#he's pretty handsome for a netwatch agent
wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
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Couldn't stop in to see Bryce without getting a shot for @scumpatrol. Don't worry, we just talked. 😉
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forest-of-thought · 4 years
As painful as it was, I can't help but look back and laugh at the hilarious amount of teasing CDPR did with the romance options like:
"There's plenty of romance options in the game for everyone!"
"All of the romance options have been shown already in the trailers/teasers ;)"
Only for so many of us clowns to start picking apart every video like Sherlock Holmes of who could POTENTIALLY be the male romance options like:
Hmm Viktor definitely has to be one...
There is a pop vinyl of that Asian guy (Takemura) being released, meaning he is important so must be an option...
Dum Dum
I know Jackie is with Misty but you never know... 👀
V's handsome corpo boss, Jenkins...
Bouncer dude
That pretty bartender with the blue shirt
The NetWatch agent
Kerry Eurodyne
*insert other attractive man that had a couple of close up frames dedicated to him*
Only for it to be revealed that there were 2 male options. One of which we were correct on, Kerry - who is for Male V - and the final one was some random dude we originally only saw the back of for a split second in an earlier trailer (back when they said we already saw everyone) that hardly anyone put in their "could be" list because he looked generic and didn't have much screentime focus LMAO.
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