#hedged in their beginning conversations and hence the reason
omgkatsudonplease · 4 years
[ficlet, bagginshield] we could form an attachment (bridgerton au)
The gardens at Long Cleeve Hall are stifling with the aroma of wisteria. Bilbo Baggins, who had hoped to escape there for some air, finds it frankly just as hard to breathe there as he had inside the Hall itself.
“Bilbo?” Lobelia Bracegirdle’s voice rings out from not too far away, causing Bilbo to leap to attention again. “Bilbo Baggins, get out here this instant! The Springle-ring is starting and you signed my dance card!”
Oh merciful Giver spare me, Bilbo thinks mutinously, rushing away from the sound of her voice deeper into the gardens. He had only agreed to stand up with her to be polite, but if this is how she’s going to handle him needing some air, he might as well leave her hanging all night. Miss Bracegirdle’s forceful personality might make her seem charming (if not intimidating) to other Hobbit-lads on the marriage market, but her inability to take no for an answer and her overt interest in becoming mistress of Bag End has completely drained him of any hypothetical interest he may have had in her.
He spots a decent-sized hedge and dives behind it just as Miss Bracegirdle enters the gardens, her white gown making her look like the shroud of some terrible Barrow-wight as she cranes her head around for him. Bilbo hardly dares to breathe, listening only to the merry refrain of the Springle-ring in the distance matching with the sound of his own heartbeat.
“Where is that blasted Mr Baggins?” grumbles Miss Bracegirdle as she heads deeper into the gardens, just past his hiding space. He exhales as soon as she vanishes from sight, before turning and almost colliding with another dark figure lurking in the hedge.
Bilbo’s first instinct is to scream, but then that would call Miss Bracegirdle back to him. The figure turns to look at him, and a mixture of shock and resignation floods through Bilbo all at once.
It’s King Thorin.
Bilbo remembers their first meeting at the season-opening Party Field Dance. He had been doing evasive manouevres from Miss Bracegirdle at that time, too, and had bumped quite literally into King Thorin. The Dwarf-king had refused to indulge him in his paltry attempts to make conversation, though he did recognise Gandalf, Bilbo’s chaperone for this year’s social season.
It seems that Gandalf had agreed to accompany Bilbo to this year’s social events for no real reason other than a general desire to disturb the peace, because no sooner after finding that King Thorin was in the Shire on a goodwill tour before the hunting season starts in the Ered Luin, Gandalf had decided to arrange a dinner party for all of them. So this is now his third encounter with King Thorin, and it seems that each time, the Dwarf-king gets a little more handsome and a lot more rude.
“What are you doing out here, Mr Baggins?” demands King Thorin.
“Could ask the same of you, Your Majesty,” hisses Bilbo, putting a finger to his lips. “And hush, there’s someone looking for me.”
“Miss Bracegirdle, right?” wonders King Thorin drily, raising an eyebrow.
Bilbo grits his teeth at the condescension rolling off the Dwarf-king in waves, and turns back to the leaves to keep his eye out for Miss Bracegirdle’s return. “What business is it of yours?” he mutters.
“Oh, you could do better,” scoffs King Thorin.
“I would rather not do anybody here,” replies Bilbo.
That gets King Thorin’s eyebrow raising in curiosity. “If you have no wish to marry anybody here, then why are you at these events at all?”
“Because it’s the respectable thing to do,” says Bilbo. “I know you come from some far-off hill —”
“The Lonely Mountain, actually —” offers King Thorin.
“Whatever.” Bilbo waves a hand at that. “You’re not from these parts, so you couldn’t possibly understand the importance of respectability.”
King Thorin raises an eyebrow, and Bilbo suddenly realises exactly what he’d said. His cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“I mean — respectability with Hobbits is much different than with Dwarves — I’m sure you’re perfectly respectable with your folks, otherwise you wouldn’t be King!”
“I still fail to see how that equates making yourself do something you do not wish to do,” replies King Thorin.
Bilbo swallows. It had been his mother’s dying wish that he fall in love and get married someday. And that was part of the reason why he’d kept going to these events, year after year, in the vain hope that perhaps this year things will be different. Perhaps this year someone special will sweep him off his feet.
In turn, all he’s gotten out of it is a reputation for pickiness, speculation on whether or not there’s something wrong with him for not settling for some pretty Hobbit-lass who can’t see him past his family name, and anxiety at the possibility of having to attend these events until he’s old and shrivelled. But he’s not going to explain all of that to some Dwarf-king only in the Shire to rake some buds before he goes to be Dwarf-kingly at the Ered Luin.
“You know, I haven’t seen you on the dance floor at all tonight,” he says, changing the subject. “Surely a King would know how to dance.”
“Yes, of course,” replies King Thorin, his tone mildly irritated.
Bilbo hums. “Surely even a King of Dwarves knows that in the Shire, the lads must not leave any lasses who wish to dance sitting by the side,” he adds.
“Your point being?” wonders King Thorin.
Bilbo crosses his arms. “Why attend these events at all if you will not do the polite thing and dance? Is it because you also don’t want to be here?”
Perhaps it’s a trick of the light, but the very tips of King Thorin’s ears seem to flush pink. “I am here in the Shire as part of my goodwill tour before going hunting in the Blue Mountains,” he points out, his voice thick with something Bilbo can’t quite place. “Am I not allowed to amuse myself and experience Hobbit culture prior to my departure?”
“You have a odd definition of amusement, then, since you spend these balls glowering to the side,” replies Bilbo.
“You would be glowering, too, if all of the mamas of the Shire keep flocking to you in hopes of introducing you to all of their marriageable children,” retorts King Thorin. “I am here to observe, not find a spouse.”
Bilbo snorts. “And I am here to find my true love, but as a gentlehobbit in possession of a good fortune, I find myself surrounded more by dissemblers and treasure-hunters,” he remarks drolly. “Hence, six-going-on-seven years of unattachment.”
“Ah, yes, the Shire’s elusive hare.” King Thorin’s brows knit. “Is it true this is your seventh season? I only read of it in the Stormcrow pamphlets.”
Bilbo hums. “Stormcrow talks of you, too. Says you are colder than the Fell Winter. Not very good for foreign relations, I imagine.”
“That is entirely unfair,” mutters King Thorin. “I should not be painted wintry just because I have yet to dance.”
“Is it better or worse than being described as a hare to be hunted?” retorts Bilbo.
King Thorin grows thoughtful at that. After a moment, he puts his hands together, and fixes Bilbo with the full brunt of his steely blue gaze.
“How would you like to solve our joint Lord Stormcrow problem together?”
For the gathered attendees of the dance at Long Cleeve Hall, the most exciting part of the night had not been when Hanncome Hobson and Marigold Morstan announced their betrothal, nor was it when Falstaff Proudfoot fell into the punch bowl.
No, the most exciting part of the night was when Gandalf set off an entire array of golden fireworks and sparklers, dazzling across the night sky before falling back down on their wondering faces in flocks of golden petals. And it was in the midst of all of this when Bilbo Baggins and King Thorin II of Erebor arrived back at the hall, hand-in-hand.
“Don’t panic,” says King Thorin out of the corner of his mouth. Bilbo takes a deep breath, willing his nerves not to show as they make their way through the gathered crowd, heading for the dance floor.
“We could form an attachment.”
The couples on the floor are now dancing the Weller-spin, a lively yet rather shockingly intimate dance involving pairs circling one another with their arms tightly wound around one another. Bilbo’s heart stutters at the sight, but King Thorin presses them onwards, into a miraculously empty spot on the dance floor.
“Look into my eyes,” he suggests. Bilbo complies, gasping in spite of himself when he feels the Dwarf-king’s hand at his back. He scrambles to return the favour, clasping their other hands together above their heads. “If this is to work, we must appear madly in love.”
“I am trying to avoid diplomatic disaster in the Shire, and you are trying to find your true love. With this arrangement, the rest of the Shire — particularly Lord Stormcrow — will believe that I am not so cold as my initial impression might seem, while you will have turned from being the quarry into the hunter.”
They begin to move together to the music, spinning along with the other couples. King Thorin’s hand is steady against Bilbo’s back as they dance, the heat rolling off of him running through Bilbo’s body to settle in his stomach. The Dwarf-king’s gaze is softer now, something less like cold steel and more like a summer sky.
“In other words, I will no longer be wintry, nor will you be a hare.”
King Thorin spins him out of his arms, before reeling him back in. Bilbo goes willingly, only half of his breathlessness feigned for show. They take each other’s hands in a promenade, turning together before moving back into one another’s arms again.
“Your Majesty,” begins Bilbo, but King Thorin cuts him off with a chuckle.
“We are courting,” he reminds him. “Call me Thorin.”
“Very well, Thorin.” Bilbo smiles. “Do you know the other parts of Hobbit courtship?”
Thorin’s brows briefly furrow. “You will have to educate me, Mr Baggins,” he replies.
Bilbo chuckles at that. “Bilbo,” he says. “Since we are courting, like you mentioned.”
“Bilbo,” agrees Thorin, and the sound of his own name being said by that low voice makes shivers run down Bilbo’s spine. “Tell me more about Hobbit courtship.”
In spite of himself, Bilbo’s stomach flutters.
“This is madness,” Bilbo breathes, looking up at King Thorin, still utterly lost and nervous and perplexed.
“Yet there is method to it,” answers King Thorin. “Provided, of course, that we can amiably part ways at the end of the season, or when someone finds they are so truly in love with you that they would dare to go toe-to-toe with a King for your hand. For as long as I do not love you, and you do not love me, then what have we to lose?”
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kingdomofthelogos · 6 years
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Evil and Idolatry
Evil gains power when people have something other than God as the center of their moral compass.
In Zechariah 5 there is the strange image of a woman being placed in a basket and carried away by two other women to be sealed up. The woman sealed in the basket is the physical incarnation of sin and wickedness, and the other two women are the workers of God keeping evil at bay. Naturally, this conversation takes to a place where we must contemplate evil. Sealing away evil is a vigilant task demanding wisdom of evil’s methodology
The Ten Commandments begin with rules that are specifically against idolatry. The god of your life is the source of your morality. Evil wants to trick people into having something other than the Creator of the Universe as the center of their morality.
Evil cannot control the souls of others without people first moving away from God. It can torment them from the outside, and make their lives hell, but it cannot take a soul to hell until that soul separates itself from God. Hell is eternal separation from God.
Evil knows that it can control people if their moral compass is not oriented by God.
So what happens when people separate themselves from God? My observation of the world is not that people become godless, but instead they make idols. making an idol is byproduct of not appropriately positioning God as the center of your morality.
Idolatry is not just liking something too much, idolatry is when you receive moral instruction of what is good and evil from something other than God.
Regardless of what you say or think, the god of your life is whatever gives you moral instruction of good and evil.
If evil is to ever have a foothold, it must first move a person's moral compass away from God. The ten commandments understand this, hence why the ten start with instructions that tell who is God, not to make other gods, and not to attribute things to the name of God which are not of God. God is not the scapegoat for your desires.
Lets talk a bit about Evil’s game. Because evil is quite tricky in how it works. We would expect evil to be so bold as to want to make itself an idol, but here is where it is clever. Evil can win without becoming your new idol. Evil can win just by convincing you to have anything in the universe as your center of morality other than God.
Let me show you what I'm talking about by going to the book of Job. The Book of Job is a very ancient book, and it is structured like a trial. A man named Job is accused by Satan, a name meaning the accuser, and God is called to judge whether or not His people can be sincerely righteous or if they are just faking it so they will be paid with nice things in life.
Satan does want to make Job suffer, and he wants God to admit that righteousness and holiness are fake. Satan wants Job's corpse. But what action does Satan want from Job? Job is having to defend himself in this court. What does he have to do if he wants Satan to win? What does Satan need him to do, if Satan is to defeat God?
Lets go to our text:
Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 7 The LORD said to Satan, "From where have you come?" Satan answered the LORD and said, "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it." 8 And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?" 9 Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "Does Job fear God for no reason? 10 Have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. 11 But stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face." (ESV Translation)
Does Job have to treat Satan as if he is the new god? No, all he has to do is curse God. It doesn't matter where Job's new source of morality comes from. It doesn't matter what idol he fancies from himself. Just as long as he turns from God. The idolatry will come, and it starts with cursing God.
This is how evil wins.
This is why we must contain it. As stated earlier, it is not something which can be cut off at the source, because its source is like darkness. It is not a thing by itself, but it is something found in the absence of something else. Evil is found in the absence of holiness and righteousness.
The concept of sealing up evil truly is a powerful image. It takes work to seal something up, and it takes maintenance to keep it contained. The basket housing evil in Zechariah is placed in a house, and taken away from the spiritual center. Pandora's box is sealed away, and the basket is sealed up because the evil wants to consume. Do not be fooled, sealing away evil is not ignoring evil. This is a very encumbering task and requires a fair amount of energy.
That being said, we must have a solid compass telling us what is and what is not evil. Many in our world find their sense of right and wrong in something other than God, the Creator of the Universe. When this happens, they are no longer equipped to seal evil away.
Remember to keep God at the center of you life, and God bless.
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worryinglyinnocent · 8 years
Fic: A Helping Hand From Beyond (4/?)
Summary: “You know, sometimes the deceased stay with us, waiting until they’re sure we’ve moved on before they can move on themselves. Giving us a helping hand from beyond, as it were.”
When Gloria Rush and Rum Gold meet one cold October morning, they quickly come to the realisation that they share a common goal – to help those they left behind in life to move on and find happiness again. Using what little means available to them, the two lost souls team up to ensure their widows’ future, and find their own peace.
Rumbelle, Rushbelle, Gloria/Nick, and an epic Gold&Gloria bromance.
NB: This fic will contain a lot of discussion of death and what comes after.
[One] [Two] [Three] [AO3]
First Intervention
Gloria has a lot of fun with a screwdriver. Gold holds the flashlight.
“Well, this is certainly a new experience for me.”
“You’ve never been on a stakeout before?”
Gold looks at Gloria with a raised eyebrow. “No. Do you make a habit of it?”
“Not a habit, but it’s not the first time I’ve done it.”
They’re sitting in a darkened corridor of the physics building outside Nicholas’s office, waiting for the man himself to leave. It’s almost midnight and the rest of the place is deserted; the cleaning staff are long gone.
“Does your husband ever sleep?” Gold asks incredulously, going over to peer through the glass panel in his office door for the third time.
“Oh, sometimes.” Gloria’s voice is airy, as if this is an entirely normal occurrence. Well, for her it probably is. “But he likes to work through his feelings. I’d take this as a good sign, if I were you.”
It’s been a week since their first meeting, and by proxy Nicholas and Belle’s first meeting. Nothing more has happened, apart from a couple more lectures in which there has been no interaction between the two aside from that of professor and student, and Gloria has decided that it is time to make their move. Hence their position hiding out in the physics department until everyone has gone home. Although, given their current spanner in the works, they may have to wait a lot longer than they were expecting. Gloria hasn’t told Gold the full extent of her plan yet, but she mentioned something about coffee machines and Gold’s quite happy to go along with it since he hasn’t had any better ideas. After that first meeting, things seem to have stagnated so anything to give proceedings a little push in the right direction will be useful.
“He’s working himself into the ground to try and avoid Belle?” Gold hedges. Gloria nods.
“Well, not avoid Belle, per se. More… avoid thinking about her. Avoid thinking about anything, really. It’s always been his way.”
“Hmm.” Gold glances into the room again. “Do you think we ought to do something to get him out of there?”
Gloria gives him an amused smile. “What do you suggest?”
“Well, we’re dead. I suggest haunting him. You know, just open the door, go in, throw some books around.”
Gloria snorts. “Have you ever done that?”
“No,” Gold admits, “but it was very tempting after a while. I mean, when I first…” For some reason he can’t bring himself to say the words. “At first I was too concerned with keeping an eye on Belle, but when she started to get better I started testing the limits, so to speak. I had my fair share of enemies and there were always people who gave Belle the side-eye for having married me. Small town, small minds and all that. I would dearly have loved to have got back at the Mother Superior. Oh, I can see the headlines now. Convent haunted by ghost of malevolent rent collector.”
“You owned a convent?”
Gold shrugs. “It’s a building like any other.”
Gloria gives a shrug of concession and leans back against the wall. She’s sitting comfortably on the floor whilst Gold paces up and down, his footsteps and cane making no sound on the hard linoleum. Suddenly something catches his eye in Nicholas’s office and he rushes over to see.  
“Oh, hang on, I think we have movement.” The professor is standing up and stretching the cricks out of his spine, packing papers away, and Gold neatly sidesteps as the door opens.
“Are we going in?” he asks Gloria.
“No, we’re just here to make sure he goes. Our mission lies in this direction.”
They watch Nicholas lock up and leave the building, and then Gloria guides them through the dim corridors towards the janitor’s closet.
“Why…” Gold throws his hands up in defeat as Gloria fiddles at the lock with a bobby pin. “You know what, I’m just not going to question it.”
“Are you any good with locks?” Gloria asks, holding up the bobby pin without looking up. “We could be here all night.”
Gold smirks, gives her back the bobby pin and takes his picks out of his coat pocket.
“Are you sure you were a landlord and not a master criminal?” Gloria asks shrewdly as he works, deftly unlocking the cupboard door within a few seconds.
“It always pays for someone in my line of work to be able to pick locks,” he replies, swinging the door wide.
“You have no idea how incredibly creepy that made you sound,” Gloria points out.
“When you’ve had your tenants lose their keys, their spare keys, and your master key, you need some way of getting them inside.” He pockets the picks again and gestures to the open closet with a flourish. “I did antique restoration on the side, and you’d be surprised how many old things are locked and the key lost to time.”
“Did you ever find anything interesting?” Gloria asks as she rummages through the shelves, finally coming up triumphant with a screwdriver and a flashlight. Gold decides that it would be wise not to make any comment and just follows her down the corridor.
“Not usually. The odd bit of jewellery. Several grams of fifty year old cocaine.”
“I would never have guessed that the sweet old lady from the manor house on the hill was a coke fiend,” Gold says lightly. That was definitely one of the more interesting items that he’s come into possession of over the years, and he still laments the fact that it had to be handed over to the police. Not the cocaine, the box that it had been locked in. It was really an exquisite piece.
They have since reached Gloria’s destination, and she hands him the flashlight. They’re in the main breakout area of the building, and they are standing next to the coffee machine.
Gold dutifully helps Gloria pull the machine away from the wall and points the flashlight at the back of it. “I’ve refrained from asking so far, but what are you doing?”
Gloria grins at him from the other side of the coffee machine. “Sabotage!”
“I knew I shouldn’t have asked.”
Gloria happily unscrews one of the panels on the back of the coffee machine and pokes about inside. Gold wonders what someone outside could see if they were to look in. Would they really see a flashlight and a screwdriver floating around in mid-air, or would the people holding them become visible? Or would they not see anything at all? For all the time he’s been in this state, Gold has never actually thought too far into the mechanics of it. Possibly because he’s never interfered in life quite like this.
“Nicholas loves his coffee,” Gloria continues, carefully pulling a wire out of the back of the machine.
“You know, that was one thing that I had noticed.”
Gloria looks up at the dry humour in his tone and grins. “Not a coffee drinker yourself then?”
“Tea all the way. You?”
“I prefer coffee to tea, but I’m not as bad as Nicholas. I think he’d get it intravenously if he could. I tried getting him to switch to decaf once, that didn’t go down well. He thought I’d poisoned him.”
“You’re no stranger to subterfuge then,” Gold remarks as she pulls out another wire.
“Nope. Sometimes that’s the best way to get his attention.”
She begins to screw the panel in place again and Gold leans on the wall with the flashlight.
“So, call me slow if you will, but what exactly is breaking the coffee machine going to accomplish?”
“Nicholas really likes the coffee from this machine. I mean, when you drink as much as he does, you can be called a connoisseur. Not that he won’t drink any kind of sludge as long as it’s got caffeine in it when he’s desperate, which is roughly fifty per cent of the time. Through careful observation I know that if this coffee machine is for any reason out of action, then the nearest one of its type is in…”
Gloria pauses.
“Yes?” Gold presses gently.
“I was waiting for a drum roll.”
“Oh.” Gold drums his fingers against the wall. “Sufficient?”
“Thank you. The nearest coffee machine of this type is in the library.”
Gold nods, impressed. “You think of everything.”
“No, I just know Nicholas.”
A noise in an adjoining corridor has Rum switching off the flashlight and plunging them into darkness. They’ve never yet been in a position whereby someone might see them, or rather see what they’re doing if not themselves, and call attention to the strange goings on, and they have no desire to find out what would happen if they do find themselves in that position. Footsteps come closer, and Gold draws in a sharp breath that he really doesn’t need to take any more. It’s funny how the instincts refuse to die even in the afterlife.
A security guard gives a cursory flick of his flashlight around the breakout area, finds nothing amiss, and moves away again. There’s no more leisurely conversation as they finish their task and carefully move the coffee machine back into position, and then it’s a game of cat and mouse as they return to the janitor’s cupboard trying to avoid the security guard. Thankfully, they don’t see him again, but Rum’s nerves are thrumming with tension as he works the lock to cover up any evidence of their break in, with Gloria keeping watch.
“Time to make a break for it,” she observes as they make their way towards the doors and see the guard coming in the opposite direction.
Gold nods his agreement. “As lovely as your husband’s workplace is, I’d rather not be stuck here all night.”
Gloria just raises an eyebrow at his describing the physics department as ‘lovely’.
They slip out of the building after the guard and wander through the darkened campus to the fountain, still bubbling away. It feels strange, Gold thinks, knowing that they have begun to intervene. A part of him is excited and wondering how long it will take to change the status quo, but at the same time, the part of him that clings so desperately to Belle is hoping that this will be a lengthy process so that he can stay with her for longer.
In a way, he’s scared of what comes next, of what he might find in that great hereafter once he’s ready to pass on. He thinks that there must be something there, otherwise he wouldn’t be here. Why would they spend this agonising time waiting to pass over into peace, only for there to be nothing on other side of that veil?
“Penny for them?” Gloria asks softly, looking at him with a curious expression, as if she’s trying to read him.
“Do you ever wonder about what comes next?”
Gloria shakes her head. “I try to avoid that as much as possible.”
“Idle speculation sets you up for disappointment,” Gold agrees.
“No, I just have faith that wherever it is, it’s going to be the right place. It’s not something I can ever hope to properly imagine.”
Gold is not a believer himself, but his aunts had been, and he respects Gloria’s ability to place her trust in something so much bigger than her. He’s always liked to be in control of his life far too much to place any kind of belief in a higher power, but he expects that it must be a comfort to think that there’s someone up there watching out for her. Gold gives a wan smile and stares unseeing at the fountain, and tries not to think about what comes next. Maybe by the time this stage of his afterlife is over, he’ll be proved wrong and forced to eat his words, but if there’s one thing that he remembers from his aunts, it was that God is forgiving and hopefully won’t hold his lack of faith during life against him. He shakes the thought away. His focus for now is making sure that Belle, who is still here and who hopefully has many, many blissful years ahead of her before she has to think about her own passing, is happy.
“People say that you shouldn’t fear something you have no control over,” Gloria says presently.
“I suppose that makes sense,” Gold says.
“It’s bullshit.”
Gold turns to his companion, it’s the first time he’s ever heard her so vehement.
“I was terrified of dying,” she continues. “Even though I knew everything would be all right in the end, for me at least, and I knew that I’d finally be free from all the pain, which I was definitely looking forward to, and even though I put a brave face on it for Nicholas, I was still scared, knowing that it was coming but never knowing quite when.”
Gold isn’t sure how to respond to that.
“I suppose what I’m trying to say is that it’s fine to feel fear even if something’s inevitable. You’ve got no control over what happens next, and it’s fine to find that terrifying.”
It’s not exactly reassuring, but it’s nice to know that he’s not the only one who’s been scared of the unknown.
Nothing more is said as they continue to watch the sun rise over the campus.
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0 notes
securitieslitgtr · 8 years
Regal Securities Inc.—Failure to Enforce Procedures Relating to Review and Approval of an Outside Business Activity
Regal Securities Inc. Allegedy Failed to Establish and Enforce Procedures Relating to Approval and Review of an Outside Business Activity
Regal Securities Inc. allegedly failed to establish and enforce procedures relating to its review and approval of an outside business activity, according to a recent FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (AWC) currently under review by attorneys Alan Rosca and James Booker.
Regal Securities maintained Securities’ written supervisory procedures at the time which required the firm to investigate and review the contents of an outside business activity request before approving or denying the proposed activity, the aforementioned AWC reports.
The AWC further details how the Regal allegedly missed red flags while reviewing and rejecting a registered representative’s request, the AWC notes.
Said red flags allegedly involved the aforementioned rep allegedly ignoring Regal’s decision that he had also allegedly taken steps along with the help of another firm representative to engage in private securities transactions involving a limited liability company, the AWC states.
This behavior was allegedly in connection with brokers Dickie Adcock and Charles Bailey Ferrill, Jr., the AWC notes.
Adcock and Ferrill, Jr. allegedly raised funds for a business plan to operate a hedge fund through two entities, Talon LLC and Talon Capital LP, the AWC states.
Our story begins in March of 2011 when Raymond Adcock, then a registered rep at Regal, allegedly made a written request that he and Ferrill, Jr. obtain permission to take part in a privat placement offering by Talon Capital, the AWC reports.
Said private placement offering allegedly sought to raise about $500,000 in capital from qualified investors through the sale of unsecured notes, the AWC notes.
It is important to note that FINRA Rules prohibit registered reps from taking part in outside business activities unless “he or she has provided prior written notice to the member, in such form as specified by the member”, the AWC states.
FINRA Rules also state that members are instructed to “evaluate whether to impose specific conditions or limitation on the outside business activity, and to evaluate whether the proposed activity is more properly characterized as an outside securities transaction” which is subject to NASD Rules, the AWC notes.
The Peiffer Rosca Wolf securities lawyers are currently investigating Regal Securities Inc.’s alleged failure to establish and enforce procedures related to its review and approval of an outside business activity.
Regal Securities Inc. Censured and Fined $25,000 by FINRA for Allegedly Selling Unregistered Securities in Two Separate Offerings Totaling $540,000
Talon Entities allegedly sold unregistered securities in two separate offerings to eight Arkansas investors and six Mississippi investors to individuals, according to a recent FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (AWC) presently being examined by attorneys Alan Rosca and James Booker.
Said individuals who were either clients of Regal or persons with whom the brokers maintained personal relationships, the AWC reports.
What is more, the aforementioned two offerings allegedly raised a combined total of $540,000 in investor funds, the AWC states.
Adcock, in addition, in 2015, was barred by FINRA for conversion of $10,000 in proceeds produced by the aforementioned private placement offering, the AWC notes.
Adcock also allegedly misappropriated the funds by making a draft of a check which was made payable to “cash” from Ferril’s bank account and converted the funds for his personal use, the AWC states.
As a result of the aforementioned behavior, Regal Securities allegedly failed to comply with its obligations to reasonably supervise Adcock and his outside business activities, and hence allegedly violated NASD and FINRA Rules, according to the AWC.
Therefore, Regal was censured and fined $25,000, the AWC reports.
Regal Securities has no prior relevant disciplinary history and member of FINRA in November 1976 and became registered with the SEC in June 1977, the AWC reports.
Regal also purportedly operates 23 branches and employs approximately 100 registered representatives and its registration with the SEC remain currently in effect, the AWC states.
One should also note that, according to the AWC, Regal Securities neither admitted nor denied the FINRA findings.
Securities Lawyers Investigating
The Peiffer Rosca Wolf securities lawyers often represent investors who lose money as a result of alleged outside business activities and are currently investigating Regal Securities Inc.’s alleged failure to establish and enforce procedures related to its review and approval of an outside business activity. They take most cases of this type on a contingency fee basis and advance the case costs, and only get paid for their fees and costs out of money they recover for their clients.
Investors who believe they lost money as a result of Regal Securities Inc.’s alleged failure to establish and enforce procedures related to its review and approval of an outside business activity may contact the securities lawyers at Peiffer Rosca Wolf, Alan Rosca or James Booker, for a free no-obligation evaluation of their recovery options, at 888-998-0520 or via e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected].
from Investment Fraud Lawyers | Investor Loss Recovery https://securitieslitigators.com/regal-securities-inc-failure-to-enforce-procedures-relating-to-review-and-approval-of-an-outside-business-activity/
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Did Trump Call Republicans Stupid In 1998
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/did-trump-call-republicans-stupid-in-1998/
Did Trump Call Republicans Stupid In 1998
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This Meme About How Donald Trump Called Republicans The Dumbest Group Of Voters In The Country Is Fake
The fake quote has been floating around the internet since about the time Trump announced his presidential bid in 2015. It has been widely shared on Twitter and Facebook by people eager to expose the businessman-turned-politician as a hypocrite for leading a party he once, allegedly, mocked.
“If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican,” the fake quote reads. “They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.”
People Magazine Quote Attributed To Trump Calling Republicans The Dumbest Voters Is False
Social media users shared a quote attributed to Donald Trump alleging that he said Republicans are “the dumbest group of voters in the country.” 
Trump’s alleged quote to People Magazine in 1998 reads, “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.”
— Mrs McK #CorbynWasRight #BLM ???????????????? November 5, 2020
Speaking the truth for once… “@Lynneth1000000: Boris Johnson is our Trump. #GTTO#Elections2020pic.twitter.com/hy0rwkqvDP”
— David Rhodes November 5, 2020
“If I were to run I’d run as a republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country…” Donald Trump, 1998. @FoxNews@PressSec@DonaldJTrumpJr@realDonaldTrump@GOP@[email protected]/cHY2Mt9sWY
— Democracy Rules! November 2, 2020
In 1988 Oprah Asked Donald Trump If He’d Ever Run For President Here’s How He Replied
Donald Trump wasn’t always so sure he wanted to run for president.
Long before The Donald officially kicked off his polarizing2016run and became the Republican frontrunner, Oprah asked the business tycoon about his political aspirations on a 1988 episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”  Trump had originally appeared on the show to promote a new book and discuss his life as a businessman, but the conversation soon turned toward foreign policy and how Trump would take a tougher stance with America’s allies.
“I’d make our allies pay their fair share. We’re a debtor nation; something’s going to happen over the next number of years in this country, because you can’t keep going on losing $200 billion,” he said on “The Oprah Show” back then. “We let Japan come in and dump everything right into our markets… They come over here, they sell their cars, their VCRs. They knock the hell out of our companies. And, hey, I have tremendous respect for the Japanese people. I mean, you can respect somebody that’s beating the hell out of you, but they are beating the hell out of this country. Kuwait, they live like kings… and yet, they’re not paying. We make it possible for them to sell their oil. Why aren’t they paying us 25 percent of what they’re making? It’s a joke.”
The rant prompted Oprah to ask the question that people would ask for the next few decades.
Of course, he couldn’t help but hedge.
“I think I’d win,” Trump said. “I’ll tell you what: I wouldn’t go in to lose.”
Also On HuffPost:
Bette Midler Apologizes For Sharing Fake Trump Quote: But It Sounds So Much Like Him
Singer/actress refuses to take down the fictitious meme after her apology
Jon Levine
Bette Midler apologized on Monday after posting a fake quote attributed to Donald Trump where he purportedly disparaged Republican voters in a 1998 People Magazine interview.
“I apologize; this quote turns out to be a fake from way back in ’15-16. Don’t know how I missed it, but it sounds SO much like him that I believed it was true!,” the singer/actress said on Twitter.
I apologize; this quote turns out to be a fake from way back in ’15-16. Don’t know how I missed it, but it sounds SO much like him that I believed it was true! Fact Check: Did Trump say in ’98 Republicans are dumb? https://t.co/NY9s6V49el via @rgj
— Bette Midler June 3, 2019
In addition to her apology, Midler also included a link to the Reno Gazette Journal debunking the quote. It read, “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.”
The photo accompanying the quote shows a younger Trump — around the time he was a real estate developer in New York City and long before he became a political candidate.
“Dumb and Dumber @GOP,” he said in a tweet before deleting. Narisetti is also an alum of the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and News Corp.
Trump ‘knows Republicans Are Stupid’ Jared Kushner Allegedly Said To Former Editor
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Greg Price U.S.Jared KushnerDonald TrumpRepublicans
One of the strategies Donald Trump employed as he began putting his name on the U.S. political map years ago was championing “birtherism,” the long-held conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was born outside of the U.S. and hence should never have been elected. He often chastised Obama and demanded the president produce his birth certificate, revving up an anti-Obama base that eventually helped put Trump in the White House.
Evidently, Trump may have been using the so-called birthers only as a means to an end.
His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is also a senior adviser to the president, allegedly told a former editor of the newspaper he once owned that the billionaire real-estate mogul didn’t believe his own “birtherism” claims, and only made them to charge up Republicans because they are “stupid,” GQ reported.
During a discussion on how to cover Trump, the former New York Observereditor, Elizabeth Spiers, claimed she told Kushner that she had serious problems with Trump’s repeated claims that Obama was not born in the U.S., to which Kushner allegedly told her: “He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it.”
Spiers told her Kushner anecdote in response to a question from a conservative blogger on Facebook, and then screenshotted the response and put it up on Twitter.
The Former Party Chair Says There Is Space For A Commonsense Coalition To Emerge
Mary C. Curtis
No one could question Michael Steele’s Republican credentials. During his one term as chair of the Republican National Committee from 2009 to 2011, the party broke fundraising records and presided over a big pickup of congressional seats in Washington and in statehouses across the country.
Today, Steele finds himself on the outs with his Republican Party because he has spoken out against former President Donald Trump’s racially divisive politics. But Steele has not abandoned his party and believes it can be restored to its pre-Trump self. He joined CQ Roll Call’s Equal Time podcast last month to explain how. An edited transcript:
Q. Why have you stuck with the Republican Party?
A. I have a number of analogies that I use to explain, maybe to rationalize, why I stay stuck on stupid with these folks. I always hew to the core of the party, of why those men and women in Ripon, Wis., decided to break away from the Whigs over civil rights, over individual liberties, and the rights of every citizen in the United States. That led to a great Civil War, and on the other side of that, those same stalwarts fought for my community. In fact, it is the political home for African Americans. It was for almost a hundred years. It isn’t today, for good reason. That’s why I call myself a Lincoln Republican. I still believe in those values and those principles.
Q.  Are you a voice in the wilderness?
Q. President Trump did make small gains with Black men. How did that happen?
Truth Behind The Donald Trump Quote From 1998 That’s Rapidly Going Viral
On Tuesday, Donald Trump was elected the next president. Soon after, an apparent quote from a 1998 issue of People Magazine went viral on the Internet:
In the quote, Trump calls voters the “dumbest group of voters in the country.” He continued, saying that they’d believe anything Fox broadcasts.
Trump’s alleged words began circulating the online sphere in October 2015, when Trump’s campaign was beginning to be taken seriously. It has a watermark for The Other 98%, a popular left-leaning Facebook page, though New York Magazine reports that the above photo has now been removed from the page.
RELATED: See Trump elected president
Fact Check: Trump Did Not Call Republicans The Dumbest Group Of Voters
5 Min Read
An old quote falsely attributed to Donald Trump has recently resurfaced online. The viral meme alleges Trump told People magazine in 1998 that Republicans are “the dumbest group of voters in the country”. This is false.
While the quote has been debunked several times since it apparently surfaced in 2015, users have recently been resharing it on social media. Examples can be seen here , here , here , here
The meme reads: “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific. – Donald Trump, People Magazine, 1998”
Snopes first wrote about the false quote here in October 2015 . Since then, the quote has been debunked multiple times .
People magazine has confirmed in the past that its archive has no register of this alleged exchange.
“People looked into this exhaustively when it first surfaced back in Oct. . We combed through every Trump story in our archive. We couldn’t find anything remotely like this quote–and no interview at all in 1998.”, a magazine spokesperson told Factcheck.org that year .
In December 1987, People published a profile on Donald Trump titled “Too Darn Rich”. The article quoted him saying he was too busy to run for president .
In 10 Republicans Believe Trump Will Be Reinstated As President: Poll
Approximately 3 in 10 Republicans say in a new poll they believe former President TrumpDonald TrumpTrump ally Adam Laxalt files to challenge Cortez Masto in NevadaOvernight Defense: Biden defends exit, blames Afghanistan leaders for chaos | US sending 1,000 more troops to Kabul as chaos reigns at airport | Taliban takeover scrambles U.S. evacuation effortsPelosi suggests Jan. 6 panel could investigate Jordan and BanksMORE will be reinstated this year.
The Politico-Morning Consult Poll on Wednesday found the vast majority of Americans dismiss the idea that Trump will be reinstated as president, including 61 percent of Republicans. Twenty-nine percent of GOP respondents, however, said they believe Trump will be made president again. 
More than 8 in 10 Democrats — 84 percent — and 70 percent of independents also dismiss the notion that Trump will be made president after it is proven President BidenJoe BidenBiden administration to announce booster shots for most fully vaccinated Americans: reportsAfghanistan falls in chaos: Five takeawaysTrump ally Adam Laxalt files to challenge Cortez Masto in NevadaMORE cheated in the election. 
New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman reported last week Trump has been pressuring conservative media to legitimize his conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged” against him. 
The former president has also been telling people in his orbit he expects to be reinstated by August of this year. 
No Donald Trump Did Not Call Republican Voters Dumb In The 1990s
Donald Trump has made plenty of questionable claims over the years, but calling Republican voters dumb isn’t one of them.
Still, one political meme continues to spread across social media sites and claims he said just that.
The story goes that in a 1998 interview with People Magazine, Donald Trump said he was considering a run for president and would do so as a Republican because “They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.”
The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.
The meme features a repurposed image of a younger Trump, with the quote billed as a statement he delivered in an interview with the magazine.
So did Donald Trump actually say that – or anything like it?
No, the quote is bogus.
The fabricated quote appeared on social media sites inOctober 2015, when Trump’s campaign started to gain steam. The meme has continually resurfaced over the years, though it has repeatedlybeendebunked.
We searched People’s archives, which date back to the 1970s, and found no Trump interviews in 1998 – or any other time – that feature that quote or anything resembling it.
Most of the magazine’s articles at the time that involved Trump discussed his celebrity and high-profile divorce from Marla Maples.
Featured Fact-check
People also issued a statement rebuking the quote’s authenticity.
Trump Did Not Disparage Gop In 1998 People Magazine Interview
CLAIM: “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.” — Donald Trump in 1998 People magazine interview.
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The president did not make such a comment to People magazine. 
THE FACTS: Singer and actress Bette Midler, who often speaks out against Trump, shared the false quote attributed to Trump on her Twitter account Sunday, with the comment that Trump “certainly knew his crowd.” Julie Farin, a People magazine spokeswoman, told The Associated Press that the magazine looked into the claim exhaustively when it first surfaced years ago but did not find anything remotely like it made by the president. 
The image used with the false quote shows Trump during a 1988 appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” where he discussed running for president, but made no reference to Republicans being “the dumbest group of voters.” The quote first began circulating in 2015 and has been widely shared across social media platforms, including Facebook. It has been widely debunked since that time.
Here’s more information on Facebook’s fact-checking program: https://www.facebook.com/help/1952307158131536
This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform.
Jeb’s Campaign Releases Video Of ‘the Real Donald Trump’
Jeb Bush’s campaign is ratcheting up its attacks on Donald Trump, releasing a video that paints the Republican presidential candidate as an unabashed liberal. And Trump is firing right back.
The spot, titled “The Real Donald Trump,” plays on two separate occasions a clip of the billionaire candidate saying that he “lived in New York and Manhattan my whole life” and that “my views are a little bit different than if I had lived in Iowa.”
“Liberal Things That Trump Says,” the text on screen reads before flipping to “Liberal Things That Trump Believes.” Trump has made a point of embracing his eclectic policy views in the past, something that Bush’s campaign is seizing upon in the latest spot.
Trump is shown in a 1999 “Meet the Press” interview telling Tim Russert that he is “very pro-choice,” though a dozen years later, Trump announced that he opposed abortion in most instances, except in cases of rape, incest or to protect the health of the mother.
The spot also highlights Trump’s praise of single-payer health care systems in Canada and in Scotland during last month’s GOP debate, though it does not include his qualifying statement that although he thought it was a good idea for the U.S. in the late 1990s, he does not believe that to now be the case.
Heres The Real Reason Everybody Thought Trump Would Lose
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Jonathan Chait
Why did almost everybody fail to predict Donald Trump’s victory in the Republican primaries? Nate Silver blames the news media, disorganized Republican elites, and the surprising appeal of cultural grievance. Nate Cohn lists a number of factors, from the unusually large candidate field to the friendly calendar. Jim Rutenberg thinks journalism strayed too far from good old-fashioned shoe-leather reporting. Justin Wolfers zeroes in on Condorcet’s paradox. Here’s the factor I think everybody missed: The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots. Far more of them than anybody expected.
Trump Said Id Run As Gop Because Repubs Are Stupid Quote
I joined reddit to try to find an answer to this. Before he ran I saw the video where he was interviewed in a Barbara Walters-style format about possibly running for office his response was that he’d probably run as a republican because theyr’e so ignorant and stupid they’d vote for anyone. I know other people have seen this, we had a thread a few yrs ago does Anyone have this footage??? Im sure trump bought the rights to it, but someone must have it on VHS or something. I know there is a meme that quotes it being from a magazine article, that is a red herring to make it seem illegitimate I SAW THE INTERVIEW
Fact Check: Did Trump Say In ’98 Republicans Are Dumb
Did Donald Trump tell People magazine in 1998 that if he ever ran for president, he’d do it as a Republican because “they’re the dumbest group of voters in the country” and that he “could lie and they’d still eat it up”?A: No, that’s a bogus meme.
The meme purports to be a quote from Trump in People magazine in 1998 saying, “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.”
We were alerted to the meme by a reader, A. Douglas Thomas of Freeport, N.Y., among others, who saw it in his Facebook feed, along with a message from someone who said, “I just fact-checked this. Google Donald Trump, People magazine and 1998. This is an actual quote by Trump.”
We’ll save you the effort. It is not an actual quote by Trump.
We scoured the Peoplemagazine archives and found nothing like this quote in 1998 or any other year.
And a public relations representative with People told us that the magazine couldn’t find anything like that quote in its archives, either. People‘s Julie Farin said in an email: “Peoplelooked into this exhaustively when it first surfaced back in Oct. We combed through every Trump story in our archive. We couldn’t find anything remotely like this quote –and no interview at all in 1998.”
There were several stories in the late 1990s about Trump’s flirtation with a presidential run.
The People Whom President Trump Has Called Stupid
Since he declared his candidacy for the presidency, no group has been deemed “stupid” by Donald Trump more frequently than America’s “leaders.” There are “stupid people” running the country, he said over and over and over again on the campaign trail — making stupid deals with Iran and stupid deals on trade. Everyone in charge was dumb and he wasn’t — except that he was stupid for self-funding his campaign. That, in broad strokes, was Trump’s rhetoric in 2015 and 2016.
But that wasn’t the full extent of it. When Trump tweeted disparagement of LeBron James and CNN’s Don Lemon Friday night, it was a reminder that Trump often divides the world into two groups: those who are stupid and those who aren’t. It was also a reminder that, of late, Trump has often chosen to describe as stupid people who are not white.
That wasn’t always the case. Before the presidential election, Trump mostly disparaged white people as stupid.
Of course, back then, his political opponents were mostly white people: those running against him in the Republican primary and the conservative establishment broadly opposed to his candidacy. He called Karl Rove, former George W. Bush adviser, stupid five times, including in interviews. Bloomberg’s Tim O’Brien, whom Trump once sued unsuccessfully for alleged libel, earned the description three times, as did television host Glenn Beck.
Since President Trump’s inauguration, though, that has changed.
James B. ComeyJames R. Clapper Jr.
It wasn’t Obama.
Nevertheless The Quote Has Been Roundly Debunked
Not only is there no evidence of a political profile or interview with Donald Trump in People’s online archives, or any evidence of these words whatsoever.
Furthermore, that reference to Fox News, while chronologically possible, seems out of place given that the network wasn’t as popular until the 2000 election of George W Bush, and then the 9/11 attacks.
However, Trump did appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1988 and ended up discussing the possibility of a run for president.
And this foreboding fortuneteller of a quote is verified:
I think I’d win. I’ll tell you what: I wouldn’t go in to lose.
Kanye West: I’m Running For President In 2020
Bush has responded to the attacks by presenting himself as a true conservative who has the ability to survive a long-haul presidential race.
In the video Bush’s campaign released on Tuesday, Trump is also shown in a 2007 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in which he mentions Hillary Clinton as someone “who would do a good job” negotiating a deal with Iran. Later in the video, Trump is shown in the same interview saying that he identifies more as a Democrat.
The video also shows Trump having warm words for the Clintons. He has donated generous sums to the family’s charitable foundation over the years, in addition to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaigns.
A chyron on the screen notes that Trump was a registered Democratic voter in 2001, though Trump has also defended his donations to Democratic candidates in the past, remarking that in New York, “everyone’s Democratic.”
In a 2011 interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Trump mused: “So, what am I going to do, contribute to Republicans? Am I going to contribute to, I mean, one thing I’m not stupid. Am I going to contribute to a Republican for my whole life when they get, they run against some Democrat. And the most they can get is one percent of the vote.”
Bush’s Twitter account shared the ad, tweeting, “Why are you a …The answer is, you’re not.”
Within a minute, Trump fired back with three tweets lambasting what he called a “weak hit by a candidate with a failing campaign.”
Donald Trump Memes And The Dangers Of Post
In 1998, Donald Trump told People Magazine “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country.”
That’s the meme, accompanied by the graphic at right. Rosemary Olsen posted it on Facebook and said “I fact checked this. It’s true.” 14,901 people shared it.
And it’s completely false.
It sounds like something Trump would say. The picture is from a 1998 interview on Oprah. But while Fox News existed in 1998, it wasn’t nearly as popular as it is now. And while People Magazine did plenty of Trump profiles, they never talked to him about running for president.
My readers, since they are more intelligent than all those dummies on the Internet, know enough not to believe what they read in memes. Except that several of my Facebook friends reposted this.
What does this tell us? It tells us the danger of lies.
Donald Trump appears to be sincere, more than any other candidate. His batshit candor guarantees coverage. His also spreads more fervent falsehoods than any other candidate.
Donald Trump is the archetypal leader for the post-factual era of politics.
There is danger for America in this attitude — leaders with a casual relationship with truth must not lead our country. But there is also danger for Trump himself. Because now any mischief-maker can attribute any statement to him, no matter how outrageous, and it seems plausible. Live by the lie, die by the lie.
Did Trump Say In 98 Republicans Are Dumb
Maravi Post ReporterDonald trumpRepublicans are dumb?
Did he really say it? Social Media is abuzz with a quote attributed to US President Donald Trump saying he would run as a Republican because they are all dumb.
Did Donald Trump tell People magazine in 1998 that if he ever ran for president, he’d do it as a Republican because “they’re the dumbest group of voters in the country” and that he “could lie and they’d still eat it up”?
CNN says that viral meme your friends keep sharing of Donald Trump calling Republicans “the dumbest group of voters in the country” is not true. It is not a thing. Stop sharing it.
While Donald Trump has said some questionable things, he never said anything even resembling this quote:
“If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They are the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they would still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.”
It is easy to believe because Trump has said things in the past without thinking. His mouth is always ahead of his brain
List Of Nicknames Used By Donald Trump
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Former U.S. PresidentDonald Trump became widely known during the 2016 United States presidential election and his subsequent presidency for using nicknames to criticize or otherwise express commentary about media figures, politicians, and foreign leaders.
The list excludes commonly-used hypocorisms such as “Mike” for “Michael” or “Steve” for “Steven”, unless they are original to Trump. Nicknames that Trump did not originate are annotated with footnotes.
The list also includes nicknames used by figures associated with Trump, and nicknames he has promoted via retweeting.
What Motivates The Republican Party
The GOP seems wildly hypocritical and unprincipled, until you understand its guiding idea.
In the fall of 2014, the Obama White House was busy trying to stop the spread of Ebola. The administration sent advisers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to assist the afflicted countries’ health ministries, and it sent troops to West Africa to build emergency hospitals. It began screening people arriving in the United States from at-risk nations. It isolated and treated several American medical personnel who contracted the virus abroad and brought it back home.
Toward the end of his new book, The Imposters, Steve Benen reminds us of what the Republican Party was doing while all of this was happening:
As Election Day neared . . . Kentucky Republican eagerness to exploit public anxieties started to spin out of control. Paul publicly questioned Ebola assessments from the actual experts, blamed “political correctness” for the Ebola threat, and traveled to battleground states questioning whether Obama administration officials had the “basic level of competence” necessary to maintain public safety.
He added soon after, describing a hypothetical flight, “If this was a plane full of people who were symptomatic, you’d be at grave risk of getting Ebola. If a plane takes twelve hours, how do you know if people will become symptomatic or not?”
The Impostors:How Republicans Quit Governing and Seized American Politicsby Steve BenenWilliam Morrow, 384 pp.
Ed Kilgore
Of Donald Trump’s Wildest Quotes
March 18, 2016 / 11:08 AM / CBS NEWS
Since he announced his candidacy in June 2015, Donald Trump’s colorful one-liners have become the subject of intense media coverage and public scrutiny. Here are some of his most wild…
At a November 2015 rally, for example, Donald Trump stated that he watched the Twin Towers come down in Jersey City, NJ, and that thousands of Muslims there cheered what was occurring: “There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations,” he told the crowd. “They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down.”
On His Past And Current Wives
In a November 1999 New York Times OpEd, in which Maureen Dowd tagged along with Donald Trump as he considered jumping into the 2000 presidential race, the real estate mogul is quoted as saying:
“I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are more beautiful.”
On Negotiations With Asians
On August 26, 2015, during a campaign event in Iowa, Donald Trump did an impression of Asian negotiators for the crowd, using broken English. Many in the crowd found it funny. Many others did not.
“When these people walk into the room,” Trump began. “They don’t say, ‘Oh hello, how’s the weather? It’s so beautiful outside. How are the Yankees doing? They’re doing wonderful, that’s great.’ They say, ‘We want deal!'”
On John Mccain’s War Record
During a July 2015 campaign event at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, Donald Trump took on Senator John McCain’s reputation as a war hero.
“He’s not a war hero,” Trump explained, shocking the event’s moderator. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Us Election: How The Trump
From ballot casting to legal wrangling, we followed the race live
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Joe Biden has secured enough Electoral College votes to unseat President Donald Trump. Follow the transfer of power with us on our transition live blog.
Trump has rejected Biden’s win and taken the issue to court. But the his administration has also given the green light for the transition to proceed — granting the incoming team access to government buildings and millions of dollars in funds.
For all our coverage of the election, visit our U.S. Elections 2020 page.
For more on the U.S. election — and the Asian angle — read our in-depth coverage:
Tuesday, Nov. 24
2:00 a.m. Taiwan says it has had good communication with Biden’s team, Reuters reports, as the self-ruled democracy claimed by China prepares for life without the enthusiastic backing of the Trump administration.
“The foreign ministry and our representative office in the United States have continued to maintain smooth communication and have good interactions with the Biden team via various appropriate means,” said Joanne Ou, a ministry spokeswoman.
“At the same time, we have also conveyed Taiwan’s sincere gratitude to the current Trump administration. The current Taiwan-U.S. relationship is at its best in history. We sincerely thank you.”
Monday, Nov. 23
He says his side is “moving full speed ahead” with its legal challenges and “will never concede to fake ballots.”
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