#hello worf stan
spocks-husband · 1 year
I'm mega fucking bored so here are what I think the Star Trek TOS and TNG crews favorite musicals are (as a theatre actor of like a decade lol)
Kirk: Newsies (he was an annoying tenor kid in highschool you know I'm right) (saaNTAAAA FEEEEE--)
Spock: Chess The Musical (also my favorite musical because it FUCKING SLAPS)
McCoy: Bonnie and Clyde (he says he doesn't like musicals but he totally fucking does just look at him)
Scotty: actually doesn't listen to musicals
Sulu: The Count of Monte Cristo (I have no idea why, I just think he'd like A Story Told bc it's dramatic as fuck)
Chekov: Anastasia (he cries during Once Upon A December [esp the reprise])
Uhura: Little Shop of Horrors (I just. I know it's true.)
Chapel: Hello, Dolly (Once again just based off vibes-- but I think she likes the costumes.)
Picard: Les Miserables (obviously)
Riker: Tick, Tick, Boom! (He's a Jonathan Larson stan I just know it)
Data: The Hunchback of Notre Dame ORR SpongeBob (Depends on the day, and tbh he's real for that)
LaForge: Rent (don't question me)
Troi: Evita (she cries every time)
Worf: does not know what a musical is and is very confused
Q: Cabaret or Chicago (he's gay and dramatic idk what to tell you)
Crusher: actually doesn't like musicals
Wesley: Dear Even Hansen (I'M SORRY BUT ITS TRUE) (He is why his mom doesn't like musicals) (he is CURRENTLY an annoying highschool tenor)
Tasha: Mean Girls (just vibes idk don't question me)
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