#he's trapped af. sadly we don't play as him in non-deviant state for 10+ chapters
marcusrobertobaq · 11 months
Plz, game, stop with these damn Daniel parallels
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The worst of all is, in "Friend Hank" path Connor may have tried to befriend him as manipulation method in the beginning but he cared bout him in the end - unfortunately, man. I say unfortunately cuz it's a fact Connor gets attached to him no matter what (obviously in different levels), i hate admitting this. He "respects", it's something programmed deeply into Connor's program and it's weaponized in multiple ocasions, the same way they weaponized his deviancy. Even if he's pissed at Hank, the fact he's a human he had contact (probably the first one he had to work with as temporary partner) makes him bow down the entire game until HPR, where he can finally kill him - even there he kills Hank ain't cuz he wanna kill Hank 100% as revenge, it's cuz Hank is in his way. 2 birds 1 stone, i guess.
And it's even worse if u consider Connor in a non-deviant "machine" android state; deviant androids doesn't obey humans and stand up to 'em, but "machine" androids? Must never put on a finger against humans - haha, not here, not now. Connor got some military shit in him, bro. He can be hostile and kill humans if he needs. I guess deep down Hank knows that, that's why he's armed - Connor "never did what he was told" anyways.
RKs don't have peace in this shit. Being a semi-autonomous droid in a system like this sucks. I mean, we all know how the human system is - androids becoming free are just going out of a system and fallin' into another, cuz even humans are conditioned to some stuff and they ain't got a "red wall" programmed into 'em.
"Why so negative?" I'm always negative. I just can't see anything positive coming from this game's "best ending".
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