#head unit tesla style
laser-raven · 2 months
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Her name is Tesla, as in the magnetic unit! That name for a bulkcee kid has been in my head since young me watched Metal Attraction. She’s gone through so many changes but the constant is always blue and blonde hair. (More about her under the cut
I don’t have outfit ideas yet, but if people have suggestions I’m more than happy to hear them!
For my humanformers I base them usually on their va’s ethnicity/race if they’re poc. Bulkhead is black and Arcee is a mix of Filipino and Thai! Making Tesla half black half asian!
Tesla is very strong willed and optimistic; she’s an unstoppable force who will get things done when she says so. Growing up, Her father taught both her and her mom how to care for black hair and now she can flaunt a new hairstyle at a moments notice. (Although, her favorite will always be goddess braids.)
Fighting style is much like her father’s, in fact her connection with Bulkhead is very strong ever since she was a kid! He trained her the most in fighting. Arcee, being a strict but kind parent, has high standards for her kids— that includes Smokescreen too in a way— that helps drive Tesla. She teaches her leadership and diplomacy.
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mywifeleftme · 3 months
330: Clara Rockmore // Theremin
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Theremin Clara Rockmore 1977, Delos (Bandcamp)
100 years since its invention, the theremin remains an oddity. It is in every respect an antiquated piece of technology, and yet like the Tesla coil and the plasma globe it still provokes the primal wonder of science-as-magic. The advancements of a modern synthesizer unit are hidden from the eye—if you presented it to an unthawed person from the 19th century, they would at least be able to infer that the device is controlled using the buttons and keys. But the theremin player creates sound by coaxing an invisible magnetic field with their bare hands, as though they are pulling its warbling voice from the air itself—and indeed, inventor Léon Theremin’s artful original name for his instrument was the ætherphone.
To watch a performance by Clara Rockmore, the instrument’s foremost practitioner, is to see something that resembles a scene from a séance or a German Expressionist film. A petite, dark-haired woman with the eyes of an Orthodox Virgin Mary, she would stand ramrod straight behind the lectern-like theremin, nearly motionless save for the almost palsied-looking convulsions of her knotted hands and the tensing of her eyebrows, the only sign on her otherwise slack features of the intensity of her concentration. She looks as though she is forcing down the song attempting to leap from her throat until it screams through her fingertips like steam from a kettle. As synth pioneer Robert Moog explains in his liner notes to Rockmore’s 1977 LP Theremin, her absolute stillness was not a theatrical device but a requirement of playing the instrument: the theremin’s magnetic field encompasses not only the performers hands but their entire upper body, meaning that even a minor motion of the head will influence the instrument’s pitch. But the austere figure she cut no doubt contributed to her allure, the sense that she was herself as unearthly as the instrument she played.
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Rockmore, a violin prodigy since age 5, took to Theremin’s invention sometime in the late 1920s. Her concerts popularized and legitimated the instrument, but it would be nearly a half-century before the Theremin LP, her first, was finally released. Produced by Shirleigh Moog and engineered by her husband Robert, one gets the sense that the Moogs are fans trying to correct an oversight, to record the album as it would’ve sounded if it had been made her during her prime. The results are captivating, even haunting. At times you may be fooled into thinking you’re listening to a recording of a human soprano from some decayed shellac disc; in other moments, you will be moved by how world-weary an electronic tone can sound.  Rockmore is accompanied, as she had been since the beginning, by her sister Nadia Reisenberg on piano, and her selections focus on 19th and early 20th century compositions, with a heavy emphasis on the Romantics. A majority of the pieces here come from her fellow Russians, including Tchaikovsky, Glazunov, Rachmaninoff, and Stravinsky. My personal favourite of these is her take on Joseph Achron’s “Hebrew Melody.” Inspired by traditional laments, Rockmore’s theremin evokes the sobbing characteristic (krekhts) of Jewish vocal music, while her sister thunders and pirouettes on her piano in a classically Romantic style.
Theremin stands apart from other electronic classical records like Wendy Carlos’ Switched-On Bach because it never sounds wholly like a novelty despite the theremin’s high camp potential (and, for that matter, Rockmore’s). It is peculiar, and my fascination with it definitely originated in a perverse nostalgia for esoteric junk—but the somber beauty of the sisters’ performance wiped the smirk from my face from virtually the moment I dropped the needle.
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wolf-among-mechs · 24 days
Unnamed world Coreward Periphery 19 August 3049
“Strongman here. Me and Knight are finishing the final sweep. No contacts. Coast looks clear Major, metaphorically and literally. Over.” Amrus spoke over the long range comms. Asuka couldn’t help but chuckle. It had been a fun sight seeing the lance come together. She felt a bit of pride in that she had managed to turn such disparate people into a cohesive unit that could rely on each other. It was the fun part of the mercenary life Asuka had come to know.
“Understood Strongman. Return to base with Knight.. The archaeology team have set up their camp and are going to start planning locations. Over.”  She responded on the radio.
“Copy that Major. We’re RTB. ETA ten minutes. Out”
With that handled. Asuka steered her Marauder II to the northern side of the landing area outside the modified Leopard dropship.
“Hotrod, Tesla. This is Black Wolf. What is your sweep looking like? Over.” She spoke into the radio.
“Looking pretty clear here, Major.” Jake reported.
“Any sign of the radar signatures from last night? Over.” She thought it best to make sure it was nothing. Maybe it was a smuggler ship she thought to herself.
“Not a thing so far Black Wolf. We’re about to finish the sweep. Over” Angelica added.
“Well that is one less headache for now I suppose.” Asuka said to herself.
“Alright you two. Prepare to return to base when you finish up. Over.” She stretched in her seat for a moment. The mundanity and routine was starting to settle into her. Nothing wrong with a milk run every now and again.
“Wait one Major. We have contacts, far. They're transmitting on open frequencies.” Jake said. Silence filled the air. Jake's informality on the radio annoyed Asuka briefly. Mostly because she wasn't sure what was actually going on when left hanging. She moved her Marauder ready to respond. She grumbled at having jinxed herself a moment earlier.
“Hey Major. Any clue what the heck a “batchall” is?” Jake spoke and killed the silence. Asuka stared at the speaker in her cockpit. That word sounded familiar somewhere. But where? When her memory found the answer, the cooling vest might as well have sprung a leak from the cold chill that ran down her spine. A few years ago Wolf's Dragoons had let her in on the secret from where they were all from. She was a full warrior and their equal, even though she was born in the inner sphere. They reasoned that she deserved to know the truth. That they were of the Clans. Survivors of General Kerensky's exodus from the inner sphere. Batchall was a term from the homeworlds. Used to issue challenges among the clans. She had been told that the clan homeworlds would be many jumps away from the inner sphere, nowhere near where they were now. No one in the Dragoons would use it. The fact it was being used now could only mean one thing. As Colonel Wolf had told her. The clans were coming. It was only a matter of when. It appeared that the answer was now.
“Major?” Jake asked for some sort of response.
“Asuka?” Tesla chimed in. She was worried now. This wasn't like the major.
“Could you transmit the sensor scans of whoever sent it? Over.”
“Sending now. They are some really ugly ass battlemechs. My computer can't make heads or tails of the darn things. Probably pirate franken-mechs. Zero points for style.” Jake chuckled, trying to remove the tension in the radio air.
“Same. My computer keeps bouncing between models trying to figure it out. Over.” Angelica added. Asuka looks at the sensor images. She recognized one of the images. The name Timber Wolf came to mind. It didn't mean much on its own. Only that it was indeed a mech from the Clans. But from what she had been told they were all faster. Better armoured and had more powerful weapons than you could find in the inner sphere on average.
“They're getting really riled up that we haven't answered them Major.” Jake felt pressed for action.
“Tell them you must return for bidding. Then cut communications and fall back immediately, double time. If they start shooting, do not engage, begin evasion. How copy? over.” Asuka snapped into a serious consideration. The most important objective she could think of was to let the Dragoons know that the Clans were coming.
“Solid copy. Letting them know.” Jake replied. There was another silence.
“They’re saying they are here to conquer the planet on behalf of clan Wolf?” Angelica added over the silence.”Must be their pirate na- Major We’re seeing Aerospace fighters above. There’s… Five battlemechs. Three heavies. two mediums.” Angelica reported.
“Conquest huh?” Asuka said to herself. There were no doubt more forces on the way. They had to get off the planet and get a message back to the dragoons.
“What is your estimated time of arrival Hotrod?” She asked over the radio.
“We’ll be back in about six minutes at the current speed.” 
“Understood. Be ready for takeoff when you arrive. Out.”
“Big Sky, this is Black Wolf. Start the Leopard’s engine and ready for an emergency take off. Expect company in the sky. Over.” Asuka said on the radio hurriedly. She had to do this as quickly as she could.
“Orders to scramble received Black Wolf. Big Sky will be airborne in seven minutes. Over.” The dropship captain responded. Asuka quickly tapped over to long range ground radio again.
“Strongman. Knight. Come in.” She spoke into the radio.
“Knight here. We caught your transmission to Hotrod and Tesla. We are en route double time. Expect us in four. Over.” Emily responded.
“Confirmed. To all units. Board the leopard immediately. Secure mid flight, do not waste time. Over.” Asuka finally announced to let her lance gather back up. She switched to the broadband frequency to the Rasalhagian archaeology team. Currently discussing the directions to work in. 
“Break break break.” She announced herself on the channel to clear it. “Emergency transmission from the Warsong mercenary unit. We have multiple hostiles inbound. We will not be able to hold them off. Evacuate immediately. We are dusting off in six minutes. Broadcast civilian status and avoid engagement. Acknowledge. Over.” She was met with silence for what felt for too long.
"Acknowledged? Warsong group, we'll begin the evacuation.” Somebody eventually says.
“I need you to understand, you have to run. Return to Rasalhagian space. I can explain when we get spaceside. Right now you have to trust me if you value your lives. Major Asuka out.” she swapped the frequencies. She didn’t have time to argue.
In the far distance she could detect the aerospace fighters on the sensors. They weren’t engaging. She couldn’t figure out why. Maybe they were just observing for now.
“Hey… Tesla.” Jake said over the short range radio. “What’s up with the Major? She sounded really spooked by something” “I don’t know, Hotrod. I have never heard her like that. I’ve seen her leap in front of a King Crab to save one of the phoenix hawks a few years ago. Fought off an entire lance on her own. I don’t want to know what scares her.” Angelica hit the jump jets in her modified Marauder to leap over a gorge to keep running. Jake’s Crusader was in hot pursuit. Despite the high speed of their mechs, the strange mechs were keeping up. Mostly. They didn’t all  appear to have jump jets and wanted to maintain group cohesion. Giving both Angelica and Jake the advantage in mountainous terrain.
“How the hell are those things keeping up so well? Their weapon loadouts would take up so much weight for the engines to push for those speeds.” Jake grumbled as he noted that the pursuers were maintaining distance for now. Neither he or Angelica could figure out why.
“Extralight engines maybe?” Angelica suggested.
“That’s what I think the sensors are saying but not any model signatures I can tell.”
“Maybe Asuka knows who these guys are?”
“Probably. She seemed to have an answer to whatever the batchall thing was. It sounded like they were going to attack us there for a moment. Now they’re just keeping away.”
The question hovered in the air between them, unsaid. “But for how long?” Neither of the two mechwarriors wanted to jinx it and tempt fate. But at least they were slowly gaining a lead thanks to the jump jets. With luck they won’t be running into the dropship under fire.
The modified Cataphract and Rifleman belonging to Amrus and Emily respectively came walking up a hill towards their Leopard Dropship and Asuka’s Marauder II.
“Get into the dropship. We are leaving in just under two minutes.” Asuka spoke on the short range comms. Both Amrus and Emily wasted no time and ran to the two open bays on the side dropship. Leaving the two on the other side for Jake and Angelica. With the modified last one on the back for Asuka. The moment they entered it the doors started to close behind the Cataphract and Rifleman
"Hey, wait for us!” Jake said as the Crusader jumped up the hill. Shortly followed by Angelica’s Marauder.
“They’re right behind us, Major! There’s another group of five that showed up on long distance approach.” She reported.
“Get inside the Leopard.” Asuka ordered. Jake didn’t waste a moment. Angelica swung around to look out towards the pursuers.
“They’ve got extralight engines for sure. They didn’t lose use for a second.” Angelica almost sounded out of breath despite it was her Marauder that had done all the running. Asuka switched her radio frequency.
“Big Sky. Time to take off?” She asked.
“Four minutes.” The captain responded. He knew she didn’t want the why of how a flap had locked up by a hydraulic system software fault. Nevertheless. 
Asuka cursed under her breath.
“Copy that.” She responded and switched the channels again.”
“They’re going to be here. We can’t take off with ten mechs shooting us apart while we wait.” Angelica was worried. Things were looking grim.
“Get to the dropship. I will hold them off.” Asuka stated. “I can give you four minutes. You all must go to Outreach, tell Colonel Jaime the clans are coming. He will have to explain. Give him your sensor logs, the battleROMs. Everything. I will maintain telemetry for as long as possible.” Asuka said as she prepared her battlemech for combat.
“What are you crazy? We can’t just leave you here!” Angelica cried out. “We’ll fight them with you. Open the bay doors. We stand and fight!”
“I’m open for that Major!” Amrus added getting ready to bring out the Cataphract again. “One for all and all for one!” Emily cried out cheerfully as she fired the targeting systems back up in the Rifleman. “I don’t care who or what clans are. They’re not gonna come to our planet and kill a single one of us!” Jake directed his Crusader to crack its knuckles. ”Let’s show them who’s boss!”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” With one swift motion, Asuka brought down the foot of her Marauder onto Angelica’s. Snapping the foot actuator. Making the entire mech stagger. Silence and shock akin to being struck by a PPC from out of nowhere hit them.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Angelica cried out as she struggled to keep the mech upright. Her mech staggered and then limped to one side.
“Disregard the order to open, Captain. Angelica. Get into the dropship. Now! I can give you the chance to escape and warn Outreach. If we all fight, any one of us might punch out and we do not have the resources to retrieve anyone in such a short time. There will be more of them. We are outnumbered and outgunned. I want you to live so you can figure out a way to fight them.” Asuka pleaded. ”We do not have time to argue.”
“But…” Angelica started. She didn’t want to leave anyone behind, least of all someone who taught her everything she knew. “Inside Angelica. Now.” Asuka ordered. For just a few seconds, Angelica was silent. She didn't want to go through with it but she knew that what Asuka was right. “Understood Major.” Angelica limped her Marauder inside. The bay door closed behind her. She punched the instrument board in frustration. 
A silence fell upon the entire team. All of them knew that there were risks in this line of work. That there would come a day where you had to play the losing hand. No amount of strategy or bluffing could you get out of it.
“Please take care of Shadowfang and Peanut for me. They are really good dogs.” Asuka manoeuvred her Marauder II to turn towards the distant sensor signatures.
“Asuka! What if you win though. We can’t leave you. We’ll swing by and pick you up when you win.” Emily said, trying to believe that it was possible. Ten to one weren’t good odds even for Asuka.
“Do not linger to find out if you see a chance to break away. Your survival and the information you have is more important.” She sounded as though her death was not a possibility, but a certainty.
The last bay door Leopard began to close. The last the rest of the lance could see from the backdoor was the silhouette of Asuka’s black and gold Marauder II walking off.
“Give them hell Asuka.” Emily spoke up to break the silence.
“Kick their ass!” Jake joined in.
“This is Big Sky.” The Dropship captain spoke up. “Three minutes to take off.” The engines began to roar as they made the final warming up.
“Warriors of Clan Wolf! Hear me! I am Asuka Hoshi of the Warsong Corps! I Batchall every single one of you! I bid only myself! For the safety of my Sibko! Who dares to be the first to face me?!” The radio from the biggest Marauder they had ever seen announced on broad frequencies. This caused a pause among the mechwarriors of the star formation. The words made sense to them. Just combined it was just a very strange sentence, it was not how it was supposed to go.
But on the other hand, it was the closest thing they had encountered resembling a civilised fight. It had all been shambling husks of once proud mechs limping towards them in barely functional states with foul and uncouth language on every radio frequency. Resorting to poor attempts at ambush and deceit. Hearing someone challenge to a fight was a welcome change of pace. Even if it was clumsy and almost incomprehensible. A timber wolf stepped forward from the formation. The only one that she could recognize from the Dragoon files.
“I am Mannix, Warrior of Clan Wolf. I accept your challenge.”
Asuka looked around the rest of the mechs surrounding her. Her computer couldn’t make sense of them. But that was fine; she didn’t need names or full readouts. Working as a mercenary and fighting on Solaris had taught her to identify a rough make up by sight alone. With a flick on a console they all became Red one through five. She needed to at least keep track of them.
Red one was assigned to the “Timber Wolf.” Two box missile pods sitting over the shoulders and its cockpit sticking out looked like a Catapult though with far larger windows. Its most notable deviation being a pair of Marauder gun pods at the end of the arms. It either had to run very hot, have no armour or no speed in order to mount all of that Asuka thought. But she already knew it was quick. That left two possibilities. In theory anyway.
Red two was trying to maintain distance. It looked like a starved Archer mech with missile pods built into a narrow torso. Instead of fists it had laser cannons. One larger than the other on each arm. The way the arms flared out reminded her of wings.
Red three was flanking the previous one, it was a left-handed Panther that looked like it had been compressed to a squat form turned into several boxes and left without the signature Panther head. The barrel in its left arm was surely a PPC going by the muzzle. 
Red four appeared to Asuka as a skinny Warhammer but with gun pods with PPC barrels  in its arms instead of only PPC barrels for lower arms. It also appeared to have Phoenix Hawk feet. It looked unbalanced to her as a result.
Red five was by far the most baffling looking one to Asuka. It looked like a locust with arms but massively up-armoured with a laser cannon below the cockpit and a large laser and medium cannon on each arm. The fists looked ridiculously large on the frame. Stranger still was the cowl at the back of its torso. 
“Are the rest of you cowards? Is Mannix the only one of you willing to fight me?” She bellowed out. Confusion spread once more among the clan warriors. That's not how this was supposed to go. Adding to this was that the hefty Marauder in front of them was heating up and overheating simply by standing there. Unbeknownst to the clan warriors, it was activating the triple strength myomers within the Marauder. Giving it a greater speed and far greater power in physical combat.  Before anyone could really make heads or tails of what she was saying. Asuka spoke again. 
“No matter. Prepare yourself Mannix of Clan Wolf.” With no further warning, Asuka charged towards the strange mech. Mannix had no idea what was going on. The Marauder in front of him suddenly sprung into a run far faster than a mech of its weight should. It fired the autocannon and PPCs on the charge. Mannix shot back with all the lasers. The teal and green beams of brilliant light scarred the Maraude; leaving molten trails on the armour plates while the PPCs and shells ripped through his protection. But no amount of training prepared him for what was next. The Marauder crashed into the timber wolf and trampled over the legs. Shattering and snapping armour, myomer and actuators. In one fell swoop his timber wolf now had no functional legs. This was not how duels were meant to be fought. As far as the warriors of clan wolf were concerned. The heavy Marauder moved with speeds it should not. It was overheating and fired all guns despite the heat and rammed into its enemy and savaged it enough to brutally  incapacitate it in a single moment. This was barbaric if not outright feral and bestial.
“I will take on all of you!” Asuka roared into the radio before the rest of the warriors had a chance to do anything about the duel having gone completely sideways. Asuka took aim at one of the medium mechs, Red three. Firing one of her PPCs and and both lasers in her arm pods while the Ultra Autocannon fired shells in rapid fire. Red three tripped and fired back. Without any warning, the rules for duels, Zellbrigen, were gone. It was impossible to tell if it was intentional or simply that the challenger didn’t know. Red three fired its own PPC of its and struck the Marauder, the lightning bolt exploded an armour panel on one arm. The other mechs woke up and laid down a hail of fire at Asuka. Another PPC bolt struck her while a third missed from Red four. Two green lances of light pierced the air from Red five’s cannons. Despite the damage, Asuka barrelled towards another mech, Red four. It fired two great volleys and pulse lasers at the Marauder. Armour plates melted and explosions rendered the heavy armour, exposing the right arm's myomers and actuators as well as the gun pod housing. But Asuka wasn't deterred. She smashed into the mech, trampling the legs and causing the missile racks to explode internally, CASE systems making the ammunition explode outwards. Making the mech disassemble itself.
In her head’s up display she could see the Leopard take off. Blasting off as quickly as it could. She drew a small breath of relief. Her task was almost finished. She wished she could turn to see the plumes of exhaust and smoke from the Leopard as it flew aware. A final assurance with her own eyes that it was escaping. Her sensors picked up two fast moving contacts above. In a single split second she realised they were Aerospace fighters. Aiming for the Leopard. They were flying overhead. She took aim without hesitation. Lining up every weapon that could reach, the PPCs and the autocannon. Firing everything. The bolts and shells struck true. The fighter spun out of control and turned into a fireball on the way down. The Marauder was far too hot for comfort now because of it. The shells for the autocannon risked ignition in the ammo feed. 
The remaining three mechs threw all the fire at her. Trying to fell the bestial Marauder. An actuator of the left leg was hit after all the armour protecting it had been turned to slag by lasers and blown apart by missiles. The armour on both sides of her torso was ripped apart. The entire mech stumbled as the left leg gave out. Asuka spun around and took aim at the other aerospace fighter roaring past overhead. The entire cockpit flashed red from the overheating warning. A fire broke out on her right on the instrument panel with a rain of sparks. 
“Dear old friend.” Asuka addressed her battlemech. “Hold together just a moment more, please.” She raised the unsteady arms to lead the shot. She held her breath as she aligned the reticules that trembled from the incoming damage and heat. Her thumbs pressed down on the buttons. The PPCs let loose their blue spears of lightning,  the autocannon fired twice in quick succession. The warning systems screamed at her for overheating alerts. She flipped a switch to override the auto-shutdown system. The man-made lightning bolts impacted with the aerospace fighter, two explosions from the depleted uranium high explosive shells found the fighter in the air. It spun out of control as well. The relief that washed over felt better than a blast of winter air ever could in the sweltering cockpit.
Asuka turned her attention back to the mechs we were surrounding her. She fired the autocannon at Red four, landing explosions on the torso and leg then and bolted towards it with all the speed she could press from the Marauder. In her limp advance. Its PPC struck her right arm and blew PPC in her gun pod apart. Lasers savaged her broken leg, and another PPC struck her left arm. Despite the laser and lightning, she moved forward. Red four backed up. Prompting Asuka to summon one more bolt of speed from the engine to drive her forward up close. Red four fired machine guns, lasers and PPCs. Her right arm was gone, torn apart by the blast of a PPC. Centre torso was almost completely unarmoured. The left arm and torso were exposed by laser and machine gun fire. On the comms she heard the warrior of Red four scream something about Surat and Dezgra. Asuka gritted her teeth as she brought her remaining arm to punch the mech. With a terrifying crash the entire cockpit of red four flattened, the arms and legs went limp and it fell over backwards.
She spun around to deal with Red three and five. Both had given the raging demon Marauder a wide berth. With a damaged leg, Asuka could do little. She aimed at Red five bringing up the PPC and autocannon and fired. She only struck armour while she maintained the limp towards it in an effort to punch it too. The two remaining mechs fired at her.
A PPC removed what armour remained on the right torso and ripped apart the autocannon. The lasers for red five struck all over her, cutting apart the last of the left leg, the Marauder staggered to the side and attempted a step forward. The last laser struck into the torso. Hitting the ammunition for the autocannon. The CASE system installed in the right side funnelled explosive red clouds backwards and forwards as the torso ripped apart. The engine stalled as the fusion integrity of the extralight engine could no longer be maintained. Asuka jolted first from the neural feedback of the internal explosion running down her own side like a cattle prod and then was violently thrown forward as the mech crashed forward from inertia. The last thing she saw through the cockpit window was the dropship’s smoke trail, slowly fading to the air. They had escaped. Then everything went dark. 
The Marauder fell like a rampaging beast had been put down by hunters. The two remaining mechs maintained distance as though the felled enemy would rise again. Every available weapon trained on the wreckage, just in case.
In the Leopard. The lance of mercenaries were staring at the telemetry and battle-data from the Marauder of their leader and mentor. Seeing her torn apart by a literal flock of wolves was too much for some of them. With each damaged component somebody whispered a swear. Until finally, the remaining high explosive shells in the right torso were ignited and exploded. Killing the engine and thus the mech itself. Ceasing telemetry to the Leopard and the lance. Its final note was recording no ejection.
Silence reigned in the mechbay. Only to be broken up by the dropship captain.
“This is Big Sky, we’re clear of the AO and exiting the atmosphere. Hold onto something folks. Next stop, Outreach.”
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jonathannsmith0706 · 21 days
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waterproofinginc · 1 month
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A man was arrested for stealing cash from a Tesla at a PA gas station.
Christopher Plytas was arrested for allegedly stealing almost $200,000 in cash from a Tesla car parked at a Conoco gas station in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The incident occurred around 5pm while the victim, who owned a skills machine company, was servicing one of the machines at the gas station. The money was kept in a box in the back seat of the Tesla. Surveillance footage identified Plytas and a female passenger as suspects. The police waited outside Plytas’ apartment for over four hours before taking him into custody. During the search of his car and apartment, several items were seized, including drugs, clothing, and $40,000. An investigation is underway to determine if the theft was premeditated and if others were involved. He is currently being held on bail at 10% of $2,000,000.
Link to maps
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brianbrianbrain · 6 months
I am so tired of people's weird ass leapfrogging rhetoric, and very specifically am very fired up about how dangerous overdoing "union pride" can be. Take these two recent union posts:
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ID. Screenshot of an Instagram post by @perfectunion on December 14, 2023. The slide is styled like a Twitter post from golden checkmarked user More Perfect Union @MorePerfectUS with added annotations for emphasis: Tesla is being forced to recall nearly begin underline every car end underline it's ever sold in the U.S.
The problem is the autopilot system, which has been involved in begin double underline numerous end double underline fatal crashes.
It's another sign that Tesla begin highlight needs a union end highlight. Musk must be stopped from putting profit before human life. End ID.
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ID. Screenshot of an Instagram post by @teamsters on December 4, 2023: In the top half of the slide, a United Airlines plane in grey/blue scale is in the background. Bold white text is centered In the foreground: We don't think twice text gets slightly smaller when boarding an airplane because we entrust our safety to the finest American technicians. The bottom half of the slide has a sandy white background with bold blue text centered in the foreground: What would passengers think if they knew text gets larger their plane was last text gets larger, begin italics maintained text gets even larger in China? The slide is bordered by a yellow frame and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters logo (the necks and heads of two horses facing away from each other on top of a wheel) is centered at the bottom. End ID.
I'm not glued to social media whatsoever, and I think it's horrible to discover that two (pro-)union accounts have taken such tone deaf stances barely a week apart from each other. No doubt there have been more infractions in that time period even in just public statements alone. I was heartened to see that at least for the Teamsters post, almost all of the comments called out the sinophobia and how indefensible it is that the Teamsters spout such racist and nationalist rhetoric while they are supposed to be an "International Brotherhood" and while there are so many actually valid pro-union arguments they could be making. But for the Tesla post, most comments just added to the "haha, Elon Musk is/billionares are at it again!" vibe.
My first reaction to the Tesla post was: consider this, what if Tesla simply didn't exist at all? What if it wasn't there to contribute to the violence and coercion in the Congo and other places where the raw materials for electronics are mined? What if it wasn't there putting out tabloid quality news and playing stock games and diverting attention and resources from actually uplifting people? And most directly, what in the world does having a union or not have to do with a recall? This recall was because Elon Musk is a hubristic piece of shit who, yes, doesn't give a shit about people's lives – he just wants to sell lies. A union would not be able to change that; in fact, the union might serve to slightly legitimize Musk's lies. And sure, Musk must be stopped from putting profit before human life, but OP just really went for a series of false equivalencies or something with union -> people over profit -> lol no more fatal autopilot?
Both of these posts take some incredibly tangential "issue" or even fabricate a new one and claim that a union would solve it in order to further a pro-union agenda. And as much as I hope that the Teamsters do well as a union and that Tesla workers win their union, "union pride" being taken to this level is unacceptable and foolish. What a union will accomplish: making sure workers are paid fairly and that billionaires are not completely stealing people's livelihoods for their hoards. Incendiary racist rhetoric will only ever serve to detract from united power against billionaires. What a union will not accomplish: magically making billionaires stop putting profit before human lives. In fact, organizing into a union as the end all be all reinforces the power of billionaires, because what you say as a union is: yea, we'll still work for you, you just have to give us a little more of these silly little tokens so we don't totally riot. And then the union usually proceeds to care jackshit about literally anyone else than people who are paying union dues, thus remaining complicit in or implicitly endorsing any other exploitation the billionaire may be up to (for instance, during the recent WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, the lack of platform given to non-US workers. Sure there's legal shit where the union bargains for the union, but the LEAST you could do is to give other causes consistent shoutouts).
I want to make it clear that I am pro-union, but I stress that it must be seen as but one of the first steps. "Union pride" that treats the union as a silver bullet solution is unacceptable. Union pride that bashes the skills of scabs instead of considering more complex dynamics or at least only hounding on their lack of worker solidarity completely misses the point, and like racist rhetoric, only serves to divide power against billionaires. Stop jumping through hoops to act like a union would solve everything. It's not the holy grail. It's a stepping stone; as the Black Panthers put it, "Survival pending revolution." Unions are for making sure you've at least got enough to survive while you transition to a better future where unions as they exist today are no longer necessary.
(Tangentially, I do wonder if this is a US/European specific thing, if people in other countries understand the larger dynamics and that unions are for bargaining as a unit, not for pretending that they are the pinnacle of society. I wouldn't be surprised, given the Cold War era efforts to distance US worker movements from international liberation and fit them into the capitalist-imperialist machine.)
And this leapfrogging rhetoric is in no way exclusive to unions. For instance, you don't need to be going after how someone looks or making generalizations about people's cultures and origins when you're calling for an end to genocide, for the very simple fact that the most important thing is that the genocide needs to fucking end. Stop adding to false divides and be clear with your rhetoric instead of firing off every single goddamned piece of random shrapnel filled ammunition that your subconscious mind can spit up from the dark webs.
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canavie · 8 months
15" Tesla Style Screen Android Car Stereo Radio GPS Navigation Head Unit SatNav Upgrade Kit Replacement Infotainment Land Rover Discovery 5 L462 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
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wiackcom · 10 months
The upcoming 2024 Lotus Eletre represents a new chapter for the storied British sports car maker as its first entry into electric vehicles. This futuristic SUV promises to blend Lotus' legendary handling prowess with next-gen EV performance. This guide will cover the Eletre's expected release date, pricing, range, interior and tech features, performance specs, and other key details surrounding Lotus' landmark model. 2024 Lotus Eletre Overview of the 2024 Lotus Eletre SUV The Eletre ushers in an electrified reinvention for the Lotus brand. Highlights include: Their first all-electric vehicle An SUV body style - also a first for Lotus Over 600 hp and 700 ft-lbs torque Target 0-60 mph acceleration under 3 seconds Projected 350+ miles of driving range Ultra-fast charging capability Premium high-tech interior The Eletre aims to redefine Lotus as a leader in electric performance, combining sporty driving with SUV practicality and cutting-edge tech. 2024 Lotus Eletre When is the Lotus Eletre Release Date? Lotus plans to begin production of the Eletre in China during 2023. The release timeline is: Production starts early/mid 2023 Launch Edition model becomes available in 2023 Wider public release follows in 2024 model year US deliveries expected to begin in late 2023 Reservations are already open in select markets, with a fully refundable $700 deposit. The Launch Edition will be limited to just a few hundred units worldwide before the 2024 model rolls out more widely. 2024 Lotus Eletre Lotus Eletre EV Range and Charging Capabilities Lotus targets an estimated WLTP range of over 350 miles from the Eletre’s high capacity battery pack. Fast charging is projected to add 248 miles of range with just 20 minutes of charging. Further charging specs: Over 400V system voltage 900+ amps of current Support for up to 350 kW charging power This positions the Eletre favorably among premium EV rivals in both maximum range and charging rate. 2024 Lotus Eletre What Level of Performance Does the Eletre Deliver? As a Lotus, performance is ingrained in the Eletre’s DNA. Specs include: Dual electric motors providing over 600 horsepower 0-60 mph acceleration in under 3 seconds Top speed limited to 161 mph Active rear torque vectoring for sharper handling Four-wheel drive with precision torque distribution Early testing suggests the Eletre will deliver sports car-like performance in an SUV package - living up to Lotus' reputation for driver engagement. 2024 Lotus Eletre What Features Does the Eletre Interior Offer? The Eletre aims to blend Lotus performance with a high-tech luxury EV interior: Five seat configuration with premium comfort Available Executive Rear Seats with leg rest Expansive central touchscreen and digital display Advanced AR head-up display Up to 22-speaker KEF premium audio Advanced ambient interior lighting Wireless phone charging plate The cabin balances comfort with technology, complementing the Eletre's sporting character. Materials like lightweight technical fabric will help minimize weight. What is the Expected Lotus Eletre Price Range? Pricing for the U.S. market is projected to start around $95,000 before incentives. International market pricing will vary. As a premium EV SUV, it will compete with models like: Tesla Model X BMW iX Audi e-tron Polestar 3 While carrying a Lotus badge, the more practical Eletre aims for a broader luxury buyer demographic over pure sports cars like the Emira. Lotus Eletre Specifications and Tech Details Here are more in-depth technical specifications for the Eletre as released by Lotus: Powertrain and Performance: Twin electric motors (front and rear) producing over 600 hp and 700 lb-ft torque 0-60 mph acceleration in under 3 seconds Top speed of 161 mph 800V electrical architecture enables ultra-fast charging
Advanced torque vectoring for agile handling Battery and Charging: 120 kWh lithium-ion battery pack 350+ miles of target WLTP driving range 270 miles EPA estimated range 20 mins of charging provides 248 miles of range 10 mins provides 155 miles of range 350 kW maximum DC fast charging rate Exterior Features: Aluminum and high-strength steel construction Aerodynamic profile with 0.29 drag coefficient Adaptive air suspension 22" or 23" alloy wheel options Auto-extending door handles Advanced LED lighting technology Interior and Technology: Premium comfort seats with available massage function Fully digital driver display and central touchscreen Head-up augmented reality display Up to 23-speaker KEF Unilight cabin audio system ADAS safety technologies including autonomous emergency braking Smartphone app connectivity and over-the-air updates Dimensions: 200.9 inches long 79.1 inches wide 64.4 inches tall with roof rails 118.9 inch wheelbase This extensive feature set showcases how the Eletre aims to blend supercar-rivalling performance with a high-tech luxury experience that ushers Lotus into the modern EV era. 2024 Lotus Eletre FAQs When can I order the Lotus Eletre? You can place a refundable reservation now. Launch Edition ordering will open later in 2023 for delivery by end of year, followed by wider 2024 model year ordering. Where will the Eletre be built? Production will take place in China through Lotus' new partnership with NIO and other Chinese automakers. How quick is the Eletre charging? 20 mins adds 248 miles of charge via supported 350 kW DC fast charging. 10 mins provides 155 miles of range. Exceptionally quick even by EV standards. What other electric Lotuses are coming? After the Eletre, Lotus plans an electric sports car called the Type 135, followed by a smaller Type 136 electric sports car. Is the Eletre available outside the UK? Yes, the Eletre will launch globally including across Europe, China, and North America. U.S. deliveries are slated to begin in late 2023. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 10 months
The upcoming 2024 Lotus Eletre represents a new chapter for the storied British sports car maker as its first entry into electric vehicles. This futuristic SUV promises to blend Lotus' legendary handling prowess with next-gen EV performance. This guide will cover the Eletre's expected release date, pricing, range, interior and tech features, performance specs, and other key details surrounding Lotus' landmark model. 2024 Lotus Eletre Overview of the 2024 Lotus Eletre SUV The Eletre ushers in an electrified reinvention for the Lotus brand. Highlights include: Their first all-electric vehicle An SUV body style - also a first for Lotus Over 600 hp and 700 ft-lbs torque Target 0-60 mph acceleration under 3 seconds Projected 350+ miles of driving range Ultra-fast charging capability Premium high-tech interior The Eletre aims to redefine Lotus as a leader in electric performance, combining sporty driving with SUV practicality and cutting-edge tech. 2024 Lotus Eletre When is the Lotus Eletre Release Date? Lotus plans to begin production of the Eletre in China during 2023. The release timeline is: Production starts early/mid 2023 Launch Edition model becomes available in 2023 Wider public release follows in 2024 model year US deliveries expected to begin in late 2023 Reservations are already open in select markets, with a fully refundable $700 deposit. The Launch Edition will be limited to just a few hundred units worldwide before the 2024 model rolls out more widely. 2024 Lotus Eletre Lotus Eletre EV Range and Charging Capabilities Lotus targets an estimated WLTP range of over 350 miles from the Eletre’s high capacity battery pack. Fast charging is projected to add 248 miles of range with just 20 minutes of charging. Further charging specs: Over 400V system voltage 900+ amps of current Support for up to 350 kW charging power This positions the Eletre favorably among premium EV rivals in both maximum range and charging rate. 2024 Lotus Eletre What Level of Performance Does the Eletre Deliver? As a Lotus, performance is ingrained in the Eletre’s DNA. Specs include: Dual electric motors providing over 600 horsepower 0-60 mph acceleration in under 3 seconds Top speed limited to 161 mph Active rear torque vectoring for sharper handling Four-wheel drive with precision torque distribution Early testing suggests the Eletre will deliver sports car-like performance in an SUV package - living up to Lotus' reputation for driver engagement. 2024 Lotus Eletre What Features Does the Eletre Interior Offer? The Eletre aims to blend Lotus performance with a high-tech luxury EV interior: Five seat configuration with premium comfort Available Executive Rear Seats with leg rest Expansive central touchscreen and digital display Advanced AR head-up display Up to 22-speaker KEF premium audio Advanced ambient interior lighting Wireless phone charging plate The cabin balances comfort with technology, complementing the Eletre's sporting character. Materials like lightweight technical fabric will help minimize weight. What is the Expected Lotus Eletre Price Range? Pricing for the U.S. market is projected to start around $95,000 before incentives. International market pricing will vary. As a premium EV SUV, it will compete with models like: Tesla Model X BMW iX Audi e-tron Polestar 3 While carrying a Lotus badge, the more practical Eletre aims for a broader luxury buyer demographic over pure sports cars like the Emira. Lotus Eletre Specifications and Tech Details Here are more in-depth technical specifications for the Eletre as released by Lotus: Powertrain and Performance: Twin electric motors (front and rear) producing over 600 hp and 700 lb-ft torque 0-60 mph acceleration in under 3 seconds Top speed of 161 mph 800V electrical architecture enables ultra-fast charging
Advanced torque vectoring for agile handling Battery and Charging: 120 kWh lithium-ion battery pack 350+ miles of target WLTP driving range 270 miles EPA estimated range 20 mins of charging provides 248 miles of range 10 mins provides 155 miles of range 350 kW maximum DC fast charging rate Exterior Features: Aluminum and high-strength steel construction Aerodynamic profile with 0.29 drag coefficient Adaptive air suspension 22" or 23" alloy wheel options Auto-extending door handles Advanced LED lighting technology Interior and Technology: Premium comfort seats with available massage function Fully digital driver display and central touchscreen Head-up augmented reality display Up to 23-speaker KEF Unilight cabin audio system ADAS safety technologies including autonomous emergency braking Smartphone app connectivity and over-the-air updates Dimensions: 200.9 inches long 79.1 inches wide 64.4 inches tall with roof rails 118.9 inch wheelbase This extensive feature set showcases how the Eletre aims to blend supercar-rivalling performance with a high-tech luxury experience that ushers Lotus into the modern EV era. 2024 Lotus Eletre FAQs When can I order the Lotus Eletre? You can place a refundable reservation now. Launch Edition ordering will open later in 2023 for delivery by end of year, followed by wider 2024 model year ordering. Where will the Eletre be built? Production will take place in China through Lotus' new partnership with NIO and other Chinese automakers. How quick is the Eletre charging? 20 mins adds 248 miles of charge via supported 350 kW DC fast charging. 10 mins provides 155 miles of range. Exceptionally quick even by EV standards. What other electric Lotuses are coming? After the Eletre, Lotus plans an electric sports car called the Type 135, followed by a smaller Type 136 electric sports car. Is the Eletre available outside the UK? Yes, the Eletre will launch globally including across Europe, China, and North America. U.S. deliveries are slated to begin in late 2023. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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skinnymiral · 2 years
Call to arms mods
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#Call to arms mods driver
In fact, the Super T’s only real limitation is long, steep hills-the gravity-fed fuel system doesn’t work over an eight percent grade. Shifted into one of the lower gears, the Super T easily made it up what can only be called a hiking or dirt-bike trail filled with loose boulders. Though bouncy, thanks to non-dampened leaf-spring suspension, its 21-inch wheels and impressive ground clearance make short work of a rutted-out, unmaintained fire road. It is mind-boggling how good the Super T is off-road. Unlike Bothwell’s first off-road excursion in Grandpa’s T, this one’s engine doesn’t use overhead valves, minimizing the potential need to make adjustments in the field. Even in 90-degree desert heat, the engine temperature barely registered on the radiator-mounted thermometer. With just a quick lesson, I was able to get comfortable driving the Super T without stalling, bogging, or breaking anything. Though the hand throttle lever on the right side of the steering wheel is somewhat clunky by today’s standards, in its time, you were likely the only car around for hours of driving it’s basically cruise control. It’s practical, reliable, and relatively comfortable in a variety of environments, from cobblestoned city streets to rutted, rocky dirt tracks. The Super T really leans into the spirit of American motoring: freedom to just go. I could even power out of the hairpins with an inner wheel smoking and spinning. The Super T cranks out about 40 hp, a healthy improvement over the stock 20 hp. It breathes through a Schebler carburetor and lubricates itself with a finned aluminum oil pan, transmission oil scoop, and external return line. The 2.9-liter four-cylinder engine is modified for power and durability, with a bigger cam, an aftermarket water pump, a flat-tube radiator, and a high-compression head featuring oversize valves. That’s 12 ratios, ranging from a high of about 60 mph on the freeway to a low crawl of about 1. But the additional floor-mount levers add capability: One controls the Warford three-speed transmission attached to the standard planetary drive unit, and the other controls a Ruxtell two-speed differential. There are two small controls on the wheel, a hand-brake lever, and the same three pedals the car left Detroit with a century ago. Size-12New Balances were the wrong choice. I crawl awkwardly into the Super T from the passenger’s side, over the aftermarket gear levers that now dominate the cabin, and settle in.
#Call to arms mods driver
Out here, there is no danger of being run over by a latte-sipping Tesla driver on a conference call. Here, we’re alone in the desert, like we might have been back then. The last time I tried was in Southern California traffic, which was terrifying. Controls weren’t standardized at the time, something you take for granted once you try to drive one. To say a Model T is not like a modern car would be a drastic understatement. In fact, if you own a real 1924 Bugatti Type 35 and need spare parts, Volkswagen’s Bugatti can’t help you. Professionally, Bothwell is the director of Pur Sang Argentina, a company building period-correct replicas of pre-war grand prix cars using, wherever possible, the exact methods and blueprints from the originals. John Bothwell has five Model Ts in his personal collection, along with a variety of other early cars, from Locomobiles to Rolls-Royces. Extensive catalogs, many of which still exist, showed you could customize your T to any specific need, style, or condition you might encounter. There were mechanical improvements, cosmetic tweaks, durability upgrades, and more. The Model T birthed the automotive aftermarket. Ford’s assembly-line construction changed the automotive industry forever, and the sheer ubiquity of the Model T meant millions of owners would take fixing its shortcomings into their own hands. But from the factory it was also too basic for many owners. There are no real brakes, no fuel pump, and only two forward gears. Most Model Ts are famously all black, saving on paint cost. To experience a Model T is to first learn where that money didn’t go. Clicking on an active bonus will queue you up for it.A Model T cost as little as $260, or about $7850 in today’s money-90 percent less than a European sports car. Once the queue has ended, they will disappear. Dungeons with active bonuses will display in a list beneath the draggable header frame. Call to Arms will display active bonus queues in a compact and lightweight fashion.
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sumus-blog · 2 years
10 Must-have and most popular car features
Now that we’ve lined some helpful automobile safety options it’s time to inform you everything concerning some common and funky automobile options you'll wish to suppose once buying your next automobile. They’re in no specific order however we tend to aim to offer you a flavor of why these ought to be fascinating for your driving wants.
1. 360-degree camera system
Rearview cameras area unit quite commonplace lately. They’ve proven terribly useful once parking a automotive or family planning of a car parking zone. However, some automotive makers have gone more by introducing 360-degree camera systems.
360-degree camera systems area unit settled round the automotive – within the grille, below the aspect mirrors, and also the rearview one – and area unit a awfully helpful automotive feature. they provide you as a driver a bird’s eye read of the vehicle as if you were gazing it from on top of and out of doors. and that they assist you check for youngsters and objects round the automotive in the slightest degree times
2. Sunroof
A sunshine-roof could be a movable panel in a very car’s roof that opens to uncover a window. They’re not the foremost refined of automobile options – and they’ve been around for many years – however ar quite in style as a result of the additional lightweight and/or recent air that they permit within the vehicle. What’s to not love regarding having the ability to observe the sky on top of your head whereas cruising through Britain’s roads?
3. Leather Seats
Although they will be cold in winter and boiling in summer, animal skin seats add barely of luxury to any driving expertise. several makers of late use synthetic substitutes like Tesla, that takes pride in their vegan-friendly upholstery. You’ll sometimes notice animal skin (or vegetarian leather) seats in higher trims and premium vehicles.
4. Heated Seats
Heated seats square measure AN absolute lifesaver once you’re battling Britain’s cold and wet winters and autumns. There’s nothing like warming up and feeling cosy on a chilly morning or once a protracted hike within the rain. Heated seats are nice for drivers and passengers with lumber problems, therefore seek for them if you think that you’ll love them.
5. Lumbar support
When you’re payment several hours behind the wheel of your automobile you’ll wish to be snug, particularly in your back and body part. in this case, it’s value investment in a very automobile with adjustable body part support – as it’s still quite rare as a customary feature.
6. Heated steering wheel
Up there with heated seats, a heated handwheel may be a nice further for British drivers, given the less-than-ideal weather. As its name suggests, a heated handwheel can keep your fingers heat in winter, simply after you want it the foremost.
7. Parking Cameras
Plenty of trendy cars already come back fitted with parking cameras, that are available handy after you have to be compelled to see out the rear in a very parking scenario. These build parking and reversing abundant easier and safer for the motive force and everyone else.
8. Remote Start
Remote begin is kind of a standard automotive feature in colder countries and it’s obtaining well-liked all over else. Not all cars have it however the chance of pre-heating the inside or demisting windows before stepping into is kind of appealing.
9. Navigation systems
Gone square measure the times of navigating the roads exploitation solely road maps and street signs. currently most new associated trendy cars go together with Sat navigation options – as an possibility or as commonplace – or a minimum of the chance of connecting to your smartphone’s Google Maps via Apple CarPlay or humanoid machine.
Some of the most recent Sat nav systems will adapt to traffic conditions or perhaps show you real pictures from Google Map so you'll be able to determine a location with a lot of ease.
10. Apple CarPlay / Android Auto
Apple CarPlay and humanoid motor vehicle ar 2 terribly asked for automotive options recently. each enable apps from your smartphone to be used directly through the multimedia of a automotive. this suggests you'll be able to stream music, scan text messages, take phone calls or navigate mistreatment Google Maps while not having to the touch your smartphone.
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glendale-ca-first · 2 years
Home Care Help
How Companion Care at Home Makes Life Easier for Seniors on Their Own
In-home care assistance is crucial for seniors over the age of 65. Since this age group often experiences silent depression, home respite care companions can help manage depression. The 24 hour in-home care provides a helping hand for seniors who need assistance for their daily living and personal care. But apart from these non-medical hourly in-home care, caregivers from in-home respite care offers valuable companionship. With the presence of a provider from home care elderly, seniors can try new hobbies, start simple exercises, or stay socially connected. If you have an aging loved one, having a 24 hour care from Home Care Help is a must for a mentally healthy senior.
Home Care Help
While you may think of sending your aging loved one to a facility, going for in-home care elderly like Home Care Help is a great option. The non-medical in-home care disabilities offer 24 hour care at the comfort of the client’s home. This way, clients do not have to make unnecessary adjustments with their surroundings. Home care elderly offers the freedom to live life the way the elderly wants it. Home Care Help, the trusted in-home care assistance in Burbank, CA provides customized plan for both short-term and long-term in-home respite care. With assistance in the activities of daily living, household chores, personal care, and concierge service, clients under a 24 hour in-home care experience improved quality of life.
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Glendale, CA
Glendale is a suburb located in Los Angeles. It lies in the Verdugo Mountains and as such it is also called as the “Jewel City of the Verdugos”. As one of the largest cities in the state, expect a dense suburban feel. The climate is classified as a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild to warm winters. Because of the nice climate, residents enjoy several outdoor recreational activities. White Americans account for 61% of the racial make-up, 16% Asians, less than 1% African Americans, and the rest are Hispanic or Pacific Islander. It is also interesting that Glendale has one of the largest communities of Armenian in the country.
The Americana at Brand
The Americana at Brand is an outdoor shopping, dining, and entertainment district. It is home to over 80 retail outlets such as Nordstrom, Barnes & Noble, H & M, and the famous Din Tai Fung restaurant. It is also the home of numerous high-end stores like g Tiffany & Co., Tesla, Calvin Klein, Apple, and even a "Stranger Things" shop, where fans of this Netflix series would love to visit and purchase some merchandise. In addition to the shopping amenities, the place proudly presents an animated musical fountain named "Waters of Americana" and their live music. While you can visit The Americana at Brand during the day, the best is still at night when the entire place is lit up, revealing its European-styled architecture.
Glendale, CA Sends Bogus Evacuation Warning
Waking up to an evacuation warning is definitely not the best way to start your weekend morning. Residents of Chevy Chase Canyon were rattled 9 am last Saturday for a warning to evacuate immediately at Glendale Community College. The alert was then followed by another message that it was just a drill. Residents were definitely annoyed with the lack of planning and prior announcement to the community. The following Monday, Glendale city officials issued an apology blaming a computer glitch for the bogus evacuation warning. If you are one of the affected residents, the unnecessary stress has been done. We just hope that authorities ensure that this will not happen again.
Link to maps
The Americana At Brand 889 Americana Way, Glendale, CA 91210, United States Head south on S Central Ave Pass by Domino's Pizza (on the right in 0.5 mi) Destination will be on the right 0.7 mi Home Care Help 1027 S Central Ave #1, Glendale, CA 91204, USA
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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(A/n: this might be a little biased since I’m in love with this man & I’m basing the relationship parts of this on my mc/myself so hope y’all don’t mind 😬)
IG info/bio: @/lucas.koh | 93.1k followers | for business inquires please visit: kohptr.com
27 (28) years old
From Oxford, England
Father is Korean & a car salesman at a Nissan dealership, he’s a strict/serious man who has high morals but beyond that he can actually be a softie in rare moments (+ that’s who Lucas gets his height from 🤤)
Mother is actually Chinese but lived in Korea studying abroad and eventually became a successful chiropractor (s/o to doctor mondragon on YouTube who I watch to help me sleep some nights and wish I could see! Lol) with her own practice. She’s a firecracker, intelligent, and quick to say what’s on her mind and doesn’t care if you like what she’s got to say. Most patients like that about her, she’s honest and her family is used to her ways but in the same way it’s more loving than offensive? (Smol woman but will remind you when she’s cracking your body she’s got enough power in her)
Either he’s a only child or he comes from a family of all boys with two younger brothers (they’re all in their 20’s) or he has one younger brother and one younger sister idk you decide
I’m feeling like he’s a Sagittarius? Carefree in the terms of he wasn’t viewing finally getting with MC when she’s dating someone else as cheating. Mans was READY to risk it all for me okay and I was down for it but ofc I had to react realistically and NOT “cheat.” *sigh* one part of me was debating ‘are we really dating tho bobby? We’re on reality tv. We’re not gonna die without each other if we hang out in seperate rooms’ *cough* Nope. but I’m a woman about her loyalty
He’s definitely adventurous. I don’t see him as the type to want to stay home all the time even tho his work definitely keeps him busy/exhausted. He’s down for road trips 💯
Occupation? Physicotherapist. His mother inspired him to get into the field and watching sports + the way players got their injuries always intrigued him? So to provide the best plan to have someone heal was something he loved to do plus being hands on while teaching/helping was a passion for him + I feel like he would also use a massaging technique instead of the usual exercise part of it
Now as someone who suffered a ACL & Mensicus tear & is STILL dealing with this BS pain years later, I would be so thankful to have him around! I feel like he’d have a optimistic attitude towards his patients and that’s what people need not someone that’s insensitive (like my surgeon/PT’s I had)
He models from time to time, when he was first approached about it he was upfront about not wanting to do it. It was much different than getting your picture taken for the office. That’s usually quick, the whole modeling process felt longer but somehow he was talked into it by his brother who’s a photographer and his mother. “Do you think you’re ugly? ‘Cause I’m not and you’re a part of me, so therefore there’s no such thing. Just look at your cheekbones, your jawline! I gave you those. The only good thing your father gave you was height.” Which filled the house with snickers while Lucas’ father just rolled his eyes and continued reading his newspaper for breakfast
Has a motorcycle and some luxurious car—not a Tesla those are basic now 🤷🏽‍♀️
Loves his motorcycle so much he’s got a tat of it on his right bicep
He has two available parking spaces in his parking garage at his penthouse but keeps his bike away in a storage unit due to a neighbor scratching it after his girlfriend broke up with him? Saying she was off to date Lucas? But that wasn’t true at all. He barely knew the girl, they didn’t live on the same floor. People were crazy but if you push him his temper might come out
Owns a leather jacket that he paid a lot for
Believes in “treat yo self” if it means in quality when shopping and has no issue being a big spender but he knows how to manage it well (his father told him all about how his own father dealt with bankruptcy)
Since he’s often at the office the whole day, he’s usually a night owl. He loves night drives and night dining. That’s usually when he finds the best places to eat
There’s this one pho spot that he loves and it’s his go to spot when he wants something quick on the way home
Cannot sleep with his entire body covered in covers, either his arms/shoulders have to be out or his legs, which would be a issue for me/mc since I sleep with the covers over my entire body...yes even in hot weather with the AC cranked up😂
He also makes great kimchi fried rice & loves Italian food
Will wine and dine. I believe it. I envision it! He loves going out on dates with his significant other (If he’s single and not with me, I think he’d try out speed dating)
Will dress to impress, will buy you a new fit he wants to see you/us/mc in especially if it’s your anniversary
Loves taking bubble bath’s with infused oils or flower petals with significant other
He’s the type that takes long showers & it brings him a true sense of freedom. He’s never able to take a quick shower, he gets lost in his ideas of what to do next in this world & it’s limitless
If he’s in for the day, which usually doesn’t last long—he’s either in sweats or in a robe all day
Only drives his bike on the weekend or if he’s going out of town but if he’s going on a trip for a couple of days with MC & if she’s got a bit of anxiety like me? He’ll stick to his car to make them comfortable
I feel like he enjoys the winter season. Maybe if it’s a slushy rainy winter more than a blizzards/snowy season. He loves bundling up, much to people’s surprise. He’s more than just his good looks and body love island fans!!!
Doesn’t post much on his socials. If you need to see what he’s about then you should do so in person or already know who he is. The internet can’t tell you much, in his opinion
Keeps himself in good health, I mean duh what kind of PT would he be 😉 goes on night jogs with reflector clothes on & occasionally morning jogs & at home workouts
Probably will date someone younger than him. Not by much, I don’t think he can take immaturity well. (That maybe how he views it) The most is 4 years younger than him
Henrik is his best bud from the show. They hang out all the time, crash at each other’s places, and vacation together all the time. They will be each other’s future best men forsure
Doesn’t go out of his way to talk to the rest of the guys from the show but if he happens to browse his feed and sees something he wants to comment on then he’ll carry a conversation of course
Far as the girls? He talks to Hannah & Priya from time to time. He also follows Hope and they like each other’s posts but not much communication is there either?
Either has a mint or black phone case, probably a Samsung galaxy user
Likes pistachio frozen yogurt but he’s lactose & doesn’t want to believe it :(
Smokes cigars when he’s out with his boys
Has a tight knit group of friends, majority of them are from the medical field since they all went to uni together + most of them are also married so the pressure is so on
*He’s the oldest out of his sibs so according to his parents he’s expected to be married first yet his baby sis is engaged and she’s 23*
wants a family...eventually. Probably will happen in his early thirties? The max for children is 2 for him. He knows they can be a HANDFUL due to his own friends who have kids + he’s a godfather and he’s babysat before so he knows how it goes!
enjoys his freedom as stated which further proves he’s a sag lol
Enjoys going to saunas to cleanse his pores/ get rid of toxins. It’s the easiest way for him to do so even tho his brother clowns him for it
His love language is deff physical touch. He loves hugs and resting his chin on top of your head, forehead to forehead, his nose pressed in between the space of your neck and shoulder, gentle squeezes, sitting next to each other with your legs touching, cuddling, sleeping on top of you or you on him, etc
He loves kissing. It’s automatic for him and it can also easily rile him up
Has strong opinions & will show them but will feel like he’s being attacked if it brings on a confrontation/argument
Will forgive and forget
Plays strategy board games
Makes his own natural healing creams & gives samples to his patients depending on their needs
His fav colors are: blue, white, & grey
Will grow a bit of facial hair in the cooler months if it’ll make mc happy (I’m a sucker for facial hair but hate it on myself lmao) but if he dislikes the feeling on his face he will shave and finds he likes a shaven face better, the facial hair makes him look a bit older—which is okay but that’s just his preference
When he stops putting gel in his hair/styling his hair in a quiff hairstyle it shocks fans with mc commenting on one of his pics, “you’re welcome x”
Likes going to the Hard Rock Cafe on causal weekends
also likes getting freaky in public, down for whatever 🤪
He’s a traveler so if he leaves the UK, I’m seeing him land in Toronto, Canada first and falling in love with it. I feel he would vibe well with the culture there, might even consider getting a vacation home in that location
Celeb crushes? Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé, Lupita Nyong'o, Anna Diop, Imaan Hammam, Jodie Comer, Megan Fox, Shay Mitchell, & Cassie Ventura Fine
Oh Lucas. I feel like we have similar tastes? Somewhat. He probably listens to more rock than I do? Maybe 80s rock moreso? & He listens to: WALK THE MOON, Allen Stone (his fav) , Emily king, Gavin Turek, Melanie Fiona, THEY., DPR live, & Sik-k
Anthem = Young the Giant, “Something to believe in”
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sutverentavuk · 4 years
How Small-Business Owners Can Patent a Fantastic Idea
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Throughout background, innovative and ingenious ideas have been duplicated or outright taken. Guglielmo Marconi is attributed with inventing the radio, even though it originated from Nikola Tesla. Nowadays it's easy for a business owner to patent an excellent concept.
Robert Fulton took the concept for the boat engine from John Fitch. Lizzie Magie created the parlor game "Monopoly" in 1903, but it was patented by Clarence B. Darrow in the 1930s. Even Apple has been accused of taking concepts from Google, Microsoft, and also Samsung.
Instead of letting an additional celebration run away with your terrific suggestions as well as succeed, you require to safeguard your suggestions from the start. You can also check https://www.ispot.tv/brands/dQR/inventhelp
One of the most popular ways to protect your item is by obtaining a patent. It's now very easy for an entrepreneur to patent a wonderful idea.
What is a patent?
According to the UNITED STATE Patent and Hallmark Office (USPTO);.
" A patent for an invention is the give of a building right to the inventor, provided by the USA Patent as well as Hallmark Workplace. Normally, the regard to a new patent is two decades from the day on which the application for the patent was submitted in the USA or, in special cases, from the day an earlier associated application was filed, based on the repayment of maintenance costs. U.S. patent grants work just within the USA, UNITED STATE territories, and also UNITED STATE possessions. Under certain situations, patent term expansions or modifications may be readily available.".
There are three sorts of licenses that can be released:
Utility licenses are given to anybody who creates a new and useful procedure, the equipment, short article of manufacture or make-up of matter, or any kind of brand-new as well as useful improvement thereof.
Design licenses are provided to innovators of brand-new, original, and ornamental styles for an article of manufacture.
Plant patents are given to any person that designs or discovers as well as asexually replicates any kind of distinctive as well as a brand-new variety of plants.
You practically can not patent a service idea, such as a particular niche online store or a new chain of themed restaurants. You can, nonetheless, patent the method of working.
Besides, realize that licenses are openly disclosed which the USPTO does not apply for patents after they are released-- this responsibility is the patent owners.
Ultimately, a patent is not a hallmark, service mark, or copyright.
Most significantly, it's recommended that you seek legal advice and also advice when obtaining a patent. Given that patents are different as well as complex you may end up spending way too much money and time on your patent, along with losing your important ideas, if you don't appropriately complete the procedure.
Exactly how can a patent advantage your business?
Before you start researching as well as working with attorneys, make certain that a patent is an appropriate choice or the right time, for your service. As Shark Storage tank's Barbara Corcoran discussed in Reddit AMA, entrepreneurs make the mistake of "pissing away cash on licenses as well as PR" as well as not being positive sufficient.
Corcoran suggests to you:
Make the item.
Obtain some sales.
Make the large guys envy you.
Get a patent.
If you have complied with Corcoran's suggestions and you're qualified to make an application for a patent, after that a patent offers you and also your financiers with a sense of security.
A patent can also aid you with working out top dollar for your concept if you ever before want to market your invention or process to another business.
Most significantly, a patent allows you to take legal action versus any entities that swipe your copyright.
Exactly how to patent a wonderful idea.
If you're positive that your concept drops within the definitions as well as requirements needed to apply for a patent, as well as you've made certain that there are no other previously submitted licenses, then it's time to make an application for your patent.
When requesting a patent you'll be required to reveal the nature of the invention. You will certainly require to offer a comprehensive created summary. You might likewise be required to submit drawings or makes.
Remember that licenses are just provided to a person. Not in the name of a team or a business.
Patent applications go through a standard fee as well as added charges.
A search fee.
An assessment cost.
Problem cost.
These costs differ but expect to pay around $130 for a little entity.
However, a provisionary patent application for a mechanical device, for example, can cost over $2,000. This doesn't include the additional $2000 you'll have to pay if you want to put a "thrill" on this either.
Once again. I would highly urge you to speak to a patent to assist you with finishing the application. You can do a fast Google search for patent lawyers near you or make use of relied on websites like lawyer.com, findlaw.com, as well as even the USPTO website.
If you don't have the cash for legal suggestions, you ought to get in touch with the Inventors Assistance Facility (IAC). This is a team of former Supervisory Patent Inspectors, experienced Key Patent Supervisors, intellectual property specialists, and lawyers that can respond to basic inquiries and help you with filing forms.
They can not give legal recommendations or specific line-by-line conclusion of forms.
Find out more help by following invethelp:
Alternative means of safeguarding your suggestions.
Even if your suggestion can be patented, you need to also take into consideration copyrights for any type of initial written web content that you have placed on your business's web site or blog. Assume concerning a hallmark, which a word, expression, sign, and/or layout that recognizes and also distinguishes you from other organizations.
You can also secure your copyright by:
Making your possession public. "Utilize the right signs in your media and advertising product notifies," claims David Flower, head of Safeguard IP. Patent and layout numbers can be added later on, but you require to stay on-- top of renewals, advises Blossom. "To make certain the ongoing protection of styles, trademarks, and patents, do not forget to pay revival costs. Registered rights will run out if organizations fall short to pay on schedule.".
Documenting every little thing. "Follow up every discussion you have concerning your idea over email," claims Stephen Trick, an expert in licensing and entrepreneurship. "Years ago, I filed a claim against one of the biggest plaything firms worldwide for patent infringement in government court. My proof aided solidify my story.".
Asking people to sign NDAs. If you share your suggestions with anyone else, whether if it's a buddy or worker, ask them to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). It may be unpleasant to ask, yet it will inevitably secure you against burglary.
Ask workers or collaborators to authorize NCAs. A Non-Compete Arrangement will protect against employees as well as specialists from releasing a completing company within a specified duration.
Develop an IP culture. "Produce a business-wide IP recognition plan, to guarantee that all staff members understand the relevance of IP and also the problems surrounding it," says Bloom. "Whether you commit a single person within the business to look after the enrollment, protection, and also maximization of IP or you outsource this function to an IP expert.
Submit a patent-pending application. For simply $100, you can file a PPA. This will shield your idea for one year, which provides you time to raise money or confirm your principle.
Utilize the blockchain. Cloud-based systems that utilize blockchain innovation, such as Storj, usage security keys to ensure that nobody can access your data besides you.
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canavie · 1 year
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modifier6 · 3 years
Tesla Style Android 11.0 Car GPS Navigation Radio For Bentley Speeding Supersport Audio Multimedia Player Auto Stereo Head Unit
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