#hello let's ignore my other post this is the valid one DHSJAKHGJSAK
joseqhine · 4 years
❛ the earth is littered with the remains of empires that believed they were eternal. ❜
introducing JOSEPHINE FLORES in her role as THE LEADING LADY....
full bio | stats | pinterest
name: josephine flores date of birth: august 3rd, 1997 gender: cis-woman pronouns: she/her orientation: pansexual  spoken languages: english, french, italian character parallels: alexis rose (schitt’s creek), maddy perez (euphoria), lucrecia montesionos (elite), blair waldorf (gossip girl), heather chandler (heathers), jackie burkhart (that 70’s show), lucille bluth (arrested development), lady macbeth (macbeth), meredith dardenne (if we were villains)
content warning: manipulation, nsfw, alcohol & drug abuse
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josephine was born into a family with so much wealth, they barely knew what to do with it. except they did: funnel it into every crevice of their lives to build the image of a picture perfect life. woohoo! essentially, that’s all josie’s parents care about - pride and image, that image being one of perfection, and their love for josie was always second to their wish for her to be the best daughter she could be.
for the first fifteen years of her life, josie didn’t really care. she was happy to be a puppet to her parents, daddy’s little girl, as long as she was showered in gifts. but when they announced they were up and moving to new york when josie was sixteen, something in her snapped. it wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate the grandiose of a city like nyc, but she was furious that she was being moved away from where her image of perfection had been built. she snapped with an outburst, screaming at her parents for the first time ever and realising that was something she could, indeed, do. in moving to new york, josie left behind her role as the puppet and slipped effortlessly into the spoiled brat who did whatever it was she pleased. this is who she still is to this day.
josie loves acting because she adores the attention. she is addicted to the spotlight and the applause, and she will stop at nothing to get it. she is incredibly talented, and she knows it, and when she set her sights for alderidge, there was not a chance she wasn’t going to get it. her parents pushed against her moving so far away and told her acting was hardly a viable path, but she turned her back on them and continued to do whatever it was she pleased.
you had better watch your back around josie, because 90% of the time if she is getting close to you, she is gonna stab you there. josie is a television-quality Queen Bee and she could have a million friends if she so wished, but frankly that knowledge alone is enough for her. she doesn’t need many friends - she needs to get to the top. and if she perceives you as even an ounce of a threat, she will cut you down (coughs, supporting role, coughs). she’s incredibly manipulative about it, though. she will weasel her way into your life, have you trust her and be friends with you for as long as it takes before she strikes. absolute definition of ‘look like the innocent flower but be the serpent underneath’.
josie has an addictive personality - she gets hooked to things very easily. she’s been drinking and smoking cigarettes since she was sixteen and started on drugs when she was eighteen, now especially leaning on coke, along with her best friend, the leading man (is she also addicted to him? maybe so. don’t make it sexual or i’ll scream) and, of course, orson.
oooooh, orson. josie and orson. it would be no exaggeration to say josie was addicted to orson. she was addicted to the attention he gave her, the love he gave her, the praise he showered her in. he made her feel like she was on top of the world, where she rightfully deserved to be, and it was enough to make her simply obsessed with him. it wasn’t like a sexual thing, but it definitely could’ve been tbh. their relationship was Super intense. borderline weird. now that he’s dead, josie is being forced to confront whether she actually loved orson as the man he was, or the pedestal he put her on, and she’s not enjoying it. feelings are overrated!
hello 911? the leading lady and the leading man were no where to be seen when orson died, and there’s evidence to suggest they were high on coke in his secret room. why don’t you put the dots together. yes i absolutely want someone to accuse josie and mathias of murder. and what about it? who’s gonna vouch for them? their own high asses? no. hahaha.
by extension of the latter, i would love to see someone try and expose the leading dumbasses for their drug use. so what if it’s ‘common’ in show biz, it’s dodgy as hell. i would especially love to see someone blackmail josie with this - especially because she would go to great lengths to protect the leading man, and she won’t let him go down for this.
exes! haha! i’m especially a slut for the idea that josie hooked up with someone regularly in first year but orson found out and deemed the person she was hooking up with as ‘not worthy’ of her and essentially told her she should break up with them. so she did. and she has pretended to hate them ever since. but there’s a part of josie that misses that escape... maybe she was addicted to them like she’s been addicted to so many others, and it was difficult to severe them but she would do anything for orson, and now that orson’s dead.... side eye emoji.
would love to have more stories of josie stabbing people in the back to get what she wants in the style of what she did to the supporting role xx
josie is definitely going to be doing some Growing over the course of the rp as she comes to the realisation that she was essentially manipulated by orson to be even more of a cutthroat bitch than she already was so... if you want to see josie slowly chip away at her bitch exterior and become friends with you, hmu.
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