#her fucking SPRINTING after that guy was funny though - I love her I just don't want to hold her hand
billluver0124 · 4 months
"Time is Running Out."
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synopsis: After dealing with tom's manipulative behavior, y/n has enough; Leaving their relationship. But is it really that easy?
WARNINGS!! manipulative tom, verbal abuse and simple angst themes!
Imagine being controlled throughout your entire relationship; being told what to wear and what not to, you weren't allowed to go out with your friends because your boyfriend "doesn't trust you" even though you've done nothing to run their trust for you. But they get to go see the entire world because of their band while you are stuck at home, like a dog in its cage. That's exactly how y/n felt throughout her entire relationship with tom.
She felt like a puppet and he was the puppet master. he controlled every little thing she did. She couldn't go out unless it was with him. She couldn't wear what she wanted to because tom didn't want other guys to see her. He never showed her an ounce of intimacy in public, he only showed it at home, or showed none at all. And if she ever disobeyed tom's "rules", she'd have to deal with tom saying things like "you don't even care about me do you? if you truly loved me, you wouldn't do things like that" She began to grow tired and irritated from his frequent behavior. It was now time for her to go live her life, with or without tom in it.
Tom walks into the house, closing the door behind him. "I'm home." he says coldly. He doesn't hear a response back, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "y/n? where are you?" he yells, waiting to hear a response from her. She walks out of their bedroom, a suitcase in her right hand and her purse in the left; Her face cold and ungracious. "where the hell do you think you're going?" "i'm leaving" she says coldly, looking dead into his dark brown eyes. How could he be so beautiful, but so toxic?
He bursts out laughing, almost a menacing laugh. "you're funny, but now's not the time for jokes hon'." he mocks her, her grip on her suitcase becoming tighter as she walks closer to the door. But tom blocks her from doing so, "you don't just get to leave y/n, i'm not letting you bury us away" "yes i do tom, and i will." y/n places her hand on the doorknob before getting shoved to the ground. "you're not leaving me, got it?" he spats disrespectfully at her, but she doesn't get frightened. In fact she gets up and slaps him across the face, a stinging red hand marked tom's left cheek.
"You realize that you suck the life out of me right? you fucking exhaust me and i'm tired of being 'yours'. " she spat back at him, matching his vile energy. "where are you even gonna go? you have nowhere, no one cares about you but me." he grabs her shoulder firmly, the shine in his eyes leaving; a matte look now formed. "wherever the goddamn wind takes me, as long as its away from you." the hostile look on her face secretly frightened tom a bit, was she really being serious about this? "you realize that you're lucky right? i could have any girl in the world but i chose your ungrateful ass" "if i'm so ungrateful, then find another girl who's willing to deal with you. god tom, being with you is exhausting don't you get that?" Y/n scoffs as she shoves tom out of the way, opening the door to the world she had a right to see. "Have a nice life tom, go fuck yourself" she says coldly before slamming the door shut.
It has now been a month since that event happened, she left town and bought an apartment the next town over. She made new friends and she feels free-er, until today happened. She was at the bar with her friends when one of them shows up later than the others. With tom right next to her, holding her wait close to him. "hey guys! i wanted you to meet my new boyfriend, tom." "hello ladies, its very nice to meet you all"
Tom looks straight at y/n, his eyes sucking her soul out of her body all over again. "i-i'm gonna go to the bathroom" she gets up out her seat, practically sprinting towards the bathroom. She fumbles on the sink counter, staring at herself in the mirror. Then she felt the hot black tears run down her face. why is this happening to her? she was supposed to have escaped him already, but she cant. She slams her fists on the counter repeatedly, her knuckles began to open and bleed. "s-shit!" she hissed in pain, until she hears the door open. "tom." she says coldly, like his own name was something vile. He notices her bloody hands, "let me help y-" "no, go away." she moves his hand out of the way, turning on the sink and helping her own wounds. Tom smirks, his tongue dancing around with his lip ring; he had her right where he wanted her.
"c'mon meine schatz..don't be like this.." he says as he snakes his arms around her from behind. "tom, no." y/n protests, pushing him away. "this, us isn't a thing anymore. i left for a reason and you know that reason very well." her voice was cold, she stood her ground. "yes i know scha-" "don't call me that. im not your schatz." Tom was hurt by her words, and with that he grabbed her by both wrists; pinning her against the wall. "oh but you are y/n. you always will be my woman." he traps her in a passionate kiss, which y/n falls into; returning the kiss back.
He lets go of her hands, sliding his hands down to her ass, squeezing it. A small moan flew out of y/n's mouth, her hands gripping his black cornrows. he finds his way to her neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses on her sweet spot; more moans pouring out of her mouth. "see baby? you miss this as much as i do..." his voice was bleeding with lust all over it. y/n snaps out of it, pushing tom away from her. "no, this is wrong. youre with alexia, im not yours anymore." "im not letting you burying this, burying us y/n" he grabs her hand. "it's us against the world" y/n pulls her hand away, "no tom, its me against you. i loved you tom, but i cant any longer"
Before she walks out of the door, she turns to look at him one last time. "Alexia is a really nice girl, go love her and stop loving me." she walks out of the door, grabbing her stuff and leaving the bar as well. As she began to walk home, she felt the tears run down her face. Why did this have to happen? She walked home with her body full of regret. Will she ever escape him?
AUTHORS NOTE: new post since my last story flopped :( but i js realized that my stories are so long 😭 anyways hope you enjoyed!!
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
I dunno if you ever wrote anything like this or even want to since it's about the series lol
But I saw a really awesome idea by my friend on here @cornerofhell where it would be a rewritten scenario if Glenda managed to get the OG/Scarface Chucky from Kyle and he were there to see Glen get shot and him going APE SHIT about it (and possibly lashing out at Tiffany and/or Nica)
If your able to write something like that, I'd love it! Please don't feel forced to though friend! Have a fantastic day!! -RainbowDelic 🌈
Hi Rainbow!!! And ooo! This is an interesting one!!!!
Glenda had stared at the head…or of what remained of the head. Kyle wasn’t lying when she said she took care of it. Half a chunk of the head was missing, the scars torn open and some teeth removed.
Glenda gave a pitiful wave to the decapitated head. The head gave a half smile at the redhead.
“Glad to finally meet you…”
“Well I already met your….whatever the hell those other version of you were”
“Oh…well I’m glad I got to see you.”
“Yeah…what the hell even happened? To your head?”
“Long story kid”
Glenda just replied with a scoff, already annoyed by the head’s dismissal.
“Do ya mind getting your old man out of this?”
“Depends….you gonna answer my questions?”
“No time”
“Then you’re not getting off the damn post”
“……fine, what do you want to know”
“Where the hell did I come from? Why do me and Glen feel this damn pain in our chest….it grows every single fucking day….and the funny part is…..mom doesn’t seem to fucking care”
“……well……you and Glen…..shit….I can’t even explain the first part….and for the hole in your chest….that’s thanks to your mother…..she split you and Glen up”
“……that makes no fucking sense…..you’re all the fucking same!!!…”
Glenda stormed off leaving the head on its post.
“You saw the doll…..and you remember the fire?”
Glenda paused turning back to the head.
“What did you say?”
“The fire…..”
“How did you know about that?”
“Because I was there kid…..Glenda I swear I’ll explain everything….just get me off this post…see that good guy over there?”
“Rip off the head and put this on”
Glenda skeptical but however complied. He’d already given them that key information. About that dream….if the fire, the fall, and the corpse.
Glenda set the head into the good guy and watched the doll readjust. Feeing and moving the limbs around.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve walked”
“Dad, follow me we need to get out of here”
“Wait wait wait….doll limbs take forever to—-“
Before he could finish Glenda picked him and and rushed the two of them outside. Running into Nica.
“Holy shit….long time no see….what the hell happened to you?”
“You’re crazy ass wife, you fucking bastard!”
Before Chucky could respond a car pulled up. Chucky recognized the body of Jennifer Tilly. It having the resemblance of Tiffany. He saw another person exit the car, who he assumed was Glen. They’ve grown so much since he last saw them.
Tiffany and Glen just paused staring at Glenda and Chucky.
“Not the best place for a family reunion”
The shattered family just exchanged glances. Only to be brought out of their trance by Nica holding a gun Tiffany. Tension rose and gunfire setting all hell to break lose. Chucky saw Glen sprint jumping to save Tiffany. At first it didn’t register till Chucky saw the blood.
Chucky practically threw himself at Glen lifting their head up from the ground.
“no, no, no, Glen…Glen….GLEN!!!”
Chucky’s heart sank at the chokes of Glen. After all this time and being held captive, he never realized how much he missed Glen and now Glenda. And the reason he hadn’t been able to meet them was Tiffany. He’d heard about her her obsession with Nica and her holding her and him captive. The way she treated the twins. The drunk she’d become. Word spreads fast.
Glenda immediately ran to Glen. Helping them up resting their head in their knee.
“No, no, no. Glen come on!”
Tiffany just watched in horror. She attempt to approach but was forced back by Chucky.
Glen broke the rant and began coughing and gasping for air.
“GLEN!!! Shit shit….Glenda here”
He handed them a sleeve from his shirt to use as a block to stop the bleeding.
“We need to get them out of here”
“You drive”
Tiffany trotted behind uttering out sorries and crying out to them…desperate to be heard. Only to be ignored, leaving her there….truly alone…
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Watched episode one of SNW, in love with everyone. Two thoughts only: If I was about to have sex with my hot Vulcan wife and my boss called me to go into work I’d simply quit. If I was running for my life after being abducted by aliens and Uhura said “Hi~!” to me I’d also completely forget about any danger and talk to her about whatever she wanted.
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lollytea · 2 years
The whole gus-hunter consultation thing is a perfect moment to spread "Hunter is a total wife guy" hc
(Hunter n willow are year or few into relationship)
After few calls matt starts to notice the change in willows demeanor around him. She d give him encouraging smiles/ winks even sometimes find silly excuse to give them more one on one time (althought not often she s not smb to interfere much) which at first makes matt confused then kinda happy (which he ignores) until the realisation hits him- SHE MUST KNOW
He sprints to Hunter right away because what the fuck man??? Those were confidential. Hunter s just sitting there "of course it was" "them why does willow know?? How much she knows anyway??" And then he has sit thru Hunter s "well of course she knows i tell her everything" "..." Matt s still annoyed - althought glad it s just willow for a split second he was worried Hunter and his friends were laughing at him behind his back (he knew it was t probably true but in panic state + w his former experience as the bullied kid it was easy to imagine) + he s got nobody who d listen to his gay crisises beside Hunter so he kinda just accepts it
Avdhdbdjmk he really said
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Though TO BE FAIR, I feel like Hunter didn't exactly tell Willow, but this is a situation he simply cannot be sneaky with. Like his girlfriend is with him A LOT and Matt is also blowing up his scroll A LOT. Also I see Willow as quite a nosy person so she often just has Hunter's scroll in her possession. Hunter doesn't care (massive wife guy) but it kinda slips his mind that one of Matt's venty texts might pop up for her to see.
Oh and also with those crow phone things. Like I'm pretty sure you don't even pick them to start the call. The bird just shows up and starts broadcasting and there's nothing you can do about it. So Willow learned about the gustholomule thing because she was kissing her lovely boyfriend when a fucking bird landed on his head and screeched "HUNTER IM GAY"
(Matt constantly ruining huntlow intimate moments is endlessly funny to me.)
Hunter doesn't really see the harm in her knowing, as in his own opinion, if she hung out with Matt and Gus together for more than five minutes, she'd figure it out immediately anyway. Plus Matt keeps waking her up at 4am. Hunter would have needed a good fucking excuse for that to keep her wrath to a minimum.
Anyway when Matt confronts him "What the fuck dude, you told her?"
Hunter is just like "My brother in King Clawthorne, YOU told her"
Matt gets over it fast. Willow might be a little nosy and messes with his head sometimes, but she keeps out of his business for the most part. He's just thankful Hunter didn't tell Luz.
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