwj. "who was that?" wen yuan asked. wwx grinned, "no one," -i just wanted an excuse for wen wwx
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LWJ’s reaction to the golden core reveal is so much. It’s intense and emotional and deep and honestly if you somehow didnt know this guy was in love before, this would be your wake up call.
Even leading up to the scene itself, he’s showing so much of his true feelings like I dont think we’ve ever really seen since WWX fell? It’s because he just got married to his soulmate in from of his parental figures so he’s in honeymoon state of mind cough
He’s 2 seconds away from throwing hands with JC right there in the ancestral hall so much WWX has to physically pull him back. Then when WWX starts feeling bad, LWJ doesnt try to hide his panic - all he wants is to take WWX away from there and care for him till he’s all better and JC just wont stop getting in their way and making WWX feel worse and LWJ has reached a breaking point because he yells at JC to get lost and I think that part is the one that made me go O_O the most because LWJ? Raising his voice? Again, something that we’ve seen him do only when WWX was falling off that cliff?
Just imagining what was going on inside him for him to react like that. I still havent picked up my jaw off the floor.
And then when Wen Ning (bless his precious soul) tells the truth about the core transfer, LWJ’s face is just sdgfhgjhklokdnirhn
There’s so much naked emotion - shock, utter disbelief at first, then giving way to devastation and heartbreak - he’s openly crying at this point - and finally the anger and rage (I’m 99% convinced of he wasnt holding WWX in his arms right then Bichen would not have hit the ground but something else instead) that Wei Ying, his Wei Ying, his soulmate had made such a momentous unimaginable sacrifice, had always always been just so good, and the world had paid him back with his own blood. And part of that anger is probably also directed at himself because he’d blame himself for adding to that, however small, however well-intentioned he had been, even if he hadnt known the truth.
And during all of that, Wen Ning and JC’s confrontation, the reveal, the emotional devastation, he doesnt take his eyes off WWX. He keeps looking at him as Wen Nning talks, as his tears fall one after the other - his eyes stay on the only thing that matters to LWJ.
Seriously, if there hadnt been a vulnerable unconscious WWX in his arms, LWJ would have probably just gone on a goddamn murder spree and I support him.
And it doesnt end there, because LWJ cannot not know now. It might just kill him to find out the full extend of WWX’s suffering but he needs to know so he asks Wen Ning if it was painful because, he says, he’d thought Wen Qing would have found a way to at least take the pain away for WWX. His last foolish hope that maybe it wasnt as bad as he thought, maybe by some miracle his Wei Ying could have been spared at least a little bit of pain. But the hope dies as Wen Ning describes how they had to keep him awake during the whole procedure and painkillers were of no use and it lasted 2 days and a night.
So yeah, after all that LWJ is going to steal some lotus seeds for WWX. He’s going to buy him anything he wants (well, more so than he’s already been doing). He’s going to adopt more babies with him. He’s going to let him do anything and everything he wants, Lan clan family rules who now? He’s going to murder the next asshole to looks at WWX wrong. He’s going to burn the world to the ground if it will make WWX smile. Because the world never deserved WWX’s smiles and kindness and goodness so LWJ is going to make sure this time the world knows its damn place.
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wangxiansthings · 4 years
Okay okay y'all listen. I recently read some fem! LWJ and male! WWX and I kinda liked it. Its a guilty pleasure dont @ me. Anyway so I was thinking about them, naturally, and my mind went. "What if they switched bodies?" LIKE LISTEN. IMAGINE BISEXUAL DISASTER WEI WUXIAN SEEING THE PRETTY SECOND JADE OF LAN AND JUST GOES, "Im in love and shall unleash my full gremlin potential on her" AND HARASSES POOR LAN WANGJI. Im thinking of this for cql plotline sooooooo... maybe instead of the water borne abyss they find out a weird curse has been making its way through Cayi town and LXC's like "oh Wangji why dont you invite young master wei?" Blah blah blah MAIN POINT IS. ONLY WANGXIAN GO. BY THEMSELVES. Cause LXC is also a gremlin and wants to set up his little sister with the pretty boy she's interested in. Or maybe he wants her to get friends idk you guys pick.
Anyway. The reach Cayi and interview some of the townsfolk. Wwx fluttering about picking up random trinkets and going "Lan Zhan Lan Zhan look at how pretty!" And then he sees this cute little white rabbit pin and. Naturally. He buys it and sneakily tucks it into LWJ's hair. She feels the pin go through her hair and whips around to see wwx's cheeky grin but instead she sees him flushed pinked and in awe (yes this is his 'holy-shit-shes-really-pretty-holy-shit-i-wanna-marry-this-girl' moment)
MEANWHILE. LAN WANGJI IS FUMING. BECAUSE HOW DARE THIS INSUFFERABLE DISCIPLE OF YUNMENG TOUCH HER HAIR. She reaches out to yank out whatever skewer or twig the idiotic but adorable pest put in her hair and instead finds a pretty white pin in her hands. She stars at it and lets a little smile bloom (LWJ is slllliiiiiiiiggghhhttttllllyyyyy shorter cause im a sucker for this trope too ANYWAY) WWX FLUSHES EVEN MORE AND PROCEEDS TO DUCK HIS HEAD DOWN TO CATCH THE FULL THING. LWJ realises quickly and spins on her heels and hurries away- not running, Lans do not run.
So they find the origin of the curse. A jealous townsperson made a silly mistake because they wanted the life of someone else or something like that idk im just here for wangxian. Anyway. Somehow the jealous townsperson...lets call them... Chung Yun? OKAY CHUNG YUN. He's afraid to be punished for accidentally unleashing a curse so. In an attempt to save himself. He throws the...powder? Yeah a white powder at wangxian and they cough and splutter while the guy escapes. Well. They decide to look for him another time. They have enough information on him to know he wont go too far and his name. And what he looks like. So they head back to CR because as much as wwx likes lwj. His new-found epiphany isn't gonna be much help if lan zhan falls asleep and he has to HELP HER.
I will continue tomorrow :)
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otterplusharchive · 4 years
ep 30 thoughts
- WEN NING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH buy his radishes appreciate him. also fkgign jc locking him out and just going eh let him wait outside made me lose it i get why but also be nice to him pls
-i love jyl so much i love the lotus pier siblings so much im always so emotional about them. i know that shits going to get bad reaaaally soon so i was very thankful to see them together eating soup talking about how pretty jyl looks and just being a family together. also i love jyl for going to bring wen ning soup shes so good..
- jc is a jerk but hes right when he tells wwx that problems will still find him/the burial mounds community even if they try to avoid disputes bc its obvious that the jin clan especially isnt going to just let it slide, i was glad to like. see jc voicing concern for what his brother is planning on doing even if he was saying it in a negative tone
- wwx not hugging his sister goodbye but instead bowing to her.. wwx holding back tears in his eyes with his back turned to his siblings as he walks away from them after being told by jc that after this they wont be able to see each other for a long time. i am so upset
- i love that wwx is like ok wen ning we cant tell wen qing what happens but she still knows wwx well enough to Know that somethings going on with him and takes the time to say hey whats up. i love their friendship but also seeing wen qings reaction when wen ning told her hurt :^((
- wwx flashing back to telling jc that when hes sect leader hed be his right hand man and then the rain scene i cant DO this
- i audiably went eugh when jgy showed up
- the contrast in shots between the burial mounds and the jin sect is very striking.. the burial mounds is much more rugged but it still somehow is able to look more inviting and loving than the jin sect. the jin sect just looks.. so starkly pristine and clean, and theres something about the lighting of the shots in the jin sect that makes it feel like a very stifling kind of place and i like that even if the burial mounds arent some grand palace you still get the sense of them being a real home
- WEN NING DID YOU HEAR THAT MY SISTER HAS A CHILD I HAVE A NEPHEW!!! hes so excited and so happy that hes shaking his friend. and then. his smile just falls. and ow that hurts
-lzx has one (1) right for standing up with lwj and saying that they should invite wwx to see his nephew
- "THE GHOST GENERAL WEN NING WHO IS A BIG PROBLEM" we last saw him feeding soup to one of his baby relatives and getting excited about lotus sprouts leave him alone!!!
- the ending of the ep having jgy turn around and be like soooo do you have any grudges against wwx ;^) i hate him so much. hes a well written villain but oh my god fuck you sir. also is he like poisoning his cousin or was he just That Mad like hello
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otterplusharchive · 4 years
ep 47 thoughts
- as soon as wwx mentioned the temple i went ah fuck ive heard of this here we go
- the gang breaks into a temple at night. wen ning seeing the ominous clouds and just sprinting towards them is so funny hes just like ALRIGHT HERE WE GO
- shoutout to lxc for being like UH HEY GUYS CAN WE NOT POINT ARROWS AT THE CHILD
- its interesting to see jgy as he really is without him trying to act like hes innocent in the scene where he has wwx by the neck, like the line of him saying "i was careless" about putting the land deed with nmjs hit me for some reason because this is a man who is so incredibly manipulative and has spent so many years lying and hurting other people, he clearly ISNT a careless person with how much lying hes gotten away with and idk its very good acting and cool to see that facade of being nice fall away
- jin ling: uh hi uncles. whats going on.
wwx, being held by the neck and bleeding:
jgy, holding him by the neck:
jin ling:
jgy: hi ah ling
wwx: now just what are you doing here young man its past your bedtime
- wwx begging lwj to leave him to get help and lwj just firmly shaking his head no because he cant leave wwx not again he wont let wwx die again not while hes there
- when su she came in i said "motherfucker" out loud. also nhs my boy nhs are u ok they just threw him on the ground hes just like alright guys im gonna nap for a while
- su she is like LWJ THINKS HES SO COOL HES SO FULL OF HIMSELF AND ACTS SO COOL I HATE HIM and wwx and lxc are both like can you please go to a therapist about your insecurities instead of doing this
- ITS BRITNEY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ok but jiang cheng coming in is so much more epic with context ive seen clips of this scene before and that still blew me away
- jc: if you even LOOK at my nephew i will electrocute you to death
- wwx saying jgy is the same as xue yang is a very interesting line but i wont write an essay abt that here
- jgy saying "your brother isnt here for you he cant even look at you" is such a blatant lie like. jiang cheng is clearly still reeling from the reveal that wwx gave him his golden core, thats why hes glancing at his brother and then looking away because hes finally processing all the feelings of guilt and questioning all the resentment hes built up as a defense tactic after their sister died
- what in the god damn is this box theyre digging up even
- wwx pls dont be mad at wen ning for telling jc that u gave him ur golden core it was like the only way to get out of the lotus pier and jc needed to be told
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