#he's written like 5 good songs in his life and now we're all paying the debt for the past goodies
wernerherzogs · 2 years
honest "Midnights" review: jack antonoff needs to stop RUINING everything jesus CHRIST
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wolferals · 4 years
🇪🇸el video🇪🇸
finally fallin' chapter 3☀️
<arón piper x reader>
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(The spanish is all google translate, i wont take responsibility for mistakes)
chapter 3
You had just gotten home at around 6, after getting some groceries to restock your little fridge and taken a shower afterwards when a message by an unknown number lit up your phone.
„Holaaa, how are you? -Arón"
You smiled at your phone and texted back:"Hey🥰I'm doing great, just got home what about you?"
The next 20 minutes you spent drying your hair waiting for a response.
Said response came in just in time. It was a link to an audio.
„So before you listen. This is a song I made with my friend and we're planning on making a sick music video to it. And thats why I said I needed you for something, please play my „girlfriend" in the video."
You swallowed.
You had never done anything acting related. Not thought about it.
„Whats gonna happen in the video?" you texted back before really saying yes.
He was typing.
„I'd like to tell you in person some time, but dont worry you dont have to undress or anything. Just „couple things" i think haha"
You sat down on your couch with still lightly wet hair and leaned back with your phone in your hand.
Did he ask you to meet him though or was it just your mind wanting him to ask?
„Sounds good, when are you free😌" you decided to write back to him.
-„We're going to start filming next Tuesday if you're fine with it. So maybe Thursday or Friday😇?"
Again you started smiling.
Thursday was in two days and you were more than ready. But still you had to finish the photography project as soon as possible.
„Thursday is good, so we meet and talk about the scenes and all?"
He texted back:"Exactly, just going over the different settings and that.
You then replied by saying:"Would Friday be good for you for the photographing🙃?"
He sent a thumbs up.
You got nervous thinking about all that. You were going to meet up and just talk, whats so nerve racking about it?
Just talking.
„Thursday at 4?" Was a text you had sent him after checking your classes for Thursday.
Arón then replied:"Perfect! Ill pick you up okay, i doubt you know where my favorite coffee shop is😂."
You thought about what to say.
Was a „cant wait!" too much? Or did a „alright see you" indicate you werent interested at all.
Why the hell did you worry so much?
You ended up writing:"See you Thursday🥰"
To which he answered:"Nos vemos el jueves😌"
After this conversation you decided to have an evening dedicated to yourself, especially your skin and you ended up making a nice facemask, eat some popcorn and watch a romcom on Netflix.
It felt good just doing your own stuff again.
Unfortunately you then fell asleep in front of the tv with the facemask on and totally ruined your cushions...
*time skip to the next evening*
It was now 5:46pm and you were sitting in Itzans living room after your last class had ended an hour early to fully plan the photo shoot.
„There's this really really cool wall close to the „Plaza Mayor" where we could take nice shots with him. Do you think the focus has to be on the person or the scenery?"
You shrugged your shoulders, not knowing the answer.
„But I think the expression makes it, she said „emotions" in her email."
Itzan nodded and leaned back, staring down at his laptop where you had written down some emotions you could try, some placed to go and some outfit ideas for Arón to wear.
Its been almost 20 minutes where you guys had just been sitting there talking about nothing but that class.
You realized you knew only a little about Itzan himself.
I mean, you've now seen his apartment which kind of reflects of who he is as a person but the rest was all unknown to you.
„So, what do you do besides college?" you blurted out. It was more an unfortunate question that just came out after you had thought it.
„I uhm." he started and sat up straight, looking at you.
„I've been acting for a bit but other than that, I do a lot of sports, meet friends, the usual you know."
-„You act? What kind of stuff have you done?" you immediately asked being super interested.
He laughed and then spoke about Élite for a bit, how he met most his friends there, Arón of course as well and you were fascinated listening to him.
Itzan seemed to be really into it. His eyes were sparkling the way he talked about the show and his cast mates.
He also asked about your life and you briefly explained, how you've been studying design for 2 semesters in your home country and now decided to work on stuff abroad and moved to Madrid to try. You also talked to him about your friends and family back home and he ended up telling you a lot about the dog he used to have when he was a kid and how much he misses him. He had to leave him at his parents' because most Madrid apartments didnt allow dogs inside.
It got later and later and you drifted off into talking about the most random things and you didnt pay any attention to the project.
At around 11 you headed home by taking the subway that was still quite full of people even though it had been so late already.
Before you headed to bed you got a short text from Arón, that made you smiled brightly.
„No sé if you're sleeping already but I'm excited for tomorrow☺️"
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mrelzbttherese · 5 years
My First 5 Months in T.I.P
Hi I'm Ma. Elizabeth Therese N. Doronela, 16 years old from Antipolo City. Taking Up HUMSS (Humanities and Social Science) in T.I.P. I take up HUMSS strand because I want to be a lawyer someday. I decided to study at T.I.P because of the good feedbacks. My school is far from my home but it's alright because I really want a high quality education to get that "Atty." before my name.
First day of school. I arrived at school at exactly 12:35 P. M. I know that I am kinda late but its fine because our Teacher was not already in the room. As I enter the room its a bit awkward because we are all total strangers, I do not know anyone and nobody
knows me. Finally after several minutes our General Mathematics teacher Mr. Jehrist John Uy came inside our classroom and greeted us. He first discuss his house rules and the grading system in Genmath after that we introduce our self. Name - Age - Address - Something Unique About Yourself, that is what we need to tell when we introduce our self. That moment I get to know my classmates a little bit and I was shy telling what's unique about me because I have nothing to tell. My first impression to our Genmath teacher and adviser is that he is cool and a great teacher. Sir Jehrist amazes me because aside from being funny, he is also a good and smart Teacher.
My First Month in T.I.P was great, of course as I expected I will be having more adjustments because of the new people, new environment and new system here but I am more thinking about the good side.
As I walk upon the hallway I just can't stop my self from over thinking and worrying how my Senior Highschool life would be. I am now stepping out of my comfort zone and
I am stepping in to the next chapter of my life. I just can't imagine how was my life in T.I.P wherein I don't have any clue if I will be having a good friends or teachers, to be honest among all the schools that I was thinking about T.I.P is the least school that I was expecting that I will go to. I have so many thoughts about how will my life in T.I.P goes. Days passed, I get to know some of my classmates. I make friends with them talk to them and open some topics or story to some of them. I had a good time with some of my classmates for the first week of the school year and I'm looking forward to be in touched also with my other classmates. So far, so good. I get to know many things on my first weeks in T.I.P. "what?! really", "myghash", "seriously?" these words are the words that always came out from my mouth because some of my teachers amazes us with some facts and trivias. I am admitting it, my first month in my school was a bit hard because of so many adjustments but it was really fun meeting new people and learning something from them.
My favorite place here in T.I.P is the Chapel. This is the most beautiful place in the school for me because this place always brighten my day. I cant say that I always go there everyday but as much as I can I always go there whatever I am going through. Happy? Sad? Excited? Frustrated? Nervous?, chapel was always my go to place in school. Now I will share some story about my unforgettable experience in the chapel. So there's a guy who is praying in the chapel and after a minute he ask me "ate is life fair or unfair?" and I was shock because I was to exit the chapel, the guy look so sad and frustrated I think he is a college student. The next thing is I answered him, honestly It took a seconds before I answered him because I was really shocked of what he ask. "I think yes kuya because some of us is happy and some are not" I answered him, and he just nod his head. I have no idea why that guy ask me that, but I really saw the sadness in his face, that time I really want to spoke up to him and say "kuya you can get up to this, God is good". but I don't have enough time so I just go out of the chapel and start thinking and realizing what that guy is going through. I don't know what he is sad or whatever but I just wish that he can go through that situation.
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This month I focused more on my studies. Nutrition Month is the main event for July, Its fun because a Doctor have some talk about healty living and taught the students about proper diet. The Month of July is full of school works and performance tasks, it makes the whole class more and more. Reportings, Role Play, Written works, Hang Outs, Milktea dates and Home Works that is what my Month goes.
I have this new discovery about T.I.P and that is the garden along with T.I.P anniversary hall. The garden is so beautiful especially at night, Its fun to watch the trees that are dancing and waving. This month makes me realize that I really need to work hard because before I go to my classroom for my first subject I saw a big board that has all the names of Dean's Listers in T.I.P QC and it makes me inspired every time I walk there and saw their names.
Aside from our classroom and lobby in building 9 , one of the place in T.I.P that I often go to is the Canteen. It's kinda noisy, messy and crowded but it is the best place to make "chika" and rant with your friend. I think the canteen has a big part on knowing my close friends because we always go there and share food and stories together. I always eat waffle and maccaroni. I will tell story about my favorite encounter at the canteen. So its our free time and me and my classmate go down to buy some food in canteen, I am craving for donuts that time and exactly I have 17 pesos in my pocket so I buy the cake butternut in happy house donut and then I pay for the donut and suddenly the seller said that the cake butternut donut is 18 pesos and my money is 17 pesos only and I left my wallet in the classroom that time and I was like worried because my room is in 4th floor and I don't know what to do, a seconds ago there's a girl who gives me a 1 peso and I was so thankful because of her. She just save me, I really appreciated it because she doesn't know me but she efforted to give me 1 peso. I said thank you for several times because I was just so happy that she helped me even if she didn't know me well. That time I realize that kindness is truely every where.
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August is what they called a ghost month because of many suspensions and holidays
but it also a good month because it is the celebration of Buwan ng Wika. The activities are so exciting. Festival Dance, "Sabayang Pagbigkas", "Tagisan sa Pag-Awit", "Batuhang Bola", "Karerang Sako", "Patintero" and many more indigenous games are the activities in Buwan ng Wika. It's so fun because we are able to meet new people aside from our classmates because we're shuffled with Grade 12 students. "Pintados-Kadyaan" is our group name. I joined the Sabayang Pagbigkas together with my other classmates and Grade 12 students. We train and train until we memorized the piece and the the choreography, becaus of many suspensions we are able to make practice and we also rehearse the whole performance every after class. Days passed and the presentation is coming. August 29, 2019 is the day that we are going to perform it. We are all nervous and excited at the same time, after a half an hour we are all done performing our piece, we feel relieve because we really worked hard for it. We are
all confident that we can get the award.
One day after and It is the awarding day and the host announces that we are 2nd placer, we are all happy because our hard work pays off, not the first place but sill grateful. The thing that I really wanna treasure this month is the friendship that we build while practicing for the Sabayang Pagbigkas, I may not always see them or be with all of them but the friendship will be always be there.
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September is the start of the ber months, it's kinda exciting. September is also the month where marks start of 2nd grading. New grading, new life and a chance to bounce back. I admit it i do not put my full effort on the first grading cause I felt that I am having a hard time to cope with the system of T.I.P in terms of academics. I said that I will make "bawi" for the second grading. This month is very stressful one because of too many school works. This is also the month where I always go home late because me and my classmates used to hang out every after class. Here's my fun story, one afternoon I am walking in the hallway because I'm going to the comfort room then I was singing the song "Imahe" and a group of college students saw and hear me singing and they all sing with me and I laughed so hard they are all funny. We are all laughing like we know each other.
I putted more effort on learning and getting a high scores in tests this month. Oral Communication is one of my favorite subject not only the subject but also the teacher which is Ms. Aivy, she is such a good teacher she's my favorite teacher. I am always looking forward to see and have discussion with her. I learned a lot from Ms. Aivy academically and she also from her life experiences. I remember this line from Ms. Aivy "You will learn If you are willing to" and I think that is beautiful. Nothing is more beautiful than a Teacher who believes in his/her students. She is one of the kindest person I know, she is a very inspiring woman. Ms. Aivy is one of the best people I know in T.I.P.
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October is the month of intramurals, the theme is The Hunger Games (Rise of the Districts) and my section which is 11HUMSSB2 are in the District 4 Fishing. Of course before the Main event which is the sports, The advisers make a try out for all the fishing team members. Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton and many more and I try out for the sport which is Volleyball and I passed the tryout, I was playing volleyball since 2013 so I have a much skills to play. There's also Street Dance Competition, Battle of the Bands and Mobile Legends.
All the students were so excited because of too much activties we are going to do in the latter part of the month. Before the intramurals we train and make some meeting with the whole fishing team and its so fun meeting other people once again. We are all from different sections and strands but we are united as one, as Team Fishing.
Days passed and the Intramurals 2019 is held. October 21. 2019 Early in the morning I woke up at 5 A.M. because the players needs to come to school at early as 6:00 A.M. The Opening Ceremony of the Intrams 2k19 was blast there's the presentation of the escorts and muses of each districts and also the performance of drum and lyre by the Quirino Elementary School students. After an hour all the sports are starting. 12:00 the Volleyball game started and we are all excited to play. The first game is Fishing vs. Textile (Women's Volleyball). The game was started and Its so fun, the game is exciting because of the strength of each team. Our first game was a win and we are all happy and were looking forward in the next game. After the game I ate at the food bazaar and take some rest. The event in the afternoon is the battle of the bands and it was lit, it was so fun hearing the talents of those singers.
The second day of the Intramurals is also a big day for us because it is our semi finals for Volleyball. Our opponent is the Team Lumber. The game started at 12:00 P. M
the summary of the game is in the first set the Lumber won and in the second set the Team Fishing won and at the tie breaker which is up to 15 only the Lumber won. We might not get the final spot but we are happy because we are in the third place. I'm kinda sad because of that but at the same time I feel relieve because I can rest after the game. The third and last day of Intramurals was a blast because of the performance of Street Dancers, they are really good dancers and after that the final games for Volleyball and Basketball and also the awarding. Finally the Intramurals 2019 was done, too much fun and too much memories that I will treasure forever. The friendship and team we've made will be forever in my heart.
I learned a lot. Sportmanship, Friendship, Hardwork is the really essence of that Event. It's not the sports and games that I really had fun but the people who I met and all the learnings.
Hardwork Beats Talent When Talent Fails To Work Hard.
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In summary my first five months in T.I.P is like a rollercoaster ride. There is ups and downs but I am still grateful because I know that God has a plan. Looking forward for the next 5 months in T.I.P. I learned a lot and that's what matters.
It is fun being a certified TIPIAN, I am proud that I am a student of Technological Institute of the Philippines.
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