#he's soooooo giggly. truly was in heat
c2-eh Β· 9 months
Shell Motorsport: How pure are Carlos Sainz & Charles Leclerc? Part 2
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hanawrites404 Β· 4 years
Pumpkins, Scares and Laughs - Prologue
Ah yes, the event I had been anticipating for a long period of time, finally arrived in Vesuvia.
It is such a pleasure to see the fruits of our hardworking farmers finally blossoming and spreading their lively colours all over our beloved city. Also, the autumnal colours of red, orange and yellow adorning Vesuvia like an pulchritudinous abstract painting for the citizens and also for the ones visiting from the other corners of the world.
Today, all the people of Vesuvia will come out of their houses to praise the conscientious farmers and their unique art of agriculture, to engulf the arrival of the beautiful autumn season, and to also acknowledge the spirit of halloween, one of my favourite festivals where you can be evil and scare everyone mercilessly with your smooky get-ups. Now that's something I really like.
"Winnie!! Look!! We are finally here!" The soft bluenette lady shook my shoulder. I took her gesture and closed the book I was reading and looked outside. Vesuvia was looking so pretty with the warm colours of the season that it almost felt unreal. It also took my breath away for a second.
This blue lady was actually a guest from the other side of the world as my roommate on the ship. She had long turquoise blue hair and soft big purple eyes, her skin was fair and her lips always turned upwards into a bonny smile. And just like her smile, her nature was goofy and giggly. She loved to make jokes and was not afraid to boop others' noses as she had done it million times to me.
I didn't really mind that. I found it pretty cute and attracting actually, maybe because she was just like Dad. Or maybe because I secretly enjoyed having such cheery people around me, reminding me always that there is always a bright side to look for and laugh at. And I was really grateful for such persons.
"It's beautiful~!!" I spoke with amazement as I peered out the window from my bed.
"I know right?? It's amazing! I can't wait to meet Lucio and others! I bet he would be looking soooooo handsome today" The girl sighed dreamily as she cupped her rosy cheek and closing her eyes.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. When I first time met her, I didn't know that she was acquainted with Lucio and my other friends. But when I told her that I too was his close one, she was so overjoyed that she almost crushed me to death afterwards with the hug of hers. I then got to know that she was really attracted to Lucio and had the tendency of blabbering about him all day long. Even when it was bedtime and everyone in the ship was sound asleep, she kept me awake with her fond thoughts of Lucio yesterday.
Again I didn't mind that. Even I too liked him. He had been through a lot of neglect that I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Instead of being jealous as to why others loved him romantically, I was actually happy for him because he was finally getting the love he truly deserved. Even if people didn't think like that (for example, Asshole-ra), I gave no fucks, as rightly so.
"Say, Winnie. Aren't you excited to see Lucio too??" Elteami asked me as she tucked one of her strands of hair behind her ear.
"Me? Well, yes of course. It has been quite a while since I have seen of him last time. Asra always wrote in his letters that Lucio missed me a lot" I replied to her, twirling one of the strands of my hair around my finger.
"Oh, obviously he would. You are his best friend! I mean, he was the one who gave 'Winnie' as your nickname, right?" She asked more.
"He sure did. And it's the only nickname I can tolerate, apparently" I stated. And honestly speaking, I still remember the time when he first time called me that, when I returned to Vesuvia after 15 years, that is.
When I resurrected him back after my fight with Asra at the Lazaret, Lucio was the one who calmed me down from the anxiety of the messy situation Asra had created upon himself. With his loving words and affectionate touches, I had forgotten about the angst with Asra in a jiffy! He somehow possesses that magic in him which melts me, not to mention the journey with him was equally magical and romantic.
But I really don't want to dwell in the past as of now, even if it's the sweeter ones. Today is the day of celebration of success and gratefulness, and I shall focus on that only. So no more previous flashbacks, no more deep thinking. Just pumpkins, scares and laughs.
"Come on Winnie, stop daydreaming again. The ship finally stopped. Let's go!!" Elteami took me by my hand and dragged me out with my bag and book.
"E-Elteami! Slow down! I might stumble" I stuttered upon my words as she continued to pull me down the ship. The cool wind blew through my hair and the short skirt and sleeves of my black dress, goosebumps forming on my legs under the dark stockings.
After we were off the ship and standing on the docks, Elteami let go of my hand as she panted from the runs, supporting her body with her hands on her knees while I patiently waited for her to regain her breath. And once she was done, she turned into herself again.
"Phew! That was one good exercise!" Elteami stretched her arms and her body, the wind blowing her long turquoise blue hair slowly. I gave her a small smile before I brushed the strands of my hair behind ear.
"Gosh, just look at Vesuvia. So much yellow and orange everywhere!" She exclaimed as she observed the golden yellow crisp leaves and the bright houses. All of the people seemed very happy today and they had new clothes on which complimented with the colours of the Autumn.
"Hmmmm....the wind is really cool and nice too. It's tingling me. I can already feel that today is going to be one nice day" Elteami shivered and rubbed her limbs to warm them up, an enjoying smile on her face. I nodded and closed my eyes too as I felt the wind kissing me, greeting me once again a welcome back.
The air was really smelling quite fresh today. Not that I was implying that it's usually disgusting but, this time it had that specific aroma with it that I couldn't really figure, but for sure added the enthusiasm of celebrating the first-ever harvest festival of Vesuvia in me, and I was pretty eager to meet my friends and greet them with pleasant wishes and the gifts I brought for each of them from my village.
Yes, I was not during the preparations of the festival because I had some business at my village which was crucial for me to attend. However, Asra as usual kept me updated with all the events going on through his lovely letters and cutesy charms. I do really owe him a kiss according to one of his infamous horny letters. I have no problem with it of course, I just hope Dad doesn't mind.
........Oh.......and talking about Dad...................
"Oh my god, Wynne! Look at that big guy with blue hair! He is sooooooo hot!! I bet he has had many girls liking him!" Elteami tugged on my sleeve and pointed out to the man she was referring to. The man was yawning and scratching his head. He must had been woken up right now it seemed, because of how his eyes were still droopy and how his hair was a bit messy.
Nevertheless, my face scrunched up from disgust and cringe as soon as I laid my eyes on him. It was not that he was ugly. He was really attractive, to be frank but, did she even know whom she was talking about? Or how old he was from her even though he looked like he was in his late 20s?? Or that he has an adult daughter who was standing right in beside her??
"What's wrong Wynne? Don't you like him??" Elteami asked me curiously, being totally unaware of the fact that the man was someone I knew........too much about, to be honest.
"E-Err, I-I......Well......" I started, already stammering due to the already big tension forming between us that I could feel it down my throat.
"Yes??" She replied and tilted her head, letting go of my sleeve. She looked at me inquisitively.
"I-I don't think you know this but....... Remember how I told you that my father was aboard with us too??" My neck heated up and I averted my eyes down.
"Now that you have mentioned it, I think you did tell me about it" Elteami rubbed her chin and pondered.
I sighed and poured myself some lemonade I brought in the portable cup I had in my bag and drank from it during the meantime as I wanted for her to respond. And much to my satisfaction, she perked up soon and slammed her fist down on her palm.
"Oh yes! Your father! I remember now! You did mention him to me. So what about him? Where is he now?" She asked me.
Now this was the part that got me twisted. But I had no choice other than to tell her. I cannot let this thing get misunderstood, you know.
"T-That blue guy........he is my father......"
"WHAT?!!" Elteami looked at me with utter shock, her eyes widening and staring right at me. I got back from her a bit as I held the cup in my hands tightly.
"You mean that huge smouldering man is your father???" She bumped her forehead against mine and stared right into my eyes.
I sipped the lemonade from my cup quite loudly and nodded, locking my eyes with hers nervously.
Elteami backed up, her expression that of speechlessness and dumbfounded. It was as if she had witnessed something quite hysterical that it was enough to make her eyes torn as wide as toenails.
Now what was she going to do? Was she going to puke? Or was she going to pass out? Or what she going to jump into the waters? Or even worse...............
And turns out the last option was correct.
Because oh gods, her reply was enough to almost send me to the afterlife.
I literally spewed out some and choked onto my lemonade as its souring tangyness proceeded to burn my throat. I coughed violently and punched my ribs to get the feeling out, while Elteami did not care about me getting strangled to death by the fucking lemonade.
Her eyes sparkled stars as she turned to my father and admired him from afar. The way how he ran his fingers through his long blue hair, the way his buff arms were flexing with each movement, or the way his brown eyes shined brightly amongst the pleasant scene near the docks, she seemed to love everything of Dad and I wasn't liking this at all.
"Oh my gosh, just look at him!! You are so lucky to have such an attractive man as your father, Wynne. I can see where you got your looks from. Just so flipping perfect and GORGEOUS~!!" Elteami literally growled at the last word like a hungry beast as she cupped her face with her hands. Her cheeks were toned pink as blossoms.
When the obnoxious blazing finally calmed down in my oesophagus, I breathed in long, loud and sharp that I almost felt my eyes rolling back and my soul trying to escape from my mouth. But it did help me regain my composure as I straightened my back and wiped my mouth with my pocket handkerchief next.
"Elteami, don't. He is way older than you, and he has peanuts for brains. You wouldn't want to fall for an idiotic old man like him. Trust me" I crossed my arms as I shook my head disapprovingly and completed the lemonade in my hands properly, without letting it kill me and also asserting my dominance on it.
"Oh come on Wynne. It's just a crush! Not love or something. I just find him handsome. Is it wrong to even think so??" She blinked at me innocently, closing towards me again.
I gulped the last sip of lemonade in my throat carefully as I opened my mouth to answer.
"But still, he is my fucking father. And you are my companion. You cannot have a crush on him. That would be absolutely ridiculous!! Him being an old man with no goals and you who is young, pretty and have so much ahead of you. It's not at all lovely. Now you better take my advice and don't waste your precious lifetime over that guy" I explained to her coldly.
"Jeez Wynne. You do take things too seriously" Elteami rolled her eyes at me, mockery evident.
"Excuse me? I am saying this for your betterment. Take it or leave it πŸ’’" I gritted my teeth and sipped my drink, my nails digging onto the container's surface.
"Yeah Yeah, fine. I won't fawn over your daddy too much. Alright, Ms. Possessive?" She mocked me further.
I sighed and finished my lemonade, keeping the cup inside again after cleaning the inside it with a tissue.
"Fair enough by me" I agreed later, not wanting to complicate the situation more. Ugh, I can't believe that I had to contempt my father just to avoid Elteami courting him. Not that I have not done this multiple times before. But let's not talk about it. Today is not the day to discuss about this. I would touch onto this topic later on if people are interested.
"Now there you are, baby girl" the blue-haired finally approached both of us. With a bright grin on his face which seemed to lighten the previous tension present minutes ago in the air, easing Elteami and almost, me too.
Elteami tried not to smile and squeal as she gazed at me from side while I just rolled my eyes and groaned silently. But still, I didn't show my annoyance on my face as I replied.
"Took you long enough, Dad" I peered sharply at him as I placed my dominant hand on my hip.
"Sorry. I was looking around a bit. It has been a while since I visited Vesuvia you know" Dad rubbed his neck.
By looking around, he meant hunting for the ladies of course. Such a fuckboy he is.
"And oh my, may I ask who this lovely lady with you is?" Dad talked about Elteami as he took hold of her hand gently and rubbed her knuckles with his thumb, much to my fear and anxiety.
This time, Elteami couldn't hold herself, as she squealed so shrill and loud that it boomed my eardrums as I winced. But Dad on the other hand, just chuckled and complimented her.
"You are one cute young woman. Tell me, what's your name? Your full name is preferred" His eyes were softly looking at her and he had a pleasant smile.
"Oh my gods! I-I mean, I-It's Elteami. Elteami Tapputi" The bluenette blushed and bit her lip, looking down at her shoes.
"Such an exotic and beautiful name for an equally beautiful woman" Dad kissed her hand delicately and it turned the girl more blushy than before while I tried not to cringe and choke on air this time.
"O-Ohh my. I....Thank you so much mister...."
"Shah Toprak, but call me Shah. I am open to nicknames of course, so call me whatever you like, My Dear" he winked at her flirtfully.
As expected, Dad's playful light seduction had been casted upon Elteami very easily, because the lady turned red and flustered to maximum. She was squeaking and mumbling something about dominance and pegging which I couldn't really understand, but I didn't slam my brain on it too much.
"And I see you are acquainted to my loveliest darling. How wonderful" Dad next looked at me and I rolled my eyes, averting from him.
"Oh yes of course! Your daughter is one nice girl. She is not really as fun as I prefer people to be but, I like her!"
I could feel the delight in her voice that it brightened a tiny smile on my lips. At least something good came out of Elteami.
"I know. She is the best" Dad spoke.
This made me smile even more. Damn these two πŸ‹πŸ‹.
But anyways, Dad not letting go of her hand, offered her next if she would walk with him to where she and I were heading to next, and as I had already assumed, Elteami gladly agreed with a vigorous nod.
"Perfect! Let's go then. I am really excited to meet the count and everyone else!" Dad laughed and Elteami giggled with him too as they both started to make their way towards. I just followed behind them with my little possessions clinging onto my shoulders as I listened to their conversations and also paid attention to the festive commotion around me silently.
There were men who were setting up the decorum, women baking warm delicacies, children running around collecting shiny leaves and couples, both young and elderly, holding each other close and being in one another's peace along the balmy nature. This put yet another small smile on my face. Gosh, I was really working out my cheek muscles today, wasn't I? I mean, why wouldn't I?
This festival is something which is close to me. Though this was its first time taking place, the happiness and joy radiating from the city and its people is truly heart-warming. It's like the only source of heat when you are stuck in the blizzards of stress and busy times. It's a break from all of the hardwork and sweating to enjoy its sweet corollary. Just looking at the rainbow harvests of your crops and to realise how much we are blessed to have the grace of the world and the sun for providing us such a golden opportunity of witnessing the victory is a feeling which just swells your heart with pride and satisfaction.
And how do I know all of this? Well, being an educated farmer has its perks, you see.
Nevertheless, a crisp cool wind blew which carried the scent of sweet apples and fried dough towards the three of us. As written by Asra, the last few weeks had been a hectic whirlwind of activity, but of course with everyone's help, it was done.
The very first Vesuvian Harvest Festival was officially in full swing!πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸŽƒ
Now it was officially time to kick back, relax and enjoy the fruits of our labours.
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(the doodle and Elteami belongs to @xzxbloodyrosexzx )
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