#he's slowly getting tied to my favorite character to alastor help
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god dammit i love me a dysfunctional dad
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Vivienne said in a video at some point this month that she hopes to make Hazbin Hotel run as long as her favorite series BoJack Horseman, which went for 6 seasons. In the event that the series does manage a 6-season run, and assuming Amazon Prime doesn't do anything to screw the show over, how do you see the 5 remaining seasons playing out?
Also, I know I'm a little late saying this but I'm sorry for the hardships you faced in the past week, I hope you're doing well.
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Hello my friend!
No worries about my R/L shit. Power back on and fridge restock. I just couldn't use my computer aka tumblr last week. Pay still F'ed up and that, unfortunately will be a battle. As far as the assault/attempted carjack (They weren't trying to steal it as to steal it, but to get away from their drug related bad trip situation) while working, I was relatively unharmed, just really shaken up. Because, like, I was just doing my job, working, and trying to help someone who came to me for help-and looked like they needed help. Only to attack me 1.5 seconds later.
Anyways, Bojack. Is such a great show. I haven't rewatched it in over a year or two because it does put me in a bad headspace occasionally. But the show is brilliant. Like, seriously a show about anthropomorphic characters, it really dives deeps in human emotions.
Its difficult to say what would happen. Because, as far as I know, Viv isn't greenlighted ahead of time for those extra seasons. So, she is force to semi wrap stories and arcs while leaving it open to continue,. Or she make a wager, write a story that stretch season, hope she get greenlighted for more season to finish it and not the dreaded indefinite cliffhanger.
I speculate that season two will sow the seeds of Roo lore and her ambitions. But I don't think Roo really part of season two except the "cliffhanger" part like Lute and Lilith ending of season 1. Everything will be semi tied off then we be thrown the twist of Roo role. The clues planted earlier but still hidden/subtle.
But, if we had the 6 seasons ahead of time, I think Roo would be simultaneously slowly build up yet at the same time very relevant yet hidden that would stretch a few seasons.
I don't think it will be touched upon at all if its season by season, but given a chance to know how many season upfront, POSSIBLY Charlie reworking Hell structure of power...aka Soul contracts. I doubt Charlie wants to continuation of power imbalance among sinners, and most lost their own free will.
While soul contract originally may emerge from more "noble" beginnings. Of A stronger sinner providing protective service in exchange of servitude...the practice obviously got abused and corrupted over time. So, Viv may touch upon that in a final season to make Hell...more tolerable. The idea of Charlie wanting Hell to be fair and peaceful etc is funny as Hell meant to be eternal punishment for Sinners wrongdoings. Obviously its not going to be Heaven but she also wants it to be like not a Hellhole.
Tho, Hell is near heavenly (minus some consequences) for people like Alastor who thrived in this environment. His hunger of flesh and thrill of bloodshed he won't be able be able to do freely anywhere else.
More season we would get more flushed out backstories. Episode that dedicated to it. A few for the more popular ones, Alastor and Angel. At least one for others like Husker and Sir Pentious. Maybe a few reference flashbacks and a full episode about Vox and Alastor. A glimpse of life in Heaven as a exorcist from Vaggie. Multiple episode about the beginning of humanity. Adam, Lilith, Eve, Lucifer in Eden and The Fall. Possibly Roo and GoOD lore episode. Everything would be fleshed out and along with that, much more character growth.
But unfortunately we would get compressed versions, if we only get 8 -20-25 minute episode a season, of how many season is played by ear.
For Example , if we get 6 season, Nifty would probably have her own backstory episode, and how she met Alastor etc...
What we will actually get with this play by ear is...casually mentions from Nifty commentary to the others that we have to piece together.
For example we met a new sinner! Nifty comments how the sinner "reminds me of my husband before I stabbed him 17 times." *cues derange cackle from her and rubs her hands together gleefully* "I wonder if he'll do the same silly spaism and funny wheezy noises" *Nifty said as she looks at the increasingly uncomfortable sinner like its a new toy for her to break*
So, unfortunately, I think we will get random derange commentary from Nifty that will be dismissed easily as its not really part of the story. But it feeds us little info about her. We find out she was married, and the reason she in Hell because she murdered him. Etc.
I think if Nifty said something similar in the show, everyone but Alastor would look at her disturbed and Angle crying out. "Wait! You were married? How old are ya? I thought you barely older than a child!" Nifty naturally just laughs and does not disclosed her ages (its unlady like after all, especially of her era)
I'm not sure if we get Sinner Adam currently, but I think if more season was greenlighted ahead of time, Sinner Adam would make the cut into the show. Which would be fun concept to explore. Especially once Lute finds out and she has to deal with deep complex emotions as she force to reevaluate her stance about the abominations and scums she once thought of sinners.
I think we would definitely get to see more powerful higher up Angels such as Michael, Etc. Either being strictly opposing our main characters, or started opposing but end up working together. Which would also probably bring up Lucifer past and his relationships with his siblings.
Tldr, in short, I think everything would just be flushed out more. More lore about Roo and Go(o)d, Eden, the fall, "the uprising", the beginning of the extermitions, and current negotiations of extermations and consequences of retaliation (defending)
As well everyone backstory will be viewed instead of mention. More satisfying character growth (or descend/villainary)
Possibly a new threat that Heaven, Hell (possibly human/Earth/Living...( D.O.R.K.S?) have to collab for survival. Thus, creating peace/truce when it defeated.
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ckret2 · 4 years
Okay so I got an ask like,
anonymous asked: whose ur favorite Hazbin character? Like your absolute #1 and why?
and technically my answer is Alastor, but Sir Pent is such a close second that I gave my reasons for him too in that ask, and now I’m making a second post about Alastor.
Reasons I really like Alastor but like, only slightly more than Sir Pent:
- Honestly “I can suck ya dick” *IMMEDIATE BRAIN BREAK FACE* is probably the moment I, like, mentally latched on to Alastor’s character, and at that point I don’t think I even knew yet that the creator had said he was ace. It just... I could feel the aceness in my soul. Like that thing where Jedi run into somebody and go “oh you’re strong in the Force, I can tell.” That was just such a perfect and succinct ace joke, and by that I mean like it feels like a joke from an ace perspective. Like it was so relatable.
- tbh half my reasons for liking Alastor are “oh that’s relatable,” which is hilarious, because like... I don’t like characters because I relate to them, ever, but because I think they’re interesting in their strange/different ways. Alastor is the sole exception I can think of where half the reasons I like him is because I look at him and go “oh big mood.” Other ace or aro characters I’ve seen in the past just make me go “oh... okay. cool. nice, representation for me” and then I don’t really care about them. Alastor, though, the SECOND I learned he was ace, something in my brain went “FUCK YES. ONE OF OURS.” I immediately sat down and started writing a character study fic about Alastor being ace/aro in the exact same precise way that I’m ace/aro, and that was even before we got confirmation that he was aro. I was ready to go all in on him anyway.
- Half the reason I like his ace/aro-ness when I don’t care about it as much on other characters is because like... usually, when you get an ace/aro character, it goes one of two ways:
1) their entire character is built around/“in tune with” their ace/aro-ness, in a way. Most obvious when you have the stereotypical “robot/alien that cannot love,” but also seen in “character that is naive and pure and innocent and lustless,” “character that acts like an actual literal child,” “character that acts like a bad autism cliche,” “character that’s too cold or cruel or emotionless to feel love,” etc. And that’s boring, when they’re only ace/aro because the writer cannot imagine a character Like That being any other way, or because the writer cannot imagine an ace/aro being Any Other Way. 
Or, 2) they’re written as “too normal,” as in, like, NOTHING ABOUT THEIR PERSONALITY or life experiences or anything seems shaped AT ALL by the fact that they do not share an internal sense of lust and/or romance that most of the rest of the human species not only has, but also is obsessed with.
And Alastor falls in neither camp. He’s gregarious and talkative and puts on little performances wherever he goes, and he obnoxiously butts in on somebody else’s group project by begging for an opportunity to help out and then obnoxiously volunteers his friends who hate him to help with the group project, and he’s manipulative and dangerous and secretive and violent, and he hides his emotions and he disguises when he’s feeling weak... and also the quickest way to throw him off his game is to make a sexual pass at him because he’s blindsided so hard by it that it’s like for a moment there he forgot that sex exists.
And that’s what I want to see. A character whose personality isn’t based on/tied into his ace/aro-ness, BUT we can clearly see his character IS INFLUENCED by the fact that he views the world through a completely different lens from everyone else.
I can imagine that Alastor had to puzzle through What Is Love/What Is Desire, purely on a psychological “what’s going on inside other people’s heads?” level, as an outside observer incapable of participating it and trying to understand it based on anecdotes and fictionalized accounts and descriptions and conversations, comparing it to the emotions inside his own head and trying to go “so it’s kind of like this feeling plus that one and those, but More, and Different, and in that Other Direction.” I can imagine that as a kid Alastor “decided” to have crushes because he knew it was about that time it should be starting, and it hadn’t happened by then, so maybe what he needs to do is pick whoever he thinks is best-looking and get going with the crushing on them, right? I can imagine that Alastor spent his teen years waiting for his desires to “turn on” the way they did for everyone else, and being slightly puzzled when they took so long, but also okay with it because the more he thought about it the more it seemed like it was probably a nuisance—no one around him was someone he’d like to be attracted to—so he was fine with the fact it was taking so long, and he sort of assumed that it wasn’t because he didn’t have the capacity for desire but because none of his peers were desirable to him. I can imagine that he had his first kiss at like fifteen and thought it was horrible and gagged on it, and within an hour decided this was absolutely hilarious.
I can imagine Alastor having all these experiences—which are experiences I had. I’ve never seen another ace/aro character I can easily and naturally imagine having a single experience in common with me. Because no other ace/aro characters feel to me like ace/aro characters. They’re either characters with an ace/aro sticker arbitrarily and meaninglessly slapped on them, or they’re a walking stereotype about lovelessness.
- Besides Alastor’s spectacular Asexuelle Panique™ face, the other single line that made me latch onto him was “Why does anyone do anything? Sheer! Absolute! Boredom!” There are some very specific character types that I’m an absolute sucker for, and one of them is: extremely powerful character, at the top of their game, unstoppable and uncontrollable and unmatched, a loner who likes it that way, BUT they’re bored as hell, either because they’ve met all their goals or because they don’t know how to set any—and the boredom is eating them up inside, it’s driving them slowly mad, the sheer tedium of trying to fill one day after another with nothing to do is weighing down on them, if depression is usually compared to a heavy rain then this depression is like an endless empty waiting room, or depression like solitary confinement, or depression like an unmoving sun shining on an infinite flat desert, the depression of a completely empty hollow life leveled flat by infinite interminable boredom, a boredom they would do ANYTHING to get rid of, a boredom that’s like a withdrawal, a boredom that makes your hands shake and your pulse quicken with desperate need for the drug to stave off the withdrawal symptoms, but god, you don’t even know what the drug IS, you just know you NEED it, some form of stimulation, ANY stimulation, you’re going mad in this empty desert with your hands trembling and the withdrawal clouding your mind—
Have I mentioned that I have ADHD? Did you know that untreated ADHD can result in depression specifically due to chronic mental understimulation? I keep telling myself “bruh, don’t headcanon Alastor as having ADHD, you don’t even headcanon that he has any other traits that line up with ADHD symptoms,” but like. That one line. “Sheer! Absolute! Boredom!” I felt that in my very bones. There is desperation in that man. There is desperation in him that speaks to me like nothing else does. Like to the point that if it turns out that Alastor secretly DOES have a secret evil manipulative scheme going on I’m going to be annoyed/disappointed specifically because his driving motive isn’t boredom, lmao.
Anyway I feel for characters like that. I like to explore that desperate despairing boredom. I like to force them through that understimulation withdrawal, drive them to do stupid wild desperate things to try to get the stimulation they need. And then, when I’m feeling nice, I like to help them find a cure. Usually I imagine the cure is “dude, you’re such a loner that you’ve cut yourself off from the rest of the human race, you have NO human connections, even when you’re technically interacting with other people you’re still completely emotionally isolated inside your own shell. Make some goddamn friends and start to care about other people and their lives and you’ll find that the act of having other people exist in your world who matter to you will give you that stimulation you’re desperately missing.” Because these desperately bored characters are also desperately emotionally isolated. And they might be happy/content in their isolation—but they’re not doing anything to cure their own understimulation like that.
(“Hey OP is that how you cured your understimulation?” nah I got ADHD meds.)
- Remember everything that I just said about how much I love that Alastor is aro? Well forget everything I just said. Chuck it out the window. Bye.
So every once in a while I find a character that, for whatever reason, I really, really, really want to see pining. I want them to be in love, and I want it to be unrequited, and I want it to go on for years. I want them sobbing in private and then hiding it completely when they face anyone else. I want them to hurt so bad they feel like they can’t breathe. I want them unable to think about anything but their beloved. I want it festering inside them like an infected wound. I want it to hurt. Forever.
(“Hey OP do you uh, do you ever, yknow, want them to get their loved one?” yeah sure whatever)
For some reason, Alastor is one of those characters. Why? I dunno. I haven’t figured out my mental pattern on these ones yet. Maybe it’s specifically because it’s so incongruous with his outward appearance/and attitude. Maybe it’s because he’d do a really really good job at hiding it, but also I think he’s probably kind of a mess inside under his mask, and I think adding unrequited desire under that mask would mess him up anymore in really spectacular ways. Like a china cabinet that shifted in an earthquake so that if you open all the doors all the plates will fall out and break, except they’re already all broken inside of the china cabinet, but he’s in denial about that as long as he doesn’t open the door. I dunno, I’m speculating.
- On that note: I feel like he’s probably, like, hypercompetent and super powerful and super successful on the outside, but actually he’s a sort of screwed up dork who’s got no idea what he’s doing. (I present the furby organ as supporting evidence.) I like extremely powerful deeply feared dorks, ESPECIALLY when they have no idea what they’re doing.
- Also, affable villains. Totally friendly/sociable and totally evil.
- I dig his weird radio schtick. Like, Radio Stuff isn’t a thing I specifically like about characters, but on him I think it’s cool. Character gimmicks that can go a lot of ways and that you can do a lot of stuff with in character development are fun.
I think that covers all the important bases.
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cassiejade · 6 years
Oh my, what a month! September seemed to fly by and October felt like it just dragged by. Octobers a great month so I didn’t mind., but I’m looking at this list of 20 plus books and I’m just in disbelief at myself. Apparently, I didn’t do anything this month other than reading. Again, not a complaint, just disbelief.
  Wildcard by Marie Lu my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this, I wasn’t expecting the direction it went in and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it.
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn my rating: 2 out of 5 stars
I was very disappointed by this, I found the story to be very slow paced and all the characters were just terrible. I also wasn’t shocked by the big plot twist that happened.
Iron Gold by Pierce Brown my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
The biggest issue I have with this is that nothing happened for the first 250 pages and then you got some semblance of an idea of what is going to happen. I also started to not like Darrow and I was hoping for a POV from Mustang but that didn’t happen.
The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien my rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
I loved this even though it took me so long to read, I just wasn’t in the mood for it for the longest time. I loved seeing more about the Ents and always wanted to see more of them in the movies. There was this hilarious line about the Ents wives that had me cracking up for so long, I can’t find the quote right now but it was that they put the Ent Wives somewhere and now they can’t find them, I was dying when I was reading it.
  Dracula by Bram Stoker my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I am happy I finally read this even though I had some problems with it. I loved the journal entries and Mina Harker, everything else kinda bored me.
Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J Maas my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I actually really liked this, I enjoyed the story and how everything came together. Plus Poison Ivy makes an appearance and she is my favorite of all time, and I was very pleased with her portrayal.
Antigoddess by Kendare Blake my rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
I enjoyed this, I wasn’t blown away by this yet it was a fun twist. It’s not a retelling it’s just set in modern times. I wish there had been more gods introduced though.
Mortal Gods by Kendare Blake my rating 4 out of 5 stars
This one is probably the best in the trilogy, in my opinion anyways. I loved seeing Ares come in and the direction of the story was great.
  The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need by Susan Thurman my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I think the information discussed was very helpful, however, the delivery and the way the pages are set are incredibly overwhelming. I do think that this will be very helpful to refer to when writing but I don’t recommend as a sit-down and read.
Emma by Jane Austen my rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Unfortunately, this was not my favorite Jane Austen book. I didn’t like a lot of the characters and had a hard time with the plot, it was very slow and seemed to drag on at points. I will be giving this a reread maybe next year, just to see if my feelings change.
Ungodly by Kendare Blake my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I am so happy this is over, this wasn’t bad but I just hated one of the main characters, Cassandra was just the worst and she was so frustrating to deal with.
The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding by Alexandra Bracken my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I enjoyed this but it didn’t blow me away, I loved the characters and thought that they were hilarious, especially Alastor, he was making me laugh so much.
  Sea Witch by Sarah Henning my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I enjoyed this a lot, it was so dark and the mystery unfolded at a great pace.
Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death by Amy Chu my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I loved this so much and I am so sad that it seems to just be a standalone! The art in this is just gorgeous and I want to thank the artists for making Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn look like real women, not cartoon pin-ups.
Darth Vader Vol 1: Vader by Kieron Gillen My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I loved this so much! The story has a bit to be desired but the art was so fun and just felt very accurate to star wars in a visual way. Darth Vader is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time.
Spider Gwen Vol 0- Most Wanted by Jason Latour (Writer), Robbi Rodriguez (Artist) my rating: 2 out of 5 stars
I was so disappointed in this, it was a reread and while I love the artwork I hated the storyline, I’m not sure if I’m going to continue with the series.
  Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I love new adult romances that have musicians and artists and this romance between an artist and his muse was delightful. I feel head over heels for both David and Yara, well more for Yaras lifestyle. I liked her nomadic and mysterious ways. I was very annoyed by everyone’s lack of communication though.
Daughter of The Burning City by Amanda Foody my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
This was very slow at first but the descriptions of the world kept me feeling intrigued to learn more and the mystery slowly started to envelop me. This kept me guessing and it didn’t go in the direction I thought it was going to go, which is good, it wasn’t as predictable as I thought it would be.
Little Monsters  by Kara Thomas my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this, I found myself absorbed into the story right away and I would sit down and just fly through 80 pages. There were thriller tropes that I don’t love especially the spotlight effect, I don’t usually care for that one. It just doesn’t seem realistic to me and in this case, everything was circumstantial at best.
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I’ve got some mixed feelings about this, on its own it was fine, but Goodreads says that this is an installation in a series with American Gods and I just don’t see where any kind of connection is, it feels like a standalone novel and one of the characters makes an appearance in American Gods. Aside from all that, the story was fine, the plot points were all tied together nicely enough, the characters were great, it was just lacking something to set it apart from other books with similar tropes.
Hocus Pocus by A.W. Jantha my rating: 2 out of 5 stars
This book is divided into two parts. Part one is a novelization of the movie and I think it translated well enough, it was basically a play by play of the movie and I did enjoy it. But then. Then we come to the sequel and the trainwreck that follows. It started off well enough but I did have some issues with the timeline and how Max and Alison were able to graduate, go to college, get their law degree, get certified to teach and have a 16-year-old daughter in 25 years, just seems to be cutting it close to me. It was also incredibly cheesy and it didn’t need to be that way. I also had some issues with the narration, there was a lot of “this character walked up to the door and they opened the door and walked through the door” Everything was spelled out and could have been massively improved with a few rewrites.
It by Stephen King my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I am so proud of myself for reading this, it didn’t scare me as much as I thought it would, there were moments where I had to set the book down and just take a minute or two. These characters were so fleshed out and felt so real along with the town, it feels like I could pack up and move to Derry it feels that real.
Shattered Blue by  Lauren Bird Horowitz my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I enjoyed this well enough while listening to the audiobook but thinking back on it, I feel underwhelmed by it overall. Everything just felt average, I did love the play on colored Fae, that was a fun twist and there was not enough poetry throughout the story.
The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I really liked this, I actually went into this thinking it was a reread but I dont think I’ve read this before! I enjoyed the writing style, there was this kind of investigation feel that gave the book a crime drama feel to it. There are moments of frustration but overall I thought it was pretty good.
Quite a “meh” reading month for me, a lot of 3 stars, a few 4s and more 2 star reads then I was expecting.
Favorite of the Month: The Two Towers Least Favorite of the Month: Hocus Pocus and the All New Sequel
    October Wrap Up 2018 Oh my, what a month! September seemed to fly by and October felt like it just dragged by.
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