hellishjoel · 6 months
I wish I had more time to give love on the works of authors I love so much, but the balance between work and writing my own fics has been super hard :( even my own friends and mutuals I have had such a difficult time sitting my ADHD ass brain down to enjoy their works. I feel oddly guilty about it, like I'm being a bad fellow author. I have so much on my tbr, I just want to take off work for seven business days and read all of my favorite peoples dedications of love and time. even if I don't get the chance to read your work right away, please know that I KNOW I haven't and I feel bad and I'm trying to carve out some free time to do so. but it's also daunting and I'm having a hard time. in the absence of not being able to read and rec as much, I do plan on doing a rec list since I've actually never done one and there's wonderful, WONDERFUL authors who have amazing works that I want to list that I've read since.. summer or so? so please stay tuned for that <3 otherwise, I'll continue reblogging what I want to read under #hellishjoeltbr and if I HAVE read it, I gush about it and post it under #hellishjoelrecs . If you have something you'd like me to read, I track the tag #hellishjoel <3 thank you for your patience, not like anyone really expects all of this out of me, but I sort of expect it out of myself. it's what makes this community work is support.
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