#her and lyric's sibling-like bond is so wholesome
angelkissedface · 2 years
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lyric spending weinlesefest keeping boars away from the winery bc its easier than juggling both his persona as ‘fake lord barbatos’ and his persona as ‘guy from springvale’ at the same time lol
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oblivionsdream · 2 years
My list of the top ten books that I read in 2021!
*They are in no particular order as I couldn’t possibly rank them
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“We all know how loving ends. But I want to fall in love with the world anyway, to let it crack me open. I want to feel what there is to feel while I am here.” The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green-
This is the first time that a nonfiction book has ever made my list and it was just so amazing! It was introspective and thoughtful and made me cry over how beautiful humanity can be. Five out of five stars.
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“But that is how a tragedy like ours or King Lear breaks your heart—by making you believe that the ending might still be happy, until the very last minute.” If We Were Villains by M.L Rio-
Completely destroyed my spirit and I fear I will never recover from the devastation but I enjoyed every minute of it. It was a perfect ode to the great bard himself- just as poetic and just as tragic.
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“I don’t need you to explain to me the concept of a magical land filled with fantastic creatures that only certain special children can enter. I am acquainted with the last several centuries of popular culture. There are books. And cartoons, for the illiterate.”
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan- This book is a hug and a sunny day. I don’t think I ever stopped smiling while reading. Endearing characters and friendships, so much humor and I LOVED how it poked fun at common fantasy tropes. Elliot is such a unique MC and I adore him.
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“Just as it is in Malibu’s nature to burn, so was it in one particular person’s nature to set fire and walk away.” Malibu Rising by Taylor Reid Jenkins-
This book took me completely by surprise. It touched my heart in a way I didn’t expect. I’ve always been such a sucker for stories with deep family bonds especially between siblings and I loved the relationships between them. Though I hate Mick Riva so much
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“My name is Rune Saint John. I am, before anything else, a survivor:” The Tarot Sequence by K.D Edwards-
I already knew I was going to love this series the moment I heard it was based off tarot and featured urban fantasy (my favorite genre). But I didn’t realize how much. So much sass and sarcasm that it should be spilling off the pages, amazing characters, top tier found family trope, action, angst, it pretty much has everything.
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“I thought I cannot bear this world a moment longer.”
“Then, child, make another.” -Circe by Madeline Miller
Given how much I loved TSOA (and Greek mythology in general) I’m ashamed of how long it took me to read this book. It absolutely blew me away. It was lyrical and rich and powerful. It showed the gods in all of their mercurial cruelty and Circe was such a well written character. She was flawed, but found her own strength and tried for redemption. (I also totally didn’t get teary eyed at the mention of Achilles and Patroclus)
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“You’ve been living a dream long enough. Welcome to your nightmare!” -Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
The book was wild and feral and I LOVED it. I deeply appreciated a female MC being unapologetically her worst self and I need to see more of that. Plus the poly rep!! The three of them are just too perfect and I can’t wait to see what’s to come.
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“I don't think happily ever after is something that happens to you, Dev. I think it's something you choose to do for yourself.” -Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun
So wholesome! So pure! This book just made me incredibly happy and it was impossible not to root for the characters. It was just so well done and a fun time. Plus the absolute delight of getting surprise ace spec rep when I wasn’t expecting it!! *chefs kisses*
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“Sometimes, if you want to save other people, you need to remember to save yourself first.” -Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
This was one of my most anticipated books of the year and it didn’t disappoint! Artemisia and the Revenant’s relationship was one of my favorite things. It was wonderfully dark, had amazing characters and I just cannot wait to see where this story goes from here.
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“The bright star holds, even as the darkness rises.” -Dark Rise by C.S Pacat
I’m actually still reading this one but I love it so much that it had to go on the list! I am so here for the fantasy world building, characters, the slow burn just everything! Though given everyone's reactions I’m scared to see how it ends 😂
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catching-bananas · 3 years
Headcannons If Banana Fish Crossed Over with other BL Animes
*Warning: Major anime and manga spoilers ahead
1) No.6
You better believe Ash and Nezumi are going to hate each other
Not like “Hate, hate” but like “we’re so much alike I would kill you in a heartbeat.”
They would also brag about who’s life treated them worse, and which one has the better boyfriend.
Meanwhile Shion and Eiji would bond over the fact that their bfs are high ranking wanted criminals
And the fact they learned to fight because of them
“Oh, you shot someone” “Yeah in the shoulder” “I shot a guy in the heart”
Then they will bond over how they beat up their bfs after the stunts they pulled (Nezumi leaving and Ash being stabbed)
Ash and Nezumi might hate each other, but Yut Lung and Nezumi would despise each other
“Shut up you Asian femboy” “Oh f*ck off you dress in drag”
Yut would hate Shion just as much as he hates Eiji, but that wouldn’t stop the white head from baking him a batch of cookies and inviting him over to meet his mother.
Yut secretly likes Karan.
Blanca meets Rikiga. Imagine that.
Ibe becoming friends with Karan and sitting in the bakery with her and Little Shion
Max, Shorter and Inukashi hanging out and getting into a load of trouble with the law. Of course it would be Inukashi’s fault and Max was trying to stop them, while Shorter cheered them on
Jessica tags along with them, but she also talks with Karan about the “troublesome boys they ended up unofficially adopting”
The two siblings that Shion would read to play with Skipper and Michael, just for a wholesome touch
2) Given
Let’s start the heartbreak shall we
Eiji was friends with Sato back in middle school and knew about Yuki
He was the first one Sato called after finding out about Yuki’s death
Because of this, Eiji spends a lot of time with Sato, and barely made any friends in high school.
Shorter is good friends with Haruki and knows about his withering crush on Kaji
He is also good friends with Kaji and knows about his toxic relationship.
Shorter tries to bring the two together but Kaji is a dense as a rock.
Kaji helps Ash with discovering his sexuality and his crush on Eiji.
Max helps Sato with the death of his ex, like how he needed when Griffin died.
Uenoyama and Ash are friends from middle school and neither knows about the other’s sexuality.
So when Uenoyama and Sato gets together, and Eiji with Ash, the other’s expressions are priceless.
“Ash you only ever dated girls” “Dude, I’m bi, but you flipped the switch completely” “Oh”.
Eiji (again) bonds over his bf with Sato, and the two have sleepovers occasionally. (They never invite the others. That’s gossip time)
Ash and Eiji met through Uenoyama and Sato, but they didn’t really talk.
One day Sato asks Eiji to help with writing the lyrics of the new song, Shorter and Sing were asked to help with Kaji’s drum kit and Ash was asked to help with guitar.
They ended up playing together, liked it, and banded together.
Eiji is guitar, Ash is vocals, Shorter is drums and Sing is bass.
Yut Lung and Sing go to the same school, and once Yut insulted a friend of Sing (Eiji), and Sing hated him since
But you know they’re gay for each other.
Yut’s brother is Murata, Kaji’s ex, and he keeps trying to talk to him about fixing things with Sing.
To which Yut calls him a hypocrite, and tells him to end things with Kaji properly.
Both follows the other’s advice in the worse way possible.
3) Classmates
Similar to Given, but with less angst
Ash and Kusakabe are of course bandmates.
Ash realized Kusakabe was gay the first time he mentioned Sajou.
“Dude, is he your boyfriend?” “Huh? No!”
Eiji is the most popular athlete in the school, while Ash is a musician.
Eiji couldn’t sing and needed Ash’s help.
They fall in love.
Ash was so stubborn about it at first, he avoided Eiji.
Until the concert.
Where, instead of going onstage, Eiji drags Ash to the back of the building and relentlessly questions him.
And they kiss.
The relationship is virtually a secret, but the whole school is curious anyways.
It’s an all boy’s school, what do you expect?
Remember the teacher, Harasen? He and Dino, the principal, goes after Ash and Sajou.
Both gets clocked by Eiji and Kusakabe.
Shorter is Ash’s friend and supports him in everything 100%.
Eiji’s family was very accepting of Ash.
Griff and Max basically adopt Eiji.
4) Yuri on Ice
Yes I know there are a million headcannons between these two, shhh~
Ash is Russian, and the older brother of Yurio.
Being much more laid back than the latter, Ash teases him constantly.
“Hey pretty ballerina” “Shut up you stupid doorknob”.
Both have an unhealthy obsession with wild cats, Ash with lynxes and Yurio with tigers.
Ash isn’t a skater, but cheers on his brother when he competes.
He is a fan of Yuri, out of pure spite.
But he is secretly a big fan of Victor as well.
When he travelled with Yuri to Japan to meet Yuri, Eiji and Victor, he contained his happiness well.
Reality: he was super excited.
Victor trained Yuri, but since Yuri and Eiji were good friends, Eiji was allowed to watch.
Eiji didn’t really skate after an injury he had.
Victor found it amusing when Yurio came to challenge Yuri while his brother backed him up.
Ash started calling his brother Yurio, much to the younger’s detriment.
Eiji was very awkward, but they got along well.
So well Ash decided to tag along with him during the competition.
They share a hotel room.
Which went as well as one would expect.
Ash learned about Eiji’s fear of the ice, and with the help of a reluctant Yurio and a supportive Yuri, they help him start skating again.
Que rainbow ending.
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goldenavenger02 · 2 years
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I posted 2,026 times in 2021
493 posts created (24%)
1533 posts reblogged (76%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.1 posts.
I added 1,149 tags in 2021
#teen wolf - 220 posts
#ninjago - 173 posts
#susz speaks - 144 posts
#lego ninjago - 125 posts
#stiles stilinski - 104 posts
#marvel - 98 posts
#mcu - 97 posts
#scott mccall - 71 posts
#dylan o'brien - 59 posts
#ask game - 58 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#so most of my intrest is probably coming from nostaglia and fond memories and being able to bond with majority of my siblings and less of
My Top Posts in 2021
Alright, what Ninjago scene has stuck with you since you watched it? Sad, funny, scary, wholesome, I just wanna know.
Mine is the scene where The Overlord possesses Garnadon, that shit scared me as a 10 year old and 9 years later, it still is vivid in my head
71 notes • Posted 2021-09-11 23:55:31 GMT
Season two be like
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73 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 18:22:05 GMT
Interview with a fanfic author tag!
I came up with this idea in the shower so if I'm taking someone else's idea, all credit goes to them.
This is just a way to get to know an author better that I thought would be fun!
Your favorite fic that you've written (or just one you want to give a shout out to)
Definitely my favorite fic I've written (as of now) is sheltering the boy I knew (from all the hell I've put him through). It was a collaboration I did with @angels-creative where Peter was involved in WandaVision.
2. Your favorite fic title that you've come up with
Probably they see right through me (can you see right through me?). it's a Taylor Swift lyric from her song The Archer, but it really fits the context of the story because Lloyd is both struggling to get back to normal after he was possessed, but also trying to hide the fact that he's sick.
3. How do you get inspiration to write?
I listen to a lot of music, but I also go back and watch the source material. Reading (fanfic or otherwise) is also really helpful.
4. Your favorite genre/subgenre of fic to write.
Angst is so fun because you get to dive into the character (or characters) mind and trauma, but any time I can make humor work, it's just so fun and is definitely a favorite, although rare.
5. Do you have other hobbies?
I really love coloring and reading, but also make-up is a huge passion of mine.
6. A fun fact about you that a lot of people may not know.
I'm really good at cooking and I think it's from my dad.
7. Pick one character to self project onto, go!
Stiles Stilinski, my man, I am so sorry for how I treat you. I just relate to you a little too much.
8. Favorite genre of music.
Pop. Cause it really can encompass anything. But if I actually have to pick something, I love rock music.
9. Your favorite singer/band
At the moment, it's Taylor Swift, but I'm really obsessed with Tyler Posey too.
10. And finally, how has your experience in fandom been?
I've been involved in fandom culture since December 2015, and there have been ups and downs for sure, but I've really found my people now, and I'm in a really good place with fandom.
Tagging: @angels-creative @marvelous-writer @hailing-stars @rosiehunterwolf @blondsak @doctornineandthreequarters @endless-whump @forasecondtherewedwon @justme--emily @ninja-go-to-therapy and anyone else who wants to do the tag!
81 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 02:42:37 GMT
Someone just pointed out to me that Stiles was having issues reading in early 3B because foxes can't read and why didn't I pick up on that sooner?
91 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 14:49:12 GMT
This movie will kill me when it comes out. @angels-creative make sure my funeral is good
94 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 21:36:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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satrangee-ray · 3 years
Meet my MC: About the Present
Inara Hepburn (she/they)
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More below the cut—
Inara has recently taken over as the Leader of the Diagnostics Team, Bloom Edenbrook, from the former DT head and current Chief of Medicine, Dr. Ethan Ramsey. Applications for the fourth open position has been received, (Landrat had applied, lol), and after a consultation with the Chief and the board, Dr. Aquino (immunologist), who had previously been considered for the same position has been recruited.
With Bloom's complete withdrawal of control from the functioning of any internal teams, Inara has brought back the voting procedure for selection of cases. So, unless there's any emergency in which the leader needs to make an immediate decision, all cases accepted shall now require the consent of majority members in the team. In case there's a 2-2 situation, the case which the leader sides with gets selected. 
On days when she gets lesser or easier cases, Inara makes time to visit Baz and Elijah in the research lab and enquire about their latest mind-blowing discoveries. Though she will never consider shifting to full time research, she had had too much fun interacting with the mice on her first time there, and she wants to know more in that department.
Inara is also working on a third book, their first non-fiction one, specifically a memoir to document their 3-year long rollercoaster ride of a residency. The book is called 'Hepburn's Stethoscope'.
They have a verified, monetized YouTube channel, and a Pictagram page, where they post assertive, informative, and satirical content regarding the healthcare industry, myths and loopholes, as well as the queer community, its current socio-economic-cultural standing, practical ways to deal with queerphobia, and allyship. The full sum of money obtained from these are donated to a Boston based queer charity Inara works closely with. 
Friends and family dynamics:
The only relatives in her bloodline, i.e. her aunt's family, occasionally converse with her virtually. Though she never goes into talking much about her feelings, they are more or less aware of her whereabouts.
Vaani and Ayan continue to remain thick as thieves with her. The three still obsessively share every single detail of their lives with each other in their group chat. 
Apart from their two closest friends and a personal diary, Inara had always found small talk worthless, and most other people unsuitable for a meaningful conversation, let alone deep personal bonds. But after Edenbrook, everything has changed. Now Inara has a whole gang of friends comprising themselves, Sienna, Jackie, Aurora, Elijah, Bryce, Rafael and Kyra. They are all like a set of long lost siblings, somehow united by medicine, destined to share the most wholesome bond for an entire lifetime.
Naveen is the cool grandpa Inara didn't know they needed, and over music and teasing Ethan, they both have grown quite close. At work, the trio is often called the 'three musketeers of Edenbrook' by their colleagues. They are known for conquering mysteries that conquer humankind through generations. 
Relationship with their LI:
There is no doubt that Inara's path to getting together with Ethan, or even initially forming an honest friendship, was rocky. There were too many walls built up around both of them, and disintegrating every single one took time. But by the end of Inara's second year, they both had managed to start officially dating. After a year now, they are in a committed relationship, co-parenting their pup Jenner. 
Ethan had popped the moving in question at the end of her residency, and Inara was initially hesitant, cause as much as she wanted to stay with her partner, she didn't want to reside in someone's house free of any monetary contribution from her side. After several discussions regarding this matter, the couple decided to let Inara fund most of the domestic groceries, and hence they moved into Ethan's condo together.
As individuals, Ethan and Inara are extremely similar in certain aspects, and vastly different in others. Their morals, principles, limited social energy, outlook on the medical industry, and political views could easily align with each other; to some extent even their part time pessimism when it comes to themselves. But their go-to drink orders, general music taste and tolerance level for interns might qualify as some things that two might differ on. They try to keep up with the best of both worlds, though! Inara accompanies Ethan on opera dates, Ethan reads and marvels at translated lyrics of Rabindra Sangeet. They tried swapping their patent cosmopolitan and scotch neat at the bar one evening, only to spit out the very first sip they took, and Inara had conducted a whole orientation for Ethan on why intern wrangling is essential, enriching, and to be conducted with grace.
The nicknames they have for each other are oddly time, place, and mood specific, so here we go–
1. Ethan @ Inara: Darling, Love (on a usual day); Nars (when he's just so done with them), Rookie (on special occasions, when he can't help but be overwhelmed by their sheer brilliance, or the magnitude of his unadulterated love for them).
2. Inara @ Ethan: E (all day every day), Ramsey (posing a challenge or threat purposes); Baby (teasing purposes); literally any and every ethyl group compound under the sun (purpose of expressing annoyance, greater the annoyance, longer and more complicated the compound).
It is no secret that both Ethan and Inara have had a pretty troubled past, and the hurdles along their relationship have only resurfaced the trauma. So, they have mutually decided to enter therapy, and they both believe that moving forward, it would help them build a future together based solely on love, trust, and honesty, devoid of any baggage from the past.
That was it! My entry for today... tell me how you liked it. I'm enjoying this moodboard making way to much for my own liking, watch me be obsessed ya'll. Good day <3.
Tagging: @openheartfanfics @adiehardfan @barbean
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edwardslostalchemy · 4 years
Shouto.....Shouto making so many FRIENDS has me WEAK, you guys. I'm telling you, I have been sobbing about this for MONTHS because I love platonic relationships and friendships and they're so GOOD and I want for my son to have ALL OF THE FRIENDS, DAMN IT. LISTEN TO ME.
Shouto, Momo, abd Tenya knowing each other since they were kids???? So good. The rich kids club is wholesome not because they're rich, but because they love and support each other.
Shouto and Momo being like siblings???? Oh my God I'm in TEARS. Both of them looking out for each other and knowing each other's cues. They can talk in a certain manner to each other because they care. Like Shouto making Momo eat if she skips a meal and he gives her half his food like "you are NOT going hungry" and shes like "you're such a mother hen".
Shouto and Tenya being those pals that are just. Really in tune with each other???? Like!!!! They don't have to tell each other something like "I got your back", they just DO.
Shouto and Izuku!!!! Oh my GOD these two could kill a man and get away with it, but they don't do it because they're good kids, Brendt. These two are in tune, too!!!! Like they GET IT. Izuku gives Shouto one look and Shouto knows what he has to do. Or Shouto starts walking somewhere and Izuku doesn't even have to ask, he just follows because they come in a package.
Shouto and Ochako!!!!!! My sweet winter children!!!! They're so chaotic!!! If you think Shouto and Izuku and Tenya are chaotic, you have not met Ochako!!!! The pranks these two can pull!!!!! They WILL miss with you and your stuff!!! Make your stuff float while it's frozen solid oof rip your favorite lamp or whatever. Also she gets him into Disney and Studio Ghibi movies!!!! Ponyo is their movie!!!!
Shouto and Kyoka oh my God. Shouto giving her feedback on her music and telling her she could maybe mess with different genres. I love the headcanon of him knowing how to play the bass and sings like an angel, so I can see them bonding for their love of music and also writing music and lyrics together. Wholesome. So very wholesome.
Shouto and Denki. Meme Lords Extraordinaires. Denki is responsible for educating Shouto on memes and you better believe he's a good student. He's a little confused but he got the spirit and then he finally gets it! And Denki is so proud of himself ohmg. Aizawa gets extra gray hairs when he sees these two together. No brain cells found and that's the point.
Shouto and Eijirou please oh my God please. Training with ice, Shouto making it and throwing it at Eijirou while Eijirou uses his hardening to break the ice. Them being cool work out buddies (with others like Mido and Iida) and like being spotters for each other or whatever theyre called, idk I dont lift weights. MANLY.
Shouto and Yuga ahhhh pretty boys UNITE. Please oh my God Yuga has been wanting to dress Shouto up because he's just. Really pretty. And Yuga is like I must advise him. He can look fabulous. And he does. Everyone dies because Shouto comes out with shiny fashion clothes and it's Shoujo Shouto all over again rip in pieces.
Sho u to and Mina!!! Mona teaching him how to dance hello???? Or he already knows how to slow dance and she teaches him new things ahhh get on this with me!!! Imagine!!!! The possibilities!!!
Shouto and Tooru!!!! It would be so cool if they could work on quiet operations together. He is a quiet guy in demeanor, but his quirk is loud, so it would be cool if he could work with Tooru to be sneaky. In turn, Tooru is a quiet girl with her quirk but she can be a loud person. So Shouto teaches her how to keep quiet. STEALTH FRIENDS.
Shouto and Rikitou!!!! He teaches Shouto how to bake!!! One day Shouto comes in to the kitchen and brownies are ready and there's Rikitou cutting them in squares and Shouto is like *star eyes* and asks if he can teach him. And when Shouto learns, he makes Rikitou and the rest of his friends cakes and brownies and pastries alskdjslafk. Making food for friends is the way I show my love and I think Shouto would do the same thing.
Shouto and Mezou!!!! Quiet guys!!! But cool guys!!! I think it would be adorable if Mezou would give his friends piggy back rides like how he carried Izuku, and I think Shouto would Crave a Piggy Back Ride, and so. It would happen. Please Mezou carries Shouto if he's super tired like ready to pass out tired and Shouto, to return the favor, can be like his hot/cold compress if he gets any of his appendages hurt. They can also relax together like can these two please meditate together?
Shouto and Fumikage!!! I know Shouto provides light with his fire and Dark Shadow is not a fan of light, but what if he was a fan of warmth, like a cat? And Shouto is very warm. I can see Dark Shadow gravitating towards Shouto and Shouto is real cool about it like yeah get your warmth. And Fumikage is embarrassed at first, but it like helps them to become friends. They trade offence/defence secrets.
Shouto and Tsu!!!! SWIMMING BUDDIES. SWIMMING BUDDIES. SWIMMING BUDDIES. It would also be cool if they trained together to help Tsu with the cold and it could be a way for Shouto to train his temperature regulation, too. Getting too cold for Tsu and shes about to hibernate? Turn up the heat from your left side. And Tsu would be a happy frog.
Shouto and Ojirou!!! (Idk how to spell his first name!!!) Their first mock battle experience is behind them. They are sparring buddies. Shouto is lacking in close range and Ojirou is lacking in long range fighting so they team up to spar and work on that. Shouto can spar with others, too, like Ochako and Izuku, But Ojirou has a lot of experience in martial arts and Shouto has a lot of experience in long range fighting. They get stronger together.
Shouto and Koji!!!! More quiet guys!!!! And very sweet guys!!! Shouto tends to draw the attention of cats because he is Warm^TM, and Koji tends to attract cats by talking to them. So they have a very good time while going outside and cats just. Come to them. Its so good okay. They love cats. They have snuck in a cat together before and Aizawa hasn't found out, mainly because Koji has been talking to the cat to stay quiet and Shouto is attentive to feed it and let it outside.
Shouto and Hanta!!! THE SPORTS FESTIVAL IS BEHIND THEM. I can see them training, playing video games, sending memes, causing absolute chaos in the group chat, you name it. Mischief like the kind Denki would be proud of. They have... That suspicious air that theyre up to something and their friends are like "should I watch out for something?" At this point, everyone is suspicious of them but they havent pulled any shit lately to keep people on their toes. Next thing the kids know, the whole common area has been rearranged. Not in a new position. Just a little to the left, enough to make people slightly uncomfortable. Its hilarious.
Shouto and Katsuki ahhh ive been thinking about them for an au and for my fic. What I like is that they have synergy (thanks Two Heroes) and they exploit this synergy. And I find the dynamic of frenemies to be absolutely hilarious. So they're those friends who are like "yeah, he's a stupid bitch", but if ANYONE ELSE insults them, They're like "THATS MY STUPID BITCH, GET YOUR OWN."
Shouto and Hitoshi!!!!! Sleep deprived but will still cut a bitch, individually or together, doesn't matter. But when they team up, run. They are the kings of snark and puns and Aizawa has had enough and its only been two days. Hitoshi ALSO loves cats, so Shouto attracting them has Hitoshi going "hmmmm perhaps I will keep you around after all", and Shouto is like "wait until Kouda gets here" and oh boy. They all have the time of their lives with the cats. Also, good quirk training for them both. Shouto can banter, but he will not speak or answer any of Hitoshi's questions so he doesnt brain wash him. And Hitoshi will capture Shouto with his capture weapon and leave Shouto literally hanging and feeling like it's his final exam all over again goddamnit war flashbacks.
BONUS: Shouto and Mei!!!!! Besides Tenya and Izuku, Shouto is Mei's favorite guinea pig!!! She goes absolutely nuts with his support items and she comes up with new things for him all the time. He is the perfect little person to test out all her fire proof babies and water proof babies and OoOh her ICE proof babies!!! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A CAPE?? ITS FIRE AND ICR PROOF. IT CANCELS OUT AIR RESISTANCE. And at first hes like ahhh too loud, but then he gets used to her and hes like give me everything you got throw it at me. She has code names for her customers and she calls him Iced Venti Chai Latte. VERY GOOD.
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divergent-discourse · 5 years
for the song thingy :) [this may have sent twice] when the party’s over- Billie Eilish Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol Photograph- Ed Sheeran World Spins Madly On- The Weepies Leave The City- Twenty One Pilots
When the party’s over - Billie Ellish = Shauna
A younger Shauna, maybe right after her own initiation finally getting a chance to live on her own and experience the world without the confines of taking care of her younger siblings would’ve gone through some emotional turmoil. She dates guys she knows she can break up with, she loves Zeke but won’t admit it, having no idea he’d in love with her too.
Chasing cars - snow patrol = Hana Pedrad
Hana is an underdeveloped character in this story. She lost her husband, raised two boys, then lost Uriah in the war and arguably lost a huge part of Zeke since their family was so close. This song represents that endless ache of her wishing she could protect her family, but also hopefulness for a better future.  
Photograph - Ed Sheeran = Will
Will left this world far to young. His death was horrific for Tris but almost an anonymous loss for the rest of the city. Cara waking up at night grief stricken over her little brother, Christina and Tobias bonding over memories of will during initiation, Will only exists for the people who can remember him frozen in time.
World spins madly on - The weepies = Zeke and Tobias post-war
I feel like despite all that happened, Zeke and Tobias need each other to grow and heal from trauma laden teenagers to functioning adults and this song reflects that. Honestly im here for wholesome friendships, I think Zeke would forgive tobias after realizing he literally never meant to hurt anyone, and tobias would be a steady anchor for zeke.
Leave the city - Twenty one pilots = All the kids vs the whole government
The lyrics of this song are almost to well related to this series. The adults in the government planning the death of hundreds of citizens, mainly young people who believe in their leaders, “knowing its almost over” and forcing kids to rise up and protect what's left of society.
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ofknowhere-blog · 6 years
more pointless headcanons? of course.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on several disparate elements of Tivan’s life, some of which have immediate bearing on this blog and some of which don’t. There’s no really organic way to include them all in a single post, so this is going to be very messy and will likely result in more future posts on certain subjects--we’ll see which way the muse takes me!
As ever, feel free to reblog, add, agree, disagree, start a conversation around what I have to say! I’m all for building a community through conversation. <3
So then. On to the pointless headcanons, yeah?
Space-Brain Vagabond: More on Tivan
--Pardon the Alice Cooper lyric shout-out, he’s my happy place. <3
I don’t have much to add on this subject as of yet that I haven’t already stated on this blog. Rather, I wanted to draw out something I mentioned but failed to elaborate on in my about section. I mention in passing that I’ve given Tivan the power of telemetry; this was in one part to excuse the fact that he is woefully under-powered as an Elder and one part to provide him with a more interesting context for his peculiarities. Telemetry, of course, is in this sense the psychic ability to read recordings in objects by touching them--often having to do with strong emotions or special events the object witnessed by proxy. It is not always limited to reading by object and can extend to people, but nearly always includes the elements of both eye-contact and hand- or physical-contact with the person or object being read.
In a post on my En Dwi blog, I bring up the fact that the shared painting of the nails originates from Tivan’s culture, because hands play a large role in defining status there. Even on reflection, that remains true for me here--but with a slight twist. In his first cinematic scene, Tivan takes Gamora’s hand and kisses it, a clear sign of respect for her: again, not unusual for a culture with an emphasis on hands. This was likely a common greeting among higher-caste members of Cygnus society. For me, what’s notable in the greeting is the rather peculiar way he takes her hand; rather than taking it in the palm, he scoops it up by the back.
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Call it subtle. Call it strange. It’s definitely both! But I also call it significant.
This is a motion that doesn’t strike me as being mass ritualized; it’s practiced enough to appear so, I will give you that, but the steady eye-contact and the purposefulness of the motion communicate to me that it’s something more personal, more meaningful, to Tivan. I believe the peculiar mechanisms of this greeting are actually a modified form of social practice from Cygnus, here changed directly to limit the scope of Tivan’s telemetry.
I believe his hands are the most sensitive part of his whole body, in terms both telemetic and physical. His palms, in particular, are acute instruments, good for use both in finding flaws during curation and in forming telemetric contact. While he can still get vibrations by using the back of his hand, his sense is less acute when the object in question does not come in direct contact with his palm--hence the peculiar greeting. It is a different, still respectful way to greet a guest - one that does not include the danger of accidental discovery of something unpleasant. It is a mark of deep respect for Tivan to greet anyone while intentionally ignoring his palm; it is the same as a telepath reigning in a naturally roaming phenomenon, a means of offering privacy to a guest.
And yes, Tivan very DEEPLY respects Gamora.
Taneleer: Family Life & Cygnus
As with my thinking on Homeworld culture on the other blog, I fully expect my thinking on Cygnus to evolve into its own beast and pick up it’s own peculiarities. This is hardly going to be an extensive review of it. I just want to put the basics out there.
Unlike the unification of Homeworld into a full-planetary regimented hierarchy, Cygnus (much like earth) is fractured across the planet into different countries. Unlike Earth, however, each country is its own continent, and thus has its own specific hierarchies and interests. The Taneleer family hails from one of the largest--and thereby most lucrative and important--continents.
Tivan was the first- or secondborn son of his family, meaning he was bred into rulership and duty from a young age. These contributed to his rather serious, restrained demeanor, almost as much as his telemetry contributed to his muted emotions. Tivan was always a dutiful son. ...or, I should say, nearly always. He was on the cusp of marrying to form a stronger political alliance for the Taneleer family when he met Matani, an off-worlder of no significant planet or family, and fell in love.
Tivan and Matani eloped together and lived for a time on the shore of another planet. The Taneleer family never disowned Tivan--such would have been a disgrace upon them--but their relationship was beyond terse and never mended before Cygnus fell.
The Free Years
For a very short period of time--short relative to the rest of his life, both before and after--Tivan managed to experience a freedom like he had never known before. On the shores of Silmar, next to the sea, Tivan lived with his wife Matani. They had Carina. They lived as a family, happy and wholesome, for a period of time. This time is sometimes referred to as “the Free Years.”
Free from the constraints of his family, from the social expectations of his class, from the confines of the world he had known before, Tivan flourished. He found and kept true love. He had his family. He nurtured his artistic ability--as a painter, a sculptor, a true artist, maker of beauty--and allowed himself to feel. He was at his happiest during the Free Years, able to revel in his emotions without guilt or resentment; he revealed a romantic heart and Romantic sensibilities, and lived softly and lovingly with his family. It was during this period of time on Silmar that Cygnus met its end; that Tivan and Matani met En Dwi; that they rose to the station of Elders; and, at the end, that they lost Carina and eventually each other.
Grief is a powerful thing.
The man who existed during the Free Years is, in many ways, naught now but a dead relic. He can still be felt in the art he wrought through various forms of telemetry and other psychic ability, but the reality is that that happy man withered and died when his family did. It is more likely than not that he will never be resurrected, or will come back as only a ghost of his former self, only in private, only for the right person.
Slave Culture & Knowhere
The majority of attendants in the Museum are slaves. Unsurprising, I know. Slaves are guaranteed lifelong labor at lower costs, and are thus viewed by Tivan as being more efficient for the job than hiring on additional hands. While sometimes apprentices are sent to study as attendants at the Museum, they are few and far between, and never last long. The work is far too taxing for that.
Attendants are taken either from the existing Collection--being eager to leave their cages and willing to accept any role offering them even a modicum of freedom--or are bought wholesale from slaving auctions on Knowhere. Although they are allowed to choose their own manner of dress, they are disbarred from selecting overly-flowy materials, and all of their clothing (regardless of style) is white. These are functional more than aesthetic concerns; former-fitting clothing offers less opportunity for a third party to commit mischief, and white stands out better against the dark setting of the Museum. All attendants--indeed, all or most collectibles--have an obedience disc implanted in them upon arrival (see below). 
The attendants are afforded the freedom to walk around the Museum, to sleep in the attendant’s quarters, and to socialize with one another--so long as the day’s work is done. Sexual relations are forbidden and will result in immediate demotion, sometimes meaning death, other times relegation back to collectible status. Attendants work on a strict schedule maintained by an artificial light source; the attendant’s quarters are kept in a strict twilight lighting, with loud chimes indicating when it is time to rise and return to their shift.
The handful of other considerations already in place have to do with politeness culture. Tivan is referred to as master by all attendants, even the voluntary among them. It is polite to bow or curtsy slightly to him, although too deep or prostrating a bow will insult him (it reminds him too much of his time on Cygnus), and no bow at all with be marked with irritation and warned. He is assisted personally usually only by the Head Attendant, whom he selects personally. He always selects only that individual he feels is most efficient in their duties. Other attendants may elect to serve him when their other duties are completed, but seldom do, as they tend more to fear and revile him. Only the Head Attendant may leave the Museum on errands for Tivan.
Sharing Is Caring?
As well as the sharing of cultural markings as a means of claiming one another as closer parts of the same tribe, many of the Elders share among themselves a variety of things. En Dwi shared his telepathic mastery as a means of creating the Elder Web, the psychic bond they all share and may communicate through; in a similar vein, Tivan often collects things for his siblings. Not trinkets so much as information, lost pets, wanted materials, etc.
He also shares, perfects, and re-shares technology between them.
One of my favorite moments in Thor: Ragnarok is actually the deleted/extended version of the Grandmaster’s first meeting with Thor. Over the course of the scene, one moment in particular sparked interest for me:
Uhm. Yeah, I see you’ve been familiarizing yourself with our - our obedience disc. It’s a little invention of mine, by the way. Y’know, some people find it kind of e-erotic. Walk--walk with me, I’m gonna tell you somethin’. Uh, obedience disc! I’ve never been crazy about that name; it was supposed to be a placeholder until I could think of something better, but then everybody started to call them ‘”obedience disc-discs.”
The question here for me over the past few nights had become “who is ‘everybody’?” Does he mean the scrappers? The servants with jobs? Maybe. It’s not unlikely. But, as is a habit of mine, I chose a different answer.
He means the other Elders.
NB: I make this assertion based on my own opinions of En Dwi. He seldom gives proper credence to shorter-lived creatures, leaving to me to believe that “everybody” must be in reference to people he would consider to be real and to matter enough to not speak fully over...ie, the Elders.
Obedience disc technology has long been in the works for En Dwi, in large part due to his early reluctance to engage in unnecessary violence, but the necessity for them grew as his own opinions twisted over time. The trouble is, the necessity grew beyond him as well. Many of the other Elders, Tivan among them, found they needed an additional means of control as their individual interests slowly narrowed their focus. So obedience discs were passed around among them--and the more technologically adept among the Elders, such as Tivan (with his keen artist’s hands and attention to detail), helped to perfect the technology. Obedience discs are used on Sakaar for servants with jobs, and on Knowhere for Museum attendants. Updating and improving the technology is a frequent pastime for Elders with access to the technology, sometimes only tweaking it to serve their own needs and sometimes changing it to be more accessible to all Elders, at which point it is passed around among them again.
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