#heads up peeps pls keep sending asks and I'll keep looking for decent snippets
snickerdoodlles · 8 months
🧁I was so tempted to add an apple in a nature’s candy way but decided not to be a dick at the last minute
now I want an apple and cupcakes...
swinging to a different WIP, I don't believe I've shared the beginning of red line fic here yet 👀
Kim’s in danger.
This is supposed to be a tutoring session. And, by all metrics, it is one--he and Chay are sitting in Chay’s living room, on opposite ends of the couch, with a guitar in Chay’s lap and Kim coaching him through a tricky transition. Just like they agreed to do last week, when Chay had asked if he could help him with some things he’s been struggling with, and Kim had immediately made space in his schedule to tutor him, because he is Chay’s guitar tutor.
This does not feel like a tutoring session.
“Oh!” Chay gasps as he tries the bridge again. And he nearly gets it, fingers moving across the fretboard beautifully until he gets halfway through and his fingers cramp and falter from the unfamiliar movement.
“Oh…” Chay says with a pout. He shakes out his hand and tries the awkward finger movement again, frowning cutely as he can’t quite get his fingers to move the way he wants them to.
Chay looks to Kim, eyes big and adorable and dangerous. “Show me again?”
Thud thud thud, goes Kim’s heart, which is a stupid thing for it to do, because this is just tutoring.
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